Ikpjt (V: Tl-Fati-Ra-F
Ikpjt (V: Tl-Fati-Ra-F
Ikpjt (V: Tl-Fati-Ra-F
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
(Reaffirmed 2014)
IS 7356 (Part 2) :2003
(Reaffirmed 2013)
W?dmmm (Reaffirmed
(Reaffirmed 2012)
ml wi%-?tzml a tl-faTi-Ra-f
(Reaffirmed 2011)
w1712 Mqmaml-rfad
(v !p@m)
(Reaffirmed 2010)
Indian Standard
(Reaffirmed 2009)
(Reaffirmed 2008)
(Reaffirmed 2007)
(Second Revision )
(Reaffirmed 2006)
ICS 93.16
(Reaffirmed 2005)
0 BIS 2003
This Indian Standard (Part 2) (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Hydraulic Structures Instrumentation Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water
Resources Division Council.
Pore space in soils generally contains both air and water. Pressures may be developed in the pore space due to
the loading of the soil mass or due to other factors, such as, seepage and capillary action. The seepage pressure
and pore water pressure in saturated soils and the resultant of the pore air pressure and capillary pressure in
partially saturated soils provide information for the proper understanding of the behaviour of the soil mass.
lnsta]lations of piezometers in earth fills and their foundations provide significant quantitative data indicating
the magnitude and distribution of pore pressures and their variations with time and other patterns of seepage,
zones of potential piping and proper functioning of the filter media and effectiveness of under seepage control
measures. Piezometers properly installed in earth dams will:
a) indicate potentially dangerous conditions that may adversely affect the stability of a dam and its
appurtenant structures.
b) provide guidance for regulating the rate of fill placement and/or controlling moisture conditions in the
fill during construction.
c) help monitor, during and after construction, the behaviour of dams and the foundations and appurtenant
d) provide basic data for improvement of design practices and criteria that will promote safer and more
economical design and construction of earth and rockfill dams and appurtenant structures.
e) enables evaluation of the effectiveness of the grout curtain.
Onc instrument commonly used for this purpose, namely, the twin tube hydraulic piezometer, is covered in this
This standard was first published in 1976. The first revision of the standard was taken up in 1993 to incorporate
certain changes found necessary in the standard in the light of comments received from the users. The major
changes in the first revision were inclusion of information on electrical transducers and readout equipment and
readings with electrical transducers.
This second revision is also being taken up in the light of comments received from the users. In first revision the
applicability of twin tube hydraulic piezometers (see 7.1.3) was made limited for elevation of difference of less
than 9 m between the lowermost tip and gauge. In this revision this aspect has been more elaborately explained
and ‘9 m’ has been replaced by ‘5 m’.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex C.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Indian Standard
(Second Revision )
1 SCOPE 3.7 Response Time of a Piezometer Tip — It is a
period required for equalization of the pore water
This standard (Part 2) covers the details of procedures pressure in the vicinity of that piezometer tip.
for installation, maintenance and observation of twin-
tube hydraulic piezometers installed in earth and 4 PIEZOMETER TIPS
rockfill dams for measuring pore pressures. Both
4.1 A piezometer tip consists of a hollow cylindrical
foundation and embankment piezometer tips are
device which is machined or moulded from a plastic
(nylon or polypropylene) or any non-corrodible
2 REFERENCE material. The 8 mm OD piezometer tubing is
connected directly to the piezometer tips by 3 mm pipe
The following standard contains provisions which through 8 mm tube compression connectors. To
through reference in this text, constitutes provision of prevent earth material and air from entering the
this standard. At the time of publication the edition piezometer circuits, ceramic filter discs are installed
indicated was valid. All standards are subject to in the open ends of the piezometer tips by ‘O’ rings
revision and parties to agreements based on this and stainless steel end plates. The two types of tips
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility are (a) foundation type, and (b) embankment type.
of applying the most recent edition of the standard Details of the foundation and embankment tips are
indicated below: shown in Fig. 1, 2 and 3.
1S No. Title 4.1.1 Foundation Type Piezometer Tips
3624:1987 Specification for pressure and
vacuum gauges (first revision) This tip contains a single ceramic filter disc, 25 mm
in diameter and 6 mm thick, and utilizes plastic tubing
3 TERMINOLOGY of 8 mm OD and 1.6 mm wall thickness to extend the
piezometer lines to a desired-elevation in the dam
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following
foundation. The air entry value of the disc should not
definitions shall apply.
be less than 147 kN/mz (1.5 kgf/cm2) and it should
3.1 Air Entry Value — It is the pressure required to have a permeability not less than 2 x 10-7 cm/s.
force air through a saturated ceramic porous disc; also
4.1.2 Embankment Type Piezometer Tips
known as bubling pressure.
This tip has two 25 mm diameter and 6 mm thick
3.2 Pore Pressure — It is the fluid pressure developed
ceramic filter discs fastened to the tip as shown in
in the water and air present in the pores of a soil mass.
Fig. 3. When these tips are installed in the dam
3.3 Pore-Air Pressure — It is the pressure developed embankment, the flat sides of the discs should be placed
by the air, present in the pores of a soil mass. horizontally. The air entry value of the disc should not
be less than 147 kN/m2 (1.5 kgf/cm2) and it should
3.4 Pore Water Pressure — It is the pressure
have a permeability not less than 2 x 10-7 cm/s.
developed by the water present in the pores of a soil
mass. 4.2 Protection and Testing of Piezometer
3.5 Total Stress — It is the sum of intergranular stress, Care should be taken during the storage of the
pore water pressure and pore air pressure. peizometer tips as well as all materials for the
3.6 Neutral Stress — It is the total pressure exerted instrument installation to avoid plugging the tips with
by water and air present in the soil mass. dirt and debris and contaminating the filter discs with
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
i 7
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oils. The connection between the piezometer tips and the recording gauges in the terminal well. Each coil
the 8 mm OD tubing can be broken by rough handling of tubing is normally 300 m long but since the
and the porous discs embedded in the tips can be piezometer tips may require more than 300 m of tubing
cracked. to connect them with gauges in the terminal well, the
lengths of the tubing needed for each tip should be
Each piezometer tips should be tested after being
estimated from the installation drawing, after allowing
rcccived at the project by placing a sheet of rubber
for slack (1 to 1.5 m per 100 m length of tubing),
over each porous disc and holding it in place with a
approximately 5 m for extensions in the terminal well
block of wood and a ‘C’ clamp. Water should then be
and contingencies. All tubes should be marked,
forced through the tubes to ensure an open passage
coupled and recoiled prior to installation in the
through the tip, and finally each tip should be tested
under a pressure of 350 kN/m2 to check for leaks at
the compression connections between the tip and the 5.1.1 Protection and Care of Tubing
tubings, one tube from each tip should be temporarily
Each coil of tubing is crimped or sealed by the extruder
plugged during the pressure testing. Prior to
prior to shipment. These seals should not be removed
installation of all piezometer tips they should be boiled
until required. Before connecting lengths of tubing, a
in water for approximately 15 min to saturate the
few centimetres should be removed from the sealed
porous disc.
ends and discarded. To protect against dirt entering
5 TUBING the tubing during placement, all exposed ends of
tubing should be crimped and taped until finally
5.1 Two 8 mm OD x 1.6 mm wall thickness plastics installed. Plastic tubing is extruded from a relatively
(polypropylene) tubes connect each piezometertip with soft material and can be cut by angular rock fragments
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
TuBES, 8mm 00 1
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All dimensions in millimetres. ..
. .
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only]. 1
1S 7356 (Part 2) :2003
4~\ m /
‘ 2xK?ro
v~pLAsT’cs W
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AH dimensionsin millimetres.
or other sharp objects. Hence, coils of tubing should tire. Care should be exercised to protect the plastic
bc stored away from the embankment placing tubing against rodents when the tubing is stored in
operations. In addition, coils of tubing that are being warehouses.
used for installation of the apparatus on the
5.1.2 Testing of Tubing
embankment should be stored in timber boxes or
within sections of steel barrels. Exposure to air will A running inspection should be made of each coil of
not impair the physical or chemical properties of the plastic tubing to check for surface irregularities prior
tubing. However, the tubing should be protected and to installation. To ensure that each tip is open, water
covered, as far aspracticable, from prolonged exposure should be pumped through each tube. Likewise, to
to direct sunlight. If the tubing is collected on a rack ensure that each length of tubing will withstand
on the downstream edge of the embankment during pressure, the tubing should be tested under air or gas
construction of the dam, the rack should be covered pressure 10 percent in excess of maximum anticipated
with tarpaulin. Plastic tubing should be protected from operative pressure, before being placed in operation.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
During this pressure check one end of a length of Figure 4 illustrates a typical assembly of a compression
tubing should be plugged by a compression type type connection between lengths of 8 mm OD tubing
coupling on which a pipe cap is installed, and the other suitable alternative compression joints may be used to
end adapted and connected to a source of gas pressure, couple the tubing. Use of warm water is recommended
to soften the plastic tubing before the brass insert is
5.1.3 Idetltij?cation qf TL{hing
installed. In addition a fixed wheel special tube cutter
Tubing should be marked or identified with permanent is recommended for use on the plastic. Figure 5 shows
markers every 15 m by the use of plastics or metal the details and procedure to be followed in making up
bands stamped with appropriate piezometer numbers. connections between the plastic tubing and the gauges
Suitable identifications should include the piezometer and valves in the piezometer terminal WCII. A pair of
number and an ‘I’ or ‘O’ to indicate inlet or outlet 150 mm pliers, open end wrenches, or crescent
tubes. The use of adhesive tapes to hold the wrenches should be used to tighten the compression
identification is not recommended because moisture couplings. It is recommended that a moderate amount
can loosen the adhesive. Temporary identification may of torque be applied when making these connections.
bc obtained by writing the number of tip and Generally, the coupling nut should be screwed into
icicntitlcation on a strip of paper and covering with the union until the threads on the coupling nut are
transparent plastic tape. Permanent identification is nearly hidden. Trial connections betweco lengths of
ncccssary to prevent errors in making up to proper tubing and from the tubing to the valves and gauges
terminal well connections, and to ensure correct should be made and pressure tested before actual
splicing if the tubing is accidentally cut or broken. installation.
12 mm LONG
OD, H r -–
-—. . -.
( 1-..
I ‘1()( cdl{re
1. Square end or ends of plastic tubing to be connected. A special tube cutter for plastics tubing is recommended
-. Inspect brass ferrule and brass tubing insert for burred edges.
3. L)IL>
cnd of plastics tubing in bot water, install brass tube insert.
4. Slip brass coupling nut and compression ferrule over end of p}astics tubing.
5. Push end of plastics tubing into brass union, hold in position and tighten coupling nut.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
\\ A/
\! UJ \+J-P+
6mm x 2Smrn BRASS NtPPLE>
1- 8mm
of tnaximum anticipated operative pressure subject to arrangement for measuring construction pore pressure
a minimum of 350 kN/mz air pressure before being which can produce most critical condition for stability.
placed in operation. Typical terminal well layout is
7.1.1 Location of the Well
shown in Fig. 6. Sotne suitable means of carrying the
tubing to the well may be adopted. The terminal well The floor of the terminal well is located at downstream
should bc constructed and pressure apparatus installed toe of the darn at suitable elevation, preferably above tail
as soon as the construction conditions permit. Till such water level and accessible at all the times. Suitable
time a permanent terminal house is not constructed, location with approach roads for inspecting the well and
it is advisable to provide a temporary panel telephone facilities, if necessa~, to communicate the
... ..-
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
readings to the head office is essential. The base of the selected fine or impervious material on all the sides
terminal well is located below the water table elevation, to the entire depth of the well should be provided.
a suitable size of sump is required to facilitate removal
7.1.2 Waterproofing, Painting, Ventilation and
of seepage water. If the terminal well is proposed in a
Lighting of the Terminal Well
relatively impervious embankment, suitable arrangement
of drainage pipe (500 nnn pipe) should be provided from The exterior well of the terminal well should be applied
the sump of the well to the downstream face of the dam by a suitable waterproofing material to prevent the
or to the foundation drains (see Fig. 6). seepage of water into the well. Drainage arrangements
with suitable size of sump or a standard pipe In areas where the terminal well is subjected
connection to the sump should be provided to the
to serve freezing temperatures suitable precautions
terminal well depending on its location, to facilitate
should be taken to protect the well by insulation. An
removal of the seepage water (see 7.1.1).
airtight wooden frost floor and frame with suitable
opening (500 mm x 600 mm) should be constructed White paint should be applied to the interior
at 3000 mm from the base slab of the well. In order to walls of the well in order to have good visibility and
have good insulation, at least 1500 mm thickness of appearance in the well.
(a) Hand pump shut off valve (g) Safety valve on master gauge (7)
(b) Electric pump shut off valve (h) Manifoldinletvalve(6)
(c) Bypassreliefvalve ~) Outletflushingvalve(4)
(d) Pressurecheck valve (k) Manifold outlet valve (5)
(e) Bleeder valve (1) Inlet flushing valve (2)
(n Manifold pressure valve (1)
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- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
I 1 I 1 [ II / I I 1 I II I I I I [/ I u
;:, -1501- --llOd- -l150~ .4&- 150 ;“:.::. %%&
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,:... 25X150 x 1950 25x 150 X 1950 .:.. <
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.. . . 25x 300 X 1950 25x 150 x 1950 : ,>::
~ ;..:, } .“..
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..... !. ,.....
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- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
blocked away from the walls on wood framing which separate gauges are therefore placed at the top of the
is rigidly fixed to concrete. All threaded connections gauge case (top connection) where the fluid can
should be made leakproof. The manifold is a double continually replace the air. A mercury manometer, if
circulating system. By regulation of the proper provided in the terminal well in addition to the master
sequence of valves, water can be pumped towards the gauge, may be useful for cross-checking.
tip through any desired piezometer tube. At certain
7.2.5 Separate Gauges
locations in the manifold pipe system the 6 mm brass
or stainless steel pipe is replaced by 10 mm OD plastic Two bourdon-tube compound hydrostatic gauges of
tubing for observing passage of air bubbles in the diameter at least 100 mm calibrated in centimetres of
system. water and mounted for top connection are installed
on each of the two incoming tubes from each
7.2.4 Master Gauge
piezometer tip. After stable conditions have been
A bourdon-type compound hydrostatic gauge reached (that is an air free system obtained), pressure
(see IS 3624) of diameter at least 150 mm and of at each tip can be observed on its pair of gauges. This
required range commensurate with the height of dam, twin-gauge installation permits a cross-checking of
calibrated in centimetres of water and mounted for pressure for each tip. After installing the gauges,
top connection, is used to measure both positive and suitable measures should be taken to prevent corrosion
negative piezometer pressure. In addition the master at the points where the nipple enters the gauge case.
gauge is used to calibrate and furnish datum for the
7.2.6 Fitting
small separate gauges. To satisfy the minimum flow -,
requirements of the installation any air in the bourdon- All connections between the plastics tubing and the
tubc elements should be replaced with fluid. The inlet gauges and valves within the terminal well are made
of all gauges, both the master gauge and the individual with compression type brass fittings. { “1
All dimensions in millimetres.
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- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
ALVE No. 5,
VALVE No. 1~
Safety valve on master gauge : Valve No. 7 Foundation piezometers are installed in 100 mm
minimum diameter holes bored into the dam
With the exception of the manifold pressure valve, valve foundation. Casing of these holes usually is required
No. 1 which is a globe-needle valve, all the other hand- to maintain the holes during installation of the
opcrated valves are of the plug shut-off type. Valve No. piezometer tip assembly. The holes may bc bored by
I is a slow operating valve to permit throttling the jetting, or by some type of drilling equipment such as
pressure from the pumps as it is applied to the manifold percussion or diamond drilling depending on local
system and the external piezometer circuits. conditions and the type of equipment available. No
The automatic valves in the manifold circulation drilling mud should_ be added to the water during
system are the bypass relief valve and the pressure drilling operations. Casing should be removed after
check valve. The bypass relief valve is preset to the foundation piezometer tip assembly is placed in
approximate the maximum positive pressure on the position. Impracticable, each hole also should be logged
Bourdon-tube gauges. When this valve is first for its entire depth.
installed, sufficient pressure should be applied to open
8.1.1 Locating Foundation Piezometers
(crack) the valve to assure its proper operation.
Foundation piezometers should be installed along a
The check valve is located between the pumps and
single cross-section of the embankment unless special
the cartridge type water filter unit. It will prevent back
fcmndation conditions require their staggering.
pressures in the filter unit and especially into the
Individual holes should be drilled for each piezometer
plastic air trap when the bypass relief valve operates.
assembly. The elevation and location for each
piezometer tip should be established to the nearest
7.3 Electrical Transducers and Readout Equipment
30 mm.
[n place of the conventional readout system using
8.1.2 Backfilling the Holes
pressure gauges which form a fairly complex and
elaborate arrangement taking up a large space in the Before the casing is removed from a bored hole, the
terminal well, electrical transducers and readout lower 300 mm under the foundation piezometer tip
system may be employed to take observations of pore should be backfilled with saturated sand. When
pressure changes. installing the foundation piezometer tip, it is usually
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- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
9 ii
J ‘
encased in a cloth sack containing filter sand. The location of piezometer tips. The tubing is surrounded
sack may be encased in a plastic-mesh basket to ensure with compacted selected fine material.
proper centering of the tip and to retain a cylindrical
In order to avoid interference with embankment placing
form during installation. The 8 mm OD tubing should
operations, trenches for the piezometer tubing should
be connected to tip, and the piezometer assembly
be excavated only as far ahead of trench backfilling
shown in Fig. 2 should be lowered to the desired depth
operation as construction conditions permit. All
in the foundation. Removal of casing from the hole
trenches should be on a level grade, or on a grade either
and backfilling around the piezometer assembly, first
ascending or descending from the entrance pipe at the
with saturated sand and then with the clay slurry,
terminal well. Reversal of grades in a trench can produce
should be performed in short increment. The
air locks in the piezometer lines and should be avoided.
completed assembly for all foundation piezometers
Installation of the tubing in nearly horizontal runs and
should bc covered by a minimum of 450 mm of power
in vertical steps in satisfactory.
tamped earth materials of the foundation excavation
line, before heavy equipment is permitted to pass. 8.2.1 Locating Embankment Piezometer Tips
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- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
6 mm@
114 mm
-+ *6
trench. In order to remove air from the tubes, each material, typical of the adjacent embankment,
piczometer circuit should be filled with fluid before separating each tube. The depth of the trench required
the tip is buried in the embankment. Rubber sheeted for tubing should provide for a minimum of 75 mm of
wood blocks and a ‘C’ clamp should be used to cover selected material between successive tiers of tubes and
the tips during the filling of lines. The piezometer also over the highest tier of tubes. A minimum of
lines may be filled by circulating fluid from terminal 450 mm of embankment material should then be
well or by connection to a temporary pumping set or placed to complete the backfill to existing embankment
using a hand pump. level.
8.3.1 Main Trunk Trenches The piezometer tips are placed in offset trenches
excavated at right angles to the main trench at the
A 450 mm x 900 mm wide trench is satisfactory for
carrying the piezometer tubes across the embankment. required station and offset shown on the installation
The depth of a trench is determined by the number of drawing. Excavation for the offset trenches usually is
tiers of tubes to be placed. Each tier of tubing should performed by hand in order to minimize the
be placed with a minimum of 12 mm of selected fine disturbance of the embankment adjacent to the tip.
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- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
1 k 1 Il!
f r
11 j i
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1S 7356 (Part 2) :2003
outside of the barrels. However, when the vertical rise the plastic air trap (see Fig. 8) or to the top
is more, it is better to fabricate a collar 400 mm to of the water level tubing on the steel air trap
500 mm in diameter around the upper end of a 2 m to (see Fig. 7). Then close these valves.
3 m length of relatively thin walled steel pipe and c) Open the inlet and outlet valve to the
then jack the pipe to progressively higher elevations electricalhnd pump, and in sequence, valves
as required. In either case the tubing within the riser No. 7,2,3,4 and 1 (see Fig. 6). Start pumping
should be bundled and taped together, inserted inside and continue circulation until no further air
the pipe and the tubing installed with approximately bubbles appear at the air trap. In the same
300 mm radius both below and above the riser section. sequence close all valves except the valves
In addition, selected fine materials typical of adjacent on the pump.
embankment should be placed around the bundle of d) Open in sequence valves No. 7,5,3,5, 1 and
tubes to completely fill the riser section. Mounting of flush. Continue pumping to purge the air from
the embankment material should be performed around the circuit and in the same sequence close all
the riser and such mounting should be compacted by the valves except the valves on the pump.
pneumatic tampers in 100 mm lifts.
e) Open in sequence valves No. 7, 2, 6, 1 and
8.4 Embankment Placement Over Trenches flush. Continue pumping to purge the air
from the circuit and in the same sequence
Specified embankment placement methods are used close all the valves.
over the completed piezometer trenches.
f) Add fluid to the air trap when the water level
9 FLUID FOR PEIZOMETER SYSTEM shows less than half full.
9.1 Air-free clear water containing a minimum of 9.1.2 Introducing Fluid into External Piezometer
soluble salts is recommended for filling the piezometer Circuits
system. For convenience in handling, fluid for the To extend the filling and flushing to the external
piezometer installation should be prepared in piezometer tips, follow the procedures given
quantities of approximately 25 or 50 Iitres. To each of in 9.1.1 (a) and 9.1.1 (b) and proceed as follows:
the container holding 50 Iitres of clear water add 2
teaspoonfuls of a 25 percent solution of quaternary a) open pump valves and ,valves No. 1, 2 and
ammonium compound (QAC). This resultant solution 4. Also slowly open the inlet and outlet valves
is recommended for initial introduction into the twin for one piezometer and flush. Then close
tube piezometer system as a bacterial inhibitor and as valves No. 2 and 4. This is direct flushing.
a wetting agent. However, during the recommended b) Open valves No. 5 and 6 continue flushing.
annual flushing of operating piezometer systems, it is Close all valves. This is reverse flushing.
recommended that 4 teaspoonfuls of the 25 percent
QAC solution or the alternative solution be added to 9.1.3 Flushing Procedure
the water reservoir or tank within the terminal well. The flushing of external circuits as given
A practicable, the solution should be warm when it is in 9.1.2 (a) and 9.1.2 (b) should be continued until no
introduced into the piezometer lines. However, the further air bubbles appear at the air trap. However,
temperature of the solution should not exceed 50”C, pump should be continued for not more than 16 min
since too hot a water can soften the plastics.
on any one piezometer circuit during a single flushing
9.1.1 Introducing Fluid into Piezometer System operation. After flushing is completed, close all valves
in the terminal well including the pump valves.
The following procedures are recommended for
introducing fluid into the piezometer system: From the explanation given in 7.2.8, valve No.
1 should be used to throttle or control the pressure
a) Prepare approximately 150 litres of
being applied during the flushing operation. Pumping
piezometer fluid consisting of 2 teaspoonfuls
pressures should be limited to approximately 10 mH20
of 25 percent QAC or the alternative solution
(gauge) in excess of a negative tip constant for a
added to each 50 litres of air-free clear water.
piezometer tip.
Fill water container (reservoir water) in
terminal well. After individual piezometer or the entire
b) Check the entire manifold system in the piezometer system has been placed in operation,
terminal well to be certain that all valves are pumping pressures should be limited to 10 mH20 in
closed. Then open the filter valve and the excess of the average of the pressures observed on the
bleeder valve to the air trap. Fill the air trap separate (100 mm diameter) gauges for an individual
with fluid to within 80 mm from the top of piezometer.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only]. During construction of the dam, flushing 10.2.1 Pressure Readings with Master Gauges
should be performed to place manifold system in
a) Observe the average gauge pressure on the
operation as soon as practicable. After individual
pair of separate gauges for a particular
piezometer circuits are placed in operation, the circuits
piezometer tip.
should be flushed at approximately monthly intervals,
b) Follow the procedures for flushing the
until the circuits to the respective piezometers are free
manifold system as described in 9.1.1.
of air. After the earth dam has been placed in operation,
individual piezometers should be flushed once each c) Continue pumping. Open in sequence valves
year, both to eliminate any air from the circuit and to No. 1, 2, 6 and 7. By throttling valve No. 1
dislodge and inhibit bacterial growth. Flushing of and slowly closing valve No. 6, it will be
piczometer circuits should be performed at least one possible to set the desired balancing pressure
day before regular readings are obtained. (from the small gauges) on the master gauge.
After setting the desired balancing pressure,
Both direct and reverse flushing should be performed close all valves and stop pumping. Record
on external piezometer circuits as outlined in this inlet setting pressure on Form II, given
9.1.2 (a) and 9.1.2 (b), to complete the flushing of in Annex A and crack the desired inlet valve
each tip. After flushing has been completed check the (to the tip) for a piezometer. Read and record
residual pressure on the pair of ( 100 mm dial) gauges the responding pressure observed on the
for each piezometer. If pressure differ by more than master gauge. Then close the inlet valve (to
60 cm HqO on 15 m H20 on capacity gauges or by 3.0 the tip).
m H,O ~n 150 m HZO capacity gauges, repeat the
d) To obtain the outlet master gauge reading,
flusl;ing of the line showing the lower pressure to bring
first resume pumping and then open in
the gauge pressure within the desired limits.
sequence valves No. 1, 4, 5 and 7. Throttle
10 PROCEDURE FOR OBSERVING PORE valve No. 1 as before and slowly close valve
PRESSURES No. 4 to obtain the outlet setting pressure on
the master gauge. Then close all valves and
10.1 Response Time stop pumping. Record the outlet setting
pressure and then crack the desired outlet
After the completion of the flushing as per for
valve (from the tip) for a piezometer. Read
a piezometcr tip note down the inlet and outlet pressure
and record the responding pressure on the
gauge readings and time. Continue the set till the
master gauge, using the appropriate column
gauges show constant readings. The time required to
on Form II. Then close the outlet valve.
achieve the constant gauge reading is the response
time of that piezometer tip. The pore pressure e) Add the average inlet and outlet master gauge
observations of each piezometer tip should not be taken pressures to the tip constant for the master
prior to the completion of the response time for that gauge and the specific piezometer tip
piczometer tip. (difference in elevation between the master
gauge and the tip) and obtain the average
10.2 Pressure Readings with Separate Gauge pressure at the tip. Record as appropriate on
Form II.
a) Read the pressures on the individual (separate)
100 mm dial gauges for each piezometer. f) When a vacuum pressure is indicated on the
small gauges for a tip, close the inlet valve on
b) If the inlet and outlet gauges pressures agree
the hand pump, open valves No. 1 and 7, and
within the desired limits (60 cm H20 for 15 m
valve No. 2 or No. 5, depending on the desired
HZO gauge, 1.5 m HZO for 60 m HIO gauge;
access line to the tip, and apply a suction stroke
3.0 m H,O for 150 m H~O gauge) obtain the
on the hand pump. Record this setting as
arithmetical average.
observed on the master gauge on Form II.
c) The tip constant for the separate gauges is
g) Crack the desired inlet or outlet valve (to or
the difference in elevation between the pair
from the tip) for the desired piezometer on
of gauges for tip and the corresponding
which vacuum readings are required. Record
piezometer tip. A plus constant results when
the responding reading observed on the
the tip is below the elevation of the gauges
master gauge and close all valves.
and a minus constant results when the tip is
above the level of the gauges. h) Repeat as in (f) and (g) for the opposite valve
(inlet or outlet) and record the responding
d) Add the average gauge pressure to the tip
constant and record in the appropriate vacuum reading on the master gauge. Close
column on Form I, given in Annex A. all valves.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
j) After the dam is completed, readings from which will read the maximum value of the group of
the average of the inlet and outlet separate piezometers connected to the panel. As far as possible
gauges should be compared with those this estimate should be taken to guide the operation
obtained by use of the master gauge at least of opening of values pertaining to each piezometers
once each year. These comparative readings for taking the readings.
should be obtained, preferably on the same
Open the inlet valve of the piezometer pertaining to
the piezometer estimated to give the higher reading.
10.2.2 Adjustment and Calibration of Gauges Keep all valves shut. Open the valve to the transducer.
Wait for the reading to be stabilized. After noting down
No repairs should be made in the field to the
the reading of this piezometer close the inlet valve of
movements or to the bourdon-tube elements of any of’
the piezometer and open the valve pertaining to the
the gauges. As the gauges are mounted in the terminal
next piezometer. The piezometer readings should be
well, the brass pipe caps should be removed from the
taken as far as possible in descending order of the
100 mm dial gauge to release the capping pressure.
pressures. This procedure will help stabilizing the
After mounting, each gauge should be tapped lightly
pressures quickly when switching from one piezometer
to assure a no pressure condition. Then the gauges
to another. The reading of each piezometer should be
should be zeroed using a needle puller and a small
recorded as required.
hammer. This checking should include a comparison
reading by use of the master gauge. The individual 10.3.3 If automatic data acquisition unit is used with
separate gauge is then disconnected and pipe plug the transducer panel, the interval and mode of selection
inserted immediately in the tube that holds the gauge of piezometers should be programmed in the data
stem. Finally, flush the system free of air and leave a acquisition set up.
pressure in both tubes equal to the pressure recorded
on the master gauge before the small gauge was 11 RECORDED TESTS
removed till a new separate gauge is installed. The Record tests of soils near the embankment piezometer
pressure gauges should be calibrated at regular tips should be made while they are being installed.
intervals. Grain size distribution, specific gravity and
consistency limit test should be conducted besides
10.3 Readings with Electrical Transducers
average field density and moisture content of soil layer
10.3.1 De-airing of the piezometer lines should be done in which the tip is installed. When measurement of
as described in 9.1.3. Figure 9 shows an alternative construction pore pressures is contemplated, laboratory
arrangement for de-airing the piezometer. In the construction pore pressure tests should be carried out.
arrangement three acrylic plastic tanks are used, two Permeability should also be found out for compacted
of them fitted with scales to measure the volume of soils near piezometers.
water flowing into or out of tanks. Air is pumped into
the top of tank A causing a flow into the rubber bladder 12 PRESENTATION
in the second tank and this forces air-free water into 12.1 A cross-section of the dam showing locations of
the piezometer system. The flow is measured by the tips may be maintained in the terminal well.
fall of water into tank A and this checked by the scale
on tank C, where the return water is collected. The 12.2 Correlation of the pere pressures and settlement
water in cylinder B, which circulates through the of observations should be done if both the data are
piezometer lines, must be de-aired and this is achieved available for the same location. This study would need
by boiling under vacuum. Boiling is continued for a the consolidation characteristics of the fill and the
period of about 15 min. The air free water is then parameters controlling dissipation. Besides the
drawn off and into cylinder B of the de-airing following graphs should be prepared:
apparatus. With a large number of piezometer tips a) Pore pressure elevation versus time — The
served by one de-airing unit, a constant pressure pump embankment surface elevation is also plotted
may be used to circulate the water. The cylinders on the same graph. From these studies an idea
having a capacity of 5 litres is sufficient to de-air 800 m can be formed as to how far the pore pressures
of tubing. When de-airing the hydraulic piezometer, get influenced by an increase in the height of
care should be taken that the pressure at tip should embankment as the construction progresses
not exceed the overburden pressure, otherwise and whether any dissipation with reference
hydraulic fracture may occur. to time is noticeable.
10.3.2 Depending on the elevation of the piezometer b) Contours of equal pore pressure — During
tips it could be possible to ascertain the piezometer construction and end of construction,
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
contours of equal pore pressures should be should be as given in Annex B. A proforma for the
drawn in the cross-section. This will record of observations is given in Annex A.
determine whether construction pore
pressures at the outside edges of the core are 14 MONTHLY REPORT
reducing due to drainage in the adjacent more Each progress report should include the pressure
pervious zones. readings taken during preceding month and a record
of elevations and locations to the nearest 30 mm for
all piezometers intalled. A field drawing should
The frequency of readings on the piezometer accompany the report to show cross-sections of the
installation to be recorded in duplicate during embankment to the nearest 0.5 m at the time the latest
construction and during operation of the earth dam pressures were observed.
[Clauses 10.2(d),10.2.l(c) and 13]
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
(Clause 13)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Plot 9, Flat 102, Novajyot Residency,
- Hyderabad([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
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This indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. WRD 16(322).
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