Construction Studies Planning Grid 1

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Construction Studies Planning Grid

Student Name: Evan Tully School: Ardscoil Phádraig Class teacher: Connor Glynn

ID: No: G00369819 No of Pupils: 8 Length of Lesson: 40 & 80 minutes

Class profile

Schedule Topic/ Relevant LC Outcomes Learning Intentions

Success Criteria Key
Chapter (students will be able Teaching Methodology Assessment Method
Week 1 Foundation and 5. identify, describe and model various  Identify and name the Interactive PowerPoint Presentation -  Can identify and name Aural assessment of student answers Foundation
walls revision structural forms and concepts relating to different types of foundations the different types of and explanations
foundations foundations and walls Strip
buildings and other appropriate
architectural structures Raft
 Explain the function of Differentiated teaching- multiple  Can explain and justify Visual inspection of drawings,
different foundations the selection of different Pile
means of representation, SolidWorks sketching
foundations and walls
23. explore the properties of a variety of models, physical model, drawings,
materials including wood, metals, plastics,  Identify and name the sketches
ceramics and composites different types of walls  Can neatly draw Quick fire questioning
sectional drawings of
 Explain the function of Sequence teaching- foundation to given foundation details
17. appreciate the difference between different roofs wall and on to roof in construction
minimum standards and good/best sequence
practice  Sketch the given
Recap of previous learning- quick fire

Week 2 Stairs 16. appreciate the way in which good  Consider the different Socratic questioning  Can discuss the different Socratic questioning Step
architecture enhances the quality of life kinds of staircases kinds of staircases
available available String
of individuals and the community
Scaffolding- help students uncover Aural assessment of student answers Tread
 Justify the selection of their own general knowledge of stairs  Can justify the selection and explanations
different kinds of stairs of different kinds of Riser
17. appreciate the difference between
stairs depending on the
minimum standards and good/best
practice  Neatly sketch design Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – house conditions Visual inspection of detail drawings Nosing
features of stairs stairs
 Can neatly sketch design
3. have a knowledge of the various features of stairs such as Handrail
technologies which combine to produce a Recap task- worksheet using key steps, labelling riser,
tread and nosing Balustrade
building which is comfortable and safe for terms from word-wall
all users and which will incorporate Stairwell

inclusive design considerations.
Newel Post


Week 3 Stairs 3. have a knowledge of the various  Carry out a calculation to Display and explain a rubric at the  Can apply critical Rubric Step
technologies which combine to produce a find the best rise and run beginning of the lesson thinking skills to carry
for a staircase out a calculation to find String
building which is comfortable and safe for
all users and which will incorporate the best rise and run for Open ended questioning Tread
inclusive design considerations. Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – a staircase
Aural assessment of student answers Nosing
11. develop the skills associated with and explanations
sourcing and using information, decision Pitch
Open ended questioning
making, time and task management Handrail
Visual inspection of detail drawings
Problem based cooperative learning-
9. take a structured approach to project Poster challenge on conversion Stairwell
planning and critically analyse problems
and their solutions in the context of Newel Post
design and project activities Rails

Week 4 Christmas tests

Week 5 Stairs 11. develop the skills associated with  Apply previous learning to Train of knowledge exercise- put  Can calculate the best Train of knowledge activity Step
sourcing and using information, decision draw a cross sectional processes into order dimensions for a given
detail of a staircase staircase and draw the String
making, time and task management
appropriate cross- Peer assessment of detail drawings Tread
Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – sectional detail, using using exemplar model
key terms to label it Riser
17. appreciate the difference between stairs
minimum standards and good/best Nosing
practice Aural assessment of student answers
Traditional teaching-imparting and explanations
knowledge orally Handrail
10. by successfully completing projects
gain a sense of confidence, personal Balustrade
achievement and satisfaction Repeat and expand recap exercise Stairwell

Newel Post
Flipped Classroom- students research
and develop test questions for the Rails
end of chapter exam

Recap- Quickfire questioning

Week 6 Day practical 10. by successfully completing projects  Explain the function and  Demonstration of marking  Apply the use of a Rubric Tri square
gain a sense of confidence, personal application of a range of out working drawing to a
achievement and satisfaction tools, equipment, fixtures  Example pieces given project
and fittings  Flipped classroom research  Explain how the piece is Open ended questioning
 Can examine and explain a marked out and Ruler
6. develop the skills associated with working drawing, processed
Sliding bevel
processing materials visualising  Critique the chosen Aural assessment of student answers
methods and explanations Plan

7. skilfully model, make and finish
artefacts Visual inspection of detail drawings Endview

Week 7 Day practical 10. by successfully completing projects Analise a working drawing and  Demonstration of marking  Identify the bet Rubric Tri square
gain a sense of confidence, personal relate the 2D graphic to 3D out techniques to complete
the marking out Marking
achievement and satisfaction artefact  Example pieces
 Design a process to gauge
 Flipped classroom research Open ended questioning
Explain how to mark out a mark out a mortise and
 Peer learning Ruler
6. develop the skills associated with
mortise and Tenon joint on part tenon
 0 Sliding bevel
processing materials Demonstrate how to mark a Aural assessment of student answers
mortise and Tenon joint  and explanations Plan

7. skilfully model, make and finish
artefacts Visual inspection of detail drawings Endview

Week 8 Day practical 10. by successfully completing projects  Analise a working drawing  Demonstration of marking Can examine and Visual assessment of student carrying Tri square
gain a sense of confidence, personal and relate the 2D graphic out explain a working out of tasks
to 3D artefact drawing, visualising the Marking
achievement and satisfaction  Example pieces
 Identify the parts of the 2D graphic as a 3D Questioning students on the working gauge
 Flipped classroom research
artefact that need to be artefact and carry out drawing Visual assessment of
 Peer learning Ruler
removed tasks accordingly marking out exercise and questioning
6. develop the skills associated with
 List and explain the safety Can distinguish between on why and how it is done in that Sliding bevel
processing materials
precautions to be the parts that need to way
observed in the use of be kept and those that Plan
multiple hand tools need to be removed,
7. skilfully model, make and finish marking the with x’s Class discussion on tool safety
artefacts  Demonstrate safe use of Can list and explain the Endview
tools to cut out pieces safety precautions to be
observed in the use of
multiple hand tools Visual assessment of students using
tool safely
Can demonstrate safe
use of tool
Week 9 Traditional cut roof 2. understand how the various  Explain the main principles Recap- Student explanations roof  Can use neat freehand Aural assessment of student answers Roof
professions and craftspeople combine of a traditional cut roof terminology sketches to explain the and explanations
& Truss Roof and interact in the design and production and a truss roof principles of a Truss
of a building and its associated services traditional cut roof and
Rubric display- start of lesson to a truss roof Visual inspection of detail drawings Cut
 Can explain the difference
between traditional cut outline aims
19. appreciate the importance of the roof and a truss roof  Can compare the
principles of a Rubric to check standard Flat
architectural past in influencing our
Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – traditional cut roof and
contemporary built environment and Hip
traditional cut roof & truss roof a truss roof
attitudes to design and craft
 Socratic questioning Valley

Ridge Board
Roof photos/ images/ videos
24. select and specify materials
appropriate to a given application and Train of knowledge activity Battens
environment Slates
Train of knowledge exercise- put
processes into order Gutter

Socratic questioning Fascia

Week 10 Work experience

Week 11 Work experience

Week 12 Eaves Detail & 5. identify, describe and model various  Identify and explain the Recap previous learning on the  Can explain the main Quick fire questioning Roof
structural forms and concepts relating to eaves detail principles of a truss & cut roof - quick aspects of an eaves
Lean-to roof detail using the correct Pitch
buildings and other appropriate fire questioning
architectural structures  Draw a detail drawing of a terminology Aural assessment of student answers Truss
Lean-to roof and explanations
 Can draw a neat detail Cut
Interactive PowerPoint Presentation –
drawing of a Lean-to
2. understand how the various  Identify problems or traditional cut roof Lean-to
roof adding labels and
professions and craftspeople combine incorrect details in cross Visual inspection of detail drawings
colours Flat
and interact in the design and production sectional drawings
of a building and its associated services Working drawings/ images/ videos Hip
 Can detect problems or
incorrect details in cross
sectional drawings and
13. apply design principles on a sound Flipped classroom- students explain give the correct solution Ridge Board
scientific basis and in the context of functions of tree parts to each other
contemporary building and safety Battens
regulations Slates
Class discussion on roof construction

Peer assessment of drawings

Week 13 Flat Roof 9. take a structured approach to project  Explain the purpose of flat Recap previous learning on roof  Can explain the purpose Quick fire questioning Roof
planning and critically analyse problems a roof terminology - quick fire questioning of flat a roof
and their solutions in the context of
design and project activities  Discuss the use of a flat  Can explain the main Aural assessment of student answers Truss
roof instead of a pitched aspects of a traditional and explanations
roof Inquiry Based Learning task -what are cut roof using sketches Cut
the main reasons and problems where appropriate
16. appreciate the way in which good Lean-to
associated with flat roofs
architecture enhances the quality of life  Draw a detail drawing of a Visual inspection of detail drawings
of individuals and the community flat roof Can draw a neat detail drawing
of a cut roof adding labels and Hip
Interactive PowerPoint Presentation –
colours Peer assessment of detail drawings
traditional cut roof Valley
17. appreciate the difference between
minimum standards and good/best Ridge Board
Working drawings/ images/ videos Battens

Problem Recognition Task – what is Gutter
wrong with this drawing?

Exemplar detail drawing for setting

Class discussion on roof construction

Week 14 Fireplace and 9. take a structured approach to project  Explain the functions of a Display and explain a rubric at the  Can describe what the Rubric Fireplace
chimney planning and critically analyse problems fireplace beginning of the lesson function of a fireplace is,
giving examples Chimney
and their solutions in the context of
design and project activities  Name and explain the Open ended questioning Draught
different kinds of chimneys Open ended questioning  Can name and explain
the different kinds of Fireback
 Describe how a chimney is chimneys, linking them
22. appreciate the influence of available Train of knowledge activity Flu Liners
constructed to the topic of walls
materials and technologies on both past Inquiry Based Learning -how do
and contemporary architectural design DPC Tray
chimneys work and why are they
practices important Can describe how a chimney is Flashing
constructed using key terms

4. understand and evaluate a variety of Interactive PowerPoint Presentation –

building types and systems in the context fireplace and chimney
of design and aesthetics, architectural
appropriateness, as well as their
environmental and ecological impact Solidworks 3D model

Recap- Train of knowledge exercise

putting put processes into order

Week 15 Fireplace and 17. appreciate the difference between  Consider how water can be Recap- students’ explanations of  Can discuss how water Aural assessment of student answers Fireplace
chimney minimum standards and good/best kept out of a chimney at chimney principles can be kept out of a and explanations
roof level chimney at roof level, Chimney
using key terms Draught
 Explain the minimum and Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – Visual inspection of detail drawings Fireback
maximin guidelines for fireplace and chimney  Can name the minimum
5. identify, describe and model various chimney placement Flu Liners
and maximin guidelines
structural forms and concepts relating to for chimney placement Peer assessment of detail drawings DPC Tray
buildings and other appropriate Draw neat, scaled giving reasons
Wordwall with key terms using exemplar model
architectural structures drawings of the fireplace Flashing
and chimney detail  Can neatly draw scaled
cross sections of the
Solidworks 3D model
2. understand how the various fireplace and chimney
professions and craftspeople combine detail
and interact in the design and production
of a building and its associated services Exemplar detail drawing for setting

Week 16 Fireplace and 9. take a structured approach to project  Explain the functions of a Display and explain a rubric at the  Can describe what the Rubric Fireplace
chimney planning and critically analyse problems fireplace beginning of the lesson function of a fireplace is,
giving examples Chimney
and their solutions in the context of
design and project activities  Name and explain the Open ended questioning Draught
different kinds of chimneys Open ended questioning  Can name and explain
the different kinds of Fireback
 Describe how a chimney is chimneys, linking them
22. appreciate the influence of available Train of knowledge activity Flu Liners
constructed to the topic of walls
materials and technologies on both past Inquiry Based Learning -how do
and contemporary architectural design DPC Tray
chimneys work and why are they  Can describe how a
practices important Flashing
chimney is constructed
using key terms

4. understand and evaluate a variety of Interactive PowerPoint Presentation –

building types and systems in the context fireplace and chimney
of design and aesthetics, architectural
appropriateness, as well as their
environmental and ecological impact Solid works 3D model

Recap- Train of knowledge exercise

putting put processes into order

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