Planning Grid Junior Cert Wood Technology 1st

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Student Name: Christopher Roche School: Class teacher:

ID: No: G00270882 No of Pupils: 16 Length of Lesson: 80 minutes & 40 minutes

Class profile 1st Wood Technology

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Diversity (Gender, Ethnicity etc.) Other relevant information
N/A All Male, Multiple Nationalities N/A

Wood Technology Planning Grid

Student name: Christopher Roche Year Group: 1 Year School:
Linking with Subject Specification and Junior Cert Framework Evidence of Teaching and Learning
Learning Intentions Assessment Method
Relevant JC Key Skills Success Criteria Key Words
Statements of Learning Topic/Chapter (students will learn Teaching Methodology
Outcomes about)

Week 1 SOL 23  First Class 1.1 explore key  Get to know 3a. Using  ICT/Projector  Explain health and  Observation Health& Safety
SOL 20 Intro elements required their language  Quick sketch of solutions safety in the  Questioning Hazard
SOL 21  Class rules for the completion classmates 4c. Thinking  Wordwall classroom  Fist to five
 Health & of tasks better creatively and  Identify health and  Worksheets
Safety 1.10 apply  Importance of critically safety hazards in the
recognised health health and classroom and
and safety 4a. Being
safety in the identify safety
practices in the classroom. precautions
use of tools, associated.
equipment and
Learning outcome
Week 2 SOL 15  Introduction to 1.10 apply  Revise the 1b.  Practical  Correct tools are  Observation Design Brief
SOL 21 Nightlight Holder recognised health theory Implementing demonstrations selected to  Questioning Working Drawings
SOL 23  Demos on Marking and safety associated ideas and  ICT/Projector complete the  Fist to five Face side
out overall lengths. practices in the with tri taking action marking out
 Verbal Feedback  Worksheets Face edge
 Completion of key use of tools, square, 5c. Setting  Teaching Videos process.  Teach me Grain
holder projects. equipment and marking and achieving
 The correct  Activities from Tri-Square
gauge, and goals terminology is
2.3 evaluate their tenon saw. 3a. Using used when Design Roots Waste
own progress to  Describe and language describing work. Workbook Dimension
inform future demonstrate  The piece is
learning the processes labelled correctly
1.8 apply involved in
 Appropriate safety
knowledge of and marking out.
skills in a range of
precautions are
 Complete the
appropriate key holder implemented.
existing and project.
processes and
Week 3 SOL 15  Marking out 1.10 apply  complete the 1a. Exploring  Practical  Correct tools are  Observation Face side
SOL 21 process for the recognised health marking out options and demonstrations selected to  Questioning Face edge
SOL 23 Nightlight Holder and safety process for alternatives  Textbook/ complete the  Fist to five Grain
 Chapter 11 Species practices in the the nightlight 1b. Worksheets marking out Tri-Square
 Worksheets
of Trees use of tools, holder. Implementing  ICT/Projector process. Waste
equipment and  Describe the ideas and
materials  Verbal Feedback  The correct
positives and taking action
 Textbook (Design terminology is Deciduous
2.3 evaluate their negatives of
own progress to 3a. Using Roots) used when Properties
various tree
language  Teaching videos describing work Coniferous
inform future species.
learning  Identify tree  The piece is Hardwood
1.8 apply species use labelled correctly Carbon
knowledge of and based on their  Appropriate safety Softwood
skills in a range of characteristics precautions are Sequestration
appropriate and implemented
existing and properties  Discuss the positives
emerging and negatives of
principles, various tree species
processes and
 Evaluate tree
species use based
3.5 explain the
on the
characteristics and
associated with
the classification
of wood
3.2 evaluate the
characteristics and
properties of
common species
of wood
Week 4 SOL 20  Demos on Learning outcome  Use of a tenon 1a. Exploring  ICT/Projector  Correct tools are  Observation Waste
SOL 21 sawing, paring 3.9 create an saw options and  Practical selected to cut and  Questioning Trench
artefact that  Use of a alternatives Demonstration pair trenches.  Visual Inspection Pairing
 Hand Tools demonstrates an pairing chisel 1b.  Link to previous  Appropriate  Fist to five Chiselling
(Tennon Saw, understanding of  Use the Implementing learning terminology is used  Worksheets
Chisel) the properties correct ideas and  Verbal Feedback when describing  Quiz Cutting
 Chapter 12 associated with a method for taking action  Model of project work Transpiration
Growth and range of materials pairing out a  Wordwall  Appropriate safety Seed Dispersal
applicable to 3a. Using Sap
structure of trench.  Textbook (Design precautions are
wood Wood Technology  The Roots) implemented Seed dormancy
2.14 investigate characteristics  Videos  Explain the process Germination
how to minimise and of photosynthesis Plumule
material use and properties of  Recognise the Radicle
manage waste hardwood and different parts of a Tracheids
1.10 apply softwood tree and understand Fibres
recognised health trees. their function or use Vessels
and safety  The process of  Identify and explain Heartwood
practices in the photosynthesi the differences Photosynthesis
use of tools, s between the cell Chlorophyll
equipment and  Different parts structure of a
materials of a tree and hardwood and
3.2 their function softwood tree
evaluate the  Differences
characteristics and between cell
properties of structure of
common species hardwood and
of wood softwood tree
explain the
associated with
the classification
of wood

Week 5 SOL 20  Demos on 2.3 evaluate their  Use of 5c. Setting and  Practical  The correct  Observation With grain
SOL 21 sawing, paring own progress to pyrographic achieving Demonstration terminology is used  Questioning Grit
SOL 23 inform future pen goals  Link to previous when describing  Teacher grading of Finishing
 Hand Tools learning  Grading of 6a. Expressing learning work completed toast Pyrography
(Tennon Saw, 1.3 collaborate project ideas  Verbal Feedback  Appropriate safety holder
Chisel) effectively in a  The mathematicall  Self-reflection precautions are  Rubric Cutting
workshop learning characteristics y  Model of project implemented  Worksheets Transpiration
 Chapter 12 environment and  Wordwall  Project is completed  Textbook (Design Seed Dispersal
1.9 demonstrate 4c. Thinking Sap
Growth and properties of on time to a good Roots)
creatively and
structure of principles of craft hardwood and standard Seed dormancy
excellence critically Germination
wood softwood  Appreciate the
4d. Reflecting
through the trees. characteristics and Plumule
design and on and Radicle
 The process of properties of
evaluating my
realisation of tasks photosynthesi hardwood and Tracheids
and artefacts learning Fibres
s softwood trees
1.10 apply  Different parts  Describe the stages Vessels
recognised health Implementing Heartwood
of a tree and in the life cycle of a
ideas and
and safety their function tree Photosynthesis
practices in the taking action Chlorophyll
 Differences
use of tools, between cell
equipment and structure of
materials hardwood and
3.2 softwood tree
evaluate the
characteristics and
properties of
common species
of wood 3.5
explain the
associated with
the classification
of wood

Week 6 SOL 23  Sanding 1.1 explore key  Correct 3a. Using  ICT/Projector  Ability to  Observation Brief
SOL 20  Finishing elements required technique for language  Quick sketch of construct a neat  Questioning Working Drawings
 Model Plane for the completion sanding 3b. Using solutions freehand sketch  Traffic Light cards Tropical rainforest
project launch of tasks  Analyse numbers  Model of project of the project  Worksheets Boreal forest
 Marking out 1.10 apply design brief  Wordwall  Students mark  Textbook (Design Temperate forest
recognised health 4c. Thinking Managed/Planted forest
Project.  Connect  Step-by-step out pieces with Roots)
creatively and
 Chapter 13 and safety similarities to instructions minimal input Afforestation
practices in the critically Reforestation
Forests of the previous from the
6b. Estimating,
Ireland and use of tools, project teacher Sustainable forest management
equipment and prediciting and Sustainably sourced timber
the World  The main  Identify the
materials types of main types of Monoculture
2.14 investigate forests found forests found
how to minimise around the around the
material use and world world
manage waste  Stages in a  Describe each
2.6 produce managed stage in a
sketches, forest managed forest
drawings and  Difference  Understand the
models/ between a difference
prototypes to managed between a
explore design forest and a managed forest
ideas sustainably and a
3.10 appreciate managed sustainably
the role of forest managed forest
forestation and
wood in terms of
ecology and
3.11 investigate
the use of wood
from forest to end
use 3.12 consider
the impact on the
when sourcing

Week 7 SOL 15  Chapter 13 3.10 appreciate  The main 3b. Using  ICT/Projector  Identify the main  Observation Tropical rainforest
SOL 20 Forests of the role of types of numbers  Practical types of forests  Questioning Boreal forest
SOL 21 Ireland and forestation and forests found 5c. Setting Demonstration found around the  Traffic Light cards Temperate forest
the World wood in terms of around the and achieving  Link to previous world  Worksheets Managed/Planted forest
local/global world goals learning  Describe each stage  Textbook (Design Afforestation
ecology and  Stages in a in a managed forest Roots) Reforestation
sustainability 1b. Sustainable forest management
managed  Understand the
3.11 investigate forest difference between Sustainably sourced timber
the use of wood ideas and Monoculture
 Difference a managed forest
taking action
from forest to end between a and a sustainably
use 3.12 consider 3a. Using
managed managed forest.
the impact on the forest and a
natural sustainably
environment managed
when sourcing forest

Week 8 SOL 20  Demo on 2.3 evaluate their  Use of a 6d. Seeing  ICT/Projector  Correct technique  Observation Drill
SOL 21 drilling own progress to coping saw patterns,  Practical and safety  Questioning Diameter
 Demo on use inform future and its trends and Demonstration precautions are  Traffic Light cards Parallel
of coping saw learning associated relationships  Link to previous implemented when  Worksheets Boreal forest
1.7 explain the safety 5c. Setting learning using a coping saw.  Textbook (Design Temperate forest
function and precautions and achieving  Verbal Feedback  Ability to explain the Roots) Managed/Planted forest
application of a  Use of a pillar goals  Model of project process for setting Afforestation
range of tools, drill and its  Step-by-step up pillar drill Reforestation
equipment, associated instructions  Appreciate the Sustainable forest management
fixtures and safety  Wordwall effects a Sustainably sourced timber
fittings precautions  The teacher will monocultural forest Monoculture
2.3 evaluate their  Drilling of a provide students with can have on the Coillte
own progress to hole a rubric to grade their environment, Mixed forest
inform future  Cutting and own projects compared to a Nursery
learning shaping using mixed forest Harvesting
1.10 apply a coping saw  Explain the Selective harvesting
recognised health  Effects a importance of the Thinning
and safety monocultural role that forests and Clear felling/Cutting
practices in the forest can trees have in a Second rotation
use of tools, have on the sustainable future Native forests/Woods
equipment and environment, for the natural Pesticide
materials compared to a environment
2.14 investigate mixed forest  Appreciate the uses
how to minimise  Importance of for the waste
material use and the role that material produced in
manage waste 3.1 forests and managed forests
0 appreciate the trees have in a
role of forestation sustainable
and wood in terms future for the
of local/global natural
ecology and environment
sustainability  Uses for the
3.11 investigate waste
the use of wood material
from forest to end produced in a
use 3.12 consider managed
the impact on the forest
when sourcing
Week 9 SOL 20  Sanding Learning outcome  Further 3a. Using  Practical  Project is completed  Observation Oil
SOL 21  Finishing 2.3 evaluate their improve language Demonstration on time to a good  Questioning Accuracy
SOL 23 own progress to sanding 4d. Reflecting  Link to previous standard  Traffic Light cards Sanding block
inform future technique on and learning  Worksheets
learning and finishing evaluating my  Verbal Feedback  Dartboard
1.9 demonstrate  Grading of learning  Self-reflection  Textbook (Design
principles of craft project  The teacher will Roots)
excellence 3b. Using
provide students with
through the a rubric to grade their
design and own projects
realisation of tasks  Model of project
and artefacts  Wordwall
1.10 apply
recognised health
and safety
practices in the
use of tools,
equipment and

Statements of Learning (Wood Technology)

The statement Examples of relevant learning 
SOL 15 The student recognises the potential uses of mathematical knowledge, skills and Students will apply numerical reasoning to establish
understanding in all areas of learning. appropriate functions, proportions and dimensions. 
SOL 19 The student values the role and contribution of science and technology to society, Students will evaluate the impact of Wood Technology on
and their personal, social and global importance. their lives, society and the environment.
SOL 20 The student uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge. Students will select suitable equipment to realise a design
SOL 21 The student applies practical skills as she/he develops models and products using a Students will create solutions through modelling and
variety of materials and technologies. tasks that encourage the development of their practical
skills, while working with a range of materials and
SOL 23 The student brings an idea from conception to realisation. Students will develop, individually, a concept to address a
problem and create their solution using appropriate
materials and the skills they have developed.
SOL 24 The student uses technology and digital media tools to learn, work and think Students will select appropriate digital media tools to
collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical manner. explore, research and represent design ideas.

Statements of Learning (Graphics)

SOL No. The statement Example of relevant learning

SOL 15 Recognises the potential uses of mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding Students will be able to support their solutions to
in all areas of learning geometry problems by referencing appropriate geometry
concepts and principles.
SOL 19 Values the role and contribution of science and technology to society, and their Students will evaluate the impact of technologies on their
personal, social and global importance. lives, society and the environment.
SOL 20 Uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge Students will determine the most suitable technologies
available to them and apply them to fulfil the criteria of a
given design challenge.
SOL 21 Applies practical skills as she/he develop models and products using a variety of Students will develop 3D representations of solutions to
materials and technologies problems through modelling using appropriate media.
SOL 23 Brings an idea from conception to realisation Students will individually explore ideas to satisfy a problem
and develop their solutions using appropriate modelling
skills they have developed.
SOL 24 Uses technology and digital media tools to learn, communicate, work and think Students will select appropriate digital media tools to
collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical matter research, explore and present design ideas.


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