1st Year Materials Technology Wood Scheme
1st Year Materials Technology Wood Scheme
1st Year Materials Technology Wood Scheme
The group are aware of health and safety procedures Students are able to transfer measurements
in place within the classroom. from a blackboard sketch to their material.
Some students may know how to read technical The class are efficient in choosing and using the
drawings (working drawings) from studying Technical correct tools for marking-out.
Graphics. The group have very little experience using
Students will have a basic knowledge of some trees machines (Pillar Drill).
and their applications. The class have some experience in the use of
It is expected the class will have some knowledge on the tenon saw but little with chisels.
the use of some hand tools they will be using to The students have been working on quite a bit of
complete their projects. sketching.
Students will have had a basic introduction to
sketching but have done little in the way of
The Aims Of This Scheme Are To At The End Of This Scheme Students Will Be Each LO Has An Assessment
Able To
1 Reinforce Existing Rules and Routine. Implement the said rules and routines Observation
. without instruction.
2 Develop the students ability to Effectively make clear their design Demonstration, Talking Heads,
. communicate ideas and information ideas with sketching. Self-assessment, Questioning,
through sketching. Project Rubric
3 Further the students knowledge of Discuss the growing belts, identify the Socratic Seminar, Quiz Poster,
. trees, native and non-native, properties various trees, and be able discuss Four Corners, Think-Pair-Share,
of, and applications of each. their properties and uses. Peer Assessment
4 Breakdown the stages of the growth of a List, illustrate, and discuss the stages Back to Back, Jigsaw Game,
. tree, and investigate the structure of a of growth of a tree. Describe the Visual Check, Think-Pair-Share,
tree and identify each parts function. structure of a tree, highlighting the Summative Exam, Practice
work of each part. Frequency
5 Introduce and evaluate manufactured Assess various types of manufactured Each-One-Teach-One, Higher
. boards. boards, identify their advantages and Order Probing Questioning,
disadvantages, and state the use of Stick Debate, Summative
each. Exam
6 Highlight the Diseases and Defects that Identify multiple natural and artificial Socratic Seminar, Poster
. may hamper the quality of wood. defects, theorise as to how they Generation , Summative Exam,
happened, and suggest how to Talking Heads, Higher Order
prevent. (diseases similar) Questioning (Why?)
7 Instill hope by encouraging students to Complete projects at a level that is Survey (Kahoot), Exit Cards,
. complete classwork and projects; gain a appropriate to their abilities in order Observation, Socratic Seminar
sense of confidence, personal to achieve self-efficacy.
achievement and satisfaction.
8 Contribute towards the students general Further their journey towards self- Reflective Journal (Personal)
. education and holistic development. actualization.
Topic Wee Curriculum Content/ Learning Assessment Teaching
Rationalek for Scheme Outcomes Strategies Strategies
For my schemes,
1 I have
Theory: constructed
Identify, Sketch,myandown template
Higher based
Orderon John Socratic
Biggss model
constructive alignment.
Describe theIn this model,
properties ofthe teacher Questioning,
first looks at the curriculum content
SEN, PowerPoint
and from here derives learning targets for the class. From the targets, the teacher Each-
Softwoods and Hardwoods. Name, Sketching, Presentation, will
not look at the Illustrate,
teachingand Appraisethat
strategies Irishcould be used
Consider All the curriculum,
to teach one-teach-one
but O V
instead how thatSoftwoods:
content Pine,
couldSpruce, Fir.
be assessed. With Factors,
assessmentPosters FA SEN MA
strategies PBL CL,
chosen, teaching strategies can then be derived from here (Biggs, 2014). Wordwall O L SEN
of Trees
Practical: Launch Project Looking Observation, Just A Demonstration O N V,
& model alsoatblends nicely
drawings, Facewith Battelle for Kids
side/edge, core values,
Minute FA whichOpen-ended
state, by closely
aligning the targets with the appropriate assessment method, it becomes easier to
Marking out. Questioning O SEN MA
disaggregate results and see exactly what students know and where they need more
2 Theory: Re-cap of previous learning. Stick debate Teacher led
support (BFK, List,
summarise and evaluate Irish (justify!), discussion O,
Hardwoods: Oak, Ash, Elm, etc. Identification Misconception Check
The verbs usedIllustrate
in the scheme
tree andhave come
leaf of each.from both Blooms
Game, Taxonomy
Workbook, Biggs
, Wordwall
(Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes)
Identify and label the belts where Taxonomy.
H.O. Questioning, SEN, Labelling Game
particular trees grow. FA Exam SA L N V SEN
Practical: Recap on marking-out Re-cap Quiz, Quick Quiz O L N, Student
(O): Oracy (L): Literacy
process.(N): Numeracy of sawing (V): Visualisation
Demonstration fire probing (SEN):Re-cap
Needs (MA): Mixed Ability& trenching
process (PBL):(body).
Problem Based Learning
questions, (FA): Formative
Assessment (SA):Students
Summative Assessment
complete marking (CL): Cooperative
& begin Learning
observation FA
3 Theory: Describe the life cycle of a Formulate a tree PowerPoint
tree. Generate a list of the stages of life-cycle poster, Presentation L V, Use
growth. Illustrate and label each sketching, just a of Models N SEN,
stage. minute, Each-One- Sketching N V,
Teach-One Quiz FA Wordwall O L MA
Practical: Re-cap of sawing & Student Student Demo (Peer
of a
trenching (body). Demonstration Demonstration reviewed) O MA,
(teacher student led) on cutting of (peer critique), Socratic Seminar O L
& frame and roof. visual check FA SEN
Train 4 Theory: Identify and Describe the Stick Debate, Just Debate O L PBL,
parts of a tree: Bark, Bast, Sapwood, a Minute, Drawing of Detail L N
Heartwood, Ray Cells, Annual Rings, Workbook, V, Sketch (repeat,
Pith. Compare & Contrast the Wood Illustrations, repeat, repeat) N V,
Structure of Softwoods and Consider all PowerPoint
Hardwoods. Factors FA Exam SA Presentation V MA
Practical: Re-cap of sawing of Re-cap Recall, Kahoot Quiz (Teams)
sawing frame and roof. Student Demo, O MA, Teacher Demo
Demonstration on drilling of H&S Check OV
windows (Intro to Pillar Drill). Observation FA