1.1 Metric Space
1.1 Metric Space
1.1 Metric Space
1 Metric Space 7
As a set X we take the set of all bounded sequences of complex
numbers; that is, every element of X is a complex sequence
such that for all j = 1, 2, ... we have
where c" is a real number which may depend on x, but does not
depend on j. We choose the metric defined by
(9) d(x, y) = sup I~j - Tljl
where y = (Tlj) E X and N = {1, 2, ... }, and sup denotes the supremum
(least upper bound).5 The metric space thus obtained is generally
denoted by ["'. (This somewhat strange notation will be motivated by
1.2-3 in the next section.) ['" is a sequence space because each element
of X (each point of X) is a sequence.
1.1-7 Function space C[a, b]. As a set X we take the set of all
real-valued functions x, y, ... which are functions of an independeIit
real variable t and are defined and continuous on a given closed interval
J = [a, b]. Choosing the metric defined by
(10) d(x, y) = max Ix(t) - y(t)l,
where max denotes the maximum, we obtain a metric space which is
denoted by C[ a, b]. (The letter C suggests "continuous.") This is a
function space because every point of C[a, b] is a function.
The reader should realize the great difference between calculus,
where one ordinarily considers a single function or a few functions at a
time, and the present approach where a function becomes merely a
single point in a large space.
5The reader may wish to look at the review of sup and inf given in A1.6; cf.
Appendix 1.
H Metric Spaces
1.1-8 Discrete metric space. We take any set X and on it the
so-called discrete metric for X, defined by
d(x, x) = 0, d(x,y)=1 (x;6 y).