Topic 1 Common Definitions

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EE 220 : Signals and Systems

Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineerng

Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
Monsoon 2022

Topic 1 : Common definitions and notations

Instruction and notes by : Manish

1 Set
As we already know, a set is a collection of elements. The symobols employed to denote several
commonly used sets are as follows

Notation for sets of consecutive integers: [a..b] means {x ∈ Z : a ≤ x ≤ b}.

For example: [0..4] denotes the set of integers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.
Notations for the interval on real line [a, b] means x ∈ R : a ≤ x ≤ b

2 Mapping
A mapping is a relationship involving two sets that associates each element in one set, called
the domain, with an element from the other set, called the codomain.
The notation f : A → B denotes a mapping f whose domain is the set A and whose
codomain is the set B. Although many types of mappings exist, the types we are interested in
signals and systems are: functions, sequences, system operators, and transforms.

2.1 Functions
A function is a mapping where the domain is a set that is continuous in nature, such
as the real numbers or complex numbers; and the codomain is typically either the
real numbers or complex numbers. In this course, functions are commonly referred to as
continuous-time (CT) signals.
Example: Let f : R → R such that f (t) = t2 Note that f is a function, whereas f (t) is a
number .

2.2 Sequences
• A sequence is a mapping where the domain is a set that is discrete in nature,
such as the integers
• the codomain is typically either the real numbers or complex numbers.
• In this course, sequences are commonly referred to as discrete-time (DT) signals.
• Example: Let f : Z+ → Z+ such that f (n) = n2 , where Z+ denotes the set of (strictly)
positive integers.
• n is commonly used to denote discrete time
• Note that f is a sequence, whereas f (n) is a number
• The nth element of a sequence x is denoted as either x(n) or xn

2.3 Remarks
• Unfortunately, the practice of using f (t) to denote the function f is quite common,
although strictly speaking this is an abuse of notation.
• For the real-valued functions f and g :
• f + g denotes a function, namely, the function formed by adding the functions f and g
• f (t) + g(t) denotes a number
• To express that two functions f and g are equal, we can write either f = g; or f (t) = g(t)
for all t.

2.4 System operatoprs

• A system operator H is a mapping used to represent a system

• The system H maps a function to a function.

• Note that H{x} is a function, not a number. H{x(t)} is a number. Example: H{x(t)} =
2x(t). ∀t ∈ R.

• Also note: the domain and codomain of a system operator are sets of functions or se-
quences, not sets of numbers

2.5 Transforms
Later in the course, we will study transforms which are also types of mappings.
Transforms map functions/sequences to functions/sequences.
For example, the Fourier transform (introduced later) can be denoted as F and the result
of applying the Fourier transform operator to the function/sequence x can be denoted as F x.

3 Signals
Continuous time signals:

A continuous time signal is a function of an independent variable, where we usually think

of the independent variable as time. More specifically, a continuous time signal is a function
x(t) of a real variable t defined for −∞ < t < ∞. A representative sketch of such a signal is

• A continuous time signal is not necessarily a continuous function, in the sense of calculus.

• The default domain of definition is always the whole real line : −∞ < t < ∞

• If a signal is of interest only over a particular interval in the real line, then we usually
define it to be zero outside of this interval so that the domain of definition remains the
whole real line. Other conventions are possible, of course.

• The independent variable need not be time necessarily It could be anything, such as
distance. For simplicity, in this course we will always consider it to be time.

Discrete time signals:

A discrete time signal is a sequence of values, where the integer index can be thought of as
a time index, and the values in the sequence represent some physical quantity of interest such
as magnitude.

A discrete time signal is a sequence x[n] defined for all integers ∞ < n < ∞. Here, n is
discrete time index or sample number. Graphically, we display x[n] as a series of lollypops of
appropriate magnitude:

We will later see that complex valued signals (continuous or discrete) are often mathemat-
ically more convenient. Later in the course, we will also discuss converting a signal from one
domain to the other (continuous to discrete and vice versa) known as sampling and reconstruc-
tion, also called analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog (D/A) conversion.

3.1 Elementary operations on signals
Signals are basically functions (in variable t). It would be mathematically more convenient if
we see them in the same way.

Elementary operations:

Say x(t) is the original function an y(t) is the new function after following operations:

• Amplitude Scale: y(t) = ax(t), where a is a real (or possibly complex) constant

• Amplitude Shift: y(t) = x(t) + b, where b is a real (or possibly complex) constant

• Addition: y(t) = x(t) + z(t)

• Multiplication: y(t) = x(t)z(t)

The description of these operations for the case of discrete time signals is completely analogous.

3.2 Even and Odd signals

• A signal x(t) is called an even signal if x(−t) = x(t) for all t.

• A signal x(t) is called an odd signal If x(−t) = −x(t) , for all t.

• Examples: Find out whether following are even/odd signals:

[1]. y(t) = t2 . Answer: Even

[2]. y(t) = sin t. Answer : Odd
[3]. y[n] = n3 . Answer : Odd
[4]. y[n] = 2n + 1. Answer : Neither even nor odd.
Plot them and see if even functions are mirror symmetric along y axis.
What about odd functions? What happens after mirroring them twice: once along y axis
and once along x axis?

Any signal can be written as sum of even and odd parts:

The even part of any signal can be defined as xe (t) = x(t)+x(−t)
The odd part of any signal can be defined as xo (t) = 2


[1.] Show that the even part of any signal is an even signal.

[2.] Show that the odd part of any signal is an odd signal.

These definitions are mostly used for real signals only.

For complex valued signals, similar to even signals we define conjugate symmetry: x(t) =
x∗ (−t) where ∗ denotes complex conjugate.
Similarly, similar to odd signals we define conjugate anti-symmetry: x(t) = −x∗ (−t).

Reference material
1. Textbook: Signals and Systems by Simon Haykin
2. Lecture notes are inspired from the course materials of JHU 520.214; MIT 6.003; Purdue
ECE-301; UVic ECE-260; and Imperial College E2.5

[Please report any typos in the notes by sending an email to the instructor.]

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