The Relationship Between Nomophobia and Poorer Sleep Among College Students

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)

The Relationship Between Nomophobia and Poorer

Sleep Among College Students
Ellena Aurielle Kurnia1 Monty P. Satiadarma1 Linda Wati1*
Faculty of Psychology Universitas Tarumanagara, West Jakarta, 11440, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

As time goes by and communication technology is increasingly developing, there is an adverse effects if it is
used inappropriately. Nomophobia is one of the psychological problems associated with the exclusive use or
mobile phones so that they feel fear and anxiety when they are far from mobile phones. Then the definition of
poorer sleep according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders is a limited sleep pattern that has
least three months for most days of the week along with complaints of daytime sleepiness. This study aims to
examine the relationship between nomophobia and poorer sleep in college students. This study involved 292
college students from university in Indonesia consisting of 229 female participants and 63 male participants.
The measuring instrument used in the Nomophobia Questionnaire by Yildirim & Correia in 2015 and The
Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep by Buysse et al., in 1988. The result of the data analysis of participants used the
Spearman Correlation technique between nomophobia and poorer sleep, obtaining r (292) = 0.145 and p-value
= 0.013. The correlation between these two variables shows that there is a positive and significant correlation
between nomophobia and poorer sleep.

Keywords: Nomophobia, poorer sleep, college students, PSQI, sleep quality

1. INTRODUCTION phone are not only about sharing data, chatting, take a
photos, but also provide other interesting features such as
In the current era of globalization, humans are very social media, games, and other applications [13]. It was
dependent on technology, especially in communication reported that the rate of mobile phone use was higher among
systems. Most people welcomed the development of adolescents aged 18-24 and 68% between ages 25-34 [14].
technology in the era of globalization, although not a few As time goes by, the need for communication may be felt to
also had difficulties with increasingly sophisticated be higher and the distribution of information has also
technological developments [32]. One of the technologies become faster. Even though the advantages of technology
in the communication system that is developing rapidly is are growing, the use of technology, especially mobile phone
mobile phone or commonly known as a cellular telephone. can be present unfavorable risks. This is because it can
Today mobile phone provide tremendous opportunities and cause several risks, namely individuals become stressed,
convenience for users and at the same time, a mobile phone less focused on things around them, individuals are more
provide facilities that can help users complete their tasks, concerned with interactions in cyberspace, and insomnia
and make communication between individuals much easier [28]. Some people become so dependent on their mobile
[8]. If in the past the owners of mobile phone or television phones which is a sign of behavioral addiction which can
may be relatively limited to those who have sufficient lead to isolation, feelings of loneliness, decreased
purchasing power, but nowadays almost everyone has a interpersonal relationships, and social interactions [4]. The
mobile phone. There are even individuals has more than one impact of not being able to reach mobile phones, not only
mobile phones. This is evidenced in Majumder research affects social relationships with other people, but also
[25], which is that based on data from the global mobile affects psychological health [1]. One of the health problems
market, customers using mobile phone has increased to is nomophobia (no mobile phones phobia). Nomophobia is
three million in 2018. a new pathology that might be categorized as a clinical
In the communication process, a mobile phone or cellular disorder [8].
telephone is a facility needed by all groups, from children According to King et al., [4] nomophobia is a feeling of
to the elderly. One of the most dominant mobile phone users discomfort or anxiety in someone when they are far away
from these circle is students. Today’s mobile phone have or cannot reach their mobile phones. According to
become important part of technology culture, especially Mahendra et al., and Mayangsari [11] the number of
among teenage students, where the main need is to individuals suffering from nomophobia in Indonesia has
socialize, join other friends, and to be like [29]. Mobile increased significantly starting in 2013, namely 75% with
an age range of 18-24 years and increased to 84% in 2014

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

with a range ages 19-24 years. This is also supported by a arise when they cannot access mobile phones can also be
survey conducted in England in 2012, researchers found controlled to avoid other problems, especially lack of sleep
that 66% of 1000 participants developed feelings of fear for students.
when they lost or could not reach their mobile phones [21].
Nomophobia itself can be associated with individual 1.1. Our Contribution
dependence on mobile phones. Dependence on mobile
phones can affect both physical and psychological aspects The results of this research are expected to be useful in the
of the individual [31]. Individuals feel anxious if other development of psychological science, in the fields of
people have difficulty contacting them, feel anxious when technology and communication, medical science, and social
there is information and it turns out that they don't know, psychology. This research can be an illustration for students
and feel anxious because they don't get the latest about the impact of nomophobia and poorer sleep which
information (Y. Suprapto, personal communication, 2021, affect student life, both physically, cognitively, and
January 20). socially. The results are expected to provide knowledge for
Every individual needs sufficient sleep time to be able to readers in all circles, especially adolescents and early adults
carry out activities properly so that the need for adequate so that they can add insight and education about the impact
sleep is not only determined by the sleep time factor (sleep of excessive cell phones use and the impact of lack of sleep.
quantity), but also determined by the quality of sleep [15]. For the community, it is hoped that they can find out the
A person can be said to have a good sleep quality if they do effects or side effects of excessive cell phones use. So that
not show signs of lack of sleep and do not have other in the future people will be wiser in using mobile phones
problems in sleeping [20]. Most experts or professionals and can understand the actions or behavior of using mobile
advise students to sleep 9 hours per night or an average of 7 phones so that individuals do not become increasingly
to 8 hours per night [37]. There were 25% of students who nomophobic.
reported having slept less than 6.5 hours per night [19].
Poorer sleep is a common problem that affects about 25% -
40% of adolescent development [6]. One non-profit 1.2. Paper Structure
organization, the National Sleep Foundation, released the
Annual Sleep in America Poll in 2011 which was conducted The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
to see the effects of using electronic media before bedtime introduces the preliminaries used in this paper, which
[26]. The results of a survey conducted by National Sleep include nomophobia, poorer sleep, and college students.
Foundation in 2011 showed that 95% of the total Section 3 background the related research and correlation
respondents, aged 13-64 years, use electronic devices each variable. Then, the demographic data of participants,
before bed and 43% of respondents complain that procedure, research instrument (Nomophobia
respondents rarely or even never get a satisfying sleep time Questionnaire and Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep), result
[26]. Poorer sleep also has a serious impact on cognitive variable nomophobia and poorer sleep, additional data
performance, emotional function, and if sleep disturbances analysis were in Section 4. Section 5 was the findings and
to a chronic stage can cause a person to develop mood discussion about this research. Finally, Section 6 concludes
disorders [23]. The most influential psychological impact the paper.
caused by lack of sleep is depression. Lack of prolonged
sleep will make the sleep quality of the individual worse. 2. BACKGROUND
According to the American College Health Association and
the National College Health Assessment [37], individuals
with depression and anxiety often experience a decrease in 2.1. Nomophobia
their sleep quantity due to symptoms of insomnia or the
inability to sleep and wake up earlier. 2.1.1. Definitions of nomophobia
Based on the description above, researcher is interested in
knowing the relationship between nomophobia and poorer Nomophobia or no mobile phone phobia is one of the
sleep in college students. The researcher wants to take a psychological problems associated with using cell phones
case about nomophobia because in addition to problems exclusively so that you feel fear and anxiety if you are far
with academic demands, work, personal problems, and from mobile phone [33]. Nomophobia refers to feelings of
other problems that have been described above, there are discomfort, anxiety, nervousness or sadness cause by the
factors of nomophobia which also have an impact on the inability to use mobile phone [30]. Meanwhile, nomophobia
lack of sleep for students. This is supported by the is a specific phobia which is defined as discomfort or
phenomena and findings from previous studies, that anxiety caused by the unavailability of mobile phone,
nomophobia has an influence on the lack of sleep in personal computer (PC), or other virtual communication
students. In addition, the effects that occur in students are devices [7]. Another definition of nomophobia is described
that they feel excessive sleepiness during the day and as an irrational fear when someone cannot reach their
unhealthy sleep habits due to the use of mobile phones at mobile phone, so they cannot communicate via their mobile
night. This study aims to provide education about phone [10]. From the explanation above, the researchers
nomophobia and increase public awareness in controlling conclude that nomophobia is a feeling of anxiety,
the use of mobile phones so that feelings of anxiety that

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

discomfort, and fear that arises in individuals when 2.2.2. Symptoms of poorer sleep
individuals cannot reach or access their mobile phone so
they cannot communicate with other people. According to the Ministry of Health of The Republic of
Indonesia [35], adolescence to adulthood in the 18-40 year
2.1.2. Dimensions of nomophobia range requires 7 hours of sleep at night. Symptoms of poorer
sleep include feeling sleepy during the day, mood swings
There are four dimensions of nomophobia [9]. The first (irritability, feeling depressed), forgetfulness, and
dimension is not being able to communicate. This refers to difficulties learning new concepts, inability to concentrate
feelings of loss or difficulties contacting and being or focus on tasks, and weight gain [2]. In addition, other
contacted by other people because of not being able to use symptoms of poorer sleep are divided into two, physical
instant communication service [9]. Furthermore, the second symptoms that we can see such as dark areas around the
dimension is losing connectedness which refers to the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, excessive drowsiness, blurred
feeling of losing connectivity provided by mobile phone, so vision, dizziness, and psychological symptoms such as
they are cut off from online identities, especially social apathy, laziness to speak, unable to concentrate, and
media [9]. The third dimension is not being able to access hallucinations [5].
information. This third dimension refers to the feeling of
discomfort when losing access to seek or retrieve 2.2.3. Impact of poorer sleep
information that is spread through social networks on the
mobile phone [9]. Each individual has a different amount of sleep. Some
The last dimension, giving up convenience, is a feeling of individuals put aside sleep time by doing various things or
discomfort when individuals cannot use their mobile phone for various reasons. There are short-term consequences of
or a feeling of comfort when the individual remains near poorer sleep such as decreased quality of life, emotional
their mobile phone. distress, mental health problems, and behavioral problems
in individuals [17]. Poorer sleep can also cause
2.1.3. Factors affecting nomophobia psychological and physical disorders such as loss of energy,
mood swings, and the inability to concentrate on studying
There are factors that cause nomophobia such as human [25]. The impact of poorer sleep on adolescents has an
needs in modern times, mobile phone are becoming a tool effect on psychosocial health, school performance, and the
that makes human work easier, more social media is most severe impact is the use of nicotine and marijuana
developing, changing the way communication between [17].
users becomes more effective [11]. Other factors that
influence nomophobia were also expressed by Bianci and 3. METHODS
Philip [33], namely based on gender where men will have a
more positive attitude in using electronics, self-esteem, age
which shows that parents are less likely than young people. 3.1. Participants and Procedure
A total of 292 college students were voluntary participating
2.2. Poorer Sleep in the study include 63 males, 229 females. Based on the
age category, the study participants ranging from 18-24
2.2.1. Definitions of poorer sleep years old. The study participants consisted of students of
semesters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Faculty involved
Sleep is an altered state of consciousness which constitutes in the research consisted of the faculty of economics and
nearly a third of the hour in human life (Farooq et al., 2019). business, law, communication, medicine, psychology, arts
The need for sleep of a good individual is not only and design, engineering, pharmacy, hospitality and tourism,
determined by the quantity of sleep, but the connection and faculty of agriculture. The researcher used
between the brain and the body in practical terms and motor nonprobability sampling convenience type to asking
activity stops [15]. A person can be said to have a healthy participants to fill out an electronic questionnaire using
or normal sleep pattern characterized by sufficient sleep google form.
time or duration, sleeping at the right time, regular sleep
time, good sleep quality, and without any sleep disturbances 3.2. Participants and Methods
[17]. Based on the definition according to the International
Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3) sleep The research design used in this research is quantitative
deprivation or poorer sleep is a limited sleep pattern that has research with a non-experimental form. Quantitative
lasted at least three months for most days of the week along research is a method used by researchers to test certain
with complaints of daytime sleepiness [33]. theories and is associated with research variables and is
useful for testing hypotheses in order to obtain significant
results between predetermined variables. The form of non-
experimental research was used in this study because
researchers only measured two variables related to

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

individuals without giving treatment. The sampling that the nomophobia variable has a positive relationship and
technique used in this study is convenience sampling which significant with poorer sleep variable. The results of data
is included in the non-probability sampling category. The analysis with Spearman correlation technique, shows from
choice of convenience sampling technique is because the the value r (292) = 0.145) and the value p = 0.013 < 0.05.
researcher can take a sample of anyone the researcher meets The result of the correlation test of the nomophobia and
with the conditions that the participants meet the criteria for poorer sleep variables can be seen in detail and clearly in
study participants. Table 1.
The questionnaire was made in the form of a google form Researchers also tested the correlation between the
due to the COVID-19 pandemic so that it was not possible nomophobia variable and the component of poorer sleep.
for researchers to be able to distribute data offline. The result of the correlation test between nomophobia and
Questionnaires were distributed from November 10, 2020 sleep quality component obtained the value r (292) = 0.139
to December 10, 2020. After the data had been collected, dan p = 0.017 < 0.05. There is a significant and positive
the researcher then transferred the data to the SPSS program relationship between the nomophobia variable and the sleep
to start the data processing. Data that will be entered, quality component. This means that if someone is getting
processed and analyzed are demographic data and answers more nomophobic, the sleep quality of the participants will
from participants. get worse. Next, the correlation test result between
nomophobia variable and sleep latency component obtained
3.3. Research Instrument the value r (292) = 0.073 and p = 0.212 > 0.05. This shows
that there is an insignificant and positive relationship
Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) is a nomophobia between the nomophobia variable and the sleep latency
measuring instrument developed by Yildirim and Correia in component. The correlation test result between nomophobia
2015 [22]. NMP-Q consists of 20 items that fall into 4 variable with sleep duration component obtained the value
dimensions, that is not being able to communicate, losing r (292) = 0.045 dan p = 0.443 > 0.05. This shows that there
connectedness, not being able to access information, and is an insignificant and positive relationship between the
giving up convenience [22]. NMP-Q is answered by using nomophobia variable and the sleep duration component.
a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Next, the correlation test result between nomophobia
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is a poorer sleep variable with habitual sleep efficiency component obtained
measuring instrument developed by Buysse et al., in 1988 the value r (292) = 0.027 dan p = 0.648 > 0.05. This shows
[12]. PSQI is a measure of quality and efficient sleep that there is an insignificant and positive relationship
patterns because it assesses sleep quality on seven between the nomophobia variable and the habitual sleep
components, namely subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, efficiency component.
sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, The correlation test result between nomophobia variable
use of sleeping medication, and daytime dysfunction [16]. with sleep disturbance component obtained the value r
The PSQI consists of 19 questions that are grouped into (292) = 0.190 dan p = 0.001 < 0.05. This shows that there is
seven component scores and each of them is equally an significant and positive relationship between the
weighted on a scale of 0-3 [12]. The total score of the seven nomophobia variable and the sleep disturbance component.
components ranges from 0-21, if the score is higher than the Next, the correlation between nomophobia variable with
range 0-21, it indicates a worse sleep quality [12]. use of sleeping medication component obtained the value r
(292) = 0.077 dan p = 0.192 > 0.05. This shows that there is
an insignificant and positive relationship between the
3.4. Research Results nomophobia variable and the use of sleeping medication
component. Last one, the correlation between nomophobia
Participants gender in this study, the number of female variable with daytime dysfunction component obtained the
participants was n = 292 (78.4%) was more dominant than value r (292) = 0.040 dan p = 0.496 > 0.05. This shows that
male was n = 63 (21.6%). The participant age more there is an insignificant and positive relationship between
dominant was 21 years old (n = 95, 32.5%). College the nomophobia variable and the daytime dysfunction
students that participate in this study mostly from the component.
seventh semester (n = 106, 36.3%) and mostly from faculty The next step was for the researcher to test the correlation
of psychology (n = 72, 24.7%). between poorer sleep and nomophobia dimensions. The
Researcher conducted normality tests to determine the right results of the correlation between poorer sleep and not being
correlation techniques for use in this study. Base on able to communicate dimensions obtained the values r (292)
normality test results using One-Sample Kolmogorov- = 0.124 and p = 0.034 < 0.05. This indicate that there is a
Smirnov. Data distribution on nomophobia variable is not significant and positive relationships between poorer sleep
distributed normally with values (p = .002 < 0.05). Then and not being able to communicate dimensions. Next, the
data distribution on poorer sleep variable is not distributed correlation between poorer sleep and losing connectedness
normally with values (p = 0.000 < 0.05). Based on these dimensions obtained the values r (292) = 0.175 and p =
results, it is known that the significance value is less that 0.003 < 0.05. This indicate that there is a significant and
0.05 which means that the data is not distributed normally. positive relationships between poorer sleep and losing
The results based on correlation test results using connectedness dimensions. The correlation between poorer
Spearman’s Correlation analysis technique, it was obtained sleep and not being able to access information dimensions

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

obtained the values r (292) = 0.065 and p = 0.265 > 0.05. Kruskall-Wallis Test. The results of the difference test
This shows that there is an insignificant and positive between the poorer sleep variable in terms of the
relationship between the poorer sleep variable and the not participant's semester showed the mean rank value in
being able to access information dimension. Last, the semester 1 was 132.19, the mean rank value in semester 3
correlation between poorer sleep and giving up convenience was 149.75, the mean rank value in semester 4 was 241.33.
dimension obtained the values r (292) = 0.103 and p = 0.080 Then in semester 5 it has a mean rank value of 176.46, the
> 0.05. This shows that there is an insignificant and positive mean rank value in semester 6 is 78.50, the mean rank value
relationship between the poorer sleep variable and the in semester 7 is 133.49, the mean rank value in semester 8
giving up convenience dimension. is 95.25, the mean rank value in semester 9 is 185.43, the
mean rank value is semester 10 175.38, and finally the mean
3.5. Additional Data Analysis rank value in semester 10 is 79.00. The value of H = 25.142
and the value of p = 0.003 where the p value is less than
The researcher conducted different tests as additional data 0.05, which means that there is a significant relationship
that aims to complement the results of the study based on between the poorer sleep variable in terms of the participant
demographic data participants, such as gender and semester. semester.
Gender analysis method using Kruskal-Wallis Test. The The results of the different test for the nomophobia variable
results of the different test for the nomophobia variable in in terms of the participant's semester showed the mean rank
terms of the gender of the participants, have a mean rank for value in semester 1 was 127.88, the mean rank value in
men is 136.36 and a mean rank for women 149.29. Then the semester 2 was 148.61, the mean rank value in semester 4
value of H = 1.159 and p = 0.282, this shows that the p result was 110.00, the mean rank value in semester 5 was 153.90,
is greater than 0.05 so that there is no significant difference the mean rank value in semester 6, namely 47.17, the mean
between the nomophobia variable based on the gender of rank value in semester 7 was 159.78, the mean rank value
the participants. Next, The results of the different test for in semester 8 was 116.69, the mean rank value in semester
the poorer sleep variable in terms of the gender of the 9 was 88.43, the mean rank value in semester 10 was
participants, have a mean rank for men is 132.21 and a mean 112.88, and finally the mean rank value in semester 9 was
rank for women 150.43. Then the value of H = 2.332 and p 112.88. 11th semester which is 232.50. The value of H =
= 0.127, this shows that the p result is greater than 0.05 so 17.491 and the value of p = 0.042 where the p value is less
that there is no significant difference between the poorer than 0.05, which means that there is a significant
sleep variable based on the gender of the participants. relationship between the nomophobia variable in terms of
Researchers also performed a difference test between the the participant semester.
poorer sleep variable in terms of semester using the

Table 1 Hypothesis test results for the correlation of nomophobia and poorer sleep variables
Nomophobia and Poorer Sleep
R 0.145
p 0.013

4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS mobile phones for fear of appearing anxious or unable to
reach or use their mobile phones, the individual will
Based on the results of research on the relationship between experience sleep deprivation or lack of sleep. The results of
nomophobia and poorer sleep in college students, it was the study are in accordance with research conducted by
found that the two variables had a significant and positive Farooq et al., [25] that excessive use of mobile phones can
relationship. Thus, if the value of the nomophobia variable provide poor sleep quality and sleep disturbances.
is higher, the value of the poorer sleep variable will also be Most of the students who participated in this study were 229
high. Conversely, if the value of the nomophobic variable women. This shows that the majority of cell phones users
value gets lower, the poorer sleep variable value will also who are excessive and also experience lack of sleep or
be lower. There are several things that affect the relationship poorer sleep are female. Women are more at risk for
between the nomophobia and poorer sleep variables in addiction to cell phones use than men because women use
students, such as the lack of additional data, namely the time relatively more features and applications on mobile phones
to use mobile phones in a day and activities carried out by [18]. There is another study explained that the level of
participants in using mobile phones. The results in this spending time on mobile phones on men is more than
study need to be reexamined to be sure, because of the women [24]. Based on the evidence presented, the
weaknesses in the study that might affect the research differences that occur between men and women are
results. influenced by the style of telephones usage of each
The significant relationship between nomophobia and individual. Women are allegedly using cameras in their
poorer sleep indicates that if individuals use excessive mobile phones more often and communicating with their

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

surroundings to strengthen social interactions, while men questionnaire and the question items and so that the
use mobile phones only to access applications as needed participants who filled out the questionnaire matched the
[27]. criteria required by the researcher.
The researcher also tested the nomophobia and poorer sleep
variables in terms of gender. Based on the results of these 5. CONCLUSIONS
tests, it was found that there was no significant difference in
the nomophobia and poorer sleep variables in terms of Based on the results of research on nomophobia and poorer
gender. This means that the nomophobia variable is not sleep among college students, the final result is there is a
influenced by gender. This is supported by the other significant positive correlation. Thus, if the value of the
research that in this study there was no difference between nomophobia increases, then the value of the poorer sleep
women and men excessive use of cell phones because cell will also increase. If the value of the nomophobia decreases,
phones use was universal and also distributed evenly among then the value of the poorer sleep will also decreases.
college student [3]. In addition to testing the difference
between the nomophobia and poorer sleep variables in
terms of gender, the researcher also conducted a difference
test between the nomophobia and poorer sleep variables in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
terms of the participant semester. The result of the
difference test for the nomophobia variable in terms of the The First author would like to thank Mr. Monty
semester has a value of H = 17.491 and a significance of
0.042 <0.05. This shows that the nomophobia variable in P. Satiadarma and Ms. Linda Wati as the second
terms of the participant's semester has a relationship. The and third author and lecturer. The researcher also
results of the different test for the poorer sleep variable in thanks participants from the university in
terms of the participant semester have a value of H = 25.142 Indonesia. Also, thanks to Universitas
and a significance of 0.003 <0.05. This shows that there is
a significant relationship between the poorer sleep variable
Tarumanagara especially the Faculty of
in terms of the participant semester. In the two tests carried Psychology that gives an opportunity for
out between the nomophobia and poorer sleep variables in researchers. This research is also supporting for
terms of the participant semester, the results showed that my bachelor graduation.
there was a significant relationship between the
nomophobia and poorer sleep variables in terms of the
participant semester. This means that the semester or level
of education being taken affects the score or level of REFERENCES
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