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"Raw" Formula for Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes in

Low Birth-Weight and Premature Babies Derived TypeofArticle:(iJfi$1

Nwate Ledisi

Department ofAnesthesiology, Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital,Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

It is recommended that '~W" Formula be
BACKGROUND used in Calculating Maintenance Fluid
Fluid management of low birth weight Volumes in Low Birth-Weight and
and preterm babies can be challenging, Premature Babies. This is because its
as the determination of maintenance accuracy is validated; having compared
fluid volumes have to be calculated to suit and noted that there is no statistically
the demands of this delicate neonates in significant difference between the tables
order to avoid fluid over-load or constructed from it with the original PSU
dehydration. It is on this background that Sheffield Table.
this study to derive an easy to use formula
for calculating maintenance fluid KEYWORDS
volumes in this category of babies was RAW Formula; Maintenance Fluid
embarked upon, utilizing existing Tables. Volume; Premature; Low Birth Weight
One of the most developed Tables on this Correspondence: Dr L. Nwate
subject matter, the 'Paediatric Surgical Email: [email protected]
Unit Guidelines, Sheffield Children's
Hospital' was selected, re-ordered, INTRODUCTION
subjected to analysis, factorization and Intravenous fluids are given for resuscitation
simplification; in order to derive the to correct pre-existing dehydration and
formula. 7b validate its accuracy the hypovolemic status. As maintenance for
Table was re-constructed using the replacing normal ongoing losses e.g to provide
derived Formula. The derived Table was water, electrolytes and glucose during periods
then compared with the original table. of ill health and starvation, and for
The paired sample T- test, using variation replacement of ongoing abnormal losses due
in days and in weights, did not show any to evaporation from an open wound or via the
statistically significant (p<0.05) humidification of dry inspired gases, bleeding,
difference between the two Tables pyrexia, gastrointestinal and third space
losses (fluid leak into tissues).
From the Table the formula, 20{(R+A)-W}, Among the three reasons only maintenance
ml kg- 1 day- 1 was derived. This fluid is needed on continuous basis; even in the
translates to 20(R+A-W) ml kg- 1 day- 1 or absence of pathology in the individual.
O.B(R+A-W)mlkg- 1 Hr- 1• Where:
R =Rehydration factor (ranging mostly While there is a set of Formulas, referred to as
from 3 to 5), A = the age (in days) of the '4:2:1' rule 2-6 for calculating maintenance fluid
baby, W =premature baby's actual weight. volumes for adults and older children (Table
These three letters constitute the 1)2' 5' there is none for premature and low birth-
acronym, RAW. weight babies.

The Nigerian Health Journal, Vol. 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPagef{i
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

Table 1:SET OF FORMULAS, REFERRED TO AS THE" 4:2:1" RULE peptide (ANP) causing sodium loss, diuresis
For Body weight Give Maintenance fluid rate/volume and weight loss; with the negative sodium and
<10kg 4 ml/kg/hour
10-20kg 40 ml +2 ml/kg/hour
water balance lasting for 2-4 days.
Consequently, an early administration of
>20kg 60 ml +1ml/kg/hour
sodium would inhibit postnatal adaptation
Premature 7 birth is defined either as preterm and delay the reduction of the ECF.It has also
birth or the birth of a baby before the been shown from such studies 16' 17 that Preterm
developing organs are mature enough to allow kidneys have lower Glomerular Filtration
normal postnatal survivaL In humans Rates ( GFRs), and fewer ion transporters; and
preterm birth (Latin: partuspraetemporaneus therefore, have less ability to both excrete and
or partuspraematurus) is the birth of a baby of reabsorb sodium and water.
less than 37 weeks gestational age8·9 •
Trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL); the
There are sub-categories8 of preterm birth , continuous passive diffusion of water through
based on gestational age (GA): Extremely the stratum corneum18 is known to decrease
Preterm , referring to those less than 28 weeks with rising gestation and increasing postnatal
GA; Very Preterm, for those between 28 and age. TEWL alone can be as high as 140ml/kg/d
32 weeks; and Moderate to Late Preterm, for during the first few days oflife in a 24-26 week
those between 32 to 37 weeks. Preterm birth is neonate. Nursing an infant in a humid
the second largest direct cause of child deaths environment reduces TEWL, and a reduction
in children younger than 5 years9· from 140ml/kg/d to less than 40ml/kg/d can be
achieved by keeping the incubator humidity at
Excess fluid administration in the very low 90%.
birth weight infant has been associated with
patent ductus arteriosis and congestive heart The recommendation from studies for the
failure, intraventricular hemorrhage, maintenance of fluid state that in prescribing19
necrotizing enterocolitis and fluids one should usually start at 80-
bronchopulmonary dysplasia10 • On the other lOOml/kg/day, and increase progressively to a
hand, infants and children are sensitive to target of 180ml/kg/day. It is however expected
small degrees of dehydration11 .A lot ofwork/2. that adjustments should be made according to
therefore, had been done in order to estimate clinical and laboratory findings. For example,
correct maintenance fluid requirement for clinical peripheral oedema may signify fluid
preterm infants. Such studies include those on overload while reduced skin turgor would
body fluid compartments 16' 17 ; on changes signify dehydration. The latter, however, is
during transition from intra -uterine to extra- usually a late sign in the neonate. In addition
uterine life, environmental humidity and its rapid weight changes would suggest water loss
effect on daily insensible loses. The result of or gain. Urine output, if excessive, may inform
such studies had shown that many factors do one of the needs to consider giving more fluid.
influence fluid balance in preterm babies. Reduced urine output, on the other hand may
Such studies also showed that, unlike in signify either dehydration or poor renal
adults, extra-cellular fluid (ECF) constitutes a function. These two conditions require
large proportion of the fetal body composition; different fluid prescriptions, so urine output
and reduces abruptly soon after birth, causing should not be considered in isolation. Changes
weight loss. In addition, it also showed that, in in Serum Sodium levels may signify water loss
utero, the pulmonary vascular resistance or gain or sodium loss or gain. Hypernatremia
(PVR) is high; but that at birth lung expansion in the first few days is usually caused by
causes a drop in PVR, allowing an increase in dehydration. In management of fluid balance
pulmonary blood flow. Increased blood flow in neonate U &E's may need to be measured 8-
from the lungs then stretches the left atrium 12 hourly initially.
and stimulates secretion of atrial natriuretic

The Nigerian Health Journal, Vol. 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPageffj
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

The delicate balance in the maintenance of Hospital, Starship Medical Center, Scott
water and electrolyte in neonates especially Mosses Family Practice Notebook and protocol
preterm babies indicate that fluid on same topic from All India Institute of
maintenance in this age group has to be guided Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Division of
by the dynamics of the peculiar physiology of Neonatology, Department ofPediatrics.
fluid and electrolyte balance in the age group.
Table 4: Starship Hospital (sur 'cal or medical services [ml/kg/day]
This makes guideline and tools which guide Day Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7+
fluid prescription in the group of patients very 0-1
<37 60 75 90 105 120 150 180
useful. It is in line with these objectives that weeks
the outcome of some studies 15-18resulted in the 37 60 75 90 105 120 120 150
table (Table 2) 2 ' 5 ' 12 - 15 which guides the weeks+
prescription of maintenance fluid in preterm Table 5:Scott Moses MD Family Practice Notebook 2012
and low birth weight babies. It should be noted
that this table serves as a guide and individual
Weight <1000 grams
Adjust fluid
Weight >1250 grams
Day 1-2:90

clinical assessment is always important in

requirements for
insensible water loss .
Day 3-15: 120
making clinical decisions.
Fluid requirements
may range up to 200 .
Day>15: 130
ml/kg/day ml/kg!day
Total Volume (ml/kg/day)
Total Volume ( ml/kg/day) .
Weight >750 grams
Day 1-2: 105
Weight >1500 grams
Day 1-2:80
90 . ml/kg/day
Day 3-15: 140 .
Day 3-15: 110
Day>15: 150 .
Day>15: 130
5 170 150 ml/kg/day ml/kg!day
6+ 180 160
Weight >1000 grams
Day 1-2: 100
A more comprehensive Table dealing with this
subject matter is that of Sheffield Children's
. ml/kg/day
Day 3-15: 130
Hospital( Table 3)1'2 • Day >15: 140
Table 3:Paediatric Surgical Unit Guidelines, Sheffield Children's Hospital
Weight/age < 1.0 kg 1.0 -1.5Kg 1.5-2 Kg >2.0kg The method involved studying and noting the
Requirement ml/kg/day similarities within all the available Tables.
Day1 100-120 80-100 60-80 40-60 Similarities noted on the Tables were that the
Day2 120-150 110-130 90-110 60-90 volumes of required maintenance fluid
Day3 150-170 140-160 120-140 80-100
Day4 180-200 160-180 140-160 100-120
depended on the age and the weight. .
Day5 and 150-180
180-200 170-200 120-150
after Again the study included noting the
A closer look at existing Tables reveals a differences between the available Tables. The
predictable relationship between the stated latter study revealed that, though the
Fluid Volumes, the Age and the weight of these maintenance fluid volumes for babies of the
babies. This granted the conviction that same weight from the different Tables I
formula derivation from them is a possibility. institutions were not exactly the same, they
The desire to derive a Formula for calculating were not too different from one another. Those
maintenance fluid volumes in neonates /low institutions that their volumes differed much
birth-weight and I premature babies (in place from the others were noticed, rather, to be
of Tables) therefore became the driving force utilizing what is termed Restricted Fluid
behind this work. regimen20 •

METHOD It was also noted that some Centers/

Tables used In different institutions, as Institutions were utilizing what would be
published in different papers and relevant regarded as part of a more comprehensive
articles, were studied.( Tables 2-5). Among table. For example, Starship Hospital's Table
them were those from Sheffield Children's could be seen as reflecting itself on Sheffield

The Nigerian Health Journal, Vol. 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPagefjj
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

Hospital's Table in the column under> 2 kg. A laid in the value ofK. The higher the value of
closer look at Scott Moses, Family Practice K ( towards 5) the more liberal the fluid
Notebook tables indicated that (between Days regimen; and the smaller the value of K (
1 to 5) these tables in most instances, utilized towards 0 ), the more restricted the regimen.
volumes that were used in the Sheffield table. The constant was therefore named Hydration/
Rehydration (R)factor. The formula now took
Having gone through these Tables I Protocols, the form, 20(R+A-W) ml/kg/day.
Pediatrics Surgical Unit Guidelines of
Sheffield Children's Hospital was seen to To get an hourly maintenance fluid volume,
be(one of) the most developed on this subject the fluid volume per day had to be divided by
matter. Consequently it was selected and 24. The Formula therefore has its hourly
subjected to analysis, factorization and equivalent/version written as 20/24(R+A-W)
simplification until the Formula was derived. ml/kg/hr. or 0.8(R+A-W) ml/kg/hr.
The derived Formula was thereafter used to
reconstruct a new Table for validation of the Re-construction of the Table using the derived
formula. Formula. Re-constructing the Table using the
derived Formula, Table 6 was obtained.
RESULTS Table 6: By Formula 20(R+A -W) ml kg- 1Day-1
The initial Formula derived, using Sheffield's Weight/ 0-1.0 Kg l.0-1.5Kg 1.5 -2.0kg 3>2kg-
Table was 20{(5+A) -N}; where A is the baby's Age 0-1.0 kg l.0-1.5kg 1.5-2.0kg (3-4kg)
Weight/Age g
age in Days; and N, the Nominal weight of the
Fluid requirement ml/kg/day
baby. N was assigned to the baby, based on Day1 120-100 100-90 90-80 60-40
weight range into which the baby's weight fell. Day2 140-120 120-110 110-100 80-60
Day3 160-140 140-130 130-120 100-80
Day4 180-160 160-150 150-140 120-100
Soon after this derivation it was discovered Day5 200-180 180-170 170-160 140-120
that the actual weight of the baby (W) could be
used in place of the nominal weight (N) One important feature noticed on the
without any significant difference in results. reconstructed table (Table 6)was that the fluid
Consequently, the Formula was re-written as volumes were automatically displayed in a
20{(5+A) -W}ml/kg/day. descending order. It clearly revealed the fact
that the lighter or more premature a baby is,
The figure, 5, in the Formula was seen to be a the more the maintenance fluid requirement
constant. At this stage the formula was re- would be. The Table obtained through the
written as 20{(K+A) -W}ml/kg/day; where K is Formula, therefore depicted a more natural
the constant. tendency with regards to maintenance fluid
requirement in this category ofbabies.
Following the rule of BonMAS21in mathematics,
the formula was further modified to 20(K+A The reconstituted table also showed that the
-W) ml/kg/day. babies who were meant to be> 2.0 kg in the
original table (Table 3)were precisely those
Quantitatively reasoning, it became clear that weighing between 3-4kg.
in any particular baby (with known/fixed
weight and age) any unit decrease in value of Reconciliation/Harmonization of the
the Constant, K, would reduce the required Tables.
maintenance volume of fluid by 20mls.Since While the original Table shows the fluid
those Institutions using Restricted fluid volumes displayed in an ascending order, the
Regimens utilized fluid volumes that were fluid volumes on the reconstructed Table
less (than those used in Sheffield) by multiples (using the Formula) naturally got displayed in
of 20mls it became evident that the difference the descending order. Table 7 shows fluid
between Liberal and Restricted fluid regimens volumes from original (Table 3) compared/

The Nigerian Health Journal, Vol. 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPagef}l
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

apposed with those from Table 6 ; the latter in from the formula).For example, the allowable
parenthesis. Table 7 was therefore regarded as fluid volume forday-1 babies is 40 to 120
un-harmonized. ml/kg/day; and for day-2 is 60 to 150 ml/kg/day.
Table 7: Fluid volumes from original (Table 3) compared/ apposed with those Computing the figures on Table 9, between A
from Table 6 (in parenthesis)· un-harmonized and B also revealed that there was no
Weight/ 0-l.OKg l.0-1.5Kg 1.5 -2.0kg 3->2kg
Age 0-1.0 kg l.0-1.5kg 1.5-2.0kg 4.0Kg statistically significant difference between
Weight/Age [3-4]kg
Fluid reauirement ml/kg/day
Day1 100-120 80-100 60-80 40-60 TABLE 9:Fluid Range on each Day
[120-100] [100-90] [90-80] [60-40]
Day2 120-150 110-130 [90-110] 60-90 A B
[140-120] [120-110] 110-100 [80-60] DAY From Sheffield [Volume In From Formula[Volume In
Day3 150-170 140-160 120-140 80-100
ml/kg/day] I ml/kg/dayl
[160-140] [140-130] [130-120] [100-80]
Day4 180-200 160-180 140-160 100-120 <1.0 kg >2.0kg <1.0 kg >2.0 kg [3-4kg]
[180-160] [160-150] [150-140 l [120-100] 1 120 40 120 40
Day5 180-200 170-200 150-180 120-150
[200-180] [180-170] [170-160] [140-120] 2 150 60 140 60
To enable an easier visual comparison between 4 170 80 160 80
4 200 100 180 100
fluid volumes from the two sources on Table 7, 200 120 200 120
the display has to be in the same order : either
in the ascending or in the descending order. The validity of the derived formula was also
Table 8 became the outcome of displaying demonstrated by comparing the maintenance
Table 7 in the same (descending) order. Table 8 volume requirements per hour ( as reflected on
is therefore called harmonized. Sheffield's Easy conversion Table1 (Table 10)
Table 8: Fluid volumes from original /Sheffield Table and those from the with those obtained using the Formula (
Formula (in parenthesis) were arranged in the same descending order: Table11)
Weight/Age I o-1.0 kg l.0-1.5kg 1.5-2.0kg >2[3-4]kg
Table 10: EASY CONVERSION TABLE - Sheffield's
Fluid reQuirement ml!kg/day ml/kg/day ml/kg/hr.
Day1 120-100 100-80 80-60 60-40
[120-100] [100-90] [90-80] [60-40]
40 1.7
Day2 150-120 130-110 [110-90] 90-60 60 2.5
[140-120] [120-110] 110-100 [80-60]
Day3 170-150 160-140 140-120 100-80 80 3.3
[160-140] [140-130] [130-120] [100-80] 90 3.5
Day4 200-180 180-160 160-140 120-100
[180-160] [160-150] [150-140 l [120-100] 100 4
Day5 200-180 200-170 180-150 150-120 120 5
[200-180] [180-170] [170-160] [140-120]
150 6
Validating the formula: The paired sample T- 180 7.5
test using variation in days and in weights was
applied to test for significance and validity. No
statistically significant (p<0.05) difference Again, there was no statistically significant
was found between the Original (Table 3) and difference between the volumes in ml/kg/hr. on
the Reconstructed (Table 6). This test of Tables 10 and 11.
significance was also done by using the TABLE 11: Volume In milk [!hr. using the RAW Formula
harmonized Table 12; computing and
R AGE WT 0.8(R+A-W) 20(R+A-W) mllkg/day.
comparing the 'ranges without parenthesis'
with those 'within parenthesis'.
4 1 3 => 1.6 40
Another way of demonstrating the validity of 4 2 3 => 2.4 60
the derived Formula was by comparing the 4 3 3 => 3.2 80
Fluid Range that is allowable based on the 4 4 3.5 => 3.6 90
baby's Age (in Days) on the original (Table 3) 4 5 4 => 4.0 100
with that obtainable using the Formula (Table 4 6 4 => 4.2 120
6). Table 9 shows the allowable fluid volumes 4 7 3.5 => 6.0 140
for each day of life (A -from Sheffield, and B- 4 8 3 => 7.2 180

The Nigerian Health Journal, Vol. 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPagef}:i
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

Table 12 is Tables 10 and Table11 constructed Again, if a set of formulas, referred to as the "
as one. 4:2:1" rule 1 exist for Adults and older children,
then there is a more pertinent reason why
Table 12: Hourly maintenance volume requirements, compared.
Age Those from Sheffield's Easy Conversion Table compared
there should be one for the newborn I
with those using the derived Formula (in parenthesis) premature /low birth-weight babies . The
1 1.7(1.6) existing "4-2-1" formula ,unfortunately, could
2 2.5 (2.4) not be extended to neonates/premature/ low
3 3.3(3.2 birth weight babies .This is because the latter
4 3.5(3.6)
has a higher maintenance fluid requirement
6 5 (4.2) per kilogram body- weight; the explanation
7 6(6.0) being that they are born physiologically
8 7.5(7.2) "waterlogged"; only to lose this much fluid over
the first week of life. They are also known to
DISCUSSION have a larger surface area to weight ratio1; so
A formula is a special type of equation22 that that they tend to lose more fluids by
shows the relationship between different evaporation.
variables. A variable is a symbol like x or v that
stands in for a number we don't know yet. It is Useful findings with the formula
a concise way of expressing information One striking finding revealed by the Formula
symbolically as in a mathematical or chemical was that the heavier the baby the lesser the
formula. The plural of formula can be spelled amount of Maintenance fluid Volume
either as formulas or formulae 23 (from the required. With it became possible to prove that
original Latin).Generally formulas are written Volumes of fluids for babies weighing 2-3kg
as single-line equations and are constituted of cannot be the same with those weighing 3-4kg
symbols. There is need to contribute this fact: Another finding, revealed by this formula, was
that while an equation shows a relationship that the weight of this category of babies
between variables, a mathematical Formula cannot exceed 4kg. This is because 40mls,
is an equation constituted to solve a problem; being the least amount of maintenance fluid
and this is what makes it special as an volume allowable, corresponds to the greatest
equation. The benefit of using formulas is that weight of any newborn baby on these Tables.
most times they are less bulky and therefore And the greatest weight as revealed through
easier (than Tables) to commit to memory. the Formula is 4 kg.
Because they do not give answers in ranges,
results from them are usually more specific; Another useful finding was that the formula,
which implies a higher degree of accuracy. unlike the Tables, was found to be far easier to
Based on these reasons they are more recall/remember.
preferred to Tables in the sciences, and are
also more acceptable as research tools. The Yet another striking finding was the existence
derived RAW formula produced from this of the Rehydration factor within this formula.
study has these qualities. This factor tells by how much a baby is loaded
with fluid i.e. hydrated/ rehydrated. Those
It is no gainsaying that accuracy is very much institutions that are more liberal in giving
needed in calculating fluid volumes for maintenance fluid volumes are discovered to
neonates, particularly the premature /low have been inadvertently using a high
birth-weight babies. Without digging deep into rehydration factor; of about 5. On the other
physiology, it is glaringly clear that their small hand, those institutions that have been using
sizes make them more vulnerable to fluid restricted fluid regimens are discovered to
overload. This implies that utilizing Tables have been using lower values rehydration
(that permit the use of fluids in ranges) might factors; about 2,3 or 4.
not be the best.

The Nigerian Health Journal, Vol. 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPagef}i
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

The Rehydration factor that had been used by hourly basis will be 0.8(R+A-W) ml -1kg -1Hr-1=
an institution/ Center can be determined by a 0.8( 5+3-3) ml-1kg-1Hr-1= 4 ml-1kg -1Hr-1.
mathematical analysis of the Centre's Table.
Since each institution tends to claim that its Question 2: What will be the maintenance
protocol was designed after evidence -based fluid requirement for 2-day-old 1.8 kg
practice, the value ofR differing from center to premature baby? [ Given, that your center
center, implies that the value of R can be uses a rehydration factor of 5]
correct within a certain range. The numerous
elements: TEWL, Humidity, availability of Answer: Using the formula 20(R+A-W) ml kg-1
incubators etc. of course, will likely influence day-1 the volume will be 20(5+2-1.8) ml kg-1
the choice I value ofR. For example, in certain day-1=104 ml kg-1day-1
developing countries within the tropics where
facilities may be inadequate, a high value of R The required volume on hourly basis will be
would be needed to compensate for a high 0.8(R+A-W) mr1kg-1Hr-1= 0.8(5+2-1.8) mr1kg-1
TEWL; latter to be reduced during the humid H r-1-
-4 2 l-1k g
.m -1Hr -.1
rainy season. It is not surprising, therefore,
that Sheffield used to review its protocols It should be noted that the guiding principles
/Tables periodically (1). With the existence of with regards to selection of intravenous fluid-
the Formula such reviews, with regards to type and administration of electrolytes are
maintenance fluid volumes, will simply still the same as when the Tables are used;
involve adjusting the rehydration factor (R), frequent clinical and laboratory monitoring
having considered the contributory elements. being essential. With regards to electrolytes
these protocols recommend that Sodium and
It can be noted that whereas the original/ potassium should be added to iv fluids after 48
Sheffield's Table revealed a rehydration hours of post natal life; each in a dose of 2 to 3
factor of 5 as shown in the derived formula, meq/kg/day. Calcium in a dose of 4ml/kg/day
certain picked-out volumes on their Easy [40mg/kg/day]16.
Conversion Table revealed a rehydration
factor of 4 (Table 11). The implication of this is Usefulness of the formula
still to inform us that rehydration factor has a The RAW Formula can be used to calculate
value that falls within a range. So it can be said correct maintenance fluid volumes for preterm
that the rehydration factor used in Sheffield babies. It can also be used to assess the
revolved around 4 and 5. adequacy, or otherwise, of prescribed
maintenance fluid volumes in a particular
Examples on how to calculate center. Having known their own approved
maintenance fluid volumes, using the rehydration factor, a prescribed maintenance
formula. volume can be assessed to be correct or wrong
Having derived the RAW formula, can it be by simply using the formula.
used in calculating fluid volumes without
referring to Tables? Yes. How? The following Again the formula is useful in every Centre,
questions will illustrate. whether such a Center uses Liberal Fluid or
Fluid Restriction regimen. Centers using
Question 1: What will be the maintenance Liberal fluid regimen are those centers with a
fluid requirement for 3-day-old 3 kg baby that rehydration factor of 5 ( or slightly less ) ;
was delivered pre-term? [Given, that your while with restricted fluid regimen those
center uses a rehydration factor of 5] using rehydration factors less than 5 (by a unit
or more).
Answer: Using the formula 20(R+A-W) ml kg-1
day-1 the volume will be 20(5+3-3) ml kg-1 day- Given the age (A), weight (W) and the
1=100 ml kg-1 day-1 . The required volume on maintenance fluid volume (V) that a center

The Nigerian Health Journal, VoL 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPagefi•J
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

uses, the rehydration (R) factor for that center

can be known. This is because, since V = 20( For a term baby, e.g., a day-5 term baby
R+A-W), then R must be 0.05V-A+W. weighing 4kg, the fluid requirement should lie
within the range from 0.8 (3+5-1) ml/kg/hr.,
The formula is also useful in allowing which is 5.6 ml/kg/hr. to 0.8 (4 +5-1)ml/kg/hr.,
comparative studies of fluid volumes which is 6.4ml/kg/hr. So with this formula, the
administered to preterm babies in different AIIMS-ICU protocol is being proven to be
centers. For example, the Fluid volume used in similar to that of Sheffield. Without this
Starship Hospital (Table 12-1) for all their Formula it looked as if these two institutions
babies are noticed to be recommended to only were using dissimilar protocols.
neonates weighing more than 2.0kg in
Sheffield. Such volumes were not used for The above discussion has also indicated that
babies weighing less than 2kg in Sheffield. The this Formula can be useful for the calculation
formula also supports the fact that such of maintenance fluid volumes in term babies,
volumes are for babies above 2kg (Table 12 III so far as they are weighing less than 4kg.
&IV). Remember that for term babies the value of
the rehydration factor should be lower (by a
TABLE 12:The Fonnula: usable by both advocates of Fluid Restriction
and Liberal Fluid dvin~ recimens.
unit or two ). That is, instead of using 5 as the
I II III IV rehydration factor, a lower value between 2 or
Starship's Sheffield's Fonnula Fonnula
[ > 2.0kg] 20(R+A-W) 20(R+A-W)
R=3.5 to 4.5, R=5,
Wt.=2.5Kg Wt.=3-4Kg Again, there is an anticipated usefulness of
Day1 60 40-60 60-40 60-40
Dav2 75 60-90 80-60 90-60 this formula for research purposes; the specific
Day3 90 80-100 100-80 100-80 and quotable value of R becoming
Day4 105 100-120 120-100 120-100
Day5 120 120-150 140-120 140-120
instrumental to this. This is because a Center
can quote by which value of R the research on
Another example can be taken from the All maintenance fluid volume was conducted.
Indian Institute of Medical Sciences intensive
care (AIIMS -ICU) protocol. In this protocol it CONCLUSIONS
was concluded that normal maintenance fluid It is recommended that 'RAW' Formula, 20
required for new born son the first day would (R+A-W) ml kg?- 1 day?-1 or 0.8(R+A-W) ml ?-1 kg
range from 2.5 to 3.5 ml/kg/hr; that this ?-1 Hr?-\ be used in Calculating Maintenance
volume would increase to 5 - 6 ml/kg I hr. by the Fluid Volumes in Low Birth-Weight and
end of the first week; and to 7 -8 ml/kg /hr. Premature Babies. This is because its
thereafter24. accuracy had been validated; having compared
and noted that there is no statistically
Using the RAW formula a 3kg preterm baby on significant difference between the Table
day-1 will need 0.8 (5+1-3) ml/kg/hr. = constructed from it with the original Table.
2.4ml/kg/hr. For a 5-day old preterm baby Among other advantages, it was discovered
weighing 3kg the formula gives a volume of that Advocates of different Fluid Regimens
0.8(5+5-3) = 5.6 ml/kg/hr. Per day the latter can use it.
comes up to 20(5+5-3)=140ml/kg/day; which
corresponds to what Sheffield uses (Table 3). It should, however, be understood that the
guiding principles with regards to selection of
For a term baby the rehydration factor used intravenous fluid-type and administration of
should be lower; as low as 3 or 4. That means electrolytes to this category of babies are still
the volume required for a 3kg term baby on the same as when the Tables are being used .
day-1 will lie within a range spanning from
0.8 (3 +1-1)ml/kg/hr., which is 2.4 ml/kg/hr. to
0.8(4+1-1)ml/kg/hr., which is 3.2 ml/kg/hr.

The Nigerian Health Journal, Vol. 15, No 1, January- March, 2015 IPagefil
"RAW" Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight And Premature Babies- Nwate L.

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