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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Health Hazards

of Mobile Phone Users among the Junior College
Nilesh Pendse1, Tukaram Zagade2
M.Sc. Nursing, Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences Karad, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences, Krishna Institute of Médical Sciences University, Karad-415539

Abstract: Background: The mobile phone is a modern-day invention, which has managed to reach many parts of the world enabling
telecommunications across areas where it was not possible before. In the year 2000, there were an estimated 500 million mobile phone
users worldwide. Today, there is about 3.3 billion users.5The use of mobile phones among young children and adolescents are also
increasing dramatically. Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding health hazards of mobile phone among junior college students.
To assess the attitude regarding health hazards of mobile phone among junior college student. To find out the association between
knowledge and attitude regarding health hazards of mobile phone use with selected demographic variables. Methods/Approach: The
research approach adopted for present research is explorative research aimed assessing the knowledge and attitude regarding health
hazards of mobile phone users on health among the junior college students. The research design used for this study is Descriptive survey
research design. This study was one phase where data collected by survey method to assess knowledge and attitude of junior college
students regarding health hazards of mobile phone use. Results: Knowledge score regarding physical health hazards of mobile phone
majority of students were having average knowledge i.e.26 (65%) arts, 32(80%) commerce, & 28(70%) science. For knowledge score
regarding psychological health hazards of mobile phone majority of students were having poor knowledge i.e.35 (88%) arts, 24(60%)
commerce& 21(53%) science .Whereas 24(60%) arts, 26(65%) commerce & 29(73%) science, were having average knowledge regarding
physical &psychological health hazards of mobile phone use.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Junior College, Students, Mobile Phone

1. Introduction station; in turn this is linked to the telephone network which

is the largest machine on the planet [3].
Health is a common theme in most culture. In fact all the
communities have their concept of health as part of their The mobile phone is a modern-day invention, which has
culture. Among definitions still used, probably the oldest is managed to reach many parts of the world enabling
that health is the “absence of disease”. In some cultures telecommunications across areas where it was not possible
health and harmony are considered equivalent, harmony before. In the year 2000, there were an estimated 500 million
being defined as “being at peace with the self, the mobile phone users worldwide. Today, there is about 3.3
community, god and cosmos”. The ancient Indians and billion users [4]. The use of mobile phones among young
Greeks shared this concept and attributed disease to children and adolescents is also increasing dramatically. It is
disturbance in bodily equilibrium and what they called an intended need which is necessary to increase the
“humors”. WHO has defined “Health is a state of complete awareness of the negative effects of excessive phone use on
physical and mental and social well being and not merely an their sleep wake patterns, with serious health risks, as well as
absence of disease or infirmity” In recent years we have attention and cognitive problems. Hence it requires the
acquired a new philosophy of health and it includes health as assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding the hazards
a fundamental human right of each individual which of mobile phones as they use this very frequently.
includes the children, the adolescent, the adults and the
elderly of the society [1]. 2.Literature Survey
Learning is the addition of new knowledge and experience A survey conducted among randomly selected university
interpreted in the light of past knowledge and experience. students concluded that about 70% complaints of headache
Teaching and learning is an integral part of nursing. Nurses and 20% of dizziness. Impaired concentration occurred in
have the responsibility to educate patients related to various 56% of respondents, and 11% reported facial dermatitis [6].
aspects and keep themselves updated. Various teaching Shinde .M (2014) concluded in their study that in new Era of
strategies are used to increase knowledge, such as lecturing, technology addictively using Internet is harmful for mental
demonstration, discussion and self-education. These methods health. As we know there is no health without mental health
of self-education has an advantage over the others as the so we must take necessary steps to prevent people from this
learner can educate himself at his own pace and it also kind of addiction. Using Internet is common in daily life and
stresses on rereading [2]. it makes life easier and knowledgeful, if used systematically.
So a systematic approach of using internet must be adopted
Communication is essential in every area of life. The cellular to avoid this addiction [5].
telephone system is a way of providing portable telephone
services. Each phone is connected by a radio link to a base
Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Paper ID: 020131856
www.ijsr.net 554
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
An explorative study conducted in Sweden to evaluate brain 34% have their own cell phones for more than 2 years while
tumor risk among long term users of cell phones. The results 64% of the respondents had purchased in the years 2003-
showed that 16 cases of the 11 gave a result of ≥10years 04[14]. A result of the descriptive study revealed that
mobile user latency period. An association with acoustic prevalence of 5% for electromagnetic hypersensitivity and
neuroma was found in four studies in the group with at least the common health complaints of sleep disorders (43%) and
10 years use of mobile phone. The tumor size was headaches (34%) which were mostly attributed to power
significantly larger among the users. Six studies gave results lines and mobile phone handset.53% were worried about
for malignant brain tumors in that latency group. In a meta adverse health effects from electromagnetic frequency
analysis, ipsilateral cell phone use accounted for acoustic without attributing their own health symptoms [15].
neuroma OR=2.4(95%CI 1.1 to 5.3) and OR=2.0(1.2 to 3.4)
for glioma using a tumors latency period of ≥ 10.The study A study was conducted to investigate the effect of drivers
concluded that, on use of mobile phone for ≥ 10 years a use of mobile phones on road safety.Risk was raised
consistent pattern of increased risk for acoustic neuroma and irrespective of whether or not a hands-free device was used
glioma was seen[8]. .Increased risk was similar in men and women and in drivers
aged >or=30 and <30 years[16]
A study was conducted in Italy to identify blood pressure
variation in human volunteers exposed to a conventional 3.Literature Related to Psychological Health
GSM (global system of mobile phone communication) Hazards of Mobile Phone Use
digital mobile phone positioned close to the right side of the
head. After 35 minutes of exposure, heart rate, blood Prospective associations have been found between high use
pressure, capillary perfusion was measured with the of information and communication technology (ICT- both
substance either supine or standing for 60 sec. They found computers and mobile phones) and reported mental
that the heart rate during these tests was slightly lower after symptoms among young adult university students. Our aim
exposure to radiation than following non exposed control was to explore possible explanations for associations
sessions. The results revealed that both systolic and diastolic between high ICT use and symptoms of depression, sleep
blood pressure was elevated by 5-10 mm of mercury [9]. disorders, and stress among young adults We conducted a
qualitative interview study with 16 women and 16 men (21-
A recent cross sectional study of a community in Singapore 28 years), Consequences included mental overload, neglect
indicated that, radiation from cell phones harms cells and of other activities and personal needs, time pressure, role
further that males who carry cell phones near their groin conflicts, guilt feelings, social isolation, physical symptoms,
region may have up to a 30% reduction in fertility rates. The worry about electromagnetic radiation, and economic
result found that there was more DNA damage in the problems. Qualitative aspects (destructive communication
exposed sperm than in sperm in the control group [10]. A and information) were also reported, with consequences
cross sectional community study conducted in Singapore to including vulnerability, misunderstandings, altered values,
determine the prevalence of specific central nervous system and feelings of inadequacy. User problems were a source of
symptoms. A total of 808 were participated. The result
frustration [17].
showed that the prevalence of hand phone users was 44.8%,
head ache was most prevalent symptoms among hand phone
users compared to non users. Prevalence of headache was Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is emitted from
reduced by more than 20% among those who used hand-free electromagnetic fields that surround power lines, household
[11]. appliances and mobile phones. Research has shown that
there are connections between EMR exposure and cancer
A descriptive study showed that an association between the and also that exposure to EMR may result in structural
use of mobile phones and health hazards are headache damage to neurons. The authors demonstrated the presence
(21.6%), fatigue (3%) and dizziness 2.4%) and it concluded of strongly stained areas in the brains of rats that were
that use of mobile phones for long time is at risk factor for exposed to mobile phone EMR. These darker neurons were
health hazards[12]. particularly prevalent in the hippocampus area of the brain.
The aim of our study was to further investigate the effects of
Professor Leif Salford and co-workers at Lund University in EMR. Since the hippocampus is involved in learning and
Sweden (2003) found that the microwave oven exposure was memory and emotional states, we hypothesized that EMR
associated with the leakage of albumin through the blood- will have a negative impact on the subject's mood and ability
brain barrier and neurons. The researchers cautioned “we to learn. These findings suggested that EMR exposure may
cannot exclude that after some decades of often daily use, a lead to abnormal brain functioning [18].
whole generation of users may suffer negative effects as
early as middle age. We can see reduced brain reserve These Research findings indicate that the use of mobile
capacity, meaning those who might normally have got phones may lead to a number of symptoms such as
Alzheimer’s dementia in old age could get it much earlier headache, impaired concentration and memory, and also
[13]. fatigue. The questionnaire was designed specifically for this
study and contained items regarding health condition and
A descriptive study suggests that, this technology may in- health complaints as well as the frequency of MP use. The
fact be of importance to teenager’s sexual socialization [22]. response rate was 76.92% of the students carried one mobile
A survey was conducted in shows that, out of the total 165 and 23.08% more than one. 55.94%, of the subjects reported
respondents 58% were male and balance 42% were female. the average daily MP use of less than 30 min, 27.97%, of 30-

Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014

Paper ID: 020131856
www.ijsr.net 555
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
60 min, 11.53%, of 60-90 min and 4.54% of more than 90 Research Approach
min. 16.08% of the subjects complained of headache and
24.48% of fatigue. Impaired concentration was reported by The research approach adopted for present research is
34.27% of respondents, memory disturbances by 40.56%, explorative research approach because the present study
and sleeplessness by 38.8%, hearing problems by 23.07%, aimed at assessing the knowledge and attitude regarding
and facial dermatitis by 16.78%. The sensation of warmth health hazards of mobile phone users on health among the
within the auricle and behind/around the ear was reported by junior college students.
28.32% [19].
Research Design
A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate mobile
phone dependence among 200 students of a medical college, The research design used for this study is Descriptive survey
age group of 17 to 28 by using pre-designed questionnaire research design. This study is one phase study where data is
method. Systemic Random Sampling was used to select collected by survey method to assess knowledge and attitude
samples. The study results showed that 18.5% were of junior college students regarding health hazards of mobile
monophobias or mobile phone dependent students.73% of phone use.
students keeps their mobile phones for 24hrs a day. Forty
four percentage students spend Rs.250-500 per month for Independent Variable-The independent variable is the use
their mobile recharge. The study concluded that mobile of mobile phones among the junior college students.
phone dependence is an emerging problem of modern era Dependent Variable-The dependent variable is health
[20]. hazards due to use of mobile phone among the junior college
A Prospective cohort study was conducted to investigate the
association between psycho-social aspect of mobile phone  Ethical Clearance-The study was approved by the
use and mental health symptoms among 10,000 men and Institutional Ethical committee of the Krishna Institute of
women each in the age group of 20 - 24 by using a Medical Sciences Deemed University, Karad Maharashtra,
questionnaire method. The Results showed that 22% of the before the commencement of the study.
men and 24%of the women having high use (11 or more  Setting of the Study.-The study was conducted in
calls or SMS per day); 23% of the men and 34% of the Sadguru Gadage Maharaj College; Karad. Study was
women indicated sleep disturbances. The study concluded carried out on the junior college students of Sadguru
that there is an association between psycho-social aspect of Gadage Maharaj College Karad, Maharashtra from
mobile phone use and mental health symptoms [21]. October 1st to 31st 2013.
 Population-In this study, the population consisted of
A survey was conducted regarding the impact of cell phone junior college students from Sadguru Gadage Maharaj
use on social networking and development among 501 College, Karad.
college students by using questionnaire method. The study  Sampling Technique-The present study, junior college
results showed that 99% owned cell phones and nearly 90% students from Sadguru Gadage Maharaj College Karad
have had cell phones for more than three years. Excessive were selected by uncontrolled stratified random sampling
internet use, along with pathological gambling and addictive technique by the investigator.
disorder, health risk from cell phone radiation and cell phone  Sample Size-total 120 samples (40 in each faculty) from
dependency are the major social impacts found in teenagers. Sadguru Gadage Maharaj College. The sample consisted
The study concluded that there is a negative impact of cell from Arts, Commerce, Science junior college students
phone use on social networking among adolescents [22]. who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study.
Over usage of mobile phones leads to physiological health Inclusion Criteria
hazards like headaches, ear aches, warmth sensation, fatigue  Junior college students those who are willing to participate
and musculoskeletal symptoms. Apart from the various in the study.
benefits of cell phone, it’s over usage leads to mobile phone
 Junior college students, studying in 11th and 12th standard.
addiction. It is one of the biggest non drug addictions in the
world. On 31 May 2011, the world health organization
confirmed that mobile phone use may represent a long-term
Exclusion Criteria
health risk4, classifying mobile phone radiation as a
 Participants who are not willing to participate in the study.
"carcinogenic hazard" and "possibly carcinogenic to
humans" after a team of scientists reviewed peer-review  Participants who are not present at the time of data
studies on cell phone safety. One study of past cell phone collection.
use cited in the report showed a "40% increased risk for
brain cancer in the highest category of heavy users [23].  Data Collection Technique and Tool
Thus, a structured questionnaire was prepared and used for
data collection.
4. Methodology
 Development of the Tool
Based on the objectives of the study, demographic data
Research methodology involves the systematic procedure by
activities and skill attainments. The structured
the researcher which starts from the initial identification of
questionnaire & attitude scale used to assess the
programme to its final conclusion [7].
knowledge and attitude regarding health hazards of mobile

Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014

Paper ID: 020131856
www.ijsr.net 556
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
use among the junior college students consist of four Table 3: Distributions of Subjects According To Knowledge
sections. Score Regarding Psychological Health Hazard of Mobile
 Data collection Procedure. Phone Use
Since this survey is conducted in Sadguru Gadage Maharaj Range of score Frequency Percentage
College ,Karad so researcher obtained permission from the Poor (1-2) 80 67%
principal of respected college ,after having obtained the Average(3-4) 36 30%
approval ,appointment were made to meet with the Good (5-7) 04 3%
respondents was out in the three days. Randomly selected
sample were arranged in one hall to obtain information The junior college students categorized into three groups
from them. The study was conducted on 4th -30th October according to their knowledge score regarding psychological
.2013. A consent form was attached to the questionnaire in health hazards of mobile phone use, obtain into poor,
which the nature of the study was explained to average and good scores in assessment .Table no 3 reveals
participants. 30 minutes were allotted to each student to that out of 120 sample, majority 80 samples i.e. (67%) are
solve this questionnaire, after completion of the time, having poor knowledge, 36 samples i.e. (30%) are having
solved questionnaire were collected and later analyzed. average knowledge, while only 4 samples i.e. (3%) are
having good knowledge.
5. Findings
Table 4: Distribution of Subjects According to Knowledge
Table 1: Showing the Frequency & Percentage Distribution Score Regarding Physical & Psychological Health Hazards
of the Samples According to Demographic Variables. of Mobile Phone Use.
(N=120) Range of score Frequency Percentage
Variable Frequency Percentage Poor (1-6) 40 33%
Education Average (7-11) 79 66%
11th standard 67 56% Good (12-17) 01 1%
12th standard 53 44%
Gender The junior college students categorized into three groups
Male 70 59% according to their knowledge score regarding health hazards
Female 50 41% of mobile phone use, obtain into poor, average and good
Age scores in assessment .Table no 4 reveals that out of 120
16 yrs 37 30%
samples, majority 79 samples i.e. (66%) are having average
17yrs 45 38%
18yrs 38 32%
knowledge, 40 samples i.e. (33%) are having poor
Faculty knowledge while only one sample i.e. (1%) having good
Arts 40 33% knowledge.
Commerce 40 33%
Science 40 33% Table 5: Distribution of Sample According to Attitude Score
Range of score Frequency Percentage
Table No-1 reveals that out of total 120 sample collected as Poor (1-21) 02 2%
per demographic variable, The majority of sample are from Average (22-43) 41 34%
11th standard i.e.67(56%) ,Gender wise majority of sample Good (44-65) 77 64%
are male i.e. 70(59%) ,Age wise majority of sample are
having age 17 r.i.e.45(38%),faculty wise the sample The junior college students categorized into three groups
distribution is equal in each faculty i.e.40(33%). according to their knowledge score obtain into poor, average
and good scores in assessment .Table no 5 reveals that out of
Table 2: Distributions of Subjects According to Knowledge 120 samples majority 77 samples i.e. (64%) are having good
Score Regarding Physical Health Hazards of Mobile Phone attitude, 41 samples i.e. (34%) are having average attitude
Use while only 2 samples i.e. (2%) are having poor attitude.
Range of score Frequency Percentage
Poor (1-3) 11 9% Table 6: Showing Mean & Standard Deviation of
Average (4-6) 86 72% Knowledge And Attitude Score of Assessed Data
Good (7-10) 23 19% Variables Min. Maxi Mean S.D.
Score Score
The junior college students categorized into three groups Knowledge regarding physical health 1 10 5.31 1.47
according to their knowledge score regarding physical health hazards of mobile phone use
hazards of mobile phone use, obtain into poor , average and Knowledge regarding psychological 1 7 2.025 1.16
good scores in assessment. Table no 2 reveals that out of 120 health hazards of mobile phone use
Knowledge regarding health hazards of 1 17 7.34 2.12
sample collected , 11 samples i.e.(9%) are having poor
mobile phone use
knowledge ,86 samples i.e. (72%) are having average
knowledge and 23 samples i.e. (19%) are having good
Table no - 6 data reveals that the mean of knowledge score
for physical health hazard of mobile phone is 5.31 with 1.47
standard deviation, mean score for psychological health
hazards of mobile phone use is 2.025 with 1.16 standard

Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014

Paper ID: 020131856
www.ijsr.net 557
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
deviation while total knowledge score mean is 7.34 with Education wise Poor Average Good
2.12 standard deviation. Distribution of Junior
College Students. Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %

Table 7: (A) Distribution of Junior College Students as Per 11th (67) 25 37% 42 63% 0 0%
12th (53) 15 28% 37 70% 01 2%
Gender to Assess Various Knowledge Score.

Knowledge Regarding Physical Health Hazards of Mobile Table No-7(B) suggests that education wise out of total 120
Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. samples 67 were studying in 11th & 53 were studying in 12th
Gender wise Distribution of Poor Average Good standard. In knowledge score regarding physical health
Junior College Students. Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % hazards of mobile phone use majority 48(72%) 11th std.
Male (70) 05 7% 51 73% 14 20% students and 38(72%) 12th standard student are having
Female (50) 06 12% 35 70% 09 18% average knowledge. in knowledge score regarding
psychological health hazards of mobile phone majority
Knowledge Regarding Psychological Health Hazards of 52(78%) 11th std. students & 28(53%) 12th std. students are
Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. having poor knowledge, while 42(63%) 11th std. students
Gender wise Distribution Poor Average Good and 37(70%) 12 std .students are having average knowledge
of Junior College Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % regarding physical &psychological health hazards of mobile
Students. phone.
Male (70) 55 79% 15 21% 0 0%
Female (50) 25 50% 21 42% 04 8% Table 7: (C) Distributions of Junior College Students as Per
Faculty to Assess Various Knowledge Score
Knowledge Regarding Physical & Psychological Health
Hazards of Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Knowledge Regarding Physical Health Hazards of Mobile
Students. Phone Use. Among Junior College Students.
Gender wise Distribution Poor Average Good Faculty wise Poor Average Good
of Junior College Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Distribution of Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
Students. Junior College
Male (70) 26 37% 44 63% 0 0% Students.
Female (50) 14 28% 35 70% 01 2% Arts (40) 03 8% 26 65% 11 28%
Commerce (40) 03 8% 32 80% 05 13%
Table No - 7 (A) suggests that gender wise out of 120 Science (40) 05 13% 28 70% 07 18%
sample 70 are male while 50 are female. In knowledge score
regarding physical health hazards of mobile phone majority Knowledge Regarding Psychological Health Hazards of
51(73%) males & 35(70%) females are having average Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Students
knowledge. While in knowledge score regarding Faculty wise Distribution Poor Average Good
psychological health hazards of mobile phone use 55 (79%) of Junior College Students. Freq % Freq % Freq %
Arts (40) 35 88% 05 13% 0 0%
males & 25(50%) females are having poor knowledge.
Commerce (40) 24 60% 16 40% 0 0%
Whereas knowledge score regarding physical and
Science (40) 21 53% 15 38% 04 10%
psychological health hazards of mobile phone reveals that
majority 44 (63%) male and 35(70%) females are having
Knowledge Regarding Physical &Psychological Health
average knowledge.
Hazards of Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College
Table 7: (B) Distributions of Junior College Students as Per
Educational Qualification to Assess Various Knowledge Faculty wise Poor Average Good
Score. Distribution of Junior Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
College Students
Knowledge Regarding Physical Health Hazards of Mobile Arts (40) 16 40% 24 60% 0 0%
Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. Commerce (40) 14 35% 26 65% 0 0%
Education wise Distribution Poor Average Good Science (40) 10 25% 29 73% 01 3%
of Junior College Students. Freq % Freq. % Freq. %
11th (67) 05 7% 48 72% 14 21% Table No – 7(C) reveals that out of 120 samples there is
12th (53) 06 11% 38 72% 09 17% equal distribution of sample as per faculty i.e. (40 sample
from each faculty). In knowledge score regarding physical
Knowledge Regarding Psychological Health Hazards of health hazards of mobile phone majority of students are
Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. having average knowledge i.e.26 (65%) arts,32(80%)
Education wise Distribution Poor Average Good commerce,&28(70%) science. . in knowledge score
of Junior College Students. Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % regarding psychological health hazards of mobile phone
11th (67) 52 78% 15 22% 0 0% majority of students are having poor knowledge i.e.35(88%)
12th (53) 28 53% 21 53% 04 8% arts,24(60%) commerce& 21(53%) science .whereas
24(60%) arts,26(65%) commerce & 29(73%) science, are
Knowledge Regarding Physical& Psychological Health having average knowledge regarding physical
Hazards of Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College &psychological health hazards of mobile phone.

Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014

Paper ID: 020131856
www.ijsr.net 558
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
6. Discussion genders (males r=0.25; p=0.04, females r=0.31; p=0.009).
Evening usage of mobile phone in cases showed a
The core aim of the present study is to find out the statistically significant negative association (–0.606;
knowledge and attitude of junior college students in karad p=0.042) with Sleep quality (higher PSQI means sleep
city regarding health hazards of mobile phone use ,and their deprivation). Students using mobile for > 2 hours/day may
association with variables .The analyzed data reveals some cause sleep deprivation and day sleepiness affecting
important aspect of this study which are categorized as per cognitive and learning abilities of medical students38.
the objectives of the study.  Educational Status Wise- Knowledge score regarding
physical health hazards of mobile phone use majority
The frequency and distribution of junior college students 48(72%) 11th std. students and 38(72%) 12th standard
using mobile phones shows in Table No-1reveals that, out of student had average knowledge. For knowledge score
total 120 samples collected as per demographic variable, the regarding psychological health hazards of mobile phone
majority of samples were from 11th standard i.e.67 (56%). majority 52(78%) 11th std. students & 28(53%) 12th std.
Gender wise majority of samples were male i.e. 70(59%). students are had poor knowledge, while 42(63%) 11th std.
Age wise majority of samples were having age 17 yr.i.e.45 students and 37(70%) 12 std .students had average
(38%). Faculty wise the sample distribution was equal in knowledge regarding physical &psychological health
each faculty i.e.40 (33%). hazards of mobile phone.
 Faculty Wise- Knowledge score regarding physical health
A survey was conducted in India to explore the relationships hazards of mobile phone majority of students were having
between gender, age, behavioral trends and mobile phone average knowledge i.e.26 (65%) arts,32(80%)
usage patterns of teenagers and young people, in the age commerce,&28(70%) science. For knowledge score
group 12-29 years in order to arrive at the current trends, regarding psychological health hazards of mobile phone
especially in metros like Mumbai where mobile telephony majority of students were having poor knowledge i.e.35
seems to have made an immense impact. The sample survey (88%) arts, 24(60%) commerce& 21(53%) science
respondents consist of teenagers and youth in the age groups .Whereas 24(60%) arts, 26(65%) commerce & 29(73%)
15-30 and the sampling method was convenience sampling. science, were having average knowledge regarding
The result showed that, out of the total 165 respondents 58% physical &psychological health hazards of mobile phone
were male and 42% were female. 34% had their own cell use.
phones for more than 2 years while 64% of the respondents
had purchased in the years 2003-0437. A study was conducted to identify health symptoms
associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields among
In this study, results for knowledge of junior college students university students at Rafsanjani University of Medical
with their variables regarding physical and psychological Sciences, Iran. The result found that the symptoms of
health hazards of mobile phone use. Shows that headache (53.5%), Fatigue (35.6%), difficulties in
concentration (32.5%), vertigo/dizziness (30.4%), attention
 Gender wise- In knowledge score regarding physical disorders (28.8%), Nervousness (28.1%), palpitation
health hazards of mobile phone majority 51(73%) males & (14.7%), low back pain (14.3%), myalgia (12.4%) and
35(70%) females were having average knowledge. While tinnitus (9.9%) etc.A significant association was found
in knowledge score regarding psychological health between cordless phone use and difficulties in concentration
hazards of mobile phone use 55 (79%) males & 25(50%) and attention disorders [39].
females had poor knowledge. Whereas knowledge score
regarding physical and psychological health hazards of Table No – 11& 12 indicates that knowledge assessing
mobile phone reveals that majority 44 (63%) male and questionnaire regarding physical and psychological health
35(70%) females are had average knowledge. Exposure of hazards of mobile phone use, there is an significant
humans to radio frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) difference between knowledge score of physical health
both during receiving and transmitting the signals has hazard and psychological health hazards of mobile use ,less
amplified public and scientific debate about possible than 50% students were unable to answer the correct option
adverse effects on human health. The study was designed for psychological health hazards of mobile phone, where as
with the objective of assessing the extent of mobile phone in physical health hazard questionnaire out of 10 , 7question
use amongst medical students and finding correlation if were correctly answered by the student. So overall it
any between the hours of usage of mobile to sleep pattern suggests that the junior college students are very poor
and quality. Hundred medical students grouped as cases regarding psychological health hazards of mobile use than
(n=57) (>2 hours/day of mobile usage) and control (n=43) physical health hazards of mobile use where they are having
(≤2 hours/day of mobile usage) were examined for their average knowledge.
sleep quality & pattern by Pittsburg sleep Quality Index
(PSQI). Differences between groups were examined with In present study while assessing the attitude of junior college
the Mann Whitney “U” test for proportions (Quantitative student regarding mobile use and its hazards suggested that
and with Student ‘t’ test for continuous variables. The out of 120 samples majority 77 samples i.e. (64%) were
association of variables was analyzed by Spearman Rank’s having good attitude, 41 samples i.e. (34%) were having
correlation. Probability was set at <0.05 as significant. average attitude while only 2 samples i.e. (2%) were having
Sleep disturbance, latency and day dysfunction was more poor attitude.
in cases especially females. A significant association of
hours of usage and sleep indices were observed in both
Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Paper ID: 020131856
www.ijsr.net 559
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
A study conducted in Malaysia to find the awareness of significantly helps them to change their attitude towards its
mobile phone hazards among the Malaysian students in use and hazards.
medical school find .Out of the 200 subjects under the
survey, 124 subjects were aware of the side effects of mobile 7.Conclusion
phone usage. (78 females and 46 males were aware of the
hazards) Out of the 124 subjects who were aware of the side The purpose of the present study was to find out the
effects, 5% of the males and 10% of the females felt that knowledge and attitude regarding health hazards of mobile
there is no need to minimize the unwanted effects [15]. phone use and to estimate the association between
knowledge and attitude with various demographic variables
Table No –13 reveals that majority of students were strongly among the junior college students from selected college at
agree with various questions asked in attitude scale. The karad. Results of the present study highlighted that the junior
important finding in this table is that in Q.10.majority 41% college students are very poor regarding various
were strongly agree that junior college student are addicted psychological health hazards of mobile phone as well as they
to mobile phones, as well as in Q.no. 13 majority 49% are not having good knowledge about physical health
student were strongly agree that mobile phone must be hazards of mobile phone, overall they have good attitude
avoided in colleges. other than this majority 39% students towards use of mobile phone and its hazards. By considering
agree that mobile phone can cause road traffic accident, all this major findings it’s clear that the some of the
overall the results indicates that though the junior college interventional steps have to be taken on individual as well as
students were having poor knowledge regarding institutional level to increase the awareness for junior
psychological health hazards of mobile phone & average college students regarding hazards of mobile phone use. The
knowledge regarding its physical health hazards they had technology always helps the human beings for his progress
very good attitude towards its use and health hazards. but its overuse without knowing about its hazards is always
dangerous. The present study highlighted this truth. So it’s
A cross national study by Naomi .s Baron Finds that this necessary to recognize this truth and some action has to be
study has examined concerns that university students from taken.
five countries had regarding mobile phones. Student
estimates of their volume of talking and text messaging 8.Future Scope
provided points of comparison between attitudes and amount
of mobile phone activity. Overall, 42.1 percent of subjects This study highlighted the truth that though young age
observed that Communication as what they liked least about groups are very knowledgeable regarding the new
mobile phones; with the ‘like least’ Reach ability score advancement and technology of new era but they are not
rising to 51.4 percent. Responses coded as Texting (a aware about its consequences. It provides the guidelines to
subcategory of Communication) made up 7.4 percent of all step up some initiative towards creating an awareness
‘like most’ answers. Some of the variation across countries regarding mobile use and its hazards especially in young
may reflect differences in available technology. Sweden, for age.
example, had the highest percent of ‘like most’ responses
involving texting (11.7%)[24]. The findings of table no.8, 8.1 Nursing Practice
9&10 shows that junior college students with their age,
gender and faculty variables had association with knowledge The care of the patient in this advanced world has become
and attitude. easier with help of various miracles such as mobile phones
which helps in quick communication .Up gradation of
By considering the results of present study it is confirmed knowledge and at the most as a recreational instrument in the
that the junior college student are least aware about the stressful situation. The use of mobile in clinical setup has
knowledge regarding health hazards of mobile phone use great advantages, but with its excessive use can lead to
especially psychological health hazard, but interestingly their various health hazards which are discussed in this study. So
attitude towards its use and hazard is good most of the to create an awareness regarding this, the present study can
students are agree that mobile phone use for excessive time be very fruitful and can be applicable to the nursing staff
is hazardous for their health. working in clinical. By conducting such studies among staff
nurse to find their knowledge and attitude.
This study also reveals that the Junior College Students were
weak to have knowledge regarding psychological health 8.2 Nursing Education
hazards of mobile phone such as sleep disturbances, lack of
concentration, and change in behaviors which are most The present study shows that though the people are addicted
hazardous for them. But significantly results shows that they to mobile use they are poor knowledge regarding its ill
are well known to physical health hazards of mobile phone effects the same situation may be in the field of nursing, so
use .Though there knowledge scores were differ by various it’s an necessitated that with the reference of this study the
variables such as Gender, Age, Faculty their attitude towards efforts have to be taken in the field of nursing education to
mobile phone use & hazards was good. So finally it indicates include more topics related to adverse effects of advance
that the knowledge and attitude are associated to each other technologies such as health hazards of mobile phone use in
with age, gender &faculty distribution of junior college field of nursing which would be benefited. Nursing
students. So it confirmed that there is a need to create an administration can depute nurses for various workshops,
awareness regarding health hazards of mobile phone use conferences and special courses; and also in service
among Junior College Students regarding which education programs can be arranged for the nursing staff and
Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Paper ID: 020131856
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