Abstract: Background: The mobile phone is a modern-day invention, which has managed to reach many parts of the world enabling
telecommunications across areas where it was not possible before. In the year 2000, there were an estimated 500 million mobile phone
users worldwide. Today, there is about 3.3 billion users.5The use of mobile phones among young children and adolescents are also
increasing dramatically. Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding health hazards of mobile phone among junior college students.
To assess the attitude regarding health hazards of mobile phone among junior college student. To find out the association between
knowledge and attitude regarding health hazards of mobile phone use with selected demographic variables. Methods/Approach: The
research approach adopted for present research is explorative research aimed assessing the knowledge and attitude regarding health
hazards of mobile phone users on health among the junior college students. The research design used for this study is Descriptive survey
research design. This study was one phase where data collected by survey method to assess knowledge and attitude of junior college
students regarding health hazards of mobile phone use. Results: Knowledge score regarding physical health hazards of mobile phone
majority of students were having average knowledge i.e.26 (65%) arts, 32(80%) commerce, & 28(70%) science. For knowledge score
regarding psychological health hazards of mobile phone majority of students were having poor knowledge i.e.35 (88%) arts, 24(60%)
commerce& 21(53%) science .Whereas 24(60%) arts, 26(65%) commerce & 29(73%) science, were having average knowledge regarding
physical &psychological health hazards of mobile phone use.
Table 7: (A) Distribution of Junior College Students as Per 11th (67) 25 37% 42 63% 0 0%
12th (53) 15 28% 37 70% 01 2%
Gender to Assess Various Knowledge Score.
Knowledge Regarding Physical Health Hazards of Mobile Table No-7(B) suggests that education wise out of total 120
Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. samples 67 were studying in 11th & 53 were studying in 12th
Gender wise Distribution of Poor Average Good standard. In knowledge score regarding physical health
Junior College Students. Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % hazards of mobile phone use majority 48(72%) 11th std.
Male (70) 05 7% 51 73% 14 20% students and 38(72%) 12th standard student are having
Female (50) 06 12% 35 70% 09 18% average knowledge. in knowledge score regarding
psychological health hazards of mobile phone majority
Knowledge Regarding Psychological Health Hazards of 52(78%) 11th std. students & 28(53%) 12th std. students are
Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. having poor knowledge, while 42(63%) 11th std. students
Gender wise Distribution Poor Average Good and 37(70%) 12 std .students are having average knowledge
of Junior College Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % regarding physical &psychological health hazards of mobile
Students. phone.
Male (70) 55 79% 15 21% 0 0%
Female (50) 25 50% 21 42% 04 8% Table 7: (C) Distributions of Junior College Students as Per
Faculty to Assess Various Knowledge Score
Knowledge Regarding Physical & Psychological Health
Hazards of Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Knowledge Regarding Physical Health Hazards of Mobile
Students. Phone Use. Among Junior College Students.
Gender wise Distribution Poor Average Good Faculty wise Poor Average Good
of Junior College Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Distribution of Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
Students. Junior College
Male (70) 26 37% 44 63% 0 0% Students.
Female (50) 14 28% 35 70% 01 2% Arts (40) 03 8% 26 65% 11 28%
Commerce (40) 03 8% 32 80% 05 13%
Table No - 7 (A) suggests that gender wise out of 120 Science (40) 05 13% 28 70% 07 18%
sample 70 are male while 50 are female. In knowledge score
regarding physical health hazards of mobile phone majority Knowledge Regarding Psychological Health Hazards of
51(73%) males & 35(70%) females are having average Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Students
knowledge. While in knowledge score regarding Faculty wise Distribution Poor Average Good
psychological health hazards of mobile phone use 55 (79%) of Junior College Students. Freq % Freq % Freq %
Arts (40) 35 88% 05 13% 0 0%
males & 25(50%) females are having poor knowledge.
Commerce (40) 24 60% 16 40% 0 0%
Whereas knowledge score regarding physical and
Science (40) 21 53% 15 38% 04 10%
psychological health hazards of mobile phone reveals that
majority 44 (63%) male and 35(70%) females are having
Knowledge Regarding Physical &Psychological Health
average knowledge.
Hazards of Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College
Table 7: (B) Distributions of Junior College Students as Per
Educational Qualification to Assess Various Knowledge Faculty wise Poor Average Good
Score. Distribution of Junior Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
College Students
Knowledge Regarding Physical Health Hazards of Mobile Arts (40) 16 40% 24 60% 0 0%
Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. Commerce (40) 14 35% 26 65% 0 0%
Education wise Distribution Poor Average Good Science (40) 10 25% 29 73% 01 3%
of Junior College Students. Freq % Freq. % Freq. %
11th (67) 05 7% 48 72% 14 21% Table No – 7(C) reveals that out of 120 samples there is
12th (53) 06 11% 38 72% 09 17% equal distribution of sample as per faculty i.e. (40 sample
from each faculty). In knowledge score regarding physical
Knowledge Regarding Psychological Health Hazards of health hazards of mobile phone majority of students are
Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College Students. having average knowledge i.e.26 (65%) arts,32(80%)
Education wise Distribution Poor Average Good commerce,&28(70%) science. . in knowledge score
of Junior College Students. Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % regarding psychological health hazards of mobile phone
11th (67) 52 78% 15 22% 0 0% majority of students are having poor knowledge i.e.35(88%)
12th (53) 28 53% 21 53% 04 8% arts,24(60%) commerce& 21(53%) science .whereas
24(60%) arts,26(65%) commerce & 29(73%) science, are
Knowledge Regarding Physical& Psychological Health having average knowledge regarding physical
Hazards of Mobile Phone Use. Among Junior College &psychological health hazards of mobile phone.