Roles of Integrated Markeking Communication Aarav Multinational House PVT - LTD

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PU Registration No: 025-2-2-01183-2017

Kantipur City College

An Internship report submitted to the

Purbanchal University, Faculty of Management

In partial fulfillment for the Degree of

Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA)

February, 2022

Kathmandu, Nepal

I, Roji Moktan state that this report, entitled roles of Integrated Marketing Communication in
Aarav Multinational House is a consequence of my own study/research carried out during the
year 2020. It has not been previously submitted to any other university or any other


Roji Moktan
BBA VII Semester
Kantipur City College


My special acknowledgement goes to Mr. Raju kattel, Principal of Kantipur City College. I
would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my internship report
supervisor Mr. Dal Bahadur Shrestha.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regard to Ms.
Rajju Ranjitkar for her exemplary guidance, valuable feedback and constant encouragement
throughout the duration of the project. Her valuable suggestions were of immense help
throughout my project work. Working under her was an extremely knowledgeable experience
for me.

I would like to give my sincere gratitude to all the employees of Aarav Multinational who
helps me to perform internship successfully.

Lastly I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who directly and indirectly were
involved in the internship period and facilities with the valuable resources for this report

Roji Moktan
BBA VII Semester
Kantipur City College


DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................. vi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. vii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................ viii

EXECUATIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... ix

CHAPTER 1 ........................................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Overview of an Organization ............................................................................................... 1

1.3 History of an Organization ................................................................................................... 1

1.4 Nature of an Organization .................................................................................................... 2

1.5 Business volume of Aarav Multinational House PVT. LTD ............................................. 3

1.6 Nature and Number of employees ....................................................................................... 3

1.7 Product and Services ............................................................................................................ 3

1.7.1 Sales and Marketing .............................................................................................. 3

1.7.2 Research................................................................................................................ 4

1.7.3 Direct Marketing ................................................................................................... 4

1.7.4 Design and Purchasing .......................................................................................... 4

1.7.5 Other Services ....................................................................................................... 4

1.8 Organizational Structure ...................................................................................................... 4

1.9 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................ 5

1.9.1 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................ 5

1.9.2 Limitations of the Study ........................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................ 7

METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Organizational Selection ...................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Placement .............................................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Duration of Internship .......................................................................................................... 7

2.4 Activities Performed in an Organization ............................................................................. 8

2.5 Collection of Data ................................................................................................................. 8

2.5.1 Primary Data ......................................................................................................... 8

2.5.2 Secondary Data ..................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................ 9

OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................................... 9

3.1 The Function of Marketing and Research Departments..................................................... 9

3.1.1 Conduct the Marketing Research ........................................................................... 9

3.1.2 New Product Development .................................................................................... 9

3.1.3 Product Modification ............................................................................................. 9

3.1.4 Developing and formulating the Competitive Marketing Strategy .......................... 9

3.2 Assigned Work and Responsibilities ................................................................................. 10

3.2.1 Front Desk........................................................................................................... 10

3.2.2 Proposal Writing ................................................................................................. 10

3.2.3 Market Research Report ...................................................................................... 10

3.2.4 Marketing Phone Call .......................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER 4 ...................................................................................................................... 11

ANALYSIS AND REVIEW .............................................................................................. 11

4.1 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 11

4.1.1 Product ................................................................................................................ 11

4.1.2 Price .................................................................................................................... 11

4.1.3 Promotion ........................................................................................................... 11

4.1.4 Place ................................................................................................................... 11

4.2 SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................................. 11

4.2.1 Strength............................................................................................................... 11

4.2.2 Weakness ............................................................................................................ 12

4.2.3 Opportunities ....................................................................................................... 12

4.2.4 Threats ................................................................................................................ 12

4.3 Critical Analysis of the Theoretical Concepts .................................................................. 12

4.4 Knowledge Gained From Work Assigned ........................................................................ 13

CHAPTER 5 ...................................................................................................................... 14

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................................ 14

5.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 14

5.1.1 Build-up Confidence ........................................................................................... 14

5.1.2 Punctuality .......................................................................................................... 14

5.1.3 Adopt New Skill .................................................................................................. 14

5.1.4 Connect with People ............................................................................................ 14

5.2 General Comments and Suggestions for the Company .................................................... 15

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 16


Table 1 Business volume of Aarav Multinational House PVT. LTD ...................................... 3

Table 2 Nature and Number of employees ............................................................................. 3
Table 3 Activities Chart ........................................................................................................ 7


Figure 1 organizational structure ........................................................................................... 5


BBA : Bachelor of Business Administrations

Etc. : Etcetera

FOM : Faculty of Management

Ltd : Limited

PU : Purbanchal University

Pvt : Private

SN : Serial Numbers

TVC : Television Commercial

This report has been prepared for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration, Purbanchal University. Thus this shows the importance
of internship in the learning and making students aware about the operation of the business in
real world and the tasks that needs to perform within an organization. Hence this report has
been prepared on the basis of internship of Aarav Multinational.
The objectives of Aarav Multinational are to enhance and make friendlier to organization
about the trend of marketing research such that organization can flourish as per the change in
the market and consumers.
The general objectives of an internship program are to make the student aware about the real
commercial world and gain experience and exposure by involving in such environment. And
the specific objective was to make the consultancy and manpower marketing visit and
analyze the findings. During the internship program internee got an opportunity to learn the
several marketing, communication and research activities.
Hence in an internship the internee had performed marketing communication, consultancy
and manpower marketing visit regarding hospitality and consultancy, this report shows about
the Aarav Multinational Pvt. Ltd. its organizational structure, marketing, weakness, strength,
opportunities, and threats of the company.

1.1Background of the Study
Purbanchal University (PU) has started Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) with an
objective to make students skilled both theoretically and practically. Such that internship is
the principal element of the BBA program which helps to understand the external business or
work environment where they face the actual problems and solve them by using their
theoretical as well as creative knowledge. After completion of internship, internee prepares
the report.
BBA is an intensive year course where students learn theoretically and practically in college
and beyond college about leaderships, case studies, group discussions, field visits,
presentation, grooming, project works and soon on specialized area for the professional
accreditation or to lean the multiple area of the business and commerce which are applicable
in small, large or global business organization.
This report has been prepared as per the fulfillment of requirement for the degree of BBA
under the faculty of Management of Purbanchal University, after the completion of eight
weeks internship this report is prepared. It was great opportunity to work and learn as intern
at Aarav Multinational.

1.2 Overview of an Organization

Aarav Multinational House Pvt. Ltd runs Missio which is the brand of china. In china the
brand name is known as Yishion. The word ‘MISSIO’ came from Latin word of ‘MISSION’
which means endless purist. The color of Missio is in green color which represents the eco-
friendly and connects to each other. Missio is launched in Nepal in Feb 2, 2020 at Civil Mall.
Later on it was established on Baneshwor as a second branch. It was established in Nepal to
make the fashion sector to give more qualitative product in affordable price.

1.3 History of an Organization

YISHION was established in Humen, Dong Guang city as a fully vertically-integrated
Fashion conglomerate covering design, procurement, production, marketing and retail

Stores. We aim to provide the best of fashion to our customer through excellent quality
products at affordable prices.

YISHION Quality Test Centre was set up as a garment testing laboratory. Today, it is
One of the largest and well-equipped in China.

YISHION expanded to other Asian markets, with its presence in over 20 countries
Worldwide. YISHION was also appointed the exclusive casual wear brand for 2006 FIFA
World Cup.
YISHION Singapore was appointed as the regional headquarters for South East Asia.

YISHION becomes the leading casual wear brand in the industry with more than 6,000
Stores Worldwide.
Awarded Asia’s Most Influential Brand For Fashion Category.

Yishion was established as Missio in Nepal at Aarav multinational house Pvt .ltd. Missio was
established at Feb 2, 2019 at Civil Mall. Later on it established its second branch at

1.4 Nature of an Organization

Aarav multinational house is based on retail store. This organization generally deals with the
activities like promotion, marketing, research, and distribution. Hence the work is being
organized as a project and being handled to specialized individual or agroup for its successful
accomplishment. However authority and responsibilities are distributed as per ones duties and

1.5 Business volume of Aarav Multinational House PVT. LTD

Table 1.1 Business volume

Particular Amount
Authorized capital 10,00,000
Issued capital 600,000
Paid up value 100
(Source office Record, 2020/2021)

1.6 Nature and Number of employees

Table 1.2 Nature and Number of employees

Positions No. of employees
Managing Directors 1
Accountant 1
Internal Auditor 1
Marketing 2
Receptionist 1
Super visors 2
Cashier 2
Sales executive 5
Helper 1
Total staff 16
(Source office Record, 2020/2021)
In Aarav Multinational companies have two types of employees i.e. permanent and project
based employees. Permanent employees are the one who perform every task of an
organization in regular basis. There are 16 regular employees.

Project based employees, these kind of employees are involved with an organization till the
project is being completed. The number of employees in this way vary is per the nature and
size of the project. Generally, projects are marketing, research, consultation, construction and
so on.

1.7 Product and Services

The product of this organization is generally clothing and accessories (shoes, bag, belt,
shocks). Some products and services are stated below:
1.7.1 Sales and Marketing
We all know that the sales department is one of the strategic cornerstones of companies in
general, and it may be even more relevant in fashion companies in particular.

The sales director plans and coordinates distribution through different channels:retail, multi-
brand, ecommerce and now they also manage the Omni channel model. Needless to say, each
one of these areas is the responsibility of another professional who reports to the sales

In the area of retail, the sales director is in charge of leading and coordinating those
responsible for merchandising, as well as the regional store directors and the director of
international development.

1.7.2 Research
Research is done over several aspects such as market and product research, strategy
development and implementation, Data Analysis and Reports through various Econometric

1.7.3 Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing today is considered one of the most effective models of customer
acquisition across the globe. Through right campaign design and its effective implementation
companies can increase their sales greatly.

1.7.4 Design and Purchasing

In the area of retail, the sales director is in charge of leading and coordinating those
responsible for merchandising, as well as the regional store directors and the director of
international development.

The designers in the creative team are normally professionals trained at design schools; they
are proficient in English and have knowledge in pattern-making. In addition to creating
different styles, these professionals travel for inspiration, they search for materials in different
markets, they can interact with suppliers and work together with their colleagues in
production and patterns.

1.7.5 Other Services

 EMI Facilities for customer
 Loyalty Card

1.8 Organizational Structure

Organizational structure is an arrangement of the employees as per the hierarchical order, for
the purpose of communication, determination of authority and responsibility and so on. It

determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled and coordinated
and the information flows within the different level of management.

Figure 1.1 Organizational Structure

Aarav Multinational

Board of

Business Internal verifier Business


Marketing &
Finance Administration

permanaent staff

Temporary Staff

1.9 Objectives of the Study

The objective of internship program is to acquire knowledge as well as gain practical

exposure in their real life working environment. Especially, internship is for the exploration
of the class lecture during the internship period.

1.9.1 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the internship are as follow as:

 To understand the market and requirements of consumers.

 To understand how they give utmost importance to service quality and
client satisfaction.
 To know our competitors so that we can work on our product.

 To study the real working environment and organizational protocol.
 To develop interpersonal and communication skills.
 To develop behavior that would be contribution professional growth.

1.9.2 Limitations of the Study

Even though the internee tired her best, due to the study being partial requirements of BBA
program and a mini research as well, it faced certain limitations as mentioned below:

 The internship is done on a department of an organization so it does not cover whole

organizations process.
 Eight weeks of internship period was a bit shorter duration of time to understand the
ins and outs of a marketing and research organization.
 The knowledge gained is much more intellectual and experience based rather than
data oriented.
 Due to secrecy issue of an organization some of data which internee had collected
could not be revealed.

2.1 Organizational Selection
As per the requirement of BBA Program of Purbanchal University (PU), internee was
supposed to work as an intern for eight weeks in a sales and marketing department. This
internship program was structured for the partial fulfillment of BBA program.
Since the Aarav Multinational is selected by the internee as she was interested to work in
Business sector. However, the team of the organization is also well known to the internee,
such network has also helped to obtain that position. Besides that the nature of internship
works is also familiar to internee because the assignments are related to marketing and

2.2 Placement
The placement of internee in the Aarav Multinational House is made directly because the
mentor of the internee is somewhat related to this firm and the firm and the internee is
appointed as the intern by submitting the recommendation letter provided by the college. And
the short interview is conducted to understand the nature of the intern i.e. handled by Tara
Lama HR of the firm. Finally internee was selected for the eight week internship program.
2.3 Duration of Internship
The duration of the internship is eight weeks as per the university code and the activities
performed by the internee in that duration started from (August 07, 2021 to October 07,
2021) is given by the chart below:
Table 2.1 Activities Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2.4 Activities Performed in an Organization
Several Activities were learnt and carried out in the eight weeks duration of internship. The
activities performed are as follows:
 Research and marketing activities.
 Report Writing: The collected information from the marketing are presented in the
form of report.
 Proposal Writing: Proposal was written for several programs on the behalf of the
 Marketing phone calls: Phone calls were done for marketing.
Thus, the above are the activities that are performed during the internship period by
the internee.

2.5 Collection of Data

2.5.1 Primary Data

Primary sources refer to the data collected directly from the place of origin and also known as
first handed data. This study is based on the primary data. The primary data have been
collected from observation, interview which included how the supervisor interacted with the

2.5.2 Secondary Data

The internee went through the company websites, leaflets and documents of the concerned
organization and the gather relevant information there in. The internee researched different
websites online to collect necessary data and information.

Since the internee was basically appointed for the research related tasks. So the major
concentration of the candidate was marketing and research departments.

3.1 The Function of Marketing and Research Departments

The major function of marketing and research departments are as follows :

3.1.1 Conduct the Marketing Research

The basis of the research department is to conduct the marketing visit in order to figure out
the product performance, trend and preference of market place and so on. Likewise a
marketing survey could be done either by visiting to the market place or by making call,
interview or else.

3.1.2 New Product Development

The new product is developed by making the market study over the customer needs, wants
and desire. Also studying what the customers are willing and want to pay for, all are done
through market research.

3.1.3 Product Modification

Product modification is done as per the customer’s feedback over the existing product.
Product modification is done as per the market change and in order to adapt as per those
changes modification is done.

3.1.4 Developing and formulating the Competitive Marketing Strategy

What strategy is favorable a year ago may not be suitable for today or coming years ahead
because trend is advancing and getting newer day by day. So the research department’s
conducted the varieties of experiment in order to figure out customer’s preference and needs.
So by such experiment a new product or marketing strategy is formulated and passed to
marketing department of particular organization for its proper execution.

3.2 Assigned Work and Responsibilities
The internee was assigned several works and responsibilities that are both internal and
external organizational activities. Internal activities refer to those activities that are performed
within the boundary of the organization, whereas external activities are such activities that are
performed beyond the organization i.e. in the marketplace. However the activities assigned to
the candidates are as follows
3.2.1 Front Desk
A front desk clerk represents the first point of contact with the clients of a business, hotel or
doctor’s office. They perform essential front desk administrative duties including answering
phone calls, greeting clients, and overseeing the office budget. Also known as a front desk

As an internee I respond to clients through email and phone calls and giving the required
information. Keeping record of different marketing agencies and try to manage all documents in
the right file so that it easily accessible when required.

3.2.2 Proposal Writing

A proposal is an essential marketing document that helps cultivate an initial professional
relationship between an organization and a donor over a project to be implemented. However
an internee was assigned to write the proposal on the behalf of Aarav Multinational to launch
new project and a proposal to organize the exhibition.

3.2.3 Market Research Report

Internee was required to report of collected information from the marketing. Report writing
was done for our course. And there were several other minor daily tasks that were handled by
the candidates like meeting, talking with clients, printing, handling calls and so on.

3.2.4 Marketing Phone Call

An internee was assigned with different task of phone calls to the candidate within the

4.1 Data Analysis
As per the criteria of internship, internee has carried out several sorts of works including
inside and outside the organization. The marketing mix is used as a base for the analysis of
data collected. The basic mixes of marketing are compared as follows:
4.1.1 Product
A product is the items offered for sales. A product can be a service or items. The product
which provided by Aarav Multinational House are clothing and accessories. They have made
their product available in different ecommerce websites such as Daraz, Gyapu Marketplace,
and Infi-store.

4.1.2 Price
They price their product according to the quality of product. They just don’t need customers
but satisfied customer. Their target customers are not price sensitive. If we compare our
company with other clothing brand then they don’t need to give away their product in order
to attract customers-they simply need to offer a valuable experience that they find

4.1.3 Promotion
They have utilized a variety of advertising techniques and marketing campaigns to promote
their business. Their website is always updated. It has targeted its promotion mainly for who
prefer qualitative product.

4.1.4 Place
The place where the Aarav multinational is located is one of the plus points of it. Because, it
is located at opposite side of Min Bhawan, New Baneshwor which is the educational hub of

the Kathmandu city.

4.2 SWOT Analysis

4.2.1 Strength
 Good old customer link and recommendation of customer.
 Strong communication with in the marketing department.
 Skilled team work members.
 Good planning and advertising for new arrivals product.

4.2.2 Weakness
 Lack of proper coordination among employees.
 Low focus on branding of the products and services.
 Not following the present marketing tactics and trends.

4.2.3 Opportunities
 The major stores don’t provide training, but as system become more complex, training
is in greater demand.
 As our target market need more services, our competitors are less likely than ever to
provide it.

4.2.4 Threats
 Cut throat competition.
 When we advertise low price product in social media, our customer think that we are
not giving them good value.

4.3 Critical Analysis of the Theoretical Concept

There are different ways of knowledge acquiring through different sides. First one is
theoretical and on the other side is the practical application of theory. Both types of the
knowledge is important to make the performance better. According to the theoretical concept
business growth and marketing depends upon the ideas of marketing managers. Where as in
practical experience internee observed the business growth is not only limited to the ideas of
marketing managers but also depends upon the members of marketing sub coordinates.
Practical experience is gained from actual day to day of work. Visiting different marketing
people and internee gained the knowledge about marketing procedure. The internee was
taught that proposal is essential marketing documents that helps cultivate an initial
professional relationship between organization and a project to be implemented. The proposal
outlines the plan of the implantation organization about the project, ways to manage it and the
results to be delivered.
Besides, that internee has learned about the communication skill, as a way of sharing
information to the customers. It is important to persistent, polite and professional while
communicating to the customers. But while communicating or sharing information with
clients or customers, internee has to face several problems. However initially communicating
to the customers was not so easy but after few follow up marketing internee gained
confidence and learnt how to communicate with people of different nature.

4.4 Knowledge Gained from Work Assigned
 First things internee learned is how to print photocopy documents and transfer

incoming calls to other department .

 Internee gained knowledge about how an interview with people is taken.

 Internee learnt how to escape the hesitation, because before internship program
internee was introvert. Since then after completion of the internship the internee learnt
about the real working environment, punctuality, and the confidence that matters in
every aspect what people do and speak.
 Internee has learnt how to manage the time.


5.1 Conclusion
An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a short period of
time. It is a unique aspect of education that integrates study with planned and supervised
career related work experience. The graduating students conduct internship in their related
semester depending upon the course adopted.
The internship of Aarav Multinational House Pvt.Ltd can be taken as a first step for the
internee to enter into the world of real organization practices. Internship is the best way of
acquiring the knowledge practically, below are some contributions of internship to the

5.1.1 Build-up Confidence

Self-confidence is an essential part of humanity. Self-confidence helps in trusting own
judgment, capabilities and abilities. Likewise from the eight weeks of internship period as an
internee. I had learnt to be confidence about myself how I present to people and not to be shy
to communicate.

5.1.2 Punctuality
The internship had to learn to manage time well to get things done. It shows the dedication
towards the work, and capable of responsibility and professionalism. The internship helps the
internee to be punctual in the real work environment which helps them in coming days.

5.1.3 Adopt New Skill

Internship helps to gain new knowledge and skill which helps internee to utilize that skills in
commercial world or different companies. The internee had learnt about the research and
reports which can be utilized in the future.

5.1.4 Connect with People

Internship helps internee to connect with the people inside and outside the organization.
During the marketing internee was connected with different people and staffs of the
organization. It is very essentials to develop relationship with the people.

5.2 General Comments and Suggestions for the Company

Aarav Multinational is a great company and it is running successfully in today’s competitive

environment. The internee had got an opportunity to learn about several tasks related to
marketing and research but with every opportunity there comes flaws which are to be noted
such as:

 As customers are only the source of revenue to the company, the company should
enhance the customer service strategy.
 The salary payment system is too late, so that should be maintained to motive
 Marketing is the major strength of this organization. So, marketing should be done
through different media not only through Facebook.

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