Broken Telephone Game
Broken Telephone Game
Broken Telephone Game
The Messenger Game / Pass the Message / Chinese Whisper/ Broken Telephone
1) Getting Started. Players must sit in a circle or stand in a straight line. They need to be
close enough that whispering is possible, but not so close that players can hear
each other whisper.
2) Begin the Game. The first person in the line or circle whispers a word or phrase into
the ear of the person sitting or standing to their right. He or she must then memorise
and pass on to the next person, by whispering.
3) The Game Continues. Players whisper the phrase to their neighbors until it reaches
the last player in line.
4) The Conclusion. The last player says the word or phrase out loud so everyone can
hear how much it has changed from the first whisper at the beginning of the circle
or line.