СОР 2 тоқсан 7-8 А сыны2023

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Name : ____________________________________

Summative assessment for the unit “Holidays and Travel”
Learning objectives 7.L5 Recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported
extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
7.W7 Use with minimal support appropriate layout at text level
for a growing range of written genres on familiar general and
curricular topics
Assessment сriteria • Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some support
• Write a text keeping the layout and format of a given genre
with a little support
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Duration 20 minutes


Task 1 Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

Travelling gives you many 1______________ experiences you cannot find in your own country.
You meet local people and get to understand 2_____________ cultures. It’s so exciting. I love
planning trips and doing some research on the country or countries I want to visit. Sometimes I
like to plan everything in advance, my flights, hotels and tours, etc. For me, the most 3
_____________ thing is arriving in a country with no hotel reservation and no fixed plans. I
prefer staying in hostels and guest houses. You get to meet and talk to different and
4_______________ people and share information. I also like to visit places that are off the
beaten track. Being 5 ________________ with thousands of other tourists? It’s not my cup of

Task 2 Listen and mark sentences True or False.

A) Travelling is very important for a person because of new ideas. _________
B) Speaker does not love planning trips. _________
C) Speaker likes to visit famous places. _________

Speaking Answer the queshions

Where you went ______
What you did there
What the weather was like in that place______________________________________________
How you felt coming home _______________________________________________________

What you will always remember about that place ______________________________________

Descriptor A learner:
• writes with grammar accuracy;
• demonstrates the rules of the Past Simple Tense while writing;
• makes up a story connecting sentences into paragraphs.

Assessment criteria Task Descriptor Mark

A learner
Identify the position of 1 1. 1
speakers in an extended talk 2 1
with some support. 3 1
4 1
5 1
2 1 1
2 1
3 1
Write a text keeping the 3 • writes with 1
layout and format of a given grammar
genre with little support. accuracy;
• demonstrates the 1
rules of the Past
Simple Tense
while writing;
• makes up a story
connecting 1
sentences into
 Uses topic
related 1
Total marks 12
Name: ___________________________

Summative assessment for the unit «Entertainment and Media»

Learning objectives Understand with little or no support most specific

information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics Link comments with some flexibility to what others say
at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
Assessment criteria •Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk
• Apply the difference between formal and informal speech in a talk
• Interact in a pair, group and whole class work presenting logically
connected information with ideas of others people
• Identify specific facts and details in extended talk

Level of thinking Knowledge and comprehension skills

Duration 20 minutes


Task 2 Listen to the interview twice and answer the questions.

CD2. Tapescript 2 And transcript for listening task can be found after the rubrics.

1 How often does Mari usually watch TV?

A) sometimes
B) never
C) very often

2 What does she like to do?

A) Rent movies
B) Watch comedies
C) Eat popcorn

3 What does she say about 27 Dresses?

A) She liked it.
B) She hated it
C) She wants to see it.

4 What does she say about reading?

A) She reads all the time.
B) She prefers fiction.
C) She likes to read on vacation.

Task 2 Name the activities shown in the pictures and discuss the answers with a partner.

Answer the questions:

1. What forms of entertainment are available where you live?

2. What forms of entertainment are popular with young people in your country?
3. What kind of things do you usually do when you go out with friends? Why?
4. Do you think young people today spend too much money on entertainment?

Assessment criteria Task Descriptor Mark

A learner
Identify specific facts 1 1 chooses A; 1
and details in extended 2 chooses B; 1
talk. 3 chooses A; 1
4 chooses C. 1

Apply the difference 2 • names the activities on 1

between formal and the pictures;
informal speech in a •asks and answers the 1
talk. questions;
Interact in a pair, group •expresses his/her 1
and whole class work opinion about the
presenting logically activities;
connected information •discusses the answers 1
with ideas of others with the partner;
people. •pronounces words and 1
phrases correctly;

Total marks 9

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