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“Living things are composed of structures that are organized to carry certain functions.” The
body will not function well if it does not receive proper nutrition. As part of the initial phase of
the mission, my volunteer group is tasked to write a proposal on how you can attain the
objectives parallel to the goals of World Health Organization (WHO) and the Department of
Health (DOH) to decrease malnutrition cases. Knowing the demographics of the perspective
schools, my team prepared a proposal that suit children aged 5 to 12 and their parents and
Malnutrition is a serious condition that occurs when a person’s diet doesn’t contain the right
amount of nutrients. It means “poor nutrition” and can refer to: undernutrition – not getting
enough nutrients. Being able to recognize the effects of malnutrition can help people and
healthcare providers identify and treat issues related to under – or overnutrition. Undernutrition
typically results from not getting enough nutrients in your diet. People with undernutrition may
have one or several of these symptoms.
Undernutrition occurs when they lack nutrients because they eat too little food overall. A person
with undernutrition may lack vitamins, minerals, and other essential substances that their body
needs to function. Some deficiencies can trigger specific health problems. Inadequacies in intake
of vitamins and minerals often referred to as micronutrients, can also be grouped together.
Making an organization program for impoverished places can prevent malnutrition. Some of the
cause of being malnutrition is lack of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, Lack of money etc.
These programs can help people on how to take care of their health and to learn what is the
importance of having the Food Pyramid or Healthy Eating Pyramid.
Food Pyramid is a guide to healthy eating. The purpose of the food pyramid is to communicate
nutritional recommendations for a balanced diet for everyone. So, it plays a vital role in our
lives. To fulfill daily food requirements is essential to have a healthy life. In the Food Pyramid
there is this called Energy Giving Food (Go), Body Building Food (Grow), Body Regulating
Food (Glow), and Water.
Food is the only source of vital energy for the body. Our body functions by utilizing the energy
from food. Food acts as fuel to generate energy in the mitochondria. Glucose from the food
interacts with the oxygen we breathe. The importance of food is obvious and essential. Healthy
food provides us the nutrients and energy to develop and grow, be active and healthy, to
move, play, work, think and learn. 

Foods are directly related to our body and mental and social health because each food or liquid
contains particular nutrition such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc, which
are very necessary for our physical and mental growth.  Food and water are the main sources of
nutrition and strengthening the body, but many of the foods we eat do not have any nutritional
values. On the contrary, they lead to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.
Therefore, you should choose healthy and balanced foods that can provide enough nutritional
value for the body.
We all know very well foods are very important and we consume them in our daily life, foods
affect our body and our mental and social health because each food or liquid contain
particular nutrition which is very important for our physical and mental development. Whenever
we take any food or nutritious fluid, our bodies digest and absorb simple but essential minerals,
vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and water from these meals or nourishing liquids and
convert that into the bloodstream and energy that help our body to stimulate growth and keep it
Let's say, foods have various roles in human life so they are quite interesting and worth reading.
We must know that the terms ‘food’ and ‘nutrition’ are sometimes used synonymously, which is
not correct completely. Food is a composite mixture of various ingredients that are consumed for
nutrition. On the other hand, nutrition connotes a dynamic process in which swallowed food is
utilized by the human body for nourishment. As much as we eat, our body gets nourished. When
there is an insufficient intake of protein, energy or carbohydrate, there is often illness or
Fluid every day. If you are active in the sun and any hotter places or you are sick then you should
Drinking more water may seem like an easy task, but you should drink eight cups of drink more
water. A reusable water bottle can help you keep a better track of the number of fluids you drink
daily, while you are encouraged to drink more. Legumes or fruits are the sources of vitamins,
minerals, and fibers; they will also provide you with proteins and other healthy materials. They
include peas, beans, lentils, peanuts or groundnuts, and soybeans, and the most important thing is
that they are cheaper than animal meats.
With each meal, you should include a staple food and the main meal that will give you energy
and protein for the day. Staple foods items include starchy foods such as wheat, rice, yams,
potatoes, or plantains. The staple foods will give you energy and keep you powerful but they will
not provide all types of vitamins that your body needs for proper working.
Food is an important element in building the human body. The Almighty God has created many
foods that have important benefits for building cells and body tissues by containing important
and necessary nutrients, so the body needs to eat food in sufficient quantities to get energy. A
human body needs foods to do many functions in the body, bodybuilding, and growth, and
development, as well as to resist the germs and various diseases that may be infected.

This is what we have discussed here for you. The importance of food and its effects on our body
and mind are very interesting topics and will be always trending subjects for students, teachers,
and researchers. In the last, we have given some health tips that will help you to stay healthy and
keep your body maintained. 

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