ERA R and R Rulebook
ERA R and R Rulebook
ERA R and R Rulebook
1 Longhouse MA
+ peasant 17 18
3 3
Force a 1:1 trade
(end of Extort step)
Then, gain or
if adj. to road 2 3
The city is buzzing with excitement! Recently, foreigners have begun visiting your domain through the wharfs and roads. These
visitors offer opportunities to trade goods and knowledge with your developing city. With new technologies and buildings at your
disposal, there has never been a better time to build your prestige. But with all oportunities come an element of risk, so manage
your domain properly or watch it drown!
Effect Swap 1 resource for • All rules of the basic game apply unless otherwise stated.
1 other resource (For example: The starting-keep is always placed in the exact
Restriction Must be built over a river 2 3 middle of your domain.)
SCENARIO I: Roads to Prosperity
We saw the builders come, brick by brick they cobbled the road. Our domain was growing and now connected to the capital.
Farmers and artisans could bring their goods to the larger market. With all the travelers coming and going, we built various
buildings along the path to sell more goods or exchange ideas. The domain began to truly prosper shortly after.
Instead of forming the supply according to the Each player also receives a Scenario I overview
basic game setup part 1 , follow the instructions card.
below: Note: In this scenario, use Treachery (not Flood)
For Scenario I lay out the following cards (face up): for the disaster.
• All 5 building cards marked with a : After this preparation step for Scenario I, continue
Keep, Longhouse, Townhouse, Church and with parts 2 - 8 of game setup from the basic
Farm. rulebook.
• From the building cards marked with a :
Lumber Mill, Market, Guildhall and
Cathedral. Additional scoring at game end
• And from the building cards marked with a : Road bonus: Score 1 point for each
Joinery, Quarry, Armory and Trade Fair. building that is adjacent to your road(s).
Place the corresponding buildings on their Each building counts only once.
respective cards, so that there are a total of The player (or, if tied, players) with the most
13 building types laid out. Return the five unused buildings adjacent to roads (at least 1) scores
building cards and their associated buildings to the
7 bonus points (Biggest Road Network).
game box.
Walled area: The spaces occupied by roads
In addition, form a supply by sorting the dice by
that are inside a walled area are counted too
color, the roads and walls by length, and place the
(but not those under a gate).
gates and scorched areas nearby.
Return all bridges, rivers and flooded areas to the
game box.
SCENARIO II: Across the River
The river’s currents bring traders and merchants from far away, providing the domain with valuable and exotic goods. With great
opportunity, the river also comes with great risks! The banks could overflow and flood, ruining the land and making it completely
unusable - plan accordingly!
Instead of forming the supply according to the Note: In this scenario, use Flood (not Treachery)
basic game setup part 1 , follow the instructions for the disaster.
below: After this preparation step for Scenario II,
For Scenario II lay out the following cards continue with parts 2 - 8 of game setup from
(face up): the basic rulebook taking into account the
modifications below:
• All 5 building cards marked with a :
Keep, Longhouse, Townhouse, Church and During part 5 of game setup each player also
Farm. takes exactly 1 river and, during part 6 a certain
number of flooded areas (and no scorched areas)
• From the building cards marked with a : depending on the number of players:
Hospital, Monastery, Guildhall and University. None with 4 players, one with 3 players, and two
• And from the building cards marked with a : with 2 players. (With less than 4 players return any
unused rivers to the game box.)
Chapel, Wharf, Armory and Trade Fair.
Then, when designing their starting domain
Place the corresponding buildings on their
during part 7 of game setup, each player also
respective cards, so that there are a total of
places their river and (if applicable) flooded areas.
13 building types laid out. Return the five unused
building cards and their associated buildings to the
game box.
Additional scoring at game end
In addition, form a supply by sorting the dice by Buildings: Buildings adjacent to a river (also)
color, the walls by length, and place the gates and score double points. If they are adjacent
flooded areas nearby. to a river and at the same time completely
Return all bridges, roads and scorched areas to the enclosed by walls, they score triple points.
game box. Walled area: The spaces occupied by a river
Each player also receives a Scenario II overview that are inside a walled area are counted too
card. (but not those under a gate).
1 In addition to the scoring of the basic game buildings, in which the starting-keep (1x3=3), the 4 2
longhouse at the river (1x3=3) and the guildhall (3x3=9) have all scored triple points, the following 4
is scored:
2 The wharf is also worth triple points, so 2x3=6 points. The armory likewise scores 1x3=3
points. (Both are adjacent to the river and surrounded by walls.) For the trade fair, 3 points are
scored by default.
3 The awarding of the other Bonus Points, the points scored for Culture and Most Walled Area 2
(29 spaces within), as well as the subtraction of Disaster Points are done as in the basic game. 1
4 Note: Be aware that neither the trade fair nor the farm score double points (only next to
2 1
flooded areas). Additional scoring for the river only applies to buildings that are directly adjacent
to the river. Accordingly, the townhouse is worth 1x2=2 points since it is adjacent to the river. It
is secure from Flood, as are all seven buildings within the walled area.
SCENARIO III: Rivers & Roads
The river and road have brought many wonderful blessings to the domain, but the citizens are growing distrustful of you and the
influx of strangers in the domain. There have been multiple floods over the last few years. If you intend to maintain order, you’re
going to need to adjust your planning!
Instead of forming the supply according to the During part 5 of game setup each player also
basic game setup part 1 , follow the instructions takes exactly 1 river and, during part 6 a certain
below: number of flooded and scorched areas depending
on the number of players:
For Scenario III lay out the following cards
None with 4 players, one of each with 3 players,
(face up):
and two of each with 2 players. (With less than 4
• All 5 building cards marked with a : players return any unused rivers to the game box.)
Keep, Longhouse, Townhouse, Church and
Then, when designing their starting domain
during part 7 of game setup, each player also
• From the building cards marked with a : places their river as well as their joinery and
Lumber Mill, Hospital, University and (if applicable) flooded and scorched areas.
• And from the building cards marked with a :
Chapel, Wharf, Quarry and Armory.
Additional scoring at game end
Place the corresponding buildings on their Buildings: Buildings adjacent to a river (also)
respective cards, so that there are a total of score double points. If they are adjacent
13 building types laid out. to a river and at the same time completely
Each player also receives a Scenario III overview Walled area: Spaces occupied by flooded
card. areas, walls and armories are also not
Note: In this scenario, use BOTH Treachery and counted in the number of spaces for the
Flood for the disaster. largest walled area. The spaces occupied by
roads or a river that are inside a walled area
After this preparation step for Scenario III, are counted too (but not those under a gate).
continue with parts 2 - 8 of game setup from
the basic rulebook taking into account the For a Complete Scoring Example refer to
modifications below: page 9.
Now that you’ve been exposed to all of the new elements of this expansion, you have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of
them! The challenge is adapting to all the random and unexpected combinations within. Carefully plan your strategy and adjust it
when necessary. New and exciting challenges await!
Instead of forming the supply according to the basic game setup part 1 , Important: Additionally, during part 7 of game setup, when designing
follow the instructions below to create a Randomized Scenario: their starting domain, each player secretly chooses:
• Lay out all 5 building cards marked with a : EITHER to place the river and any flooded areas they have taken,
Keep, Longhouse, Townhouse, Church and Farm. OR to not place the river and any flooded areas, playing without the
river in this game. So they will not suffer from Flood, but can still
• Shuffle the 7 cards marked with a and randomly draw 4 of them.
trigger it for their opponents (by rolling 3 skulls).
Return the remaining 3 cards to the game box.
When everyone reveals their domains, return any unplaced rivers (and,
• Then shuffle all 6 cards marked with a and randomly draw 4 of
if applicable, flooded areas players have taken) to the game box.
them, adding them to the previously drawn 4 cards. Return the
remaining 2 cards also to the game box. Special case: If the Wharf is in play, and no player has placed their river,
the Wharf is completely removed from the game along with its building
• Finally lay out the 8 randomly chosen building cards (4 +4 )
card (play then continues with 12 building types only). In this case, also
face up.
return all flooded areas to the game box.
Place the corresponding buildings on their respective cards, so that
there are a total of 13 building types laid out. Return the five unused
building types to the game box. Additional scoring at game end
Note: You may also play with the building cards of your choice.
However, we recommend playing with a total of 13 different building The additional scoring is the same as in Scenario III (page 6).
types when combining the basic game with this expansion. For a Complete Scoring Example refer to page 9.
In addition, form a supply by sorting the dice by color, the roads and
walls by length, and place the bridges, gates, as well as flooded and
scorched areas nearby.
Each player also receives an Expansion Content overview card.
Tip: The Scenarios I-III may also be played with a randomized set of
Note: In this scenario, use BOTH Treachery and Flood for the buildings instead of those described on pages 4-6.
disaster. For example: If you want to play a game where everyone has a river
After this preparation step for a Randomized Scenario, continue with but without Treachery, use the adaptations included for Scenario II.
parts 2 - 8 of game setup from the basic rulebook taking into account
the modifications below:
During part 5 of game setup each player also takes exactly 1 river
and, during part 6 a certain number of flooded and scorched areas Tip: Furthermore, you can create your own custom scenarios, by
depending on the number of players: adapting the setup to your personal preferences.
None with 4 players, one of each with 3 players, and two of each with For example: If you prefer a completely peaceful game, just return the
2 players. (With less than 4 players return any unused rivers to the gray dice, keeps and armories (including their related building cards)
game box.) to the game box and play without step “6. EXTORT”.
The world is your oyster! You’re responsible for constructing the most flourishing and magnificent city in the land. You will have
every structure at your disposal. The neighboring river can be accessed to harness its potential. The road cobblers are eager to assist
in connecting your growing city to the outside world. Claim your destiny!
The entire contents of this expansion, as well as all Collector Set During part 5 of game setup each player also takes exactly 1 river and,
disasters and structures, are used in this scenario. during part 6 a certain number of flooded areas (and no scorched
areas) depending on the number of players:
For THE BIG GAME, lay out all 18 building cards included in this
None with 4 players, one with 3 players and two with 2 players. (With
expansion (face up) and place the corresponding buildings on their
less than 4 players return any unused rivers to the game box.)
respective cards. Add also all present Collector Sets (in the same way).
In addition, form a supply by sorting the dice by color, the roads and Then, when designing their starting domain during part 7 of game
walls by length, and place the bridges, gates, as well as flooded areas setup, each player also places their river and (if applicable) flooded
nearby. areas.
Return all scorched areas to the game box. The following rule applies only for THE BIG GAME:
Each player also receives an Expansion Content overview card. Alternative game end: In the rare case that a player doesn’t have space
in his domain at the beginning of his step “5. BUILD” for any of the
Note: In this scenario, use Flood (not Treachery) for the buildings that are left in the supply, but the appropriate number of ’s
disaster. are not yet revealed, the game ends at the end of the current round.
(This rule applies, even if this player does not have any resources or
After this preparation step for THE BIG GAME, continue with parts hammers in step “5. BUILD”.)
2 - 8 of game setup from the basic rulebook taking into account the
modifications below:
André tallies his points as follows:
First, he scores points for each building type in his domain.
All points for walled buildings OR buildings adjacent to the river are doubled. All points for walled buildings adjacent to the river are tripled.
1 He starts with his keeps and 4 He hasn’t collected any Culture and doesn’t have the Biggest
receives (1x2)+(1x3)=5 points for Road Network.
them because one keep is adjacent
to the river. He gets (3x3)+(2x2)=13 But he has the largest walled area
points for his longhouses (because (with a total of 52 spaces) and gets
three of them are walled and 10 bonus points.
adjacent to the river, the other two
are walled).
He receives a total of 5 points for 5 Finally, he subtracts 3 disaster
his townhouses: 1x3=3 points for points. His final score is 87.
his townhouse in the walled area
adjacent to the river, and 1x2=2
points for the one only adjacent to Note: André was quite happy that he was able to finish his
the river. Furthermore 1 point for walled area prior to the end of the game and before another
his church and 2x2=4 points for
player rolled 3 skulls! Now, his entire walled area, as well
the walled market.
as his church and the townhouse at the northern edge are
And the cathedral finally scores secure from Flood and Treachery since there are no longer
glorious 5x3=15 points. any places to put flooded or scorched areas.
3 Regarding the bonus points, he gets 4x1=4 bonus points for 1
each building (2 longhouses, 1 market and 1 joinery) adjacent to 1
his road and 7 bonus points for his market (since roads count as 4
empty space). His cathedral scores 10 bonus points for his 10 dice. 1 1 1
André’s Dice 2 3
1 1
Sir Philippe welcomes the return of his greatest rival ... you! If you haven’t familiarized yourself with new content in this expansion,
take a few minutes to review the rules to the new buildings (you don’t want Sir Philippe to have an competitive edge). Get ready
to build the greatest city the world has ever seen!
All rules from the basic solitaire game apply, with the following modifications:
• Lay out all 18 building cards included in this expansion (face up) and
place the corresponding buildings on their respective cards.
• Add any Collector Sets with which you wish to play but remember:
The entire contents of each Collector Set must be used (including
the disaster it contains).
• If you wish to play with the river from the beginning, add also
3 flooded areas to your starting domain. Since the Flood disaster
comes into play (in addition to Treachery) when you play
with the river, note that it will affect you (instead of your
• For each trade fair you may choose 1 resource from Sir
Philippe that appeared on his dice this round (but only up
to the amount shown on his dice). Receive 1 (or respectively 2)
culture per successful trade.
(If his dice don’t show any resources, you don’t get any.)
Note: “Adjacent” in ERA means orthogonally adjacent (diagonally connected is not considered adjacent).
Note also: A disaster from the basic game is always fully resolved first, before any additional disaster from this expansion or a Collector Set
occurs. The starting player resolves all of their disasters in this way, then proceed clockwise, with each player resolving all their disasters in turn order
(corresponding to the number of skulls rolled in step “1. ROLL”).
From the supply, give a flooded area to each of your opponents. They must place it adjacent to the
river or another flooded area in their domain (this also applies to those taken at setup). If there are not
enough flooded areas left in the supply, nothing happens. Flooded areas must be placed outside walled
areas even if it means they must remove one or more buildings, roads, or bridges.
If you do not have any open space in your domain to place a flooded area, you must remove buildings,
Flood roads, or bridges of your choice (but never keeps, armories, walls or scorched areas) until you can place
it. Return any buildings removed in this way to the game box. You do not need to add the flooded area
if there isn’t enough space outside your walled area(s), even if buildings and roads were to be removed
(in this case you do not remove any buildings or roads).
In addition, flooded areas may not be removed by scorched areas (not even to make room for them).
Furthermore, flooded areas do not increase the value of any buildings adjacent to them.
In some scenarios the Treachery and Flood disasters both occur. Always resolve the Treachery (for each player) before Flood.
At the end of the game, double the value of each adjacent building.
If a building is also walled, its points are tripled.
River 0 Unlike roads, spaces occupied by a river do not count as empty spaces for the
Market Bonus.
At the end of the game, score 1 bonus point for each building that is adjacent
Road to your road(s). Roads must be built so that they connect either to the edge of
1 0
(of any length) your domain or another road.
Spaces occupied by roads count as empty spaces for the Market Bonus.
A bridge counts as a road that crosses over a river. Bridges must also connect
either to the edge of your domain or another road, and must cross over a river.
Bridge 1 0 All rules that apply to roads apply to bridges (this includes also the Road
Bonus, Market Bonus and Biggest Road Network).
These four structures are not buildings. However, roads (and bridges) may be removed by scorched and flooded areas; but only if you do
not have any open space in your domain to place them. Roads (and bridges) removed in this way are returned to the supply.
Rivers and Gates (as well as walls and walled buildings) can never be removed by Treachery or Flood.
Structure Shape Cost Points Effect
After your third roll (and after all players have lifted their screens) you may choose
any die (even one showing a skull) and reroll it (openly, and in player order).
Chapel 1 1 1 You may perform this reroll before or after making use of a feather result, and in
any order if you have multiple chapels and feathers. The starting player resolves
all their chapels and feathers first, followed by each other player in turn order.
At any time during your Build step you may swap 1 resource for 1 other
resource of your choice. (Culture and disaster points are not resources.)
Wharf 2 1 2 You may do this once per round for each wharf (in your domain).
Also, in the round after you have built it (still in the same Build step).
Wharfs must be placed adjacent to a river, so that their jetties protrude over it.
Joinery 3 1 2 Provides 1 additional hammer during the Build step each round.
Also, in the round after you have built a Joinery (still in the same Build step).
Provides 2 additional stone during the Collect step each round. Quarries
Quarry 3 2 2 must be placed adjacent to the edge of your domain (and thus can never be
walled in).
In player order, after every player has carried out the Extort step (so just before the
Round End) you may exchange 1 resource from your resource tracks with any
1 other resource (e.g. you can’t swap 1 wood for 1 wood ) from one of your
opponents resource tracks. (Culture and disaster points are not resources.)
Trade Fair 3 3 3 You may do this once per round for each trade fair (in your domain).
Your opponent is obliged to accept the trade. Collect 1 culture per successful
trade. Collect (a total of) 2 culture per successful trade, if the trade fair is
adjacent to a road. Only the player who uses this building receives the culture.