W-CAR v1.3

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Complete Annotated Rules

Version 1.3 22 May 2015

Contents: Complete Annotated Rules
e Major Expansion  Minor Expansion  Alternate Edition

Table of Contents 2
About this Document 3
Introduction 4

e Carcassonne: Winter Edition 6
 Gingerbread Man 21
 Winter Edition (Digital) 24

Game Figures 26
Order of Play 27
Order of Play with Additions 29
Scoring During the Game 32
Scoring After the Game 33
Summary of Figure Characteristics 34
Tile Overview by Release 35
Consolidated Tile Reference 36
Symbols & Features 49
A Carcassonne Glossary 50
Carcassonne Collections & Expansions 55
Expansion Checklist 55

Epilogue 57
Carcassonne Central 58
Acknowledgements 59
Version History 60
Contact 61

Carcassonne Winter CAR 2 ver. 1.3

About this Document
One of the primary purposes of the Carcassonne: Winter Edition Complete Annotated
Rules (W-CAR) is to bring together into one place all of the rules from the game and all of
its expansions. Because some rules may change over time with new editions of the game,
the intent of the CAR is to keep up with the current rules. Additionally, the W-CAR
provides an official English translation for the basic game and its expansions, especially
useful for those expansions that may not be released in English-speaking markets for
years after initial German release.

Another issue is that various combinations of expansions may create questions that are
not answered by the rules themselves (more in the Standard Edition than the Winter
Edition so far). The CAR is there for you too, though. Through a series of footnotes, you
will find the answers to most of those questions as well.

To clarify how official an interpretation in a footnote is, the following codes will be found
throughout this document:

Fully official clarifications from Hans im Glück (HiG), the original publisher of Carcassonne,
are marked with the symbol . Additionally, these official clarifications may be written in
a question and answer format, although an effort has been made to keep clarifications
concise. Occasionally, official clarifications from other publishers (e.g. Rio Grande Games in
the case of the Games Quarterly #11 expansion) are also written in this format.

Interpretations and clarifications of the rules that come from the CarcassonneCentral
community (including this author) will be marked with the symbol .

Footnotes that highlight differences between different rule sets (such as noting older rules)
are marked with the symbol . Where there is currently a major disparity in the rules
among the different publishers (often due to incorrect translation), the footnote text will
also be colored dark pink.

Questions that we still don’t have an official answer for (or even a good suspicion of) will
be marked with the symbol and are printed in red.

Footnotes that represent commonly-used house rules or house variants are marked with
the symbol  and are printed in blue.

All images and the original rules text are © Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games, and Z-Man
Games and are used for educational purposes under Fair Use provisions, 17 U.S.C. § 107.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 3 ver. 1.3

As I write this, we are approaching the midpoint of 2015, and there has been little new
support for the Winter Edition of Carcassonne. That doesn’t mean that the Winter
Complete Annotated Rules (W-CAR) didn’t need a few updates, however.

The primary changed to this document is the addition of a section regarding the digital
version of the Winter Edition. This section was previously included in the Standard
Carcassonne CAR, but it really fits better here. I have also made an addition to the Order
of Play guide.

Because this document focuses only on the Winter Edition, none of the standard
expansions are included here. The Order of Play section is also limited to the official parts
of the Winter Edition. Of course, some of the standard expansions (such as the Phantom
or the Messages) could be easily added to the Winter Edition. Even specific mechanics
such as use of the large follower or builder could also be used if you want – the variety of
possible house rules is limited only by your imagination. The reader is directed to the
Standard CAR to learn more about those expansions, although I have kept a few of those
easy-to-add expansions in the Order of Play with Additions section to assist more
adventurous individuals.

Chris Ober (obervet)

22 May 2015

Carcassonne Winter CAR 4 ver. 1.3


Carcassonne Winter CAR 5 ver. 1.3

Carcassonne: Winter Edition
originally released by Hans im Glück in 2012

A clever tile-laying game in a winter coat for 2 to 5 players aged 8 and above by Klaus-
Jürgen Wrede

The city of Carcassonne in southern France is famous for its unique Roman and Medieval
fortifications. The players take their chances with their followers in the cities, cloisters,
roads, and snowy fields around Carcassonne. The development of the land is in their
hands, and the skillful deployment of the followers as thieves, knights, monks, and farmers
is the path to success.

city segments pennant

Game contents
 84 land tiles (including one with a dark
back) which depict road, city, and field
segments, as well as cloisters and a cloister
 40 followers1 in five colors:

Each follower can be deployed as a

knight, monk, thief, or farmer.
One follower of each color is used as a farm segments road crossing
segments s
scoring marker.
 One scoreboard. This is used to track
players' scores
reverse of the
 One rule booklet. starting tile

reverse of
normal tile

The players place the land tiles turn by turn. This leads to the growth of roads, cities,
cloisters and farms, to which the players may deploy their followers in order to earn
points. As points can be won during the game as well as at the end, the winner will only
emerge during the final scoring.

 Question: Too few followers—are we playing wrong or are there really too few? Answer: In
our view there are not too few. A certain shortage of followers is entirely intentional. An important
element of the game is precisely learning to be economical with one's followers.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 6 ver. 1.3

The rules for the winter edition are identical to the normal rules
of the game Carcassonne. The 12 additional tiles with animal
illustrations are played by the usual rules.2 3

The starting tile is placed in the middle of the table. The remaining tiles are mixed and
placed face-down on the table in several stacks, so that each player can access them
easily.4 The scoreboard should be placed at the edge of the table if possible.

Each player chooses a color and receives all eight

followers of that color, placing one on the ‘0’ field of the
scoreboard as a scoring marker. The remaining seven
followers stay with the player for the moment, as his or
her supply.

The youngest player decides who starts the game.

Playing the game

Play progresses in a clockwise fashion. The player whose turn it is carries out the following
actions in the order given:

1. The player must draw one new land tile and place it.
2. The player may take one follower from his or her supply and deploy it to the tile just
3. If any roads, cities, or cloisters are completed through the placement of the tile, they
must be scored now.

Then it is the next player's turn.

1. Place a tile
As their first action, the player must draw a tile from one of the stacks. The tile is then
shown to the other players (so they can “advise” the player about where to place it) and
placed on the table. The player must take care to observe the following:

 One of the animals on the tiles is a Wolpertinger, a beast from southern Germany. The closest
American equivalent to this is the Jackalope, although that really doesn’t do the Wolpertinger justice.

 HiG has asked the fans of the game for new rules to use with the animal tiles. For now,
however, the animals are simply aesthetic.

 Tiles can also be placed into a sack and drawn randomly.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 7 ver. 1.3

 At least one side of the new tile (with a red border in the examples below) must
touch one or more tiles already in play.5 Corner-to-corner placement is not
 Any city, road, and field segments must continue segments already in play.6 7

In the rare case that a tile cannot legally be placed anywhere, and all players agree, it is
removed from the game, and the player draws another.8

Road and field The city is continued.

segments continue
previous segments.

On one edge, the city

An example of
is continued. On the
incorrect placement.
other edge, the field
is continued.

 Question: We have difficulty deciding when a placed tile represents a new
city or belongs to one already being built. Answer: 'Corner to corner' is not a
connection! Segments can only be connected on the edges. In the example shown
there are two cities at the moment.

 Cloisters can be placed directly next to each other, or corner to corner. It is not necessary for
there to be eight other (non-cloister) tiles neighbouring a cloister. A cloister stands in the middle of a
field segment and other segments can be placed next to it. In contrast to roads, cities, and fields, it is
not possible to connect to a cloister.

 A newly placed land tile must fit the adjacent terrain on all edges. During
placement it is not enough to look for only one side that fits.

 If drawing tiles out of a bag, a tile that cannot be placed could be returned to
the bag for later use.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 8 ver. 1.3

2. Deploy a follower
When the player has placed the tile, he or she may deploy a follower.
In doing so the following points must be observed:
 Only one follower may be deployed each turn.
 The follower must come from the player's supply.
 The follower may only be deployed to the tile just placed.
9 10
 The player must decide which part of the tile the follower is deployed to as

a thief a knight a monk a farmer


or or or or there

on a road in a city segment on a cloister on a field segment

segment Place farmers lying down!

 If you complete a previously unoccupied city when placing a tile, you do not have
to occupy this city and earn the points. You can close the city without it being occupied
and (for example) deploy a farmer as long as the farm is unoccupied. The city does not
necessarily require a knight to look after it.

 Question: On cloister tiles, are we allowed to deploy a follower on the
surrounding field segment? Answer: Yes! The same rules are valid for a field
surrounding a cloister as for any other field. You can also deploy a farmer next to a
cloister. In this case the cloister remains unoccupied for the rest of the game.[unless
the cloister is occupied via a magic portal, or from a follower in Carcassonne—ed.]

 There are several text boxes in the rules suggesting that players play the first game without

Carcassonne Winter CAR 9 ver. 1.3

 There must be no other follower (not even one belonging to the same player) on
the road, city, or field segments connected to the tile just placed. It does not
matter how far away the follower is. The following two examples may help to

BLUE may not place a thief, as the BLUE may not place a knight in the city, as the city is
road is already occupied. He may already claimed. He may place a thief on the road or
play a monk or place a follower on place a follower on the field.
the field.

If a player runs out of followers during the course of play, he or she may only place tiles.
But don't panic: you can also get followers back.

Now the player’s turn is over, and it is the turn of the next player on the left.

Exception: If a road, city, or cloister was completed through the placement of the tile, it
must now be scored.12

 Question: There is a situation that puzzles us. If a player draws a tile with
two city segments and completes a small city, earning 4 points, can he or she then
deploy a follower to a new city segment in the same turn?

Answer: A player may only deploy one follower per turn, and that follower may be deployed only
once, and it must be before any scoring. If the player already occupies the small, now-completed city,
he or she may deploy a second follower to the other city segment immediately after placing the tile.
The small city will then be scored and the follower involved returned to the player. If the player does
not yet occupy this city, he or she can decide which of the two city segments to deploy a follower to.
If the follower is deployed to the small city, it will be returned immediately and the player will earn
four points, but the follower cannot be redeployed.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 10 ver. 1.3

3. Score completed roads, cities or cloisters

A completed road
A road is completed when the road segments on both sides end in a crossing, a city
segment, or a cloister, or when the road forms a closed circle.13 There is no limit to the
number of road segments which can lie between these endings.

RED scores 4 points

RED scores
3 points

A player who has a thief on this completed road scores as many points as the road is
long, determined by counting the number of tiles.14

Whenever points are scored, they are immediately recorded on the scoreboard (more on
this in the section about the scoreboard).

A completed city
A city is completed when its segments are fully encompassed by
a city wall and there are no gaps within the city. There is no
limit to how many segments a city may contain.

 Question: Can a road end in nothing? Answer: No, like all the usual land
tiles, a road segment must continue to another road segment on all edges.

 Question: How are the road segments between T-junctions scored? Are the
horizontal segments (on top of the T) also ends, or do these count as straight roads
that have to be completed elsewhere? Answer: Every crossing (or junction) ends a
road, irrespective of which direction they reach the junction from. The thieves cannot
enter the small villages on the junctions either. In the example shown, every thief is
on its own road.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 11 ver. 1.3

A player who has a knight in a completed city scores 2 points for every city segment.
Every pennant (shield symbol)15 scores an extra 2 points.

RED scores RED scores 8 points

8 points (four city segments, no
(three city pennants)
and one
When both city
segments on a tile are
in a single city, they
only count as one

The new tile joins the previously

unconnected city segments, forming a
single completed city
What happens if there are several followers on a
completed road or in a completed city?

Through the wily placement of land tiles it is quite

possible for several thieves to be on a road, or for
several knights to occupy a city.

The points are then scored by the player

with the most thieves or knights.16 In the
case of a draw, all players involved score the BLUE and RED both score the full 10
full number of points. points, as they both have one knight in
the city—a draw!

 Note that a pennant only affects the city segment it is in, not the whole tile (if there is more
than one segment on a single tile.

 When two followers of one color are occupying a road, city, or farm, you DO
NOT score double in these cases. The number of followers has no effect on the points
that a player earns from a road, city, cloister, or farm. Two knights do not double the
points. The number of followers is only important in establishing who has the

Carcassonne Winter CAR 12 ver. 1.3

A completed cloister
A cloister is completed when it is surrounded by
eight land tiles. The player who has a monk in the
cloister immediately scores 9 points—1 point
for each land tile, including the cloister

Returning followers to their owners

After a road, city, or cloister has been completed and scored –
and only then – any thieves, knights, or monks involved are RED scores 9 points(for 8
returned to their owner. From the next turn onwards, the suurounding tiles and the
cloister itself.)
player can then use them again in whatever role he or she

It is possible to deploy a follower, score immediately, and have the follower

returned, all in the same turn. In this case, you must use the following order:
1. Complete a road, city, or
cloister with the new tile.
2. Deploy a thief, knight, or monk.
3. Score the completed road, city,
or cloister.
RED scores 4 points 4. Return the thief, knight, or RED scores 3 points
monk to your supply.

Several connected field segments form a farm.17 Farms and field segments are not scored.
They serve only as places to deploy farmers; the owner of the farm only scores points at
the end of the game. As such, farmers remain on the farm for the duration of the
game and are never returned to their owner! In order to make that clear, the
farmers should be laid on their backs.

Farms are separated from each other by roads, cities, and the edge of the playing field –
this is important during the final scoring.

 In determining farm size, farms can be limited by all kinds of barriers, for
example, roads or cities which cannot be circumvented, or the edge of the playing
field. It can certainly happen that a farm covers almost the entire playing field, and
there will likely be farms that remain open for the entire game.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 13 ver. 1.3

Be careful:
The player who
placed the new
tile may not
deploy a farmer,
since the (now
connected) farm
is already
occupied by
All three farmers are on their own farms. After the placement of the new tile, farmers.
The road segment and the city separate the the farms of the three farmers are
farms from each other. joined to form one.

The scoreboard
Any points scored should be recorded on the scoreboard
immediately. The board is a track of fifty fields that can be lapped
many times. When the ‘0’ field is reached or passed, the counting
figure should be laid down to indicate that the player has already
earned 50 or more points.18
BLUE scores 3 points. He moved his figure
that started on 48. To indicate that the score
is greater than 50, he lays the figure down.

The End of the Game

The game ends at the end of the turn in which the last land tile is placed. Any roads,
cities, and cloisters completed in this round are scored as usual. This is followed by the
final scoring, where unfinished roads, cities, and cloisters, as well as the farmers,
will be scored.

 Use of counters, such as the 50/100 tiles from the standard edition of Carcassonne ( Inns and
Cathedrals or Big Box sets), would also be helpful.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 14 ver. 1.3

Final Scoring
RED scores 3 points for
the incomplete road.
Scoring incomplete roads, cities and YELLOW scores 5 points
cloisters for the incomplete
The first things to be scored during the final cloister.
scoring are the incomplete roads, cities
and cloisters. For every incomplete road,
city, and cloister the owner scores 1 point
for each segment. Pennants also now
score only 1 point.19 As soon as the
feature in question has been scored, the
followers involved are removed.

Scoring farms
Only the farmers and their farms are left, BLUE scores 3 points for the incomplete city on the
and these will be scored now. The owner of bottom right. GREEN scores 8 points for the large
each farm must be established. If several incomplete city. BLACK scores nothing, since GREEN
players have farmers on a given farm, then has more knights in the city.
the player with the most farmers is the
owner. In the case of a draw, all the players
with the most farmers are considered to be owners of the farm. The owner (or owners) of
the farm score 3 points for every completed city which borders the farm, or lies
within it.20 21

 Question: Final scoring: segments of incomplete roads. 1 point per follower
or 1 point per road segment? Cloister: 1 point for every neighbouring tile (e.g. 5),
or is an incomplete cloister worth only 1 point? Answer: During the final scoring,
roads earn exactly as much as during the game, that is, 1 point per road segment.
In the example shown, blue earns four points at the end of the game. The cloister
earns 1 point for the cloister itself and 1 point for every neighbouring tile. When
there are five tiles surrounding the cloister it earns 6 in total.

 Question: It is unclear whether incomplete farms earn points during the
final scoring. Answer: It is almost impossible to close off or complete most of the
farms. The most important thing when scoring the farms are the cities, which do
indeed have to be complete. So: completed cities count on incomplete farms as

 Question: At the end of the game, do we score farms which are
completely closed off by roads, but which don't have any adjacent cities? If so,
how? Answer: Strictly speaking, they should be scored exactly like every other
farm, with 3 points for every completed city. In this case, that makes a total of
zero points. And the farmer is nevertheless unable to leave the farm. All this is of
course highly frustrating and cries out for revenge!
Carcassonne Winter CAR 15 ver. 1.3
If a city borders more than one farm, the owner(s) of each farm score(s) 3 points for
the city.22

BLUE scores 9 BLUE scores 6

points (6 points for points. RED
the upper farmer scores 3 points.
and 3 points for the The incomplete
lower one). city generates
no points.

Having the # = The order in On the large farm

majority of which the tiles RED and YELLOW
farmers, RED owns were placed. both have two
the large farm, and farmers, and so
scores 6 points: 3 both score 6 points:
each for the cities 3 each for the cities
A and B. BLUE A and B. BLUE owns
owns the small the small farm,
farm, scoring 3 scoring 3 points for
points for city A. city A.
YELLOW does not
have a majority, so
earns no points.

Every farm scores the bordering cities23 in the same way. When this has been done, the
game is over.

The player with the most points wins.

 This describes what is known as the “third edition” method of scoring farms, the method
curently accepted by all publishers for all versions of Carcassonne.

 A bordering city is one that has a wall bordering the farm; a single point of contact at the
corner of a tile is not sufficient.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 16 ver. 1.3

Example of farmer scoring
Here is a more detailed example of how farmers and their farms are scored. “Wiese” is
translated as “farm.”

Be careful with
the edges of the
farm: farms are
separated from
each other by
roads, cities (if
they don’t lie
within the farm),
and the edge of
the playing field.

• Farm 1: BLUE owns farm 1. Two completed cities (A and B) border the farm. For each completed
city BLUE scores 3 points (irrespective of their size), or a total of 6 points.
• Farm 2: RED and BLUE own farm 2. There are three completed cities (A, B and C) bordering or
lying within this farm. RED and BLUE therefore score 9 points each.
Notice that cities A and B score points for BLUE on farm 1 as well as RED and BLUE on farm 2,
since these cities border both farms. The city on the bottom left is incomplete, and so generates no
• Farm 3: YELLOW owns farm 3, since YELLOW has more farmers on it than BLACK. There are four
completed cities bordering or lying within farm 2, so YELLOW scores 12 points.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 17 ver. 1.3

How can multiple followers stand on one feature?

Turn 1: BLUE
places a follower
on the field.

Turn 2: RED places the tile at the upper

right and places a farmer on the field.
He may do this becauase the fields are
The fields are not yet connected.
not connected at
the corners!

Turn 3: Now the two field segments are

connected as part of a larger field. In
this way it is possible for several
followers to be on one farm.

In this same way, several thieves can

stand on one road or several knights can
be in one city.

House Rules
The players decide who starts the game by any method they choose—such as by rolling
three followers. The first player to ‘roll’ a standing follower decides who plays first.
(Thanks to Joff).

To determine the first player; each player draws a tile from the bag, the player that drew
the tile with the most roads (0 to 4) plays first, if there is a tie for most roads, a draw-off
takes place. This is repeated until someone wins. (Thanks to michael).

Carcassonne Winter CAR 18 ver. 1.3

Take your next tile at the end of your turn, to give you time to think about placement and
avoid analysis paralysis.

Play with a three-tile hand. The abbey counts as part of your hand. Play your turn.
including the builder, and then draw back up to three tiles. These tiles could be visible to
all or hidden to the other players (Thanks to DavidP and youtch).

When playing with a bag for the tiles, the original starting tile may be put into the bag,
and unplayable tiles can be put back into the bag rather than set to one side. (Thanks to

Trees (bushes) on roads do not end the road—only houses do (when the road forks). This
makes road building a lot more dynamic. (Thanks to Tobias).

When a tile is the only tile which can currently complete a structure, other players can
offer to ‘buy’ it by offering points, trades counter, abbey, and so on. (Thanks to

If you place a tile that fills a hole in the playing field by touching something on all four
adjacent sides, you get another turn. This helps motivate people to finish the board even if
they do not get an advantage from the placement. (Does not apply to the abbey tile).
(Thanks to viberunner).

Incomplete features at the end of the game do not score points at the end of the game.
(Thanks to metoth).

The edge of the table limits the playing area. Thus, a player may not place a tile past the
edge of the table or move the playing area to place a tile that would have been past the
edge of the table. (Thanks to metoth for prompting this one, and to SkullOne for pointing
out that this is an official rule from Hunters and Gatherers).

Table borders COMPLETE features as an abbey would. (Thanks to PreGy.)

Use colored dice instead of meeples on the scoring track. Start out with the 6 showing on
top. When the marker completes one lap, turn it to the number 1 to indicate it has
completed one lap. This shows at a glance which player is on what lap and who's ahead.
On the 100 space track it’s even easier to determine someone’s score at a glance. (Thanks
to Carcking.)

Carcassonne Winter CAR 19 ver. 1.3

Tile Distribution Total Tiles: 84 (72 as in the original Carcassonne + 12
tiles with animals)

x2 x4 x1 x4 x5

x2 x1 x3 x2 x3

x3 x3 x2 x3 x2

x3 x1 x3 x2 x1

x8 x9 x4 x1

x1 x1 x1 x1 x1

x1 x1 x1 x1 x1

x1 x1

Underlined number includes starting tile.

* There are graphically different versions of these tiles included in the game.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 20 ver. 1.3

Gingerbread Man
originally released by Hans im Glück in 2012

Winter has broken out in Carcassonne. It's cold, but romantic, it is a time of hot drinks and
sweet pastries. Life in the cities of Carcassonne is just a bit slower. But occasionally a new
fellow pops up, have you already found him?

Extra Pieces
 1 wooden Gingerbread Man figure
 6 new land tiles with gingerbread man symbol

All normal rules of Carcassonne remain. This mini-expansion can be
played only with the Carcassonne Winter Edition because of the tile
backs. The 6 new landscape tiles with the gingerbread man are mixed
in with the tiles of the Winter Edition. The wooden Gingerbread Man is
placed in the city on the starting tile.

Playing the Game

Playing the new tiles: If a player draws a landscape tile with the gingerbread man
symbol, he or she places the tile using the normal rules and performs a normal turn. He or
she then takes the Gingerbread Man and puts it into a different unfinished city.

Gingerbread Man scoring

1) When the Gingerbread Man leaves a city (by placement of another gingerbread man
tile), all players who have one or more knights in this city will receive points. For each of
his or her knights in this city, each player receives 1 point per tile that is a part of the city
at this moment. Pennants score no points. The knights remain in this city.

2) If a player completes a city with the Gingerbread Man, here is what happens: Before
the normal scoring is performed, all players who have one or more knights in this city will
receive points. For each of his or her knights in this city, each player receives 1 point per
tile that is a part of the city. After that, the player who completed the city places the
Gingerbread Man into an unfinished city of his or her choice.24

Special case: If there is no other unfinished city when the Gingerbread Man must be
moved, it stays in the city in which it is located. If this city is completed, it is placed next

 Based on Scoring Example 2, the movement of the Gingerbread Man occurs after normal
Carcassonne Winter CAR 21 ver. 1.3
to the game board and can be brought back into the game by playing a tile with the
gingerbread man icon.

Scoring Example 1 25
RED places a tile with a gingerbread
man icon and places the
Gingerbread Man on the city on the
upper right. Because the
Gingerbread Man leaves the city on
the left, BLUE gets 7 points (7 tiles, 1
knight) and RED gets 14 points
(7 tiles, 2 knights).

Scoring Example 2
RED places a tile, completing the
city in which the Gingerbread Man
stands. For the gingerbread score,
BLUE gets 6 points (6 tiles, 1 knight)
and RED gets 12 points (6 tiles, 2
knights). After that RED gets another
14 points for the normal city score.
RED then places the Gingerbread
Man in the unfinished city.

 The Gingerbread Man can be eaten by the dragon.
 The big follower counts as a normal follower for the purposes of scoring with the
Gingerbread Man.
 Figures which are not followers (such as the pig and builder) do not interact with
the Gingerbread Man.

 As is also pointed out in the Tile Distribution, the red-bordered tile placed in this example was
not included in the initial print run of the Gingerbread Man mini-expansion.

 These clarifications come from the iOS version of Carcassonne, where the Winter Edition can
easily be mixed with expansions from the Standard Edition of Carcassonne. (12/2014)

Carcassonne Winter CAR 22 ver. 1.3

Tile Distribution Total Tiles: 6

x1 x1 x1 (or 2) x1 x1

Note: the following tile was not included

in the first printing of the set. In the first
printing, there are instead 2 copies of the
middle tile shown in the above row. x1

Carcassonne Winter CAR 23 ver. 1.3

Carcassonne Winter Edition (Digital)
originally released by Hans im Glück in 2011

Extra Pieces
 72 land tile images

This specific edition of the basic game of Carcassonne is distributed only as a digital
download and represents the precursor to the boxed version. This Six PDF pages
containing the 72 standard tile images are included – the intent is for the files to be
printed onto stickers and then adhered to regular Carcassonne tiles. The functional
geography and rules of the Winter Edition are no different from the original basic version
of Carcassonne, but all of the features are covered with snow.

As the boxed version with all new artwork and additional tiles is now available, this is
really only of historical interest at this point.

Note: Because this Winter Edition is only available digitally, the tiles will not be
reproduced in this document.

Image © Hans im Glück.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 24 ver. 1.3

Reference Guides

Carcassonne Winter CAR 25 ver. 1.3

Game Figures
Every normal follower is just one follower.

Special figures
None (played on the playing field) so far.

Counting figures
A normal figure placed on the scoreboard. Note that actually this should be considered a
Special Figure rather than a follower.

Neutral figures
The Gingerbread Man is neutral, and once in play it doesn’t belong to anyone.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 26 ver. 1.3

Order of Play
by obervet, on the foundation provided by Skull One27

The word “you” throughout this section refers to the active player.

Any time during your turn:

 You may ask for advice.

 You may read the rules for the expansions you are playing with.

Step 1: Begin Turn

Step 2: Draw a Tile

a) Randomly draw a tile.

b) Show the tile to all players.

Step 3: Place the Tile

a) Place the tile.

b) Note that any feature that is finished is considered complete at this time.

Step 4A: Move the Wood (Phase 1)

You may do the following:

a) Deploy a follower
 Normal follower

Step 4B: Move the Wood (Phase 2)

Step 5: Resolve Move the Wood

Step 6: Identify Completed Features

a) Identify all completed features

 Roads, cities, and cloisters completed by tile placement
b) Each player receiving points chooses the order in which his or her features resolve
c) Perform Step 7 for each completed feature in the order chosen.

 I have kept the framework used in the Standard CAR to minimize confusion when going back
and forth between the two documents. However, some parts of the turn may not have actions that
can be performed in the Winter Edition. Here I have only included steps officially pertinent to the
Winter Edition; for mechanics that could be added, see the Order of Play with Additions.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 27 ver. 1.3

Step 7: Resolve Completed Features

a) If the Gingerbread Man is in a completed city, all players with knights in the city
receive points. You then place the Gingerbread Man in an unfinished city of your
b) Resolve control of the completed feature
 Normal follower 1 vote
c) Tally points and award points to the controlling player(s)
 Base score
d) Return all remaining followers on the completed feature to their owners.

Step 8: Resolve the Tile

a) If you played a gingerbread man tile on this turn, move the Gingerbread Man to
a different incomplete city. All players receive points for any knights they have in
the city that the Gingerbread Man just left.

Step 9: Resolve the Turn

Carcassonne Winter CAR 28 ver. 1.3

Order of Play with Additions
by obervet, on the foundation provided by Skull One28

The word “you” throughout this section refers to the active player.
Steps written in orange are features from the Standard version of Carcassonne that could
be adapted for the Winter version.
If playing with the Messages (Dispatches) expansion from Standard Carcassonne, the
player scoring points chooses which scoring figure to move each time points are
awarded. When you see the word MESSAGES, if one of your counting followers has
just landed on a dark space of the scoreboard, you may draw a Message tile. Note
that resolving a Message tile could also trigger the drawing of another Message tile.

Any time during your turn:

 You may ask for advice.

 You may read the rules for the expansions you are playing with.

Step 1: Begin Turn

a) If the fairy is next to one of your followers, score 1 point. MESSAGES

Step 2: Draw a Tile

a) If you have an abbey tile, you may draw it in place of drawing a regular tile.
b) If you did not perform a, randomly draw a tile.
c) Show the tile to all players.

Step 3: Place the Tile

a) Place the tile. You must build a bridge if doing so is required to make the tile
placement legal. (Otherwise, a bridge can be placed at any time during the turn.)
You may build a bridge on the tile just placed or a tile orthogonal to the tile just
b) Note that any feature that is finished is considered complete at this time.

 I have kept the framework used in the Standard CAR to minimize confusion when going back
and forth between the two documents. However, some parts of the turn may not have actions that
can be performed in the Winter Edition. I have also included steps from some Standard expansions
that could easily be added to the Winter Edition.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 29 ver. 1.3

Step 4A: Move the Wood (Phase 1)

You may do one and only one of the following:

a) Deploy a follower
 Normal follower
 Big follower
 Mayor
 Wagon
 Abbot (C II)
b) Deploy one of your other figures
 Pig to a field containing one of your followers
 Builder to a city or road containing one of your followers
 Shepherd to a field not already containing a shepherd
o You must perform an expand flock action and resolve the result
c) Deploy the barn. The farm will be scored as a normal feature in Step 7.
d) Deploy / move a neutral figure
 Place a little building on the tile just played
 Move the fairy next to one of your followers

Step 4B: Move the Wood (Phase 2)

a) You may place the phantom in the same way as a normal follower.

Step 5: Resolve Move the Wood

a) If placement of the tile extended the field with your shepherd, you must choose
one of the following two actions
 Expand the flock (draw a token)
 Herd the flock into the stable (score 1 point per sheep)

Step 6: Identify Completed Features

a) Identify all completed features

 Roads, cities, and cloisters completed by tile placement
 Roads, cities, and cloisters completed by abbey placement
 Roads completed by placement of a bridge
 Farms to be scored due to barn placement or joining of a farm with a
farmer to one with a barn
 Castles completed by the completion of a nearby feature (not on the
same turn that the castle itself was built)
b) Each player receiving points chooses the order in which his or her features resolve
 Exception: A castle must be resolved immediately after any feature
which triggers its completion.
c) Perform Step 7 for each completed feature in the order chosen.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 30 ver. 1.3

Step 7: Resolve Completed Features

a) If a town was created by the tile placement, the town may be converted into a
castle by the occupying player. If converted, this feature’s completion is
considered to be resolved. Go to the next feature.
b) If the Gingerbread Man is in a completed city, all players with knights in the city
receive points. You then place the Gingerbread Man in an unfinished city of your
choice. (How this would interact with a newly-formed castle is unknown. As a
castle is no longer a city, the Gingerbread Man should likely be removed with no
c) If a fairy is next to a follower in the completed feature, that follower’s owner
receives 3 points.
d) Rewards for completing the feature
 If the completed feature is a city or road, check to see if it is the new
largest one and, if so, receive the King or Robber Baron
e) Resolve control of the completed feature
 Normal follower 1 vote
 Phantom 1 vote
 Wagon 1 vote
 Big follower 2 votes
 Mayor 1 vote per pennant
f) Tally points and award points to the controlling player(s)
 Base score
 Little buildings
g) Move any wagons on the completed feature to any adjoining unoccupied
uncompleted feature. If more than one wagon can move, you move first, and
then order of movement proceeds clockwise.
h) Return all remaining followers on the completed feature to their owners.

Step 8: Resolve the Tile

a) Consider the total movement of your counting followers after all completed
features are scored: MESSAGES
b) If you played a gingerbread man tile on this turn, move the Gingerbread Man to
a different incomplete city. All players receive points for any knights they have in
the city that the Gingerbread Man just left. MESSAGES

Step 9: Resolve the Turn

a) If you had a builder on a road or city that was extended by the placement of the
tile, repeat Steps 2 through 8 once more and only once more.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 31 ver. 1.3

Scoring During the Game
Completed Features
Road (thief) 1 point / tile

City (knight) 2 points / tile

2 points / pennant

Cloister (monk) 9 points

(the cloister and the eight tiles
around it)

Other scoring during the game

1 point per tile for each knight

Gingerbread Man when Gingerbread Man leaves city
or city is completed

Dispatch 2 points OR depends on tile

Carcassonne Winter CAR 32 ver. 1.3

Scoring After the Game
Incomplete features

Road (thief) 1 point / tile

City (knight) 1 point / tile

1 point / pennant

Cloister (monk) 1 point / tile

(the cloister and each of the eight tiles around it)

Farm (farmer) 3 points / completed city

Other scoring at the end of the game

Robber baron
1 point / completed road

1 point / completed city

Carcassonne Winter CAR 33 ver. 1.3

Summary of Figure Characteristics

Followers and Neutral Figures

Follower Gingerbread Man

Ownership? player neutral

Follower? yes no

deploy to road? yes no

deploy to city? yes yes

deploy to farm? yes no

deploy to cloister? yes no

value for
1 ---

Carcassonne Winter CAR 34 ver. 1.3

Tile Overview by Release
No. Source Land Extra Special ‘Spare’



Total 90 90

This table lists the total number of tiles available in the basic game and in each expansion.

General Notes
 The first column lists the number of the expansion. Only main—boxed—expansions
have numbers.
 The second column lists the title of the set.
 The third column lists the number of land tiles include in the set. Tiles such as the
King, Robber Baron, abbeys, and point tiles are excluded (see ‘Extra Tiles’). Tiles
which are not used if the set is combined with other expansions in a game of
mega-Carcassonne are also excluded from this column (see ‘Spare Tiles’).
 The fourth column lists the extra land tiles which come with the set—such as
abbeys, the city of Carcassonne, or the wheel of fate.
 The fifth column lists the special tiles which come with the set—such as the King,
the Robber Baron and point tiles.
 The sixth and final column lists the tiles which are surplus when the set is
combined with other expansions in a game of mega-Carcassonne. So, for
example, the basic game shows a ‘1’ in this column, as the starting tile is not
used when it is combined with a river or The Count of Carcassonne, and the lake
and spring tiles from The River are not used if combined with The River II.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 35 ver. 1.3

Consolidated Tile Reference
The distribution lists here are organised by card type, as well as by set/expansion. More
precisely, they are organised by the topological relation of their sides. The legend ‘ ffff’ on
a tile in the game distribution lists below denotes a tile on which all four sides are fields;
‘rrrr’ one on which all sides are roads; and ‘cccc’ one on which all sides are cities. The
section title ‘City, field, road, field,’ would correspond to ‘cfrf’, and describes a tile with the
following arrangement:


of which this tile would be an example:

The arrangement always proceeds clockwise from the topmost position. Furthermore, the
tile notation and section headings are ordered alphabetically, according to the following

cities (c)
fields (f)
roads (r)
rivers (s)—think of ‘streams’

Practically speaking, that means that a city is always placed at the top, and the rest of the
tile described clockwise from that starting point. If there is more than one city, the first
city—again seen clockwise—is placed at the top. If there is no city at all, then a field is
placed at the top, and so on.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 36 ver. 1.3

Further examples:




Clearly, the internal content of the tile is not being considered. The three tiles above are
all grouped under different sections, even though they may all be used to connect two city
segments on the top and bottom.

Similarly, both the tiles below are to be found under ‘City, city, city, city’.


The reason for this organisation should be clear if you consider a situation where, deep
into a game, there is a ‘hole’ in the playing field: only a tile with a certain arrangement of
sides will fit.

I have also included a separate distribution list for tile symbols and features.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 37 ver. 1.3

City, city, city, city
Total Source



5 Total

Basic game

Gingerbread Man

x2, x1, x1

City, city, city, field

Total Source


4 Total

Basic game

x3, x1

Carcassonne Winter CAR 38 ver. 1.3

City, city, city, road
Total Source



4 Total

Basic game

x2, x1
Gingerbread Man


City, city, field, field

Total Source


7 Total

Basic game

x2, x2, x3

Carcassonne Winter CAR 39 ver. 1.3

City, city, field, road
Total Source



2 Total

Basic Game

Gingerbread Man


City, city, road, field

Total Source


1 Total

Basic Game


Carcassonne Winter CAR 40 ver. 1.3

City, city, road, road
Total Source


5 Total

Basic game

x3, x2

City, field, city, field

Total Source


6 Total

Basic game

x2, x1,


Carcassonne Winter CAR 41 ver. 1.3

City, field, city, road
Total Source

0 Total

City, field, field, field

Total Source


5 Total

Basic game


City, field, field, road

Total Source


1 Total

Basic Game


Carcassonne Winter CAR 42 ver. 1.3

City, field, road, field
Total Source


1 Total

Basic Game


City, field, road, road

Total Source


4 Total

Basic game

x3, x1

City, road, city, road

Total Source

0 Total

Carcassonne Winter CAR 43 ver. 1.3

City, road, field, field
Total Source


1 Total

Basic Game


City, road, field, road

Total Source


4 Total

Basic game

x4 29

Including the starting tile.
Carcassonne Winter CAR 44 ver. 1.3
City, road, road, field
Total Source


4 Total

Basic game

x3, x1

City, road, road, road

Total Source


3 Total

Basic game


Carcassonne Winter CAR 45 ver. 1.3

Field, field, field, field
Total Source


4 Total

Basic game


Field, field, field, road

Total Source


4 Total

Basic game

x2, x1, x1

Carcassonne Winter CAR 46 ver. 1.3

Field, field, road, road
Total Source


9 Total

Basic game


Field, road, field, road

Total Source


9 Total

Basic game

x8, x1

Carcassonne Winter CAR 47 ver. 1.3

Field, road, road, road
Total Source


5 Total

Basic game

x4, x1

Road, road, road, road

Total Source


2 Total

Basic game

x1, x1

Carcassonne Winter CAR 48 ver. 1.3

Symbols and Features
Animals Gingerbread Men
Total Source Total Source


Cloisters Pennants
Total Source Total Source


8 Total 10 Total

Carcassonne Winter CAR 49 ver. 1.3

A Carcassonne Glossary
active player advice
The player whose turn it currently is. According to the basic rules, all players
Even when other players carry out may—if they wish—offer ‘advice’ to the
actions during a player’s turn (such as player whose turn it currently is about
parachuting followers in, or taking part where to place their tile. There is
in a round of bidding), they are not nothing to say that this must be good
considered to be active. advice.

adjacent basic game

Tiles which are next to each other The original Carcassonne, without any
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally are expansions. Also known as ‘vanilla
said to be adjacent to each other. The Carcassonne’.
sides which touch are also said to be
adjacent, and must contain the same BGG
features on both tiles: that is, a road See BoardGameGeek.
must continue in a road, and so on—
except in the case of the abbey, which BoardGameGeek
does not continue a feature, or a bridge, The largest online board-gaming
which allows a road to lead to a farm, community. Website:
although the road is actually continued http://boardgamegeek.com/. Often
by the bridge. abbreviated to BGG.
Cities are also sometimes described as
being adjacent to farms. In this case it is bridge
not the field segment of a particular tile First included in Traders
which is referred to, but the expanse of and Builders, a bridge is
a farm as a whole. not a crossing—the road
segments run continuously
With regard to the wagon, an ‘adjacent over or under each other. However, in
feature’ is more or less synonymous with the example shown, the farm segments
‘neighboring feature’. do not continue under the bridge.
For a castle, adjacent means on one of Similarly, a city may bridge
the two tiles on which the castle itself another city, as in the
stand, the two to its left, or the two to example shown. In this
its right: a total of six tile. case there are also two
In a plague region, adjacent means separate cities.
horizontally or vertically, but not
diagonally. CarcassonneCentral
[shameless plug]The premiere
Carcassonne-related website in the
English-speaking world:
http://carcassonnecentral.com/. Often
abbreviated to CC.[/shameless plug]

Carcassonne Winter CAR 50 ver. 1.3

CAR crossing
See Complete Annotated Rules. The end of a road. All junctions—
crossroads, T-junctions, and so on—are
CC crossings.
See CarcassonneCentral.
city Moving a follower from the the supply to
One of the four basic types of occupy a feature. Also called ‘moving the
features. A follower deployed wood’.
to a city is called a knight.
When a city is completed, depreciated
every tile and pennant scores An FAQ which is no longer valid,
2 points. At the end of the game, every according to the latest rules, usually
incomplete city scores 1 point for every because the rules have changed.
tile and pennant.
cloister There are two types of expansions for
One of the four basic types Carcassonne: major expansions and
of features. A follower mini-expansions. So far, there is only
deployed to a cloister is one mini-expansion for the Winter
called a monk. When the Edition.
eight adjacent tiles
(horizontal, vertical, and diagonal) have farm
been placed the cloister is complete and A set of connected field
scores 9 points. At the end of the game, segments. A follower
an incomplete cloister scores 1 point for deployed to a farm is called
every neighbouring tile (including the a farmer. During final
cloister itself). A cloister may challenge scoring, every completed
or be challenged by a shrine. city on a farm scores 3 points.

Complete Annotated Rules farmer

The title of this document. Often A follower deployed to a farm is called a
abbreviated to CAR. farmer, and should be laid on its back.

completed feature
A feature is said to be complete when it Any structure which can be built is
can no longer be extended. It is then considered to be a feature. The four
scored immediately, and may not be re- basic types are cities, cloisters, farms
occupied at any point. and roads. Other features include
shrines, abbeys, and the river.
counting follower
The follower that is moved around the field
scoreboard. One of the four basic types of features.
Connected field segmens make up a

Carcassonne Winter CAR 51 ver. 1.3

final scoring incomplete
When the last tile has been taken from Incomplete features may still be
the stack, bag or tile dispenser, the occupied during the game, and are only
game enters final scoring (note that a scored during the final scoring.
player may still have an abbey tile left—
this may not be played after the last incorporated
land tile has been drawn, unless the last An FAQ which is still true, but no longer
land tile is triggers a double turn). relevant, usually because the point it
During final scoring, all incomplete clarifies has been included in a later
features are scored, along with farms, version of the rules.
and any special bonuses from trade
goods, the King or Robber Baron. Klaus-Jürgen Wrede
The author of Carcassonne.
Used to refer to the standard knight
follower included in the basic game. A follower deployed to a city.

Game of the Year major expansion

A prestigious German award for board A numbered expansion, usually
games. Carcassonne won in 2001. Often containing some 20-30 tiles.
abbreviated to GotY.
Gingerbread Man If two or more players occupy the same
A neutral figure in the mini- feature as it is being scored, then the
expansion of the same name that majority must be calculated. Each
provides points to knights when it involved player counts the number of
leaves their city. followers, taking account of their relative
strength; the player with the most
GotY scores all the points for the feature,
See Game of the Year. while the others score 0. In the case of
a tie, all tied players score the full points
Hans im Glück available.
The original publishers of Carcassonne.
Often abbreviated to HiG. meeple
A popular neologism, possibly derived
HiG from ‘my people’. Commonly used to
See Hans im Glück. describe the playing figures of
Carcassonne taken as a whole.
A gap in the playing field; usually space mini-expansion
for a single tile. A smaller expansion, sometimes given
away for free or along with magazines,
house rule and usually featuring no more than a
Any unofficial rule used in the game. dozen new tiles.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 52 ver. 1.3

A follower deployed to a cloister is called road
a monk. One of the four basic types of
features. A follower deployed to
moving the wood a road is called a thief. A
Another term for the deployment phase completed road scores 1 point
of play. for each tile on which it is
neutral figure visible; during final scoring, incomplete
A figure which may be used by anyone. roads also score 1 point per tile.

occupied scoreboard
A feature is said to be occupied if at The standard Carcassonne scoreboard
least one follower stands in or on it. New contains 50 segments in a looped track.
followers may not be deployed to an Once the starting segment has been
occupied feature, only connected passed, the player may take an
indirectly; thus several followers of additional scoring token.
several players may ultimately occupy a
feature. However, followers from the segment
City of Carcassonne may be moved to an A segment is a section of a feature on a
occupied feature during scoring. tile.

open junction Spielbox

A kind of road junction, first A popular German magazine for board-
seen in Abbey and Mayor, in games.
which there is no actual
crossing. In the example shown, the stack
road must be completed in all three If the bag or tile dispenser are not in
directions. use, the tiles should be placed face-
down in small stacks at the side of the
pennant playing field.
A small shield on a city tile, which
effectively doubles the score of starting player
the tile when the city is scored, According to the HiG rules for the basic
and determines the strength of game, the youngest player decides who
the mayor. The tile shown has will begin. According to the latest RGG
two pennants, so triples the score of rules for the standard game, the players
that tile. decide among themselves who will be
the starting player, using any method
placement they choose. It’s up to you.
Used to described the act of adding a
tile to the playing field. starting tile
The tile with the dark back in
playing field the basic game.
All of the tiles in play, taken as a whole.
The playing field may stretch to the
edge of a table, but no further.
Carcassonne Winter CAR 53 ver. 1.3
supply deployment, and scoring. However,
The playing figures and special tiles, some game mechanics may occur
such as the abbey, which a player does outside of this structure, such as at the
not currently have in play at the start of the turn, at the end of the turn,
moment. or during the turn.

thief unoccupied
A follower deployed to a road. A feature is unoccupied if it contains no
tie follower of any player. Followers may
Should a tie occur when calculating the only be deployed directly to unoccupied
majority in a feature being scored, all features.
tied players score the full points
available. unplayable
If a tile cannot be placed anywhere on
tile the playing field, it should be removed
A playing piece containing segments of from play and the player should draw
features. Tiles should be placed in another.
stacks, the bag, or the tile dispenser.
tunnel Recent releases of both the basic game
A tunnel is an unbroken road that leads and its expansions have featured small
under another feature, such icons—watermarks—on the tiles. These
as a city. In the example make no difference to the game-play,
shown, there is one but may make it easier to sort out the
continuous road and two farm tiles at the end of the game.

The turn of a player consists of at least
three basic components: placement,

Carcassonne Winter CAR 54 ver. 1.3

Carcassonne Collections and Expansions
Hang on, where can I get that expansion? It’s not so tricky yet, but this may get tougher
to figure out with time and more releases. The following table includes a chronologic
listing of all of the releases for the Carcassonne Winter Edition.

Release Title Initial HiG ZMG Spiel Includes

release box
Carcassonne: 2012    Winter Edition
Winter Edition Oct 12 Animal tiles
Gingerbread Man (ZMG edition)
Gingerbread 2012    Gingerbread Man
Man Oct

Expansion Checklist
For all of you completionists, here is a list of all of the expansions available, without regard
to the precise origin of the expansions. Collect ‘em all!

 Carcassonne: Winter Edition  Gingerbread Man

 Winter Animal tiles

Carcassonne Winter CAR 55 ver. 1.3


Carcassonne Winter CAR 56 ver. 1.3

Obviously it’s important to have a unified set of rules for any game, allowing anyone to
just sit down and play the game together. However, as the Carcassonne community has
found, this becomes increasingly difficult with the challenges of multiple languages and
multiple expansion sets.

The following is a statement from Georg Wild of Hans im Glück. The translation is not
quite a verbatim quote, but it attempts to convey the spirit of his words:

Carcassone is important to us, but it is still a game.

In the context of tournaments, precisely defined rules are, of course, absolutely necessary
and have been used in previous official tournaments.
The “more problematic” expansions are not designed for tournament use and are probably
not suitable for tournaments. Should a tournament with all expansions take place, the
tournament coordinators are the best people to determine the best solution for that frame.
More common are games among friends. In reality, the majority of “problems” have two
absolutely equivalent solutions. The best criterion for coming up with a solution is the
taste of those playing the game, because if this taste is taken into account, the fun will
probably also be maximized … and this is what it all comes down to in the end, no?

Carcassonne Winter CAR 57 ver. 1.3

There’s a good chance that, if you’re reading this document, you probably downloaded it
from CarcassonneCentral (http://carcassonnecentral.com/). If you haven’t already, you
could show your support by joining the community and letting us know what you think.
Naturally, it is completely free.

Most of the work surrounding this document goes on in the CarcassonneCentral as a

whole. I think it is fair to call CarcassonneCentral the premiere Carcassonne-related
website in the English-speaking world. It was set up in March 2007 when Gantry Rogue
contacted Matt Harper about a possible collaboration, and since then has gone from
strength to strength.

Quite simply, if you have a Carcassonne-related question, a suggestion for the CAR, want
to ask people to play-test a variant you’ve been working on, or just feel like asking what
everybody else is playing at the moment, we’d be pleased to welcome you to
CarcassonneCentral. It’s a great way to keep up with official news and community
developments, and signing up really only takes a minute.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 58 ver. 1.3

Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, for creating such a great game.
Hans im Glück and Z-Man Games, for publishing it.

kettlefish, for metric tons of help in translating the German rules and getting a number of
clarifications from HiG.
Georg Wild at HiG, for answering all our questions.
Christof Tisch, rules designer at HiG, for help with the Gingerbread Man.
Skull One, for his turn summary.

Matthew Harper, for carrying the CAR for years.

Gantry Rogue, for coming up with the CarcassonneCentral idea in the first place.
Whaleyland, for encouragement and proofreading.
CKorfmann, for repeated reminders and encouragement.

Special thanks to the CarcassonneCentral and BoardGameGeek communities in general.

Naturally, all errors are entirely my own.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 59 ver. 1.3

Version History
1.3 (22 May 2015) Added the Winter Edition Digital version to this CAR (removed from the
standard CAR). Added a another Gingerbread Man step to the Order of Play.
1.2 (18 December 2014) Updated the Collection and Expansion availability table. Added
clarifications regarding interactions with other figures to the Gingerbread Man expansion.
Revamped the Order of Play section.
1.1 (11 May 2013) Minor corrections. Updated the Gingerbread Man expansion tile
distribution to reflect changes in different print runs.
1.0 (9 December 2012) The basic edition and Gingerbread Man expansion rules are
complete. Tile scans are included, and the Turn Order summary is up-to-date.

Carcassonne Winter CAR 60 ver. 1.3


Christopher Ober

[email protected]


Carcassonne Winter CAR 61 ver. 1.3

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