Universal Head Design That Works: Another Boardgame Player Aid by

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Another boardgame player aid by

Download a huge range of popular boardgame rules summaries, reference sheets and player aids at www.headlesshollow.com Universal Head Design That Works www.universalhead.com
These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference. Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.

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ARKHAM HORROR 2005 Fantasy Flight Games

Rules Summary, base game front Rules Summary, base game back Rules Summary, incl. all expansions (latest revised rules) front Rules Summary, incl all expansions (latest revised rules) back Rules Summary, Dunwich Horror Rules Summary, Kingsport Horror Rules Summary, Innsmouth Horror Rules Summary, Dark Pharaoh, King in Yellow, Black Goat of the Woods Rules Summary, Lurker at the Threshold

Jun 2011

Page 10: Rules Summary, Dark Pharaoh, Revised Page 11: Play Reference Page 12: Play Card Page 13: Guide to Arkham Page 14: Guide to Arkham (with instability) Page 15: Board Overlay with extra game info
(Note these match the darker, first printing of the board)

Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.

Setup / Order of Play

Set up the Arkham board. Place a clue token at each red diamond location. Set the Terror Track to 0. Shuffle the Gates. Each players chooses or randomly selects his investigator. Take investigator fixed possessions and, after shuffling all decks, random possessions (abilities affecting random draws can be used). Set investigator skill sliders to any positions and take sanity and stamina tokens equal to starting scores. Place investigator markers at home locations. Select an Ancient One randomly or choose one. Place the monsters in an opaque cup. Set aside Mask monsters unless facing Nyarlathotep. A random player takes the first player marker, then draws and resolves a Mythos card (Rumor cards are discarded, draw again). Remember to place a Doom counter on the Ancient Ones track. With 5+ players, place 2 monsters on the Gate instead of one. Each phase is played by all players, going clockwise starting with the first player. Pass the FP marker on at turn end.

b. Other World Movement Each Other World space is divided into 2 areas. An investigator receives no movement points there. Left Area: move investigator to the right area. Right Area: return to Arkham; move to a corresponding Gate and place an Explored marker under the investigator, who does not have to fight or evade any monsters there that turn only. If there is no corresponding Gate, the investigator is Lost in Time and Space.

5. Mythos

4. Activate Mythos Ability (top):

Headline: Resolve then discard. Environment: Place faceup near the board. Discard any previous Environment cards. Rumor: Applies if no Rumor card is in play. Otherwise, ignore the mythos text. A Rumor card and its markers in play is only discarded when its Pass/Fail condition is met.

The First Player (only) draws a Mythos card:

1. Open Gate and Spawn Monster (lower left)
No Elder Sign / Open Gate at Location: Add a Doom token to the Doom track. Draw a random Gate and place it faceup on the location. Discard any Clue tokens there. Investigators there are immediately moved to the corresponding Other World and delayed. Monsters are never drawn through Gates. Draw a monster and place it at the location (5+ players, place 2 monsters). If this brings the total number of monsters over the monster limit, place it in the Outskirts. Open Gate at Location: Monster surge: a number of monsters (the number of open Gates or the number of players, whichever is greater) appear, divided evenly among all open Gates (no Gate receives more monsters than the location shown on the Mythos card). If there are more monsters than the monster limit, players choose where monsters will be placed before drawing; remaining monsters go to the Outskirts. Elder Sign at Location: No Gate or monster.

3. Arkham Encounters 1. No Gate

Resolve special ability of location OR Shuffle the corresponding location deck, draw a card and apply the appropriate entry. Monsters and Gates cannot appear at sealed locations. If a monster appears and there is no Gate, it must be evaded or fought. Monsters that appear are taken as trophies if defeated, but returned to the cup if evaded. If a Gate appears, investigators there immediately move to the corresponding Other World and are delayed. Add a Doom token to the Doom track; any monster that appears stays on the board.

Skill Checks

Roll # of dice = ( skill value +/- modifier )

Skill difficulty is number of dice successes required to pass the check (default difficulty is 1). If skill minus modifier is 0 or less, the check is automatically failed.

Normal success: 5 or 6 (cursed: 6, blessed: 4, 5 or 6).

After a skill check (pass or fail), a player may always spend Clues one at a time. For each Clue spent, roll an additional die. Each success is added to the original total. A Clue gives you the bonus dice even if modifiers have dropped the number of dice below 0.

2. Gate
The investigator is drawn through the Gate to the left area of the corresponding Other World. If the investigator was on an Explored marker, he is not drawn through and may instead: Close (& Seal) a Gate: Make a Lore or Fight check with the modifier on the Gate. There is no effect on a fail (he may try again on subsequent turns if he does not leave the location). Pass: Take the Gate marker as a trophy. All monsters with the Gates dimension symbol in Arkham, the Sky and the Outskirts are returned to the cup. Then Seal: Immediately spend 5 Clues to place an unused Doom token on the location as an elder sign. Elder Sign Unique Item: No roll or Clues required; return the elder sign card to the box and take the Gate as a trophy. Take a Doom token from the Doom track, flip it and place it as an elder sign on the gate. Lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.

Evading Monsters
Evade Skill Check: Use Sneak skill with Sneak and Evade Skill bonuses, modified by monsters Awareness rating (upper right). Pass: continue as normal. Can move on or stay and interact with the space in the Encounters phase. Fail: Lose Stamina equal to icons, begin Combat.

1. Upkeep
If Lost in Time and Space and not delayed, return to anywhere in Arkham.

2. Place Clue Token (location in middle)

Only if there is no open Gate at that location. If a player is there he may immediately take the Clue.

1. Turn Exhausted Cards faceup. 2. Perform Upkeep Actions of all cards (Bless, Curse,
Bank Loan and Retainer cards do not require an Upkeep roll on the first phase after being acquired).

3. Move Monsters (lower right)

Move monsters with a matching dimension symbol along the arrow of the same color as the box around the symbol (half white, half black arrows count as white and black). A monster does not move if a player is in its location, and a monster stops when it encounters a player. Monsters do not fight players in this phase. If there is an equal choice between player targets, target the player with the lowest Sneak skill. Monster Movement Abilities Black Yellow Red Green Blue Normal. Never moves. Fast: Move twice. Special: marker. Flying: Move to connected street area with a player in it. Otherwise move to the Sky (counts towards monster limit) and move to any street location in Arkham next time. Flyers will not leave a space containing a player, and remain in the Sky if there are no players in a street.

If there is more than one monster in an area they must be evaded in turn in an order chosen by the player.

3. Adjust Skills a number of stops up to Focus. 2. Movement

If delayed, stand up marker and your movement ends. If in the Jail Cell, move to the main Police Station area. Otherwise take one of the following actions depending on location: a. Arkham Movement Move up to Speed to locations connected by a yellow line. You must evade or fight each monster there when leaving an area, ending movement in an area, or remaining in an area without moving. Movement always ends once combat with a monster begins. Remove any Explored marker if leaving a location. Clues may only be taken from a location where a player ends movement. Combat ends movement.

Monster Abilities
Ambush Once combat has begun the investigator cannot flee. Endless The monster cannot be collected as a monster trophy. It is returned to the cup if defeated. Nightmarish X If the investigator passes a Horror check he still loses X sanity (does not apply if the Horror check is failed). Overwhelming X If the investigator defeats this monster he still loses X Stamina (does not apply if the Combat check is failed). Physical/Magical Resistance Weapons, Spells and Magical Effects providing Physical/Magical (as applicable) bonuses provide half normal bonus (round up). Other abilities are not affected. Physical/Magical Immunity Weapons, Spells and Magical Effects providing Physical/Magical (as applicable) bonuses give no bonus. Other abilities are not affected.

4. Other World Encounters 1. Draw Gate Cards

Until the card color (or either color for dual-color cards) matches an encounter symbol on the Other World space.

2. Perform Encounter Entry for Location

If no location matches use the Other entry. Monsters that appear must be evaded or fought; they are taken as trophies if defeated, but returned to the cup if evaded.

If evasion is not attempted or fails, proceed to combat.

Investigator Status
Arrested Move the investigator to the Jail Cell area of the Police Station He loses half of his money (round down) and is delayed. Next turn he may only stand his marker up in the Police Station. Blessed / Cursed An investigator can have only one at a time. If a Blessed investigator is Cursed, discard the Blessing and vice versa. Delayed Place the investigator marker on its side; the investigator may not move or receive movement points. Devoured Discard all cards except unspent trophies. Randomly draw a new investigator and set up anew. Lost in Time and Space Move to Lost in Time and Space area and be delayed. Next turn the investigator can only stand up. On the following turn he may move to any location or street area in Arkham.

Ancient One Awakens!

When one of the following occurs the Ancient One awakes: immediately go to the Final Battle: Doom track is full Too many Gates open: 1-2 players: 8 Gates 3-4 players: 7 Gates 5-6 players: 6 Gates 7-8 players: 5 Gates

Miscellany / Clarifications
Board Icons: Location icons tell players the likely outcome of visiting that location. If the icon is reversed there is a guaranteed method of acquiring that item at that location. Discarding Cards: Cards are returned facedown to the bottom of their decks. Gates & Monsters: If a gate appears on a location where there is a player, he is drawn through the Gate and delayed. If a gate and a monster appears the gate appears first (add a Doom token) and both stay on the board. If just a monster appears, it returns to the cup if not defeated and taken as a trophy. Location Special Abilities: If there is an open Gate at a location, the locations special ability cannot be used. Monster Abilities: If an investigator fails a check against a Nightgaunt while in another world, he is returned to Arkham with an Explored marker. The Chthonian special ability does not affect players in Other Worlds. Mythos Cards: The Deputy is not subject to the Curfew Enforced card. Cards that affect monsters at Miskatonic Uni do not affect those spawned by The Terrible Experiment card. Special Cards: A maximum of one Retainer, Bank Loan, Silver Twilight Membership and Bless/Curse card may be held per player at the same time. Special items: The Bullwhip and Cross do not have to be used in combat to use their special abilities. Timing Conflicts: Players decide the order; if they cannot agree, the first player chooses. Trading: Players in the same area may trade money, Common and Unique Items and Spells at any time (including while moving) except during combat. Trophies: When spent, return monster trophies to the cup and return Gate trophies to the bottom of the gate pile. Use modified Toughness when spending monster trophies.

1. Horror Check
There is only one Horror Skill Check per battle. Use Will skill with Will and Horror Skill bonuses, modified by the monsters Horror rating (lower left). The test difficulty is always 1 unless noted otherwise. Pass: nothing happens. Fail: lose Sanity equal to icons.

A new Gate opens and there are no Gate markers left. A monster should be drawn but there are no monsters left in the cup. The Terror level is 10 and the number of monsters in Arkham is twice the normal monster limit. Final Battle First fill the Doom track with Doom tokens. All players Lost in Time and Space are devoured and eliminated. Discard any active Environment or Mythos cards. Survivors must battle the Ancient One. Once the final battle begins, players should no longer collect money or roll for Retainers or Bank Loans. Each combat round: Upkeep Each player still alive may refresh cards, use character abilities, adjust skill sliders and trade equipment with other players. Pass the first player marker to the left. Attack Each player still alive starting from the first player may make a Combat Check against the Ancient One, modified by its Combat rating. The players must get a total number of successes equal to the number of players (including eliminated players) to remove a Doom token. Successes are carried over to subsequent rounds, but reset to zero after removing a Doom token. When the last Doom token is removed, players win. Ancient One Attacks The Ancient One attacks each player in turn using the attack shown on its card. Any player reduced to 0 Stamina or Sanity is eliminated. If all investigators are eliminated, players lose. Otherwise, start a new round.

2. Choose Flee or Fight

Flee: Evade Skill Check. Pass: battle ends. Fail: monster deals combat damage, continue combat. Fight: Combat Skill Check. Use Fight skill with Fight and Combat Skill bonuses, modified by the monsters Combat rating (lower right). Choose any combination of weapons/spells up to a total of 2 hand icons. Bonuses only apply while the required number of hands are devoted to the weapon/spell. You may switch weapons between rounds, but the effects of a successfully cast spell stop as soon as you remove that spell from your hand. Test difficulty is the number of Toughness success has no effect. icons. Partial

Monster Limit and the Outskirts

The maximum number of monsters in Arkham (including the Sky area) is the number of players +3 (unless the terror level is at 10). If adding a monster would bring the number of monsters above the monster limit, place the monster in the Outskirts area. Once the number of monsters in the Outskirts exceeds 8 minus the number of players, return all monsters in the Outskirts to the cup and increase the terror level by 1. Continue adding drawn monsters to the Outskirts if applicable.

Pass: Take the monster chit as a trophy. icons. Fail: Lose Stamina equal to Then return to the Choose Flee or Fight step.

Casting Spells
Pay Sanity cost of the spell and make a Spell Skill Check. Use Lore skill with Lore and Spell Skill bonuses, modified by the spells casting modifier. If the check fails the spell has no effect (but still uses the number of hand icons it requires). Spells that are refreshed (eg. each combat round in the Final Battle) cease to work and must be re-cast.

Terror Track
For each point the terror level goes up, return to the box a random unclaimed Ally card (if any left). Also: If the terror level reaches 3, close General Store. Players and monsters inside move to Rivertown. If the terror level reaches 6, close the Curiositie Shoppe. Players and monsters inside move to Northside. If the terror level reaches 9, close the Magick Shoppe. Players and monsters inside move to Uptown. If the terror level reaches 10, the monster limit is removed. If the terror level increases again (eg. via a Mythos card), instead add 1 Doom token to the Doom track for each point it should have increased.

Sanity and Stamina

An investigator can never exceed the maximum Sanity or Stamina as listed on his investigator sheet.

Victory Conditions Close the Gates A player closes the last open Gate on the board, and players have Gate trophies (including the Gate just closed, but not including trophies spent) equal to or greater than the number of players. Seal the Gates 6 or more Elder Sign tokens on board. Banish the Ancient One Ancient One is defeated. First Citizen of Arkham The player with the most Gate trophies (break ties by most monster trophies). Scoring: see p12 of AH, p8 of DH rules.

If Sanity and/or Stamina are ever reduced to 0:

Choose and discard half of the investigators items (count all Common Items, Unique Items, Exhibit Items, Spells, Deputys Revolver and Patrol Wagon); half of his Clues (round down); and all of his Retainers. Restore Sanity and Stamina to minimum of 1. In Arkham: If Sanity, go immediately to Arkham Asylum. If Stamina, go to St. Marys Hospital. No encounters this turn. In Other World: Player is Lost in Time and Space. If Sanity and Stamina are both reduced to 0, or eithers maximum is reduced to 0, the investigator is devoured.

Investigators may move between towns (boards) by spending $1 and one movement point to move between one depot (train icon) location to another (including the Train Station). Remove any Explored marker if leaving a location. Clues may only be taken from a location where a player ends movement. Combat ends movement. Investigators can never enter a vortex. No direct move is allowed into the Kingsport Head locations using spells, equipment, or unusual methods such as returning from Lost in Time and Space. Investigators entering the Causeway or Wireless Station must end their movement. b. Other World Movement Each Other World space is divided into 2 areas. An investigator receives no movement points there. Left Area: move investigator to the right area. Right Area: return to Arkham; move to a corresponding Gate and place an Explored marker under the investigator, who does not have to fight or evade any monsters there that turn only. If there is no corresponding Gate, he is Lost in Time and Space.

5. Mythos The First Player (only) draws a Mythos card: 1. Open Gate and Spawn Monster (lower left)
No Elder Sign / Open Gate at Location: Add a Doom token to the Doom track. Draw a random Gate and place it faceup on the location. Discard any Clue tokens there. Investigators there are immediately moved to the corresponding Other World and delayed. Monsters are never drawn through Gates. Draw a monster and place it at the location (5+ players, place 2 monsters). If this brings the total number of monsters over the monster limit, place it in the Outskirts. Open Gate at Location: Monster surge: a number of monsters (the number of open Gates or the number of players, whichever is greater) appear, divided evenly among all open Gates (no Gate receives more monsters than the location shown on the Mythos card). If there are more monsters than the monster limit, players choose where monsters will be placed before drawing; remaining monsters go to the Outskirts. Elder Sign at Location: No Gate or monster. If the location is colored red, there is a gate burst: the elder sign is removed and a monster and gate are placed there (no Doom token is placed on the Doom track however). Also, all flying monsters move. Each time a Gate is prevented from opening, add one token to the Deep Ones Rising track.


Flying: Move to connected street area with a player in it. Otherwise move to the Sky (counts towards monster limit) and move to any street location in Arkham next time. Flyers will not leave a space containing a player, and remain in the Sky if there are no players in a street.

Color Key (first appearance of rule)

Dunwich Horror Kingsport Horror Innsmouth Horror Curse of the Dark Pharaoh King in Yellow Black Goat of the Woods The Lurker at the Threshold


Aquatic: If at an aquatic location, move to any other aquatic location that contains an investigator. Otherwise, move normally.

Setup / Order of Play

For each expansion board in play beyond one board, count the number of players as being one less for all in-game effects except when counting successes fighting the Ancient One. Set up the Arkham board and any expansion boards desired. Place a clue token at each red diamond location. Set the Terror Track to 0. Shuffle the Gates (replace with new Gate markers if desired). Randomly place the 3 Rift markers facedown on the 3 Rift Tracks on the Kingsport board. Place the 2 Aquatic markers on the River Docks and Unvisited Isle on the Arkham board. Choose or randomly select investigators. Take investigator fixed possessions and, after shuffling all decks, random possessions (abilities affecting random draws can be used). Set skill sliders to any positions. Take sanity and stamina tokens equal to scores. Place investigator markers at home locations. Optionally, each investigator takes their 2 Personal Story cards. The first card for each investigator is placed in play. Optionally, draw Relationship cards. Randomly choose 11 Allies (this number includes any allies required by investigators at game start) and shuffle. Players may examine which allies may appear before shuffling. Select an Ancient One randomly or choose one. Place the monsters in an opaque cup. Set aside Mask monsters unless facing Nyarlathotep. Set aside Spawn monsters. Optionally, draw or choose a Herald and/or Guardian. Place sheet(s) next to the Ancient One and follow setup instructions. A random player takes the first player marker, then draws and resolves a Mythos card (Rumor cards are discarded, draw again). Remember to place a Doom counter on the Ancient Ones track. With 5+ players, place 2 monsters on the Gate instead of one. Each phase is played by all players, going clockwise starting with the first player. Pass the FP marker on at turn end.

4. Activate Mythos Ability (top):

Headline: Resolve then discard. Environment: Place faceup near the board. Discard any previous Environment cards. Rumor: Applies if no Rumor card is in play. Otherwise, ignore the mythos text. A Rumor card and its markers in play is only discarded when its Pass/Fail condition is met.

3. Arkham Encounters 1. No Gate

Resolve special ability of location OR shuffle that location deck, draw a card and apply the appropriate entry. If a location encounter mentions a person who appears on a Blight card in play, ignore the encounter and instead lose 1 Sanity or 1 Stamina (players choice). Monsters and Gates cannot appear at sealed locations. If a monster appears and there is no Gate, it must be evaded or fought. Monsters that appear are taken as trophies if defeated, but returned to the cup if evaded. If a Gate appears, investigators there immediately move to the corresponding Other World and are delayed. Add a Doom token to the Doom track; any monster that appears stays on the board. After a Kingsport encounter, either discard one rift progress marker showing that location (if the corresponding rift is closed) or turn one facedown (if the corresponding rift is open). Once all 4 progress markers are turned facedown they are discarded; the rift marker is returned to its rift track.

Skill Checks

Roll # of dice = ( skill value +/- modifier )

Skill difficulty is number of dice successes required to pass the check (default difficulty is 1). If skill minus modifier is 0 or less, the check is automatically failed.

Normal success: 5 or 6 (cursed: 6, blessed: 4, 5 or 6).

After a skill check (pass or fail), a player may always spend Clues one at a time. For each Clue, roll an additional die. Add each success to the original total. Clues give you bonus dice even if modifiers drop the number of dice below 0.

2. Place Clue Token (location in middle)

Only if there is no open Gate at that location. If a player is there he may immediately take the Clue.

Evading Monsters
Evade Skill Check: Use Sneak skill with Sneak and Evade Skill bonuses, modified by monsters Awareness rating (upper right). Pass: continue as normal. Can move on or stay and interact with the space in the Encounters phase. Fail: Lose Stamina equal to icons, begin Combat. If there is more than one monster in an area they must be evaded in turn in an order chosen by the player.

3. Move Monsters (lower right)

Move open rifts with a matching dimension symbol along arrows of the same color as the box around the symbol. Then place a monster at the rifts new location. If the rift moved along an arrow matching the color of the symbol on the rift, add a Doom token to the doom track. Move monsters with a matching dimension symbol along the arrow of the same color as the box around the symbol (half white, half black arrows count as white and black). A monster does not move if a player is in its location, and a monster stops when it encounters a player. Monsters do not fight players in this phase. If there is an equal choice between player targets, target the player with the lowest Sneak skill. Monsters that enter a vortex in Dunwich are returned to the cup. Raise the Terror level by one and add one Dunwich Horror token to the Dunwich Horror track. Monsters that enter a vortex in Innsmouth are returned to the cup. Raise the Terror level by one and add one Deep Ones Rising token to the Deep Ones Rising track. Place a random rift progress marker faceup on any rift progress track (if not already full) matching the movement pattern on the card. Once all 4 spaces are full, the rift opens and is placed at the Gate location shown on the card. Gates and rifts do not interfere with each other. Resolve any Corruption cards with matching symbols. Monster Movement Abilities Black Yellow Red Green Purple Normal. Never moves. Fast: Move twice. Special: marker.

2. Gate
The investigator is drawn through the Gate to the left area of the corresponding Other World. If the investigator was on an Explored marker, he is not drawn through and may instead: Close (& Seal) a Gate: Make a Lore or Fight check with the modifier on the Gate. There is no effect on a fail (he may try again on subsequent turns if he does not leave the location). Pass: Take the Gate marker as a trophy. All monsters with the Gates dimension symbol in Arkham, the Sky and the Outskirts are returned to the cup. Corruption cards with a matching symbol are removed from the game. Then Seal: Immediately spend 5 Clues to place an unused Doom token on the location as an elder sign. Elder Sign Unique Item: No roll or Clues required; return the elder sign card to the box and take the Gate as a trophy. Take a doom token from the doom track and place it as an elder sign on the gate. Lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.

If evasion is not attempted or fails, proceed to combat.

1. Horror Check
Only one Horror Skill Check per battle. Use Will skill with Will and Horror Skill bonuses, modified by the monsters Horror rating (lower left). Test difficulty is always 1 unless noted. Pass: nothing happens. Fail: lose Sanity equal to icons.

1. Upkeep
If Lost in Time and Space and not delayed, return to anywhere in Arkham except Kingsport Head locations (Kingsport) or Yha-nthlei (Innsmouth). An investigator on an Innsmouth location or street area may place Clue tokens on the Feds Raid Innsmouth track.

2. Choose Flee or Fight

Flee: Evade Skill Check. Pass: battle ends. Fail: monster deals combat damage, continue combat. Fight: Combat Skill Check. Use Fight skill with Fight and Combat Skill bonuses, modified by the monsters Combat rating (lower right). Choose any combination of weapons/spells up to a total of 2 hand icons. Bonuses only apply while the required number of hands are devoted to the weapon/spell. You may switch weapons between rounds, but the effects of a successfully cast spell stop as soon as you remove that spell from your hand. Test difficulty is the number of Toughness success has no effect. icons. Partial

1. Turn Exhausted Cards faceup. 2. Perform Upkeep Actions of all cards (Bless, Curse, 3. Adjust Skills a number of stops up to Focus. 2. Movement

Bank Loan and Retainer cards do not require an Upkeep roll on the first phase after being acquired).

If delayed, stand up marker and your movement ends. If in the Jail Cell, move to the main Police Station area. Otherwise take one of the following actions depending on location: a. Arkham Movement Move up to Speed to locations connected by a yellow line. Must evade or fight each monster there when leaving an area, ending movement in an area, or remaining in an area without moving. Movement always ends once combat with a monster begins.

4. Other World Encounters 1. Draw Gate Cards

Until the card color (or either color for dual-color cards) matches an encounter symbol on the Other World space.

2. Perform Encounter Entry for Location

If no location matches use the Other entry. Monsters that appear must be evaded or fought; they are taken as trophies if defeated, but returned to the cup if evaded.

Stalker: Move normally unless player in street area connected by one yellow line or adjacent street area or unstable location. Cant enter stable locations.

Pass: Take the monster chit as a trophy. Fail: Lose Stamina equal to icons. Then return to the Choose Flee or Fight step.

Casting Spells
Pay the Sanity cost of the spell and make a Spell Skill Check. Use Lore skill with Lore and Spell Skill bonuses, modified by the spells casting modifier. If the check fails the spell has no effect (but still uses the number of hand icons it requires). Spells that are refreshed (eg. each combat round in the Final Battle) cease to work and must be re-cast.

Lost in Time and Space Move to Lost in Time and Space area and be delayed. Next turn the investigator can only stand up. On the following turn he may move to any location or street area in Arkham. Patrolled Neighborhoods Each time you attempt to leave, or end your movement in, a street area with a Patrol marker, you must make a Sneak (+0) check. If you fail, you are arrested. All Patrol markers are discarded when the Terror level goes up. There can be only one on a specific street area at a time. Benefits / Detriments If another investigator already has the card, ignore instructions to take it. Once discarded, it becomes available again. Players may have multiple Benefit/Detriment cards in any combination. Corruption A Corruption cards effect is triggered when both its movement symbol and matching background appear on a Mythos card. Some cards have additional passive effects. Place the green cards on top of the red cards to form the deck. Magical Effects When an appropriate Spell is cast, take the corresponding Magical Effect card. They do not count as items but use hand icons in combat like an item or Spell. Martial Law When half of the Ancient Ones Doom track is full, martial law is declared in Innsmouth for the rest of the game. An investigator ending his movement on an Innsmouth location or street area with an Awareness modifier must pass an Evade check with that modifier or be arrested. The Innsmouth Look Shuffle and draw Innsmouth Look cards as instructed. If the Look card is drawn, follow the instructions. In any case return all cards to the deck. Conditions Condition cards begin the game facedown and are active when turned faceup. A condition that is exhausted is turned sideways. Exhausted condition cards refresh during the Upkeep phase as normal. Retirement If a player has 2 or more total Injury and/or Madness cards, he may voluntarily retire his investigator by missing an entire turn and setting up another (as if devoured, however this does not trigger effects that come from being devoured). Tasks and Missions The locations must be visited in the listed order, with the investigator ending his move (and performing the proper sacrifice at the start of the Upkeep phase if required) and then placing a Clue token on the card to indicate completion of a step. After completing all steps, receive the payoff or resolve the effect and return the card to the box.

Monster Limit and the Outskirts

The maximum number of monsters in Arkham (including the Sky area, but not other boards) is the number of players +3 (unless terror level is at 10). If adding a monster would bring the number of monsters above the monster limit, place the monster in the Outskirts area. Spawn monsters do not count towards the monster limit, never go to the Outskirts, and can never be claimed as trophies. Once the number of monsters in the Outskirts exceeds 8 minus the number of players, return all monsters in the Outskirts to the cup and increase the terror level by 1. Continue adding drawn monsters to the Outskirts if applicable.

Attack Each player still alive starting from the first player may make a Combat Check against the Ancient One, modified by its Combat rating. The players must get a total number of successes equal to the number of players (including eliminated players) to remove a Doom token. Successes are carried over to subsequent rounds but reset to zero after removing a Doom token. When the last Doom token is removed, players win. Ancient One Attacks The Ancient One attacks each player in turn using the attack shown on its card. Any player reduced to 0 Stamina or Sanity is eliminated. If all investigators are eliminated, players lose. Otherwise, start a new round.

Monster Abilities
Ambush Once combat has begun the investigator cannot flee. Elusive (Green Awareness rating) Investigators do not need to fight or evade the monster when leaving or ending movement in its space. To initiate combat the investigator must first pass an Evade check (failing ends the investigators movement). Endless The monster cannot be collected as a monster trophy. It is returned to the cup if defeated. Nightmarish X If the investigator passes a Horror check he still loses X sanity (does not apply if Horror check failed). Overwhelming X If the investigator defeats this monster he still loses X Stamina (does not apply if Combat check failed). Physical/Magical Resistance Weapons, Spells and Magical Effects providing Physical/Magical (as applicable) bonuses provide half normal bonus (round up). Other abilities are not affected. Physical/Magical Immunity Weapons, Spells and Magical Effects providing Physical/Magical (as applicable) bonuses give no bonus. Other abilities are not affected. Weapon Immunity Any combat bonus from Physical or Magical Weapons is reduced to 0. Spells are not affected.

Terror Track
For each point the terror level goes up, return to the box a random unclaimed Ally card (if any left). Also: If the terror level reaches 3, close General Store. Players and monsters inside move to Rivertown. If the terror level reaches 6, close the Curiositie Shoppe. Players and monsters inside move to Northside. If the terror level reaches 9, close the Magick Shoppe. Players and monsters inside move to Uptown. If the terror level reaches 10, the monster limit is removed. If the terror level increases again (eg. via a Mythos card), instead add 1 Doom token to the Doom track for each point it should have increased.

Victory Conditions Close the Gates A player closes the last open Gate on the board, and players have Gate trophies (including the Gate just closed, but not including trophies spent) equal to or greater than the number of players. Seal the Gates 6 or more Elder Sign tokens on board. Banish the Ancient One Ancient One is defeated. First Citizen of Arkham The player with the most Gate trophies (break ties by most monster trophies). Scoring: see p12 of AH, p8 of DH rules.

Miscellany / Clarifications
The phrase in Arkham on cards, in the rules or on this reference sheet also refers to locations and areas in Dunwich, Kingsport and Innsmouth unless specifically stated. Allies, Exhausted: An exhausted ally still grants its bonuses, but abilities that require the ally to exhaust cannot be used. Board Icons: Location icons tell players the likely outcome of visiting that location. If the icon is reversed there is a guaranteed method of acquiring that item at that location.

Ancient One Awakens!

When one of the following occurs the Ancient One awakes: immediately go to the Final Battle: Doom track is full Too many Gates open: 1-2 players: 8 Gates 3-4 players: 7 Gates 5-6 players: 6 Gates 7-8 players: 5 Gates

Sanity and Stamina

An investigator can never exceed the maximum Sanity or Stamina as listed on his investigator sheet. If Sanity and/or Stamina are ever reduced to 0: Choose and discard half of the investigators items (count all Common Items, Unique Items, Exhibit Items, Spells, Deputys Revolver and Patrol Wagon); half of his Clues (round down); and all of his Retainers. Restore Sanity and Stamina to minimum of 1. Alternatively, draw an Injury card and restore Stamina to maximum (if 0 Stamina) or draw Madness card and restore Sanity to maximum (if 0 Sanity). In Arkham: If Sanity, go immediately to Arkham Asylum. If Stamina, go to St. Marys Hospital. No encounters this turn. In Other World: Player is Lost in Time and Space. If Sanity and Stamina are both reduced to 0, or eithers maximum is reduced to 0, the investigator is devoured.

Discarding Cards: Cards are returned facedown to the bottom of their decks. Gates & Monsters: If a gate appears on a location where there is a player, he is drawn through the Gate and delayed. If a gate and a monster appears the gate appears first (add a Doom token) and both stay on the board. If just a monster appears, it returns to the cup if not defeated and taken as a trophy. Location Special Abilities: If there is an open Gate at a location, the locations special ability cannot be used. Monster Abilities: If an investigator fails a check against a Nightgaunt while in another world, he is returned to Arkham with an Explored marker. The Chthonian special ability does not affect players in Other Worlds. Mythos Cards: The Deputy is not subject to the Curfew Enforced card. Cards that affect monsters at Miskatonic Uni do not affect those spawned by The Terrible Experiment card. Special Cards: A maximum of one Retainer, Bank Loan, Silver Twilight Membership and Bless/Curse card may be held per player at the same time. Special items: The Bullwhip and Cross do not have to be used in combat to use their special abilities. Timing Conflicts: Players decide the order; if they cannot agree, the first player chooses. Trading: Players in the same area may trade money, Common and Unique Items and Spells at any time (including while moving) except during combat. Trophies: When spent, return monster trophies to the cup and return Gate trophies to the bottom of the gate pile. Use modified Toughness when spending monster trophies.

If using Dunwich and Innsmouth together, increase the number of gates by one. A new Gate opens and there are no Gate markers left. A monster should be drawn but there are no monsters left in the cup. The Terror level is 10 and the number of monsters in Arkham is twice the normal monster limit. A player must draw a Corruption card but there are none. The Deep Ones Rising track fills up. Final Battle First fill the Doom track with Doom tokens. All players Lost in Time and Space are devoured and eliminated. Discard any active Environment or Mythos cards. Survivors must battle the Ancient One. Once the final battle begins, players should no longer collect money or roll for Retainers or Bank Loans. Epic Battle Variant: shuffle the 8 red Epic Battle cards, then shuffle the 8 green Epic Battle cards and place them on top to form the Epic Battle deck. Separately shuffle the 3 Ancient One Plot cards. After the Upkeep phase of each combat round draw an Epic Battle card and follow the instructions for the combat round. A new combat round then begins. Each combat round: Upkeep Each player still alive may refresh cards, use character abilities, adjust skill sliders and trade equipment with other players. Pass the first player marker to the left.

The Dunwich Horror

If 3 Dunwich Horror tokens are on the Dunwich Horror track, take the Dunwich Horror marker and place it on Sentinel Hill. If an investigator combats the creature, shuffle the Dunwich Horror deck and draw a card to determine the creatures abilities for the duration of the combat. If the creature is defeated, remove the tokens from the DH track, and the investigator may search the Common Item, Unique Item, Skill, Spell or Ally decks for any one card to keep.

Investigator Status
Arrested Move the investigator to the Jail Cell area of the Police Station (or Innsmouth Jail if arrested in Innsmouth). He loses half of his money (round down) and is delayed. Next turn he may only stand his marker up in the Police Station. Blessed / Cursed An investigator can have only one at a time. If a Blessed investigator is Cursed, discard the Blessing and vice versa. Delayed Place the investigator marker on its side; the investigator may not move or receive movement points. Devoured Discard all cards except unspent trophies. Randomly draw a new investigator and set up anew.

The Deep Ones Rising

Each time a Gate is prevented from opening (eg. an elder sign or investigator special ability), add one token to the Deep Ones Rising track. During the Upkeep phase, any investigator on an Innsmouth location or street may spend 1 or more Clue tokens to place them on the Feds Raid Innsmouth track spaces of the same color as the neighborhood he is in. If the Feds Raid Innsmouth track ever fills up, both it and the Deep Ones Rising tracks are cleared.

the dunwich horror

Special Components
Dunwich board, 42 Dunwich Location cards, 7 Dunwich Horror cards, 3 Dunwich Horror tokens, 24 Injury cards, 24 Madness cards, 8 Sheldon Gang Membership cards, 8 Rail Pass cards, 4 Condition cards. Glaaki Ancient One: 5 Servants of Glaaki monster markers. Shudde Mell Ancient One: 7 Rubble markers.

Investigators can never enter vortex spaces. Monsters that enter a vortex space are returned to the cup. Raise the Terror level by one and add one Dunwich Horror token to the Dunwich Horror track.

The Dunwich Horror

If 3 Dunwich Horror tokens are on the Dunwich Horror track, take the Dunwich Horror marker and place it on Sentinel Hill. If an investigator combats the creature, shuffle the Dunwich Horror deck and draw a card to determine the creatures abilities for the duration of the combat. If the creature is defeated, remove the tokens from the Dunwich Horror track, and the investigator may search the Common Item, Unique Item, Skill, Spell or Ally decks for any one card to keep.

Injury and Madness

If an investigators Sanity or Stamina are ever reduced to 0, as an alternative, draw an Injury card and restore Stamina to maximum (if 0 Stamina) or draw a Madness card and restore Sanity to maximum (if 0 Sanity). The investigator does not lose any items or Clue tokens, but he must still move to Arkham Asylum, St. Marys Hospital or Lost in Time and Space, as appropriate. Injury and Madness cards are not items and cannot be traded. Retirement If a player has 2 or more total Injury and/or Madness cards, he may voluntarily retire his investigator by missing an entire turn and setting up another (as if devoured, however this does not trigger effects that come from being devoured).

Rules Modifications Setup

For each expansion board in play beyond one board, count the number of players as being one less for all in-game effects except when counting successes fighting the Ancient One. If using the Dunwich and Innsmouth boards together, increase the number of Gates that must be open to awaken the Ancient One by one. Place Clue tokens on unstable locations (red diamond) in Dunwich as well as Arkham. Set aside Spawn monsters. To prepare the Ally deck, randomly deal 11 cards, examine them, then shuffle into a facedown deck. Remaining cards are not used. Allies taken as starting equipment come from this deck of 11 cards. If a specific Ally is part of an investigators fixed possessions, that Ally must be one of the 11 Alies used.

Monsters on the Dunwich board do not count against the monster limit and do not go to the Outskirts. Flying monsters in Dunwich may move to the Sky as normal. Dunwich streets are considered adjacent to the Sky. Spawn monsters do not count towards the monster limit, never go to the Outskirts, and can never be claimed as trophies. Monster Movement Abilities Purple Stalker: Move normally unless an investigator is in a street area connected by one yellow line or an adjacent street area or unstable location. If there is a choice of investigators, move toward the one with the lowest Sneak skill. Stalkers cannot enter stable locations.

Investigator Status
Conditions Condition cards begin the game facedown and are active when turned faceup. A condition that is exhausted is turned sideways. Exhausted condition cards refresh during the Upkeep phase as normal. Tasks and Missions The locations must be visited in the listed order, with the investigator ending his move (and performing the proper sacrifice at the start of the Upkeep phase if required) and then placing a Clue token on the card to indicate completion of a step. If it is discarded or given to another investigator, all Clue tokes are removed from the card. After completing all steps, receive payoff or resolve effect and return the card to the box, discarding Clue tokens on it.

Investigators may move between towns (boards) by spending $1 and one movement point to move between one depot (train icon) location to another (including the Train Station). Investigators can never enter a vortex.

Miscellany / Clarifications
The phrase in Arkham also refers to locations and areas in Dunwich, Kingsport and Innsmouth unless specifically stated. Allies, Exhausted: An exhausted ally still grants its bonuses, but abilities that require the ally to exhaust cannot be used. Glaaki Ancient One: At the end of the game, keep track of which Servants of Glaaki were in play. Those not in play can still enter play as Glaakis attack raises the Terror level, causing Allies to be discarded. Once they have all entered play, they have no further effect. Shudde Mell Ancient One: Any investigator or monster in a destroyed location is moved to the street.

Gate Bursts
Mythos cards with a red gate location indicate gate bursts. These work normally, however if the location has an elder sign token on it, the token is removed and the gate opens as normal. A doom token is not placed on the track and a monster surge is not caused. Also, whenever a gate burst is drawn all flying monsters move.

Special Components
Kingsport board, 56 Kingsport Location cards, 2 Captain of the White Ship cards, 2 Changed cards, 3 Rift markers, 12 Rift Progress markers, 2 Aquatic markers. Epic Battle variant: 16 Epic Battle cards, 45 Ancient One Plot cards. Bast Guardian: 2 Beloved of Bast cards, 8 Bast tokens. Nodens Guardian: 20 Blessings of Nodens cards. Hypnos Guardian: 26 Visions of Hypnos cards. Eihort Ancient One: 48 Brood tokens.

Monsters on the Kingsport board do not count against the monster limit and do not go to the Outskirts. Flying monsters in Kingsport may move to the Sky as normal. Kingsport streets are considered adjacent to the Sky.

the kingsport horror

Gate Bursts
Mythos cards with a red gate location indicate gate bursts. These work normally, however if the location has an elder sign token on it, the token is removed and the gate opens as normal. A doom token is not placed on the track and a monster surge is not caused. Also, whenever a gate burst is drawn all flying monsters move.

Monster Abilities
Elusive (Green Awareness rating) Investigators do not need to fight or evade the monster when leaving or ending movement in its space. To initiate combat the investigator must first pass an Evade check (failing ends the investigators movement). Monster Movement Abilities Orange Aquatic: If at an aquatic location, move to any other aquatic location that contains an investigator. If there is a choice of investigators, move toward the one with the lowest Sneak skill. Otherwise, move normally.

Rules Modifications Setup

For each expansion board in play beyond one board, count the number of players as being one less for all in-game effects except when counting successes fighting the Ancient One. Place Clue tokens on unstable locations (red diamond) in Kingsport as well as Arkham. To prepare the Ally deck, randomly deal 11 cards, examine them, then shuffle into a facedown deck. Remaining cards are not used. Allies taken as starting equipment come from this deck of 11 cards. If a specific Ally is part of an investigators fixed possessions, that Ally must be one of the 11 Alies used. Place the Aquatic markers on the River Docks and Unvisited Isle locations on the AH board. Randomly place the 3 Rift markers facedown on the 3 Rift Tracks on the Kingsport board. When drawing and resolving a Mythos card during setup, if the monster movement pattern is one shown on one of the 3 Rift tracks, draw a rift progress marker and place it one that track. Optionally, draw or choose a Herald and/or Guardian. Place the sheet(s) next to the Ancient One and follow the setup instructions.

Each time a Mythos card is resolved, place a random rift progress marker faceup on any rift progress track (if not already full) matching the movement pattern on the card. Once all 4 spaces are full, the rift opens and is placed at the Gate location shown on the card (even if there is an elder sign token there). Gates and rifts do not interfere with each other. Starting on the Mythos phase of the turn after it opens, if a drawn Mythos card indicates that monsters with the rifts dimensional symbol move, the open rift moves along arrows of the same color as the box around the symbol. Then place a monster at the rifts new location. Monsters entering the board through rifts are subject to the usual monster limit. If the rift moved along an arrow matching the color of the symbol on the rift, add a Doom token to the doom track. Each rift progress marker depicts a Kingsport location. An investigator can only investigate one rift progress marker for each encounter, even if several rift progress markers show that location. After an encounter at the depicted location, if the associated rift is closed, discard one rift progress marker. If the corresponding rift is open, tun the rift progress marker facedown. Once all 4 rift progress markers associated with an open rift are turned facedown, they are discarded and the rift marker is returned to its rift track.

Miscellany / Clarifications
The phrase in Arkham also refers to locations and areas in Dunwich, Kingsport and Innsmouth unless specifically stated. Allies, Exhausted: An exhausted ally still grants its bonuses, but abilities that require the ally to exhaust cannot be used.

Epic Battle Variant

Shuffle the 8 red Epic Battle cards, then shuffle the 8 green Epic Battle cards and place them on top to form the Epic Battle deck. Separately shuffle the 3 Ancient One Plot cards. When the Ancient One awakens, after the initial preparatory Upkeep phase, draw an Epic Battle card and follow the instructions for the combat round. Draw another Epic Battle card after each following Upkeep phase until one side or the other wins. Each Sinister Plot Epic Battle card describes how the Ancient One Plot cards are used.

Investigators may move between towns (boards) by spending $1 and one movement point to move between one depot (train icon) location to another (including the Train Station). No direct move is allowed into the Kingsport Head locations using spells, equipment, or unusual methods such as returning from Lost in Time and Space. Investigators entering the Causeway or Wireless Station must end their movement. When an investigator returns from being Lost in Time and Space, he may return to return to anywhere in Arkham except Kingsport Head locations.

Herald / Guardian Variant

Players may use a Herald, a Guardian, or both, but should generally limit themselves to one of each type at most. Add the appropriate Herald and/or Guardian sheet(s), randomly or by choice. Place the sheet(s) next to the Ancient One and follow the setup and gameplay instructions.

Special Components
Innsmouth board, 42 Innsmouth Location cards, 10 Innsmouth Look cards, 6 Uprising tokens, 2 Aquatic markers, 96 Personal Story cards. Quanchil Uttaus Ancient One: 12 Dust cards. Ghatanothoa Ancient One: 8 Ghatanothoas Visage tokens. Zhar Ancient One: 1 Zhar token. Epic Battle variant: 24 Ancient One Plot cards.

Monsters on the Innsmouth board do not count against the monster limit and do not go to the Outskirts. Flying monsters in Innsmouth may move to the Sky as normal. Innsmouth streets are considered adjacent to the Sky.

Rules Modifications Setup

For each expansion board in play beyond one board, count the number of players as being one less for all in-game effects except when counting successes fighting the Ancient One. If using the Dunwich and Innsmouth boards together, increase the number of Gates that must be open to awaken the Ancient One by one. Place Clue tokens on unstable locations (red diamond) in Dunwich as well as Arkham. Place the Aquatic markers on the River Docks and Unvisited Isle locations on the AH board. Optionally, each investigator takes their 2 Personal Story cards. The first card for each investigator is placed in play.

the innsmouth horror

Investigator Status
Arrested If arrested in Innsmouth, move the investigator to the Innsmouth Jail, where he loses half his money and is delayed (even if the investigator is usually immune to being delayed). Martial Law When half of the Ancient Ones Doom track is full, martial law is declared in Innsmouth for the rest of the game. An investigator ending his movement on an Innsmouth location or street area with an Awareness modifier must pass an Evade check with that modifier or be arrested. The Innsmouth Look Shuffle and draw Innsmouth Look cards as instructed. If the Look card is drawn, follow the instructions. In any case return all cards to the deck.

Monster Abilities
Weapon Immunity Any combat bonus from Physical or Magical Weapons is reduced to 0. Spells are not affected. Spawn monsters do not count against the monster limit and never go to the Outskirts, and can never be claimed as monster trophies. They are removed from the game when defeated. Monster Movement Abilities Orange Aquatic: If at an aquatic location, move to any other aquatic location that contains an investigator. If there is a choice of investigators, move toward the one with the lowest Sneak skill. Otherwise, move normally.

Monsters that enter a vortex in Innsmouth are returned to the cup. Raise the Terror level by one and add one Deep Ones Rising token to the Deep Ones Rising track.

Miscellany / Clarifications
The phrase in Arkham also refers to locations and areas in Dunwich, Kingsport and Innsmouth unless specifically stated. Quachil Uttaus Ancient One: During the game, the first player marker is never passed until Quachil Attaus finally tracks down the first player and devours him.

Investigators may move between towns (boards) by spending $1 and one movement point to move between one depot (train icon) location to another (including the Train Station). Investigators can never enter a vortex. Devil Reef and Yha-nthlei can only be reached by aquatic movement from Falcon Point. When an investigator returns from being Lost in Time and Space, he may return to return to anywhere in Arkham except Yha-nthlei in Innsmouth.

Investigators can never enter vortex spaces. Monsters that enter a vortex space are returned to the cup. Raise the Terror level by one and add one uprising token to the Deep Ones Rising track.

The Deep Ones Rising

During the Upkeep phase, any investigator on an Innsmouth location or street may spend 1 or more Clue tokens to place them on the Feds Raid Innsmouth track spaces of the same color as the neighborhood he is in. If the Feds Raid Innsmouth track ever fills up, both it and the Deep Ones Rising tracks are cleared. During the Mythos phase, each time a Gate is prevented from opening (eg. due to an elder sign or investigator special ability), add one token to the Deep Ones Rising track. If the Deep Ones Rising track ever fills up, the Ancient One immediately awakens.

Herald Variant
The players may choose select one Herald, by choice or randomly. Place the appropriate Herald sheet next to the Ancient One and follow the setup and gameplay instructions.

Gate Bursts
Mythos cards with a red gate location indicate gate bursts. These work normally, however if the location has an elder sign token on it, the token is removed and the gate opens as normal. A doom token is not placed on the track and a monster surge is not caused. Also, whenever a gate burst is drawn all flying monsters move.

Personal Story Variant

After chosing investigators, players take the 2 Personal Story cards for their investigator. the first card (with the story on one side and the pass/fail conditions) is placed in play. Each story has its own pass/fail conditions. If the condition is met, discard the card and place the second card in okay with the indicated side faceup. these effects are then active for the rest of the game.

the curse of the dark pharaoh

Special Components
22 Exhibit Item cards, 18 Barred From the Neighbourhood cards, 4 Benefit and 4 Detriment cards.

the king in yellow

Special Components
13 Blight cards, 7 Magical Effect cards, 3 Act cards.

the black goat of the woods

Special Components
8 Cult Membership cards, 32 Corruption cards, 24 Cult Encounter cards, 5 Difficulty cards.

Rules Modifications Setup

To prepare the Ally deck, randomly deal 11 cards, examine them, then shuffle into a facedown deck. Remaining cards are not used. Allies taken as starting equipment come from this deck of 11 cards. If a specific Ally is part of an investigators fixed possessions, that Ally must be one of the 11 Alies used.

Rules Modifications Act Cards

Place the Act cards in a deck in order, with Act I on top. Each time a Mythos card entitled The Next Act Begins is drawn, the top card of the Act deck enters play.

Rules Modifications Gate Bursts

Mythos cards with a red gate location indicate gate bursts. These work normally, however if the location has an elder sign token on it, the token is removed and the gate opens as normal. A doom token is not placed on the track and a monster surge is not caused. Also, whenever a gate burst is drawn all flying monsters move.

Investigator Status
Magical Effects When an appropriate spell is cast, take the corresponding Magical Effect card. They do not count as items but use hand icons in combat like an item or Spell.

Evading Monsters
If a monster surprises an investigator, it cannot be evaded and he may not attempt to flee in the first round of combat.

Investigator Status
Cult Membership and Encounters An investigator with a One of the Thousand Cult Membership who has an encounter at the Black Cave, the Unvisited Isle, or the Woods, must draw from the Cult Encounters deck instead of the location deck. Corruption Place the green cards on top of the red cards to form the Corruption deck. An investigator may have more than one Corruption card at a time. A Corruption cards effect is triggered when both its movement symbol and matching background appear on a Mythos card. Corruption cards are resolved immediately after monster movement. Some cards have additional passive effects that are always in effect. When a Gate is closed, all Corruption cards in play that match its dimension symbol are discarded. The deck is never rehuffled. If a player must draw a Corruption card and there are none, the Ancient One immediately awakens.

Play Styles
Touring Performance Add Magical Effect, and Act cards. Add KiY Spell, Common Item, Unique Item, Gate, Mythos and Location cards on top of their respective AH decks. When drawing from the Location decks, do not shuffle beforehand, but take the top card from the appproriate deck. Shuffle only when the entire deck has been gone through. Permanent Performance Add all the KiY components to AH. The Herald Variant Place the 10 yellow sign tokens on the King in Yellow Herald sheet. Add the Blight cards and the Riot monster markers. Whenever the Terror level increases, follow the rules on the Herald sheet. Once a Blight card enters play it cannot be gotten rid of. Spawn monsters (Riot counters) are set aside when the game is set up. They do not count against the monster limit and never go to the Outskirts, and can never be claimed as monster trophies. They are removed from the game when defeated. If the Ancient One awakens, remove the Herald from the game. If a Location encounter mentions a person that appears on a Blight card in play, ignore the encounter and the investigator must choose to lose either 1 Sanity or 1 Stamina.

Investigator Status
Barred From the Neighbourhood An investigator barred from a neighborhood may move into its streets but not its locations, unless the location has an open Gate, or as a result of actions taken in non-Movement phases (eg. returning from being lost in time and space, arrested, sent to the Asylum etc). If there are no Barred cards left for a neighborhood, take one from another investigator. All Barred cards are discarded when the Terror level goes up. Benefits / Detriments If another investigator already has a Benefit card you are told to draw, you may take it. If another investigator already has a Detriment card, you must take it.

Play Styles
Visiting Exhibit Add Exhibit Item, Barred From the Neighbourhood, Benefit, and Detriment cards. Add CotDP Spell, Ally, and Mythos cards near their respective AH decks. Replace the AH Location and Gate decks with the CotDP Location and Gate decks. When a player would draw spells, he can choose from the AH or CotDP decks. During the Mythos phase, draw from the CotDP Mythos deck first, then the AH deck, and so on, alternating every turn. Permanent Exhibit Add all the CotDP components to AH.

Play Styles
The Herald Variant Add the Black Goat of the Woods Herald sheet. Place all monsters markers with the hexagon dimensional symbol in a separate cup. Whenever a Gate opens, follow the rules on the Herald sheet. Note that even if the cup is depleted of hexagon symbol monsters, continue to draw monsters from the regular cup.

The new gate markers are treated the same as the previous Gate markers with the following additions: Devouring Gate: If an investigator is in the same location as this gate when it opens, he is devoured.

the lurker at the threshold

Special Components
12 Relationship cards, 18 Gate markers. Herald variant: 35 Power tokens, 24 Dark Pact cards 28 Reckoning cards.

Gate of Doom: If an investigator is in the same location as this gate when it opens, add a doom token to the doom track. Endless Gate: This gate marker cannot be collected as a gate trophy. Instead, each time it is closed or sealed, reshuffle it into the gate marker stack. Monstrous Gate: If an investigator fails his check to close this gate, a monster appears in his location. If this brings the number of monsters over the monster limit, place the monster in the Outskirts instead. Gate of Blood: If an investigator fails his check to close this gate, he loses 1 Stamina. Gate of Madness: If an investigator fails his check to close this gate, he loses 1 Sanity. Moving Gate: If the dimensional symbol of this gate is activated during monster movement, the gate moves as if it were a normal monster. The first player chooses the moving order of multiple moving gates A gate does not move if there is a gate marker in the location it would move into. If a gate moves onto an investigator, he is pulled through. If this gate moves away from an investigator who has explored it, he loses his explored token. Split Gate: An investigator drawn through a gate with 2 Other Worlds shown on the marker may choose which one to move to. An investigator returning to Arkham from either of the Other Worlds shown may choose to move to the gate markers location and place an explored token. He does not need to have explored both Other Worlds in order to close a split gate. When closed, all monsters in Arkham, the Sky, and the Outskirts that have either of the dimensional symbols on the marker are returned to the monster cup.

Rules Modifications Setup

Replace all gate markers from the base game and expansions with the new gate markers. In games with only 2 players, after receiving his random possessions, the first player draws a card from the Relationship deck and places it between himself and the other player. In games with 3+ players, each player draws a card from the Relationship deck and places it between himself and the player to his left.

Gate Bursts
Mythos cards with a red gate location indicate gate bursts. These work normally, however if the location has an elder sign token on it, the token is removed and the gate opens as normal. A doom token is not placed on the track and a monster surge is not caused. Also, whenever a gate burst is drawn all flying monsters move.

Relationship Cards
The partner in a relationship is always the investigator to the left of the player who received this card. In games with 3+ players, each player benefits from both his own card and the card drawn by the player to his right. When an investigator is devoured, return both his Relationship card and the card of the player to his right back to the box. In a 2 player game, if either investigator is devoured, return the card to the box. New Relationship cards are not drawn.

Play Styles
The Herald Variant Add the Lurker at the Threshold Herald sheet, the Power tokens, the Dark Pact cards, and the Reckoning cards. Separate the Dark Pact cards into Blood Pacts, Soul Pacts, and Bound Allies. Add the rules listed on the Lurker at the Threshold Herald sheet. If no Power tokens are available, any ability or effect that would give them to a player is ignored. If more than one player receives Power tokens and there are not enough for everyone, the first player chooses the order in which players receive their tokens. If an investigator is knocked unconscious or driven insane, he does not lose any Dark Pacts or Power tokens. If an investigator is devoured, he loses all Dark Pacts and Power tokens.

Gate Markers
Closing and Sealing Gates It may be possible to close a gate either in a stable location or in the streets. A gate may only be sealed when it is located on an unstable location. Gates in a stable location or in the streets can be closed, but not sealed.

Ancient Whispers and Exhibit Encounters

During the Arkham Encounters Phase, if you are in a street area with the Ancient Whispers marker your must have an Exhibit Encounter. Shuffle the Exhibit Encounters deck, draw a card, read the text aloud, perform any actions indicated, and return the card to the deck. If a game effect results in a gate marker being in this street area, the investigator does not have an Exhibit Encounter, but is instead drawn through the gate. Each card includes instructions to move the Ancient Whispers marker to a new street area. If an investigator is in this new street area, he does not also have an Exhibit Encounter. No more than 1 investigator can have an Exhibit Encounter in a single turn. If the Ancient Whispers marker did not move during the Arkham Encounters Phase, it moves during the Mythos Phase as if it were a monster with the moon dimensional symbol according to normal monster movement rules (disregard the presence of investigator markers in its current street area). If the Ancient Whispers marker did move during the Arkham Encounters phase, it does not move during the Mythos Phase. The marker may not be removed from the board by any game effect, and it does not affect, nor is it affected by, any other tokens or markers on the board.

the curse of the dark pharaoh d vise

Special Components
22 Exhibit Item cards, 18 Exhibit Encounter cards, 4 Benefit and 4 Detriment cards, 1 Ancient Whispers marker, 9 Patrol markers. Herald variant: 1 Dark Pharoah Herald sheet.

Rules Modifications Setup

Return all components from the original edition of The Curse of the Dark Pharoah expansion to the box. Place the Ancient Whispers marker on the Miskatonic University street area. To prepare the Ally deck, randomly deal 11 cards, examine them, then shuffle into a facedown deck. Remaining cards are not used. Allies taken as starting equipment come from this deck of 11 cards. If a specific Ally is part of an investigators fixed possessions, that Ally must be one of the 11 Alies used.

Play Styles
The Herald Variant Add the Dark Pharoah Herald sheet. Place the Dark Pharaoh monster token in the monster cup, even if Nyarlathotep is not the Ancient One. Add the rules listed on the Dark Pharaoh herald sheet: Each time an investigator gains a Unique Item (including starting equipment), that investigator loses 1 Sanity. Each time an investigator gains an Exhibit Item, roll a die. On a failure, that investigator is Cursed. At the start of the Upkeep Phase, before rolling to get rid of Curses, each Cursed investigator loses 1 Stamina. All Mask monsters gain 1 toughness. In addition, each time a Mask monster is defeated, add 1 doom token to the Ancient Ones doom track. If Nyarlathotep is the Ancient One and he awakens, his combat modifier increases by 1 (to -5, -6, etc.) and he has one extra doom token placed on his doom track (for a total of 12, 13, etc.) for each Mask monster on the board.

Investigator Status
Patrolled Neighborhoods If you are instructed to place a Patrol marker on a specific street area, do not add a second if there is already one there. Each time you attempt to leave, or end your movement in, a street area with a Patrol marker, you must make a Sneak (+0) check. If you fail, you are arrested. All Patrol markers are discarded when the Terror level goes up. Benefits / Detriments If another player already has the card, ignore the instructions to take it. When a Benefit or Detriment card is discarded, it is once again available to be taken by any investigator instructed to do so. Players may have multiple Benefit or Detriment cards in any combination.

Order of Play upkeep

If Lost in Time and Space and not delayed, return to anywhere in Arkham except Kingsport Head locations (Kingsport) or Yha-nthlei (Innsmouth) An investigator on an Innsmouth location or street may place Clue tokens on the Feds Raid Innsmouth track Refresh exhausted cards and perform upkeep actions Adjust skills a number of stops equal to Focus

Evading Monsters
Evade check: Sneak skill check with Awareness modifier. Fail: lose Stamina equal to icons and begin Combat.

Mythos Card Text

Headline Resolve then discard. Environment Place faceup. Discard all other Environment cards. Rumor If no Rumor card is in play, place faceup. Otherwise, ignore the text. A Rumor card in play is discarded (along with corresponding markers) when its Pass/Fail condition is met.

If a monster surprises an investigator, it cannot be evaded and you may not attempt to flee in the first round of combat.

1. Horror check: 2. Flee or Fight: Will skill check with Horror modifier. Fail: lose Sanity equal to icons. Flee: see evade check. Fight: Fight skill check with Combat modifier. Difficulty equals icons. 3. Fail Fight/Flee: Lose Stamina equal to icons.

Monster Movement
Black Yellow Red Green Purple Normal. Never moves. Fast: Move twice. Special: marker. Stalker: Move normally unless player in street area connected by one yellow line or adjacent unstable location. Cant enter stable locations. Flying: Move to connected street area with a player in it. Otherwise move to the Sky (counts towards monster limit) and move to any street location in Arkham next time. Flyers will not leave a space containing a player, and remain in the Sky if there are no players in a street. Aquatic: If at an aquatic location, move to any other aquatic location that contains an investigator. Otherwise, move normally.

Arkham movement. Evade or fight each monster when leaving an area, ending movement in an area, or remaining in an area without moving. Pick up Clues. Other World movement

Arkham encounters No Gate: Location special ability or draw card Gate: Drawn through If on Explored marker, attempt to close/seal Other World encounters

Casting Spells
Pay Sanity cost of spell. Spell check: Lore skill with Lore and Spell Skill bonuses and Casting modifier. No effect if failed.


Closing and Sealing Gates

Make a Lore or Fight check with Gate modifier. Pass: Take Gate as trophy. All monsters in Arkham, Sky and Outskirts with gate dimension symbol, and all Corruption cards with symbol, are removed. Then Seal: Spend 5 Clues to take unused Doom token and place on location as an elder sign. Elder Signs: Uses up Elder Sign unique item. Take Gate as trophy. Take doom token from doom track and place as elder sign. Lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina. Orange

draw mythos card

Open Gate & Spawn Monster Nothing at Location: Add Doom token, Gate and monster Open Gate at Location: Monster surge Sealed Gate at Location: Nothing Sealed Gate Red Location: Gate burst Clue token if there is no Open Gate at location. Monster movement Mythos text

Monster Special Abilities

Ambush Once combat starts, investigator cannot flee. Elusive (Awareness rating) Investigators do not need to fight or evade when leaving or ending move in the monsters space. To attack, must first pass an Evade check (fail ends move). Endless Returns to the cup once defeated (no trophy). Nightmarish X If the horror check is passed, the investigator still loses X Sanity. Overwhelming X If the monster is defeated in combat, the investigator still loses X Stamina. Physical/Magical Resistance A weapon or spell that adds a bonus of the resisted type only provides half bonus. Physical/Magical Immunity A weapon or spell that adds a bonus of the immune type provides no bonus. Weapon Immunity Any combat bonus from Physical/Magical Weapons is reduced to 0. Spells are not affected.

If Sanity and/or Stamina are ever reduced to 0:

Choose and discard half of items, half of Clues and all Retainers. Restore Sanity and Stamina to minimum of 1. Or draw an Injury card and restore Stamina to maximum (if 0 Stamina) or draw Madness card and restore Sanity to maximum (if 0 Sanity). In Arkham: If Sanity, go immediately to Arkham Asylum. If Stamina, go to St. Marys Hospital. No encounters this turn. In Other World: Player is Lost in Time and Space. If Sanity and/or Stamina are both reduced to 0, or eithers maximum is reduced to 0, player is devoured.

Skill Checks

Roll # of dice = ( skill value +/- modifier)

Skill difficulty is number of dice successes required to pass check (default is 1). Normal success: 5 or 6 (cursed: 6, blessed: 4, 5 or 6). If skill minus modifier is 0 or less, check is automatically failed. After a skill check (pass or fail), roll an additional die for each Clue spent (even if number of dice after modifiers is below 0).




Return if Lost in Time & Space and not delayed Refresh exhausted cards and Upkeep actions Adjust skills a number of stops equal to Focus

Arkham movement. Combat. Pick up Clues. Other World movement


No Rumors on setup draw. Ignore new Rumor text until Pass/Fail condition met

Replace with new Environment card

Resolve then discard

Monsters over this limit go to the Outskirts

Arkham encounters No Gate: location special ability or draw Gate: Drawn through or attempt to close/ seal if explored Other World encounters

Open Gate & Spawn Monster Nothing: Add Gate, monster and Doom token Open Gate at location: Monster Surge Sealed location: No Gate or monster Sealed red location: Gate Burst Clue token if there is no open Gate at location Monster movement Mythos special text


When exceeded return all Outskirts monsters to the cup and increase Terror by 1

Arkham Asylum

Recover $10 Bank Loan

Cold Spring Glen


Bank of Arkham Independence Square Hibbs Roadhouse

Backwoods Country

Whateley Farm Wizards Hill Devils Hopyard Discover

Easttown French Hill Merchant District


Police Station V elmas Diner Silver T wilight Lodge Witch House River Docks The Unnameable Unvisited Isle Administration

Can be Deputized for Trophies

Blasted Heath Village Commons

Gardners Place Harney Jones Shack Bishops Brook Bridge Darkes Carnival Dunwich Village 7th House on the Left Earn Shop for Recover

Members: Inner Sanctum


Central Hill

Congregational Hospital St Erasmuss Home 607 Water St.


Science Building Curiositie Shoppe

Discover Shop for


Miskatonic University



North Point Lighthouse The Rope and Anchor The Causeway

Obtain Captain of the White Ship card Buy


Newspaper Train Station Black Cave

Kingsport Head

Str. High House in the Mist Wireless Station Artists Colony

Obtain Changed card


General Store Graveyard Historical Society

Shop for

South Shore
Choose Obtain

The Hall School Neils Curiosity Shop Esoteric Order of Dagon Pawn


Mas Boarding House South Church Saint Marys Hospital


Recover Learn

Church Green Factory District Innsmouth Shore

Innsmouth Jail Sawbone Alley First National Grocery Gilman House Hotel Marsh Refinery Devil Reef Falcon Point Yha-Nthlei Aid in jailbreak Shop for Recover


Y Olde Magick Shoppe e Woods



Common Items

Unique Items







Guide to Arkham

Arkham Asylum

Recover $10 Bank Loan

Cold Spring Glen


Bank of Arkham Independence Square Hibbs Roadhouse

Backwoods Country

Whateley Farm Wizards Hill Devils Hopyard Discover

Easttown French Hill Merchant District


Police Station V elmas Diner Silver T wilight Lodge Witch House River Docks The Unnameable Unvisited Isle Administration

Can be Deputized for Trophies

Blasted Heath Village Commons

Gardners Place Harney Jones Shack Bishops Brook Bridge Darkes Carnival Dunwich Village 7th House on the Left Earn Shop for Recover

Members: Inner Sanctum


Central Hill

Congregational Hospital St Erasmuss Home 607 Water St.


Science Building Curiositie Shoppe

Discover Shop for


Miskatonic University



North Point Lighthouse The Rope and Anchor The Causeway

Obtain Captain of the White Ship card Buy


Newspaper Train Station Black Cave

Kingsport Head

Str. High House in the Mist Wireless Station Artists Colony

Obtain Changed card


General Store Graveyard Historical Society

Shop for

South Shore
Choose Obtain

The Hall School Neils Curiosity Shop Esoteric Order of Dagon Pawn


Mas Boarding House South Church Saint Marys Hospital


Recover Learn

Church Green Factory District Innsmouth Shore

Innsmouth Jail Sawbone Alley First National Grocery Gilman House Hotel Marsh Refinery Devil Reef Falcon Point Yha-Nthlei Shop for Recover Aid in jailbreak


Y Olde Magick Shoppe e Woods



Common Items

Unique Items







Slightly Unstable


Highly Unstable

Guide to Arkham

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