Threads of Fate
Threads of Fate
Threads of Fate
(1 Chapter Book maybe): 1 mouse hero figure, 8 Ant figures, 6 Shrew figures, 1 Scarab figure, 1 Scorpion figure, 1 Toad figure, 22
Search Cards, 15 Ability Cards, 14 initiative cards, 1 Velvet character card, 9 encounter cards, 1 blockade token, 6 cheese tokens, 4
trap tokens, 2 charm tokens, 4 petrified markers, 4 famished markers, 1 serpent coil token, 1 groa token, 4 Fate Dice, 1 Ascetic
token, 1 Berserker token, 1 Golem token
Threads of Fate introduces two new negative effects called petrified and famished.
When a mouse is petrified it can neither move nor take an action. While the mouse is petrified it may not be targeted by any attack
that uses the mouse’s Defense Value, attacks that would normally select this mouse for an attack moves on to the next available
target. If there are no other available targets, the mouse is captured instead. The petrified mouse cannot be affected by other
negative effects while petrified The petrified marker remains on that mouse’s card until either all minions have been removed from
the initiative track, or until another mouse moves into the same space as the petrified mouse and spends their action to recover for
the petrified mouse.
When a mouse is famished, it is in danger of devouring its own supply of cheese. At the beginning of the turn, when rolling for that
mouse’s movement, if the die shows a cheese then add one cheese token to the minion wheel. Additionally, when rolling attack or
defense rolls, if any of the dice rolled show a cheese icon, remove any die from the set rolled before executing their effects. To
remove the famished marker, the mouse must spend a recover action and in doing so, sacrifice a cheese token from their personal
supply and then place that token on the minion wheel.
Important Note: Tilda may use her ‘Draw Empathetic Power’ when a fellow mouse receives either a petrified or a famished token.
(1 Attack, 2 Defense, 3 Lore, 3 Movement, 2 Hearts)
Supreme Agility: When moving, Velvet may ignore traps and yellow lines. She may also cross a red line for 3 points of movement.
Velvet has long learned that discretion is the better part of valor. Where others are strong, she is spry. Where others are bold, she is
prudent. As the smallest of her siblings, Velvet has always been more fragile than other mice, and so has had to learn vast measures
of cunning and artifice to survive. Over time, she gained a certain talent and knack for using various devices, which has helped keep
her safe. Though she retains her vulnerability, she carries with her a clever array of equipment that more than make up for her
Berserker: The first mouse to inflict 3 or more damage in one attack with a melee attack earns the blood lust achievement. Place the
Berserker token on that mouse’s character card.
Effect: When attacking a minion in the same space with a melee attack, they may replace one of their action dice with the War Die.
Marksman (revised): The first mouse to roll 3 or more bows in one attack with a ranged weapon earns the marksman ahivement
Place the marksman token on that mouse’s character card.
Effect: When attacking a minion with a range weapon, they may replace one of their action dice with the Nature Die.
Golem: The first mouse to be captured with a petrified token on its character card is now considered a living statue. Place the living
Golem marker on that mouse’s character sheet.
Effect: This mouse adds one to their defense rating, but reduces their movement rating by one, until the end of the chapter.
Ascetic: The first mouse to be captured with a famished token on its character card is now considered an Ascetic. Place the Asccetic
marker on that mouse’s character sheet.
Effect: This mouse only needs five pieces of cheese to perform the level up special action
Threads of Fate includes a new set of four fate dice (and one extra action die). The fate dice are used alongside the action dice, and
are used in certain rolls for more varied effects. As the fate dice have different faces to the action dice, they will change the
probability of certain rolls. In effect, they represent when a piece of equipment is lucky, cursed, or otherwise more useful in a certain
[NB: Normal action dice have the following faces: (1) Cheese, (1*) Bow, (2) Bow, (2*) Sword, (3) Sword/Shield, (3*) Sword/Shield].
The War Die (red) has the following faces: (1) Cheese, (1*) Sword, (2) Sword/Bow, (2*) Sword /Bow, (3) Sword/Sword, (3*)
The Nature Die (green) has the following faces: (1) Cheese, (1*) Bow, (2) Bow/Shield, (2*) Shield, (3) Bow/Bow, (3*)
The Mystic Die (blue) has the following faces: (1) Cheese, (2*) Cheese, (2) Star, (3*) Shield, (3) Shield/Shield, (3*) Star.
The Cursed Die (black) has the following faces: (1) Cheese, (2) Skull, (2) Sword, (2) Bow, (2*) Sword/Bow, (3*) Sword/Bow.
ACCURATE BOW (REVISED S HARP: +0 RANGED) instead of the usual effect, add the famished token if one has
When attacking with this bow, roll the Nature Die alongside not already been added.
the action dice.
BADGER GLOVES (REVISED S HARP: +1 MELEE) When attacking with this staff, roll the Mystic Die alongside
When attacking with these gloves bow, roll the War Die the action dice.
alongside the action dice.
CLOCKWORK RIFLE (REVISED OTHER: +0 RANGED) When defending with this Skullcap, roll the Mystic Die
When attacking with this rifle, roll the Nature and Cursed alongside the action dice.
Dice alongside the action dice. If a Skull it rolled the damage
is blunt, otherwise the damage is sharp.
The wearer of this cloak is completely ignored by minions
CURSED CHEESE (TREACHERY ) that use ranged attacks, as if it were not on the tile at all.
Place the famished marker on this mouse. Additionally, if the wearer is underground, minions will ignore
them for the purposes of selecting which target to move
ENCHANTED BOW (REVISED SHARP: +0 RANGED) towards. Requires: Velvet
When attacking with this bow, roll the Nature and Mystic
Dice alongside the action dice. MIRROR SHIELD (ARMOR: +0 DEFENSE)
When defending with this shield, roll the Mystic Die alongside
ESCAPE DOOR (TRICK) the action dice.
The mouse holding this card may use it to perform an
exploration action, even while minions are on the same tile. MYSTIC BLADE (REVISED SHARP: +1 MELEE)
Remove all minions on the tile, and continue with the When attacking with this sword, roll the Mystic Die alongside
exploration action. This trick may not be used in the last room the action dice.
of any Chapter.
FEATHERED CAP (ARMOR: +1 MOVEMENT ) Remove two wound markers, or one poisoned wound
The mouse wearing this cap uses the Mystic Die when rolling marker. Required: Lore 2
for movement.
FIRE WAND (OTHER: +0 RANGED) Remove this mouse from the tile, and its initiative card from
Add the War die to any attacks with this wand. In addition the initiative track. When play reaches the first initiative card
tiny minions will not move or attack the holder of this wand. on the initiative track, place both this mouse and any one
captured mouse on the starting location closest to the mouse
FICKLE CHARM (ACCESSORY) highest on the initiative track, and place this mouse and then
The holder of this charm may take a cheese token and place it the other mouse’s initiative cards onto the initiative track.
on this accessory to swap out any one of the action dice in a Place the famished marker on the other mouse’s initiative
single attack or defense roll with any one of the fate dice. If card. Required: Lore 3
the mouse makes an attack or defense roll and there is a
piece of cheese on this accessory, replace one of the dice SECOND WIND (TRICK )
with the Cursed die and return the cheese to the mouse’s Use this trick after making an attack or defense roll. Remove
supply. Requires: Lore 2 one of the dice rolled and then roll the Mystic Die, adding it
to the original roll.
When attacking with this scythe, roll the War, Mystic, and
Cursed Dice alongside the action dice. If a Skull * is rolled,
You may make Khan leave the tile that this mouse is on When attacking with this sword, roll the War and Cursed Dice
immediately. Required: Lore 2 alongside the action dice.
Threads of Fate includes several new abilities to add to your collection.
Threads of Fate introduces a large variety of new minions. These minions are not intended to be exclusive to any particular
campaign, and so may be mixed in with any chapter.
BOSS MINION: KHAN When Khan strikes, choose a minion or mouse that is either
Khan is the wily old adder that has lain dormant within the stunned, petrified, or knocked over, and move the coil token
castle for a while and only just woken up. The tunnels onto that figure’s space. If 2 or more figures are stunned,
beneath the castle have long been his domain and he seeks petrified, or knocked over, Khan will move to the space
to reassert his dominion over them. Khan is represented on containing the figure that is the highest on the initiative track,
the board by the coil token, and does not take up room in a and the closest space if there is more than one choice still.
space. Other figures can be place on top of the coil token to Once Khan has moved, roll a number of action dice equal to
share the space with Khan. When attacking or defending with the battle value on Khan’s strikes initiative card, and all
Khan, any cheese rolled is not added to the minion wheel. affected figures must defend against that same attack
separately. After taking a turn with Khan Gazes, switch this
Khan does not move or act like other minions. She instead card with the one directly below it on the initiative track (if
has 3 initiative cards that cause her to take 3 turns in a round any)
and act differently on each turn. The rules for each of Khan’s
initiative cards are as follows: If Khan’s strike included at least one cheese icon, then
remove the figure that received wound tokens from Khan’s
KHAN GAZES Strike from the tile (mouse figures are considered captured).
When Khan gazes, choose the space on Khan’s room tile with If more than one figure received wound tokens then remove
the mouse that is highest on the initiative track. Roll once for the figure that is highest on the initiative track among them.
the gaze’s initiative card, and that mouse must defend with (Khan Strikes: 2 Melee, 3 Defense, 1 Heart)
their lore rating. If the attack is successful, place one petrified
marker on that mouse. After taking a turn with Khan Gazes, BOSS MINION: GROA (SHREW FIGURE)
switch this card with the one directly above it on the initiative
track (if any). (Khan Gazes: 2 Ranged, 3 Defense, 1 Heart) FIERY ORATION
When attacking with Groa, if 1 or damage is inflicted on the
KHAN LASHES target mouse, place the on fire marker on the target mouse’s
When Khan lashes, choose the space on Khan’s room tile that initiative card instead of wound tokens. Target mouse
has the most figures on it, minions included and move Khan defends with their Lore value. (Fiery Oration: Ranged 3,
onto that space. If more than one space has an equal number Defense 2, 1 Heart)
of figures on it, Brodie will lash out on the space that contains
the figure whose initiative card is highest on the initiative HARROWING KEEN
track. Roll once for the strike’s initiative card. Each figure in When attacking with Groa, if 1 or damage is inflicted on the
that space must defend against that same attack separately. target mouse, place the on famished marker on the target
Any mouse or minion that did not roll a * in their defense is mouse’s initiative card instead of wound tokens. Target
knocked over (unless a big minion, which cannot be knocked mouse defends with their Lore value. (Harrowing Keen:
over). Khan will strike in the space that she is already on if no Ranged 3, Defense 2, 1 Heart)
other spaces have figures on them. (Khan Lashes: 3 Melee, 3
Defense, 1 Heart)
GILDED SONG affected must defend against that same attack separately.
When attacking with Groa, if 1 or damage is inflicted on the (Heavy Pound: Melee 4, Defense 4, 2 Hearts)
target mouse, place the on charmed marker on the target
mouse’s initiative card instead of wound tokens. Target TONGUE LASH
mouse defends with their Lore value. (Gilded Song: Ranged When attacking with Poggle, if 1 or more cheese are rolled do
3, Defense 2, 1 Heart) not add them to the minion cheese wheel. Instead the target
mouse must drop one search card item that could be held in
the hand (it is returned once all minions are cleared from the
tile). (Tongue Lash: Ranged 2, Defense 4, 2 Hearts)
Heavy Pound causes Poggle to attack all figures in the same
space, all figures in the same space as the targeted figure are
Some encounter cards include the phrase ‘Nest’ near the top of the card. Regardless of which minions are placed on the tile, add
two additional Ants according to the minion placement rules. In the event of a surge (even a special surge), place two more Ants
according to the minion placement rules, after following the effects of that surge.
This work is based on the game Mice and Mystics by Plaid Hat Games ( All the content of this document
expands upon the intellectual property of Plaid Hat Games without permission and is not to be used for commercial purposes. If the
copyright owners of Mice and Mystics find any of these ideas interesting enough for development, the owner of these concepts is
open to making the rights to these ideas available.