Design of Pier: Longitudinal Direction
Design of Pier: Longitudinal Direction
Design of Pier: Longitudinal Direction
Longitudinal Direction
A- Maximum load on piers occures when Gates on either
side of pier are closed and water level is at top on running
= 1/2*62.5*(638.50-621.00)^2*6
Horizontal Force due to water on nose of Pier =57421.88 lbs
Horiz. Force due to force on Gate 0.5*62.5*(638.5-621.00)^2*40
= 382812.5 lbs
Worst condition occures when gate on one side of Pier is closed on other side is fully opened,
which should not happen in practice. Assumming this worst condition for Horiz. design
1 30*3/12*.144*43.5 51.68
= 40.50 2092.96
2 30*9/12*.15*43.5 146.81
= 40.50 5945.91
3 4*1.75*3.25*43.75*.15 1
=49.30 40.50 6046.52
Total wt of bridge 347.79 40.50 14085.39
OTM 2992.36
= k-ft for 65 ft length
EQ Force 4
=7.97 k-ft/ft of Pier
OTM 44.43
= k-ft/ft
As = 0.9 in²
use # 8 @ 10" c/c
wt of water @ u/s
ΣV = 4309.47 kips
Max. H.F.L =
638.50 ft
Ru =
ρ= ρmin = 0