Design of Pier: Longitudinal Direction

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Design of Pier

Longitudinal Direction
A- Maximum load on piers occures when Gates on either
side of pier are closed and water level is at top on running
= 1/2*62.5*(638.50-621.00)^2*6
Horizontal Force due to water on nose of Pier =57421.88 lbs
Horiz. Force due to force on Gate 0.5*62.5*(638.5-621.00)^2*40
= 382812.5 lbs

Total Horiz.Force due to Hydro static Pressure = ### lbs


Horiz. Accelaration due to earthquake is taken as 0.12*g = 3.84 ft/sec


hydro dynamic force 0.583*62.5*(638.5-621.0)^2*0.12*6

= 8034.47 lbs

Force due to weight of gate 0.1*(14.41+20.16)

= 3.46 tons
= 7757.5 lbs
Force due to weight of Road Bridge 0.12*350*1000
= 42000 lbs
Force due to weight of Pier 0.12*1532.89
=183946.5 lbs
Total hor. Force on Pier due to EQ 2
=41738.5 lbs
Total hor. Force due to Hydro. & EQ 6
=81972.9 lbs

Shear Strss assumming Pier to be rectangle 58 feet x 27.5 feet

= 427.57 psf
= 2.97 psi
This check of horizontal forces revealed that stresses by eccentric forces during earthquake
revealed that those are too small as the moment of inertia of pier is large.
Thus the Pier is adequately strong in longitudinal direction.

Strength of Pier in Transverse direction

Worst condition occures when gate on one side of Pier is closed on other side is fully opened,
which should not happen in practice. Assumming this worst condition for Horiz. design

Strength of Pier in Longitudinal direction

Pier Self Weight

No. Description Force (kip) Arm (ft) Mom (k-ft)

1 2*(640.75-615.50)*7*6*.15/3 =106.05 57.67 6115.90
2 15.50*(640.75-615.50)*6*.15 = 352.24 50.5 17787.99
3 27*(640.75-624.50)*6*.15 3
=94.88 34.25 13524.47
4 27*(624.50-615.50)*6*.15 2
=18.70 38.75 8474.63
5 9*6*(655.00-624.50)*.15 2
=47.05 19.25 4755.71
6 10.75*6*(644.50-624.50)*.15 =193.50 9.38 1814.06
7 .5*6.5*(624.50-621.00)*6*.15 =10.24 9.42 96.44
8 3.25*6*(624.50-621.00)*.15 =10.24 5.63 57.59
Total wt of Pier 1532.89 30.57 52626.79
Wt of Gate 77.55 21.2 1644.06
Total 1610.44 54270.85

Dead Weight of Bridge

1 30*3/12*.144*43.5 51.68
= 40.50 2092.96
2 30*9/12*.15*43.5 146.81
= 40.50 5945.91
3 4*1.75*3.25*43.75*.15 1
=49.30 40.50 6046.52
Total wt of bridge 347.79 40.50 14085.39

ΣDL of Pier and Bridge (one span) = 1958.22 kips

Σ Moment 68356.24
= k-ft
X 34.91
= ft

Design of Pier in Transverse Direction

Loading Case 1: HWL with EQ on Pier & Water

Max load accours when Gates on either side of one bay are closed and water
level is running at top level

Water level = 635.50 ft

Base slab Elev = 621.00 ft
Max h = 14.50 ft

water press = 0.453 ksf

OTM =2.19 k-ft/ft

Loading Case 2: EQ on Pier & Gate

Wt of Pier =1532.89 k or 23.58 k/ft acting @ mid height of Pier

Wt og Gate = 77.5 k or 1.19 k/ft acting @ mid height of Gate
Wt of Bridge = 347.79 k or 5.35 k/ft acting @ top of Pier

Total Wt =### k or 30.13 k/ft of Pier Length

EQ Force =234.98 k or .12*29.50 = 3.54 k/ft

OTM 2992.36
= k-ft for 65 ft length

OTM /ft = 46.04 k-ft/ft

EQ Force 4
=7.97 k-ft/ft of Pier

Loading Case 3: Hydrodynamic Force on Pier

= 7.66 k/ft

OTM 44.43
= k-ft/ft

Σ OTM = 94.60 k-ft/ft

Ultimate Mom = 160.82 k-ft/ft

As = 0.9 in²
use # 8 @ 10" c/c

wt of water @ u/s

S. No. Description Force (kip)Arm (ft) Moment (k-ft)

1 40*(634.5-615.5)*62.5*7/1000 332.5
= 57.67 19175.28
2 15.50*(634.5-615.5)*62.5*40/1000 736.25
= 50.5 37180.63
3 27*40*{634.5-(624.5+615.5)/2}*62.5/1000
= 34.25 33522.19
4 0.5*27*40*(624.5-615.5)*62.5/1000 303.75
= 38.75 11770.31
Σ Wt of water 2351.25 101648.40

ΣV = 4309.47 kips

Σ Mom = ### k-ft

Σ OTM = 160.82 70 tons

B.M on Pier due to L.L on one Span only

Rmax = 70*40/43 1.5ft

= 65.12 tons
Rmax + I = 71.63 tons R1
Moment due to L.L
= 240.67 k-ft

This can be assumed to be resisted by Pier

Z = 240.00 ft³

Bending Stress = 1.003 k/ft²

= 6.964 lbs/in²

from calc. total wt of Pier including dead wt of Bridge

=1880.67 kips

Direct comp stress ignoring buouncy effect of Pier

= 33.49 lbs/in²

Mass tensile stress= 40.45 lbs/in²

Transverse Direction Analysis

Max. H.F.L =
638.50 ft

Max Hor. Force on Pier

= 9.57 k/ft

OTM =55.83 k-ft

Mu =97.70 k-ft k/ft

Ru =

ρ= ρmin = 0

Ast = 1.19 in²

Use # 8 @ 8" c/c

provide # 8 @ 12 or # 6 @ 8" c/c in the transverse direction

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