Lesson Plan 1st Grade Math
Lesson Plan 1st Grade Math
Lesson Plan 1st Grade Math
Hayley Curfman
1st Grade Math
Lesson Summary:
Students will learn the basics of addition of one-digit numbers and some two-digit numbers. They will then
learn to use models to show the values of the numbers. This will also help them solve the addition problems.
Students will learn to compare one-digit and some two-digit numbers.
Estimated Duration:
This lesson will take approximately 210 minutes. It will be broken up into seven different days. The lesson
will be approximately thirty minutes each day.
This can be a difficult lesson because it is new for the students and can be challenging. I plan to hook the
students in by doing an addition scavenger hunt which will be fun for them while also learning.
Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 20 minutes students will take pre-assessment
10 minutes I will start the introduction of this lesson with students sitting and listening.
Day 2:
30 minutes students will complete their addition scavenger hunt activity with a partner. I will answer some
questions but let students work independently with one partner to see what they can figure out and solve.
Day 3:
10 minutes as a group we will talk about the scavenger hunt from the day before
20-30 We will meet as a group, and I will teach the bulk of the lesson to the students. This will be time for
students to start to learn and ask the questions they have.
Day 4:
20-30 minutes students will use ST math on their iPad to practice addition. This will be independent work. I
will be around to answer questions.
5-10 min will be a time to regroup and talk about what they have learned and clarify any questions they may
Day 5:
15 minutes will be the lesson of comparison of numbers.
15 minutes students will use Khan academy to work through comparison problems and take the 5-question
quiz on khan academy.
Day 6:
15 minutes students will ask questions and I will clarify questions they may have.
15 minutes students will work on a work sheet with the two concepts together to get more practice. This will
be the final worksheet if students seem to have mastered the topics.
Day 7:
25 minutes student will take their post assessment. Students will work independently. I will not answer
questions because I want to see what they know.
Students will take a pre-assessment before the lesson begins. I will give them questions based around
comparison of numbers. As well as simpler addition problems then they will see in the lesson. I will also
have a couple challenging addition problems just to see where they are at with this concept.
Scoring Guidelines:
Students will be taking a quiz/worksheet for their pre-assessment. I am going to grade it if they got
the question right or wrong. Also, I am going to look at their work and process to see if they made a
simple mistake to skew their answer. I want to know what they know but I want to make sure it just
isn’t a simple mistake.
The post-assessment will be almost the exact same as the pre-assessment just with some added questions. I
like to do this so I can compare more accurately of what they have learned and mastered after the lesson. It is
a good way to see growth and what they learned. Also, it will give me a good idea at what they need more
clarification and help on.
Scoring Guidelines:
Scoring will be percentage of what questions they get right. Also looking at the work they had. This
will help me see if they understood the concepts but just made a minor error.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
Students always have the time to meet with me to get help. This also works well with our small group time.
When students work with their gifted or accelerated students this will help the students who are struggling.
This link has videos and extra activities for students to get help with addition.
This link helps students with comparison of numbers. There is videos and extra activities.
Homework Options and Home Connections
In first grade homework isn’t really something I send home with students often and don’t plan on doing so
for this lesson.
Parents can help by having their students do simple addition at home when they are doing things around the
house and help compare different numbers.
Interdisciplinary Connections
We can tie the numbers in to history. Looking at the numbers in government and values in population. Also,
in our science experiments we compare numbers as well while doing the experiments.
For teachers I will need my iPad and computer. I also will need the materials for the scavenger hunt.
As well as pre-assessment, post-assessment, and the worksheet.
For students Students will need their iPad’s. Everything else I will provide and are other materials
they have at their desk.
Key Vocabulary