Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Mental Math
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Represent and solve problems involving addition Add within 20.
Understandings: Students will understand... The importance of knowing the basics in addition and subtraction before moving on to multiplication. Mental Math strategies are used to help solve addition and subtraction problems in a fast way. That if one does not understand the foundation, they will not be able to excel in mental math. Using hands on material is an aid to help students visualize and understand the importance of the problem. Relating the math problem to real world examples will help students see the importance in the material.
Essential Question(s): Why is it important to be able to use mental math? Where can mental math be seen in your own life? What is the purpose of being able to add and subtract within 20? What is the difference between mental math and a regular math problem? What are some of the strategies you have learned that will help you solve mental math problems faster?
How to identify math terms such as: Addition-the action or process of adding something to something else Multiplication-the process or skill of multiplying Sum-the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, etc. Product-the amount obtained by multiplying numbers together Mental Math- the action of doing math in your head instead of using pen, pencil, calculator, etc. Solve- find an answer to, explanation for How to come up with strategies to help solve problems that require mental math That adding and subtracting are the basic foundations for all future math problems
Use mental math strategies when adding and subtracting. Relate math problems to their everyday life. Be able to use mental math more frequently. Explain the importance of addition and subtraction. Describe the strategies required to complete mental math. Speak about the Math academic vocabulary in future math classes.
Addition Worksheet-As a follow-up the students will be given an addition worksheet to complete for homework. This worksheet will display the students understanding of mental math through the problems they are asked to complete.
first slide after the introductory slide is a question to help activate the students minds. The question is How do we count? I then list a few examples, and ask the students to help brainstorm a few more. This will lead into my third slide, strategies for addition. After we discuss this slide, I will introduce an example of adding two different groups. This takes me to my fourth slide where I show two smiley faces and three hearts. I ask the students to identify the two groups and add them together. This basic task will allow them to see that two different groups can be added together. The fifth slide is another example of addition in the form of a different pattern. The students will be able to see that as the number in the problem increases, when added so does the sum. Another example of a pattern is shown on slide six. In this slide the students will recognize that when the addends in an addition problem get switched the sum still remains the same. After the students are exposed to different patterns, they will be differentiated into groups of two. Within these groups of two, each student will be handed a dice. With this dice, they are to roll it and count the amount of dots that are present. They must figure out what numbers would be the addends (the numbers presented on the dice) and the sum (the numbers added together). Along with the dice they will be handed a worksheet with basic addition problems where they can show their mental math skills as they complete this worksheet. The students are able to use the dice as a visual aid to help them arrive at their answer. With fifteen minutes left in the class, I will review the answers to the worksheet. The question Where can you see mental math in your own daily routines? will then be asked. This question will allow the students to relate what they learned in todays lesson to their own lives. The re-cap slide will then be shown and students will be asked to recall on a strategy they remember learning about in todays lesson. Closure: As a wrap-up, I will introduce Minute Madness. The students will have five minute to answer as many questions as they can use the strategies that was taught in todays lesson. This will act as an exit slip as I will be able to see how much the students understand, and what needs to be worked on.
Materials: Smart Board Entrance Slip Power Point Presentation Addition Worksheet Minute Madness Worksheet Dice Dice Worksheet Academic Language Worksheet Pen/Pencil Follow Up Activity: As a follow up activity the students will be assigned an addition worksheet, where they must solve the problems using mental math. Differentiation: This lesson plan is appropriate for all learning styles as it is geared toward the above, average, and low-grade level. The intrapersonal learners will benefit from working with their peers, the think-pair share and participating in the class discussion. The students with the different learning abilities including the ESL students will have a better understanding of the material through the visual aids on the smart board, the dice, and through the numerous images presented in the PowerPoint. By having the students break off into groups during the dice worksheet, those that are stronger in the material will be able to arrive at the right answer faster then those at a lower level. As Brookhart says, Design performance tasks or test items that require students to use the targeted thinking and content knowledge (Brookhart, 2010). The students will be able to use the academic vocabulary, and notes from the PowerPoint to arrive at the correct answer. Students with an IEP will be graded based on their own personal ability to excel. The main idea of the assignments is to make sure all of the students according to their grade level ability have an understanding of mental math and how it can be implemented in their daily routines.
Citations: Brookhart, S. (2010). How To Assess Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Your Classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. New York State Education Department. (2012). Common Core Learning Standards: C&I: P-12: NYSED. C&I: Curriculum and Instruction. State Education Department. Retrieved November 12, 2012, from http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/common_core_standards/
Hemorrhage [Def. 1]. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster Online. In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved October 5, 13, from http://www. Merriam-webster.com/dictionary/citation. http://www.tlsbooks.com/fiveminutemathadditiondrills0-18.html http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/
#1. Entrance Slip Name___________________ Date_____________________ #1. 3 +5 -------#2. 1 +2 -------#3. 4 +5 ------#4. 5 +4 ------#5. 9 +1 --------
Name___________________ Date_____________________ Directions: With a partner, solve the following problems using the dice that was given to you
Addition-the action or process of adding something to something else Multiplication-the process or skill of multiplying Sum-the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, etc. Product-the amount obtained by multiplying numbers together Mental Math- the action of doing math in your head instead of using pen, pencil, calculator, etc. Solve- find an answer to, explanation for