Lesson Plan Math 1
Lesson Plan Math 1
Lesson Plan Math 1
Rev. 2013
Using Place Value Blocks, 3rd graders will be able to add the addends to find the sum of three digit addition problems using modules.
Alignment with Standards: Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the learning objective. EEDA Standard(s) Students will work together as partners in a respectful manner. SSCA Element(s) In a respectful manner students will work together as a class and as partners. Students will not find humor from another students answer. 3.NBT.A.2 Number and Operations in base ten Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operation, and or relationship between addition and subtraction. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:
Students using place value blocks to add three digit numbers is appropriate because it is on 3rd grade level for students to be able to use modules to add in third grade. It is also appropriate because it reaches the needs of my students who have ADHD or ADD. Using modules is an activity that will keep those students active and engaged. The students who go to RTI for Math Instruction will be able to engage in this activity because it will be hands on approach to adding three digits numbers. The students will be able to write it on paper but use the blocks to check their or make the math easier.
Using Place Value Blocks, 3rd graders will be able to add the addends to find the sum of three digit addition problems using modules.
Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template then have to write one thing they learned from this lesson on a note card. I will take these up and read them.
Rev. 2013
I will be walking around throughout the lesson checking on students and making sure they understand the work. If any students need help I will work one on one with them. By using hands on modules students will be able to hold an object which could make it easier for learners who need to do the activity rather than just drawing out the modules. I will walk through the problem with the class to help any students who are confused. The students who leave for Math Instruction I will give their teacher a copy of my lesson plans.
Materials: place value blocks, note cards, math book, PowerPoint, SmartBoard. Procedures: 1) The lesson will start off by students getting called to the Rug. I will have students bring their Math
Books and also their white boards. 2) I will then have the students complete the review I have on a PowerPoint Slide. This is a review from what they learned yesterday. They learned how to estimate addends and sums. 3) Next we will review the answers as a class and I will ask someone to tell me what Estimate means and why its good to estimate? 4) I will then show the class the next slide which brings out a new vocabulary word. The word is Reasonable. I will explain to them that we estimate the addends and sum first so we can determine if our final answer is reasonable. I will then tell them that id our final answer is close to our estimated answer than our answer is a reasonable answer. 5) Next I will move on through the slideshow to the slide on place value blocks. I will then explain each name and why each piece represents different place values. Students may be confused when I tell them about regrouping. I will tell them that ten units can make one rod. And ten rods can make one flat. If they are confused I will continue to review it for them. I also printed out a cheat sheet they can turn to that states that ten units can make on rod and ten rods and make one flat. 6) I will then pass out the blocks. Students will get to look at them and familiarize themselves with them I will then write a few numbers on the board and as a class we will work together to show them using our blocks. This will give the students a chance to use them before we start adding numbers with them. 7) We will then do a problem together as a class. The problem is in their book. We will work through it together and do it step by step. Some students will grasp this while others will not. If a student doesnt understand it I will help them when students are working on their practice problems. 8) We will then go over the problem as a class. I will want students to ask questions about the problem. Such as when do we need to know to regroup? And how will I know to regroup. This will give students who understand a chance to answer the questions in their own words. 9) I will then ask someone to explain to the class if or final answer was a reasonable answer or not. I will let other students share their thought also. 10) Students will then head back to their desk and work on practice problems. I will have them complete problems 47. I will walk around and answer questions the students may have. I will also use this time to prepare their exit slips. We will then review the problems they did in their book and students will be able to draw their answers on the board. Also they will need to explain how they knew to regroup. 8) I will pass out note cards and have the students write one thing they learned in the lesson today. I will collect these and it will be time for students to start Guided Reading.
Activity Analysis:
Rev. 2013
I used the activity where we completed a problem as a class. This supports my students who struggle in math. It also is a way to hear students ideas and what they think about the material. I used PowerPoint throughout my lesson. Students will be using the blocks to add numbers and that is stated in my lesson objective. Student were said to be active and discuss with their peers also. One other activity I used was reviewing what we learned yesterday. Students will need to have a clear understanding of estimating before we begin the lesson today. I reviewed estimating to help my students who struggle in math and to give the whole class a small review before starting with something new. I will use technology when using the PowerPoint to give students a visual aid of what we are doing.
References: Made up by Kayla Chrisley Used the 3rd Grade math book for students practice.