Math Lesson 1

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Teacher Name(s): Deniece Allen

Date: 02/17/2015
Grade level(s): Special Education K-2
Content Areas: Math
Description/Abstract: Leaning to add one digit numbers
Timeline: 45 minutes

Goals/Content and Cognitive:

Students will demonstrate how to add single digit numbers to ten using the interactive
whiteboard. Students should know how to count to ten. Students should know what the plus
symbol represents. Student will be more confident when adding single digit numbers.

Links to Curriculum Standards:

Solve one- and two-step problems with whole numbers using addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.

Guiding Questions:
I will start with a warm up by writing one digit addition problems on the interactive whiteboard
and I will pull students name to go to the board and answer the questions. Then I will
demonstrate how much they have of something and how much more they have when they add to
the amount they already have.

When they demonstrate how to add single digit numbers, I will walk around and check their
work. They will add and check their own work. They will use computers to do simple math
problems and the computer will check their work.

Learning Connections:
Students need to know what a number is. Students need to know what the plus symbol means.
When we are learning about rocks in science, they will know how to count the different types of
rocks we are learning about.

Learning Activities or Tasks:

The student will complete two worksheets; one that they circle the answers and the other where
they place jelly beans in correct circles. This is challenging because this is the first time they are
seeing it. (new concept) Students will also use computer support in completing activities.

Teaching Strategies:
I will show them an introduction movie to engage them. My role is to model the lesson and make
sure they have a complete understanding of the lesson. The students will sit at their seat, which
are in group tables and learn from each other.

Students will work with the teacher one on one.

Materials and Resources:

Interactive whiteboard

Lesson Evaluation and Teacher Reflection:

Was this lesson worth doing?
In what ways was this lesson effective?
What evidence do you have for your conclusion?
How would you change this lesson for teaching it again?
What did you observe your students doing and learning?
Did your students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing?

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