Experiment #3: Energy Loss in Pipe Fittings
Experiment #3: Energy Loss in Pipe Fittings
Experiment #3: Energy Loss in Pipe Fittings
Two types of energy loss predominate in fluid flow through a pipe network; major losses, and
minor losses. Major losses are associated with frictional energy loss that is caused by the
viscous effects of the medium and roughness of the pipe wall. Minor losses, on the other hand,
are due to pipe fittings, changes in the flow direction, and changes in the flow area. Due to the
complexity of the piping system and the number of fittings that are used, the head loss
coefficient (K) is empirically derived as a quick means of calculating the minor head losses.
The term “minor losses”, used in many textbooks for head loss across fittings, can be misleading
since these losses can be a large fraction of the total loss in a pipe system. In fact, in a pipe
system with many fittings and valves, the minor losses can be greater than the major (friction)
losses. Thus, an accurate K value for all fittings and valves in a pipe system is necessary to
predict the actual head loss across the pipe system. K values assist engineers in totaling all of the
minor losses by multiplying the sum of the K values by the velocity head to quickly determine
the total head loss due to all fittings. Knowing the K value for each fitting enables engineers to
use the proper fitting when designing an efficient piping system that can minimize the head loss
and maximize the flow rate.
The objective of this experiment is to determine the loss coefficient (K) for a range of pipe
fittings, including several bends, a contraction, an enlargement, and a gate valve.
The head loss coefficients are determined by measuring the pressure head differences across a
number of fittings that are connected in series, over a range of steady flows, and applying the
energy equation between the sections before and after each fitting.
The following equipment is required to perform the energy loss in pipe fittings experiment:
The energy loss in fittings apparatus consists of a series of fittings, a flow control valve, twelve
manometers, a differential pressure gauge, and an air-bleed valve (Figure 3.1).
The fittings listed below, connected in a series configuration, will be examined for their head
loss coefficient (K):
long bend,
area enlargement,
area contraction,
short bend,
gate valve, and
The manometers are tapped into the pipe system (one before and one after each fitting, except for
the gate valve) to measure the pressure head difference caused by each fitting. The pressure
difference for the valve is directly measured by the differential pressure gauge. The air-bleed
valve facilitates purging the system and adjusting the water level in the manometers to a
convenient level, by allowing air to enter them. Two clamps, which close off the tappings to the
mitre, are introduced while experiments are being performed on the gate valve. The flow rate is
controlled by the flow control valve [3].
The internal diameter of the pipe and all fittings, except for the enlargement and contraction, is
0.01 m. The internal diameter of the pipe at the enlargement’s outlet and the contraction’s inlet
is 0.0240 m.
Bernoulli’s equation can be used to evaluate the energy loss in a pipe system:
P 1 + v 21 + = P 2 + v 22 + +
h1 h2 hl
ρ 2g ρ 2g
P 1 v 21
In this equation , , and z are pressure head, velocity head, and potential head,
ρ 2g
respectively. The total head loss, hl , includes both major and minor losses.
If the diameter through the pipe fitting is kept constant, then v ¿=v out . Therefore, if the change in
elevation head is neglected, the manometric head difference is the static head difference that is
equal to the minor loss ∆ h through the fitting.
[ ] [ ]
ρ ¿ ρ
=H 1−H 2=∆ h
in which H 1and H 2 are manometer readings before and after the fitting.
The energy loss that occurs in a pipe fitting can also be expressed as a fraction (K) of the
velocity head through the fitting:
∆ h=k × ,
Because of the complexity of the flow in many fittings, K is usually determined by experiment.
The head loss coefficient (K) is calculated as the ratio of the manometric head difference
between the input and output of the fitting to the velocity head.
k= 2
Due to the change in the pipe cross-sectional area in enlargement and contraction fittings, the
velocity difference cannot be neglected. Thus:
[ ] [ ]
ρ ¿ ρ
+( H ¿ ¿ 1−H 2 )=∆ h ¿
Therefore, these types of fittings experience an additional change in static pressure, i.e.:
([ ] [ ] )
2 2
v v
2g ¿ 2 g out
It is not possible to measure head due to all of the fittings simultaneously; therefore, it is
necessary to run two separate experiments.
In this part, head losses caused by fittings, except for the gate valve, will be measured; therefore,
this valve should be kept fully open throughout Part A. The following steps should be followed
for this part:
Set up the apparatus on the hydraulics bench and ensure that its base is horizontal.
Connect the apparatus inlet to the bench flow supply, run the outlet extension tube to the
volumetric tank, and secure it in place.
Open the bench valve, the gate valve, and the flow control valve, and start the pump to
fill the pipe system and manometers with water. Ensure that the air-bleed valve is closed.
To purge air from the pipe system and manometers, connect a bore tubing from the air
valve to the volumetric tank, remove the cap from the air valve, and open the air-bleed
screw to allow flow through the manometers. Tighten the air-bleed screw when no air
bubbles are observed in the manometers.
Set the flow rate at approximately 17 liters/minute. This can be achieved by several trials
of timed volumetric flow measurements. For flow measurement, close the ball valve, and
use a stopwatch to measure the time that it takes to accumulate a known volume of fluid
in the tank, which is read from the hydraulics bench sight glass. Collect water for at least
one minute to minimize errors in the flow measurement.
Open the air-bleed screw slightly to allow air to enter the top of the manometers; re-
tighten the screw when the manometer levels reach a convenient height. All of the
manometer levels should be on scale at the maximum flow rate. These levels can be
adjusted further by using the air-bleed screw and the hand pump. The air-bleed screw
controls the air flow through the air valve, so when using the hand pump, the bleed screw
must be open. To retain the hand pump pressure in the system, the screw must be closed
after pumping.
Take height readings from all manometers after the levels are steady.
fitting h1 h2 head volume time flow rate area velocity dynamic losses
losses head coefficient
long bend 109 106 0.003 0.005 41.91 0.000119303 0.000302 0.395437 0.00796994 0.376414367
short 100 94 0.006 0.005 41.91 0.000119303 0.000302 0.395437 0.00796994 0.752828734
elbow 89 74 0.015 0.005 41.91 0.000119303 0.000302 0.395437 0.00796994 1.882071834
miter 63 47 0.016 0.005 41.91 0.000119303 0.000302 0.395437 0.00796994 2.00754329
contraction 108 109 0.001 0.005 41.91 0.000119303 0.000302 0.395437 0.00796994 0.125471456
enlargement 108 99 0.009 0.005 41.91 0.000119303 0.000302 0.395437 0.00796994 1.129243101