Measuring Diagnoses: ICD Code Accuracy

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r Health Research and Educational Trust

DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2005.00444.x

Measuring Diagnoses: ICD Code

Kimberly J. O’Malley, Karon F. Cook, Matt D. Price, Kimberly
Raiford Wildes, John F. Hurdle, and Carol M. Ashton

Objective. To examine potential sources of errors at each step of the described in-
patient International Classification of Diseases (ICD) coding process.
Data Sources/Study Setting. The use of disease codes from the ICD has expanded
from classifying morbidity and mortality information for statistical purposes to diverse
sets of applications in research, health care policy, and health care finance. By describing
a brief history of ICD coding, detailing the process for assigning codes, identifying
where errors can be introduced into the process, and reviewing methods for examining
code accuracy, we help code users more systematically evaluate code accuracy for their
particular applications.
Study Design/Methods. We summarize the inpatient ICD diagnostic coding process
from patient admission to diagnostic code assignment. We examine potential sources
of errors at each step and offer code users a tool for systematically evaluating code
Principle Findings. Main error sources along the ‘‘patient trajectory’’ include amount
and quality of information at admission, communication among patients and providers,
the clinician’s knowledge and experience with the illness, and the clinician’s attention to
detail. Main error sources along the ‘‘paper trail’’ include variance in the electronic and
written records, coder training and experience, facility quality-control efforts, and un-
intentional and intentional coder errors, such as misspecification, unbundling, and
Conclusions. By clearly specifying the code assignment process and heightening their
awareness of potential error sources, code users can better evaluate the applicability and
limitations of codes for their particular situations. ICD codes can then be used in the
most appropriate ways.
Key Words. ICD codes, accuracy, error sources

Nosology (the systematic classification of diseases) has always fascinated the

sick and their would-be healers. Western societies developed an interest in
nosology in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when they began to
track the causes of sickness and death among their citizens. In the twentieth

Measuring Diagnoses 1621

century, when medical insurance programs made payers other than patients
responsible for medical care, nosology became a matter of great interest to
those public and private payers. The most commonly used nosologies include
International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the American Medical Asso-
ciation’s Current Procedural Terminology, 4th Edition (CPT-4); the Health
Care Financing Administration (HCFA, now known as the Centers for Medi-
care and Medicaid Services) Health Care Common Procedural Coding Sys-
tem (HCPCS); the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Revision (DSM-IV); Europe’s
Classification of Surgical Operations and Procedures, 4th Revision (OPCS-4);
and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Clinical Classification
Software (CCS).
This paper focuses on the International Classification of Diseases, now in
its ninth and soon to be tenth iteration; the most widely used classification of
diseases. Beginning in 1900 with the ICD-1 version, this nosology has evolved
from 179 to over 120,000 total codes in ICD-10-CM (ICD-10 2003; ICD-10-
CM 2003). The use of codes has expanded from classifying morbidity and
mortality information for statistical purposes to diverse sets of applications,
including reimbursement, administration, epidemiology, and health services
research. Since October 1 1983, when Medicare’s Prospective Payment Sys-
tem (PPS) was enacted, diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) based on ICD codes
emerged as the basis for hospital reimbursement for acute-care stays of Medi-
care beneficiaries (U.S. Congress 1985). Today the use of ICD coding for
reimbursement is a vital part of health care operations. Health care facilities
use ICD codes for workload and length-of-stay tracking as well as to assess
quality of care. The Veterans Health Administration uses ICD codes to set
capitation rates and allocate resources to medical centers caring for its 6 mil-
lion beneficiaries. Medical research uses ICD codes for many purposes. By
grouping patients according to their diagnoses, clinical epidemiologists use
ICD codes to study patterns of disease, patterns of care, and outcomes

Address correspondence to Kimberly J. O’Malley, Ph.D., Pearson Educational Measurement,

2201 Donley Drive, Suite 195, Austin, TX 78758. Karon F. Cook, Ph.D., Associate Director for
Research, is with the Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center, Michael E.
DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX. Matt D. Price, M.S., R.H.I.A., Kimberly Raiford
Wildes, Dr.P.H., M.A., and Carol M. Ashton, M.D., M.P.H., are with the Houston Center for
Quality of Care and Utilization Studies, Houston VA Medical Center, Baylor College of Med-
icine, Department of Medicine, Section of Health Services Research, Michael E. DeBakey VA
Medical Center, Houston, TX. John F. Hurdle, M.D., Ph.D., is with the VA Salt Lake City Health
Care System, Salt Lake City, UT.
1622 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

of disease. Health services researchers use the codes to study risk-adjusted,

cross-sectional, and temporal variations in access to care, quality of care,
costs of care, and effectiveness of care. Medical and health services researchers
commonly use ICD codes as inclusion and exclusion criteria to define
sampling frames, to document the comorbidities of patients, report the inci-
dence of complications, track utilization rates, and determine the case fatality
and morbidity rates (see Calle et al. 2003 for a recent example) (Steinman,
Landefeld, and Gonzales 2000; Calle et al. 2003; Charbonneau et al. 2003;
Jackson et al. 2003; Martin et al. 2003; Studdert and Gresenz 2003). The
widespread and diverse use of ICD codes demonstrates the central role noso-
logy plays in health care.
Increased attention to code accuracy has occurred both as a result of the
application of ICD codes for purposes other than those for which the clas-
sifications were originally designed as well as because of the widespread use
for making important funding, clinical, and research decisions. Code accu-
racy, defined as the extent to which the ICD nosologic code reflects the un-
derlying patient’s disease, directly impacts the quality of decisions that are
based on codes, and therefore code accuracy is of great importance to code
users. Accuracy is a complicated issue, however, as it influences each code
application differently. Using the codes for reporting case fatality rates in
persons hospitalized for influenza, for example, might require a different level
of accuracy than using codes as the basis for reimbursing hospitals for pro-
viding expensive surgical services to insured persons. Therefore, users of dis-
ease classifications, just as users of any measure, must consider the accuracy of
the classifications within their unique situations. An appreciation of the meas-
urement context in which disease classifications take place will improve the
accuracy of those classifications and will strengthen research and health care
decisions based on those classifications.
Researchers studying errors in the code assignment process have re-
ported a wide range of errors. Studies in the 1970s found substantial errors in
diagnostic and procedure coding. These error rates ranged from 20 to 80
percent (Institute of Medicine 1977; Corn 1981; Doremus and Michenzi 1983;
Johnson and Appel 1984; Hsia et al. 1988). Studies in the 1980s reported
slightly increased accuracy with average error rates around 20 percent, and
most below 50 percent (Lloyd and Rissing 1985; Fischer et al. 1992; Jolis
et al. 1993). Studies in the 1990s found rates similar to those of the 1980 studies,
with error rates ranging from 0 to 70 percent (Benesch et al. 1997; Facisze-
wski, Broste, and Fardon 1997; Goldstein 1998). The inconsistency in the
error rates and wide range of reported amounts of error is due largely to
Measuring Diagnoses 1623

differences across study methods (i.e., different data sets, versions of the ICD
classifications, conditions studied, number of digits compared, codes exam-
ined, etc.) (Bossuyt et al. 2004). However, variation in error rates is also in-
fluenced by the many different sources of errors that influence code accuracy
(Green and Wintfeld 1993). By clearly specifying the code process and the
types of errors and coding inconsistencies that occur in each study, researchers
can begin to understand which errors are most common and most important
in their situation. They can then institute steps for reducing those errors.
If we think of the assignment of ICD codes as a common measurement
process, then the person’s true disease and the assigned ICD code represent
true and observed variables, respectively. One approach to evaluating ICD
code accuracy is to examine sources of errors that lead to the assignment of a
diagnostic code that is not a fair representation of the patient’s actual condition.
Errors that differentiate the ICD code from the true disease include both ran-
dom and systematic measurement errors. By understanding these sources of
error, users can evaluate the limitations of the classifications and make better
decisions based on them. In this manuscript, we (1) present the history of ICD
code use, (2) summarize the general inpatient ICD coding process (from patient
admission to the assignment of diagnostic codes), (3) identify potential sources
of errors in the process, and (4) critique methods for assessing these errors.

History of ICD Codes
In 1893, the French physician Jacques Bertillon introduced the Bertillon
Classification of Causes of Death. This first edition, had 179 causes of death. It
was recommended that this classification system, subsequently known as the
International Classification of Causes of Death (ICD), be revised every 10
years. With each revision, the numbers of codes increased, as did the appeal of
using them for other purposes.
The World Health Organization (WHO) published the ninth revision of
ICD in 1978. The ICD-9 is used to code mortality data from death certificates.
To make the ICD more useful for American hospitals, the U.S. Public Health
Service modified ICD-9 and called it the International Classification of Diseases,
Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). In the Clinical Modification
(CM) of ICD-9, codes were intended to be more precise than those needed only
for statistical groupings and trend analysis (The International Classification of
Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM], Sixth Edition 2002).
1624 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

The modified version expanded to three volumes, and a fifth-digit subclassi-

fication was introduced. The fifth digit adds increased specificity and is required
when available. When identifying burns with codes 941 through 954, for ex-
ample, a fourth digit indicates the depth of the burn and a fifth digit specifies the
exact location. ICD-9-CM is used in the United States to code and classify
diagnoses and procedures from inpatient and outpatient records, as well as
inpatient procedures. The ninth revision contains over 12,000 diagnostic and
3,500 procedure codes.
The development of a tenth revision, International Statistical Classifi-
cation of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), introduces alpha-
numeric codes and greater specificity than ICD-9, and includes over 21,800
total codes (ICD-10 2003). In January 1999, the United States began using
ICD-10 to code and classify mortality data from death certificates; however, at
the time of this writing, the clinical modification version (ICD-10-CM), was
still under development by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
and has not been released.

The Process for Assigning ICD Codes

In this paper, we focus on codes assigned during hospital stays, and whereas
basic coding procedures are similar across ambulatory settings, the reader is
cautioned that some errors may be setting-specific. The basic process for as-
signing ICD codes for inpatient stays, presented in Figure 1, can be concep-
tualized as the dynamic interplay between the patient as he or she progresses
through the health care system (called the ‘‘patient trajectory’’) and the cre-
ation of the medical record (called the ‘‘paper trail’’). The basic process shown
in Figure 1 is typical, even though details of any given step at any given facility
may vary. The left side of Figure 1 portrays the patient trajectory through the
system, from admission to discharge. The right side of Figure 1 represents the
paper trail, or medical record creation, from the recording of the admitting
diagnosis to the assignment of the ICD codes after discharge.
The patient trajectory starts when the patient arrives at the hospital, at
which time some type of precertification (insurance) based on the admitting
diagnosis is performed by the admission clerk (at least for insured patients).
After admission, based on the physician’s admitting diagnosis and the infor-
mation generated by the initial workup, the patient undergoes diagnostic tests
and procedures and/or other treatment, as ordered by the medical staff.
The patient and medical staff members continue to meet throughout the hos-
pital stay to exchange information, and additional tests, procedures, and/or
Measuring Diagnoses 1625

Patient Trajectory Sources of Error Paper Trail

Patient arrives at Amount and quality of information at Admitting diagnosis

facility admission recorded
↓ ↓

Patient/clinician Communication quality between Physician records tests

exchange patients and clinicians and procedures
information ordered
↓ ↓
Clinician’s test and procedure
Patient undergoes knowledge
tests, procedures, Quality/availability of tests and procedures Test and procedure
and consultations
results added to
by other health care Lost/misplaced paperwork or record
providers. paperwork not shared across providers
Science for using tests and procedures
to make diagnosis

Patient discharged Clinical training/ experience

Variance across terms and language Physician records

Differences across handwriting or
computerized notes

Record checked and
completed by Health
Diligence compiling information
Information Management

Transcriber’s ability to read notes
Final record checked
Variance in amount of information
and transcribed
Transcription/scanning errors

Training and experience of coder

Quality of coding manual Coder assigns
Facility quality guidelines diagnostic codes

Creep, incorrect unbundling of codes,

upcoding, etc

Physician checks and
Physician attention to detail
signs face sheet
attesting to accuracy

Figure 1: Overview of the Inpatient Coding Process.

treatments may be ordered. Test and procedure results are added to the
medical record. The results from the tests and procedures often result in
1626 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

changes in the admitting diagnosis. Furthermore, complications arising from

care may also add to the list of diagnoses. The staff documents the hospital stay
using either handwritten or electronic reporting. Upon discharge, the physi-
cian completes a narrative discharge summary that includes a list of primary
and secondary diagnoses (word labels) and describes follow-up plans.
Upon discharge, the patient’s medical record and all associated docu-
mentation are transferred to the medical record or health information man-
agement department. Concurrently, technicians check to ensure that all
medical record information is accurate and complete (including the face sheet,
history and physical, operative reports, radiology reports, physician’s orders,
progress and nursing notes, consultations, discharge summary, etc.). Coders
then begin the process of classifying documentation, including diagnoses and
procedures, using rigid ICD coding guidelines and conventions. Some facil-
ities outsource medical transcription and coding.
After reviewing all pertinent medical record information, medical
coders assign a code for the principal diagnosis, defined by the Uniform Hos-
pital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS) as ‘‘that condition established after study to
be chiefly responsible for occasioning the admission of the patient to the
hospital care’’ (Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set 1985). The principal
diagnosis assignment is made based on written documentation from the pro-
viders. Coders also assign a code for the principal procedure, or one per-
formed for definitive treatment or that was necessary for treating a
complication. They assign additional diagnostic codes (the code count
being determined by the facility) for diagnoses that require clinical evalua-
tion, therapeutic interventions, diagnostic procedures, extended lengths of
stay (for inpatient stays), or increased nursing care and/or monitoring.
Additional procedures are coded as well. The VA, for example, allows up to
10 diagnoses and five procedure codes per inpatient day (Department of
Veterans Affairs 2002). Coders may also assign V-codes (codes describing
conditions that coexist during a patient’s stay that influence the stay,
such as history of cancer or lack of housing), E-codes (supplementary
classification of factors influencing the patient’s health status and contact with
health services), and M-Codes (supplementary classification of the morphol-
ogy of neoplasms).
After the code assignments and the sequencing of the codes have been
determined, a computerized software program, called a grouper, is often used
to classify or group the codes for reimbursement purposes. When the coding
process is complete, the codes are transmitted to the billing department for
reimbursement purposes.
Measuring Diagnoses 1627


Sources of Errors
Many sources of error are interposed between a person’s disease (as it is in
truth) and the word label (the diagnosis) applied to it by a clinician, and
between the diagnosis and the nosologic code applied to it by a medical coder.
A summary of these errors, organized according to the patient trajectory and
the paper trail depicted in Figure 1.

Errors Along the Patient Trajectory

A ‘‘diagnosis’’ is a word label applied to the disordered anatomy and phys-
iology (the disease) presumed to be causing a person’s constellation of symp-
toms and signs. Several sources of error influence the diagnostic process from
patient admission to discharge. ‘‘Diagnosis, is in the end, an expression of
probability’’ (author of quotation is unknown). Hardly any diagnosis——even
one made at autopsy——is certain (Ornelas-Aguirre et al. 2003; Silfvast et al.
2003). The certainty, or accuracy, of a diagnosis depends upon multiple factors
such as the participants (e.g., patient, clinician, medical staff ), disease type,
current state of medical knowledge and technology, context within which the
diagnosis is made, and translation of coding changes into practice.
The first potential sources of error along the trajectory in Figure 1 relate
to communication. The quality and quantity of communication between the
patient and his or her admitting clerk and treating clinicians are critical de-
terminants of the accuracy of the admitting diagnosis. If the patient describes
only a subset of symptoms or withholds important information, for example,
the accuracy of the diagnosis may be compromised, leading the clinician
down the wrong line of diagnostic reasoning. Clinicians can be poor com-
municators as well. The clinician may fail to ask the right questions, may not
fully elicit the patient’s history, or may misunderstand the patient, resulting in
another source of error in the process.
When the clinician orders diagnostic tests and procedures, potential
sources of error that may be introduced include the clinician’s knowledge
about the best diagnostic tests and procedures, the availability of these tests
and procedures, and the clinician’s ability to interpret the results. Diagnostic
accuracy depends upon the state of scientific understanding regarding various
presentations and etiologies of the disease. Further, the utility (sensitivity,
specificity, and predictive value) of the tests and procedures available to the
clinician impacts the certainty of the diagnosis. A disease for which tests have
high sensitivity and specificity will result in higher diagnostic accuracy
1628 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

compared with a disease with vague manifestations and poor diagnostic tests.
The accuracy of cancer diagnoses, for example, is typically higher than of
schizophrenia diagnoses, in part because tumor histopathology and serum
markers are less ambiguous than the behavioral diagnostic criteria for schiz-
ophrenia. Errors also occur when the physician records the diagnosis. Var-
iance in the clinician’s description of the diagnosis——often 5–10 synonyms
exist for the same clinical entity——and clarity in the recording of the diagnosis,
especially if handwritten, also introduce error into the coding process.
Clinicians are notorious for undecipherable handwriting.
Consider how errors in the patient trajectory may influence the diag-
nosis of a patient with a stroke (a disruption of blood supply to the brain). The
warning symptom for stroke, a transient ischemic attack (TIA), is a set of
transitory neurological symptoms (in medical parlance, symptoms are sub-
jective and not directly observable by others) and/or signs (signs are observ-
able by others) thought to result from a temporary interference with arterial
circulation to a discrete part of the brain. Some TIAs are over in seconds; by
definition, all TIAs resolve within 24 hours or they are given a different label
( Johnston et al. 2003). The signs and symptoms of TIA are nonspecific; that is,
they can result from several other conditions besides a temporary interruption
of blood flow to a part of the brain. Because the symptoms are nonspecific, the
patient at admission might choose to share only a few (e.g., the patient reports
headache but not dizziness), or the patient might not notice the more subtle
symptoms (e.g., subtle visual field disturbances) and therefore not share them
with the clinician. During the patient–clinician interaction, the clinician might
make a decision based only on the symptoms reported by the patient and only
on the most obvious signs. Furthermore, no blood or imaging test at present
can confirm or disconfirm the occurrence of a TIA. Therefore, the diagnosis of
TIA rests on a clinician’s acumen, and acumen depends on training, expe-
rience, attention, thoroughness, and the ability to elicit information from the
patient and/or available informants. Consequently, the interrater reliability of
the diagnosis of TIA is very low, such as k values just over 0.40 and overall
agreement of 57 percent (Dewey et al. 1999; Goldstein et al. 2001; Wilson et al.
2002). Further, new diagnostic criteria for TIA have recently been proposed
(Albers et al. 2002). If adopted, these criteria will compound the difficulty in
monitoring the incidence and prevalence of TIAs over time.
As criteria for the diagnosis of diseases are constantly in flux because of
the evolving nature of medical knowledge, new types of errors (or coding
inconsistencies) are introduced into the process, and other errors may
decrease as diagnostic accuracy increases. New errors may evolve from
Measuring Diagnoses 1629

clinicians’ delay in learning about medical advances or new diagnostic tools.

This is especially true for conditions for which no laboratory or imaging tests
are available. A case in point is mental illness, the diagnosis of which is based
on the DSM published by the American Psychiatric Association, now in its
fourth major iteration (American Psychiatric Association 1994). Consider, for
example, how ‘‘homosexuality’’ as a diagnosis evolved from being a nondi-
agnosis to a mental illness diagnosis to a ‘‘life style.’’
Even when laboratory or imaging tests are available for confirming or
ruling out a diagnosis, medical technology evolves and the tests improve. For
example, the diagnosis of acute stroke no longer requires a spinal tap and direct
arteriography of cerebral vessels; the diagnosis can now be made noninvasively
with a magnetic resonance imaging study of the brain (Provenzale et al. 2003).

Errors Along the Paper Trail

The first three error sources, those of communication and those related to tests
and procedures the patient undergoes, that are listed in Figure 1 affecting the
paper trail were described in the previous section. Another potential set of
errors can be found in the record itself. Clinicians do not generally assign
codes; coders assign them based on the labels recorded by clinicians in charts
or on death certificates. Errors in this phase have been reported to range from
17.1 to 76.9 percent (Hsia et al. 1988). The variability in the error rates is best
understood by considering the measurement contexts in which the code as-
signments take place.
One potential set of errors can be found in the record itself. In Figure 1,
these are the fourth set of errors listed. In their written or electronically entered
record, clinicians often use synonyms and abbreviations to describe the same
condition. For example, synonyms for ‘‘stroke’’ include cerebrovascular ac-
cident, cerebral occlusion, cerebral infarction, and apoplexy, among others.
The variance in terms is problematic, as each diagnostic code should represent
one and only one disease entity. From the clinician’s recorded diagnosis label,
the coder must select the ICD code that best seems to match the clinician’s
terminology. The use of synonyms leads to imprecision. For example, a pa-
tient who had a stroke can be described by one doctor as having had an
intracerebral hemorrhage (Code 431) and by another doctor as having had a
cerebrovascular accident (Code 436) and both doctors would be technically
correct. Errors can also occur because of physicians’ and other staff ’s omis-
sions in the medical record. In 1985, a study of 1,829 medical records in the
Veterans Administration indicated that over 40 percent of physician errors
1630 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

were attributed to omissions (Lloyd and Rissing 1985). Another source of

recorder error is in the transcription of the medical record. Transcription can
be defined as the process of converting medical record information from voice
(dictation) to hardcopy report or electronic format. Transcription or scanning
errors are additional threats to code accuracy. The extent to which the chart
information is complete influences the accuracy of the codes as well. Con-
current coding, coding that is performed before patient discharge, is imple-
mented in some facilities in order to expedite the coding and billing processes.
With the considerable pressure on hospitals to discharge patients these days (at
least, in the U.S.), coders may have incomplete clinical information when they
receive the chart. As a result, coders are required to assign codes with varying
amounts of information, which impacts code accuracy.
Many potential errors originate with the coder. The fact that coders must
pour through sometimes voluminous records to extract diagnoses can lead to
several types of errors. One study examining coding variation found that when
11 experienced, active medical coders reviewed 471 medical records and
were told they would be reevaluated, all of the coders differed in one or more
data fields for more than half of the records (Lloyd and Rissing 1985). The
adequacy of training the coder receives influences her or his ability to syn-
thesize large amounts of information and assign precise codes. The American
Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), the governing body
for health information professionals, designates two types of certification: a 2-
year certification (Registered Health Information Technician, previously Ac-
credited Record Technician) and a 4-year certification (Registered Health
Information Administrator, previously Registered Record Administrator).
The existence of two levels of certification, based on length of academic pro-
grams and course content, may contribute to coding inconsistencies. In ad-
dition to these two professional credentials, AHIMA also offers multiple coder
certification opportunities and credentials. Continuing education of coders, or
lack thereof, also influences coding accuracy, as the codes and coding rules
expand and change annually. For example, on October 1 2003, a new ICD-9
procedure code (00.15) was created to identify patients who receive high dose
interleukin-2 treatment. As another example, a comparison of ICD-9-CM
with ICD-10-CM indicates that the number of categories doubled from 4,000
to 8,000 and the number of death causes increased from 72 to 113 (Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment 2001). Changes in codes in-
clude reclassification of codes, such as moving of hemorrhage from the ‘‘cir-
culatory’’ chapter to the ‘‘signs and symptoms’’ chapter, and changing of the
four-digit numeric codes of ICD-9 to the four-digit alphanumeric codes of
Measuring Diagnoses 1631

ICD-10. Diabetes mellitus, for example, was coded 250 in ICD-9 and is coded
E10-E14 in ICD-10 (ICD-10 2003). Without continuing education on code
changes and additions, hospitals can lose reimbursement funds and research-
ers can lose data accuracy.
The coders’ experience, attention, and persistence also affect the accu-
racy of coding. These errors are the fifth and sixth errors shown in Figure1.
When a patient is admitted with renal failure and hypertension, a novice coder
may code each condition separately, whereas an experienced coder will look
to see if there is a connection between the two conditions, and if so, will use the
specific combination code. If coders are unsure of a diagnosis or which
diagnosis constitutes the principal diagnosis, they are expected to contact the
physician or gather the necessary information to record the correct diagnosis.
If coders fail to recognize when they need additional information or if they
are not persistent in collecting it, additional error is imposed into the
coding system.
At the phase of the paper trail in which diagnostic labels are translated
into ICD codes, some specific types of coder-level errors can be identified.
These errors, the next to last set in Figure 1, include creep, upcoding, and
unbundling, to name a few. Creep includes diagnostic assignments that de-
viate from the governing rules of coding. Creep errors have also been labeled
as misspecification, miscoding, and resequencing errors (Hsia et al. 1988).
Misspecification occurs when the primary diagnosis or order for tests
and procedures is misaligned with the evidence found in the medical record.
Miscoding includes assignment of generic codes when information exists for
assigning more specific codes, assignment of incorrect codes according to the
governing rules, or assignment of codes without the physician attesting to their
accuracy (Hsia et al. 1988). An example of miscoding for an ischemic stroke
might involve using the more generic ICD-9 code of 436 (acute but ill-defined
cerebrovascular disease) in place of the more specific ICD-9 codes of 433
(occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries) or 434 (occlusion of cerebral
arteries) (Goldstein 1998).
Resequencing codes, or changing the order of them, comprises another
potential error source. Take as an example the patient who had respiratory
failure as a manifestation of congestive heart failure. The congestive heart
failure should be the principal diagnosis and the respiratory failure the sec-
ondary diagnosis. Resequencing errors occur when these diagnoses are re-
versed (Osborn 1999). Most sequencing errors are not deliberate. Sequencing
errors may comprise the commonest kind of errors in hospital discharge
abstracts (Lloyd and Rissing 1985).
1632 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

Upcoding, assigning codes of higher reimbursement value over codes

with lesser reimbursement value, is an additional source of error at the coder
level. For example, upcoding a urinary tract infection to the more serious
condition of septicemia results in an increase of over $2,000 in reimbursement.
Because upcoding misrepresents the true condition of the patient, it constitutes
falsification of medical records and can often be detected by comparing the
medical record to the codes listed in the discharge abstract. When coders
assign codes for all the separate parts of a diagnosis instead of assigning a code
for the overall diagnosis, the practice is called unbundling. Whether done in
error or intentionally for gain, unbundling constitutes coding error. Although
we label these errors as coder-level errors, systematic coding variation may be
apparent at the hospital-level, as shown by some evidence from at least one
study (Romano et al. 2002).
The final potential error listed in Figure 1 occurs when the physician
attests to the accuracy of the coding information. As physicians treat many
patients simultaneously and support heavy workloads, the time and attention
physicians dedicate to checking the accuracy of the codes varies tremendous-
ly. Errors at the point of attestation include reviewing too quickly or not
reviewing the face sheet and supporting documents, poor recall of the details
of the patient’s conditions, and incorrect recording on the attestation sheet.

Ways to Measure Code Accuracy

Five statistics are commonly used to summarize the amount of error in ICD
coding: sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive
value, and k coefficient. These statistics are simple to compute; that is, it is easy
to come up with the ‘‘right answer.’’ It is more challenging to state precisely
what questions are answered by each of these statistics. In the current context,
it is helpful to remember that the reliability of ICD coding is with respect to
some other method of obtaining a diagnostic label. Sensitivity and specificity
are statistics often used when some ‘‘gold standard’’ is available. As discussed
above, however, there is no gold standard for diagnostic labeling.
A researcher whose question is, ‘‘How accurate are the diagnoses?’’
might compare the diagnostic labels assigned by two or more experts (e.g.,
physicians) evaluating the same sample of patients. A good choice of statistic
for this research design might be the k coefficient. This statistic quantifies
beyond-chance agreement among experts; therefore, it would be an appro-
priate estimator of the reliability of diagnoses made by experts. However, if
the research question is, ‘‘In medical chart reviews, how well do medical
Measuring Diagnoses 1633

coders’ ICD code assignments match those of physicians?’’ then a true gold
standard exists. In such a case, the researcher might prefer to calculate
specificity, sensitivity, and predictive values using the physicians’ reviews
as the gold standard. What must be kept clearly in mind, however, is that the
values of the statistics obtained in this scenario express nothing about
the reliability of medical diagnosis. They estimate, in the context of medical
chart review, the corroboration between physician and medical coders’ ICD

The process of assigning ICD codes is complicated. The many steps and
participants in the process introduce numerous opportunities for error. By
describing a brief history of ICD coding, detailing the process for assigning
codes, identifying places where errors can be introduced into the process, and
reviewing methods for examining code accuracy, we hope to demystify the
ICD code assignment process and help code users more systematically eval-
uate code accuracy for their particular applications. Consideration of code
accuracy within the specific context of code use ultimately will improve
measurement accuracy and, subsequently, health care decisions based on that
Although this paper focused on errors influencing code accuracy, the
goal was not to disparage ICD codes in general. ICD codes have proven
incredibly helpful for research, reimbursement, policymaking, etc. In fact,
without ICD codes, health care research, policy, and practice could not have
advanced as far as they have. However, code use and decision making on the
bases of codes is improved when code accuracy is well understood and taken
into account. By heightening their awareness of potential error sources, users
can better evaluate the applicability and limitations of codes in their own
context, and thus use ICD codes in optimal ways.
One way to heighten code users’ awareness of potential error sources is
to create a tool for their use when evaluating ICD codes. Based on our eval-
uation of the code assignment process, we created Figure 1, which summarizes
the basic inpatient process for code assignment. This flowchart is designed to
focus code users’ attention on key aspects of the code assignment process and
facilitate their critique of codes. By identifying potential code errors, users may
be able to specify bias that might influence data accuracy. Instead of weak-
ening a study, the recognition of potential sources of code bias will strengthen
researchers’ interpretations of data analyses using the codes.
1634 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

A few practical recommendations can be made for code users. First,

codes are likely to be most accurate under the following conditions: the disease
has a clear definition with observable signs and symptoms, highly qualified
physicians document information on the patient, experienced coders with full
access to information assign the codes, and the codes are not new. Further-
more, codes are more likely to be accurate in calculating disease prevalence
than in calculating disease incidence, as incidence requires identification of
new cases, or cases without previous documentation. When the accuracy of a
specified code is high, it would be appropriate to identify individuals for
inclusion in patient registries or intervention studies. Codes considered less
accurate are better suited for screening for potential study participants and for
identifying pools of recruits. As code accuracy decreases, or becomes more
questionable, researchers will want to use codes in combination with other
measures. For example, codes from one occasion could be combined with test
results or with codes from other occasions to improve the accuracy of disease
classification. Suppose researchers wish to identify patients with stroke for an
expensive intervention study. Given that past studies have found that using
ICD-9 diagnostic codes of 433 through 436 from administrative databases are
not very accurate for diagnosing stroke (Leibson et al. 1994; Benesch et al.
1997), researchers may decide to use codes 433 through 436 as an initial
screener for including patients in the study. Then, to increase the accuracy of
the diagnosis, researchers may wish to review these patients’ hospitalization
charts and outpatient records. Researchers can make study inclusion decisions
based on the combination of ICD codes and clinical evidence, such as prior
history of cerebral ischemic events, cerebrovascular risk factors, related pro-
cedures (carotid endarterectomy or angiography), and functional abilities.
Although collecting the clinical evidence will take additional time and
resources, it will improve the accuracy of the diagnoses and will likely lead
to more appropriate study results.
Because the use of ICD codes is commonplace, and studies on code
accuracy can be found in a wide variety of disease- and discipline-specific
journals, code users need easy access to a resource for reviewing code accu-
racy studies. To meet this need, the Measurement Excellence and Training
Resource Information Center (METRIC), a VA initiative for improving mea-
surement in health care, has created a repository of abstracts from code ac-
curacy studies. The repository is located at http://www.measurementexperts.
org/icd9ab.htm. The METRIC started the repository, but recognizes many
important study references are missing. METRIC encourages code users to
visit the site, review the repository, and recommend other studies and
Measuring Diagnoses 1635

documents that can be added. With input from the many types of code users,
this resource can become a valuable tool for evaluating ICD code accuracy.
METRIC envisions this as a dynamic resource that will facilitate ICD code
users’ ability to access code accuracy information in an efficient and timely
Although many studies have examined ICD code accuracy, knowledge
in several areas is underdeveloped. Two important areas are the reliability of
physician diagnoses and the factors that influence that reliability. Many ICD
code accuracy studies consider the physician diagnosis as recorded in the
medical record as the gold standard for measuring diagnoses (Lloyd and Ris-
sing 1985; Hsia et al. 1988; Fischer et al. 1992). In at least one study,
researchers demonstrated that the medical record cannot be considered a gold
standard, as measured against standardized patients, for example Peabody
et al. (2000).
Little consideration is given to the process leading to the physician’s
diagnosis. Certainly the quality of the gold standard varies based on disease
factors (type, knowledge, and progression) and physician factors (experience
with the disease and knowledge of diagnostic tools for the disease). Further
research examining which factors influence the quality of the physician’s di-
agnosis and the extent to which these factors affect the gold standard is greatly
As researchers, policy makers, insurers, and others strive to impose
some organization on the complicated health care field, disease and procedure
classification systems will receive increased attention. Although no system of
classification will ever be perfect, our ability to improve taxonomies rests in
our dedication to understanding the code assignment process and to sharing
information about its strengths and weaknesses.

The authors would like to acknowledge and thank University of Kansas Med-
ical Center staff members Richard Sahlfeld, RHIA, director and corporate
privacy officer; Theresa Jackson, RHIA, assistant director; and Vicky Koehly,
RHIT, coding supervisor, medical record department, for their input during
our interviews and for their time spent in reviewing our manuscript. The
authors would also like to thank Sandra Johnston, MA, RHIA, clinical co-
ordinator, health information management department, School of Allied
Health, University of Kansas, Kansas City, Kansas, for her contributions to the
1636 HSR: Health Services Research 40:5, Part II (October 2005)

manuscript. The expertise of these professionals in health information man-

agement and the coding process was invaluable.
Funding for the development of this manuscript came from the Depart-
ment of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Health Services
Research and Development Service, Measurement Excellence and Training
Resource Information Center (METRIC; RES 02-235).
This material is the result of work supported with resources and the use
of facilities at the Houston Center for Quality of Care & Utilization Studies,
Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the views of the Department of Veterans Affairs or Bay-
lor College of Medicine.

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