Reserve Officer Training Corps Unit: Rizal Technological University

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Brgy. Malamig, Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City



SY 2021-2022
Beijing Platform for Action

Beijing Platform for Action (1995)

12 Critical Areas of Concern including

‘Women and armed conflict’ and

‘The girl-child’

1. Poverty

2. Education, training and HRD 3. Health

4. Violence against women 5. Armed conflict

6. Economy

7. Power and decision-making 8. Human rights

9. Media

10. Environment

11. Girl child

12. Institutional mechanisms


UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against

Women (UN-CEDAW)

CEDAW (1979)

- International Bill of Rights for Women

- General Recommendation 30 (2013): on women in conflict

prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations

❑equality in all fields

❑affirmative action

❑protection from violence against women

• They are also committed to submit national reports, at least

every four years, on measures they have taken to comply with
their treaty obligations.

• As a signatory to the Convention, the Philippines have been

reporting regularly to the UN committee on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Millennium Development Goals

1. Eradicate extreme poverty

2. Achieve universal primary education

3. Promote gender equality and empower women

4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. A global partnership for


8. A global partnership for development


January 1, 2016 – Released the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda for

Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders in September
2015 at a historic UN Summit.

• Sustainable Development Goal Nr 5: Achieve gender equality

and empower women and girls

✔Seek to change the course of the 21st century, addressing key

challenge such as poverty, inequality, and violence against

✔Goal 5 is known as the stand-alone goal because it is dedicated

to achieving recognition to women’s equality and empowerment
as both the objective, and as part of the solution.

1995-1997: Section 27

1998: Section 28

1999 – 2002: Section 27

2003 – 2005: Section 29/30

2006 – 2007: Section 30

2008: Section 31

2009: Section 29

2010: Section 32

2012: Section 27

2013: Section 28

2014: Section 33

2015: Section 34

2016: Section 35

2017: Section 30

2018: Section 30
Sec 30, RA 10964. Programs and Projects Related to
Gender and Development. All agencies of the government shall
formulate a Gender and Development (GAD) Plan designed
to address gender issues within their concerned sectors or
mandate and implement the applicable provisions under
R.A No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women, Convention on the
Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the
Beijing Platform for Action, the Philippine Plan for Gender-
Responsive Development (1995-2025) and the Philippine
Development Plan (2017-2022)

The GAD Plan shall be integrated in the regular activities of

the agencies, which shall be at least five percent (5%) of
their budgets. For this purpose, activities currently being
undertaken by agencies which relate to GAD or those that
contribute to poverty alleviation,economic empowerment
especially of marginalized women, protection, promotion,
and fulfillment of women’s human rights, and practice of
gender-responsive governance are considered sufficient
compliance with said requirement. Utilization of the GAD
budget shall be evaluated based on the GAD performance
indicators identified by said agencies.

Welfare Approach Women in Development

Welfare Approach

• Originated in 1950s as a result of the first official world-

wide recognition of women’s equality and non-
discrimination on the basis of sex as established by UDHR
in 1948.

• Response to outcomes of inequalities among the local

elites and the common people.

Women in Development

• Originated in 1970s as a result of the debate of the

women’s role in economic development.

• Emerged from a liberal feminist framework and was

particularly influential in North America

• The WID approach focuses on the integration of

women into the workforce and increase their level of
productivity in order to improve their lives.

• Women’s significant productive contribution was made visible,

although their reproductive role was downplayed.
Women and Development Gender and Development

Women and Development

• Originated back in 1975 in Mexico City which focuses on the

relation between patriarchy and capitalism.
• Focuses on the relationship between women and
development processes rather than purely on strategies
that seek women’s integration in
• Tends to group women together without considering the
impact of class, race or ethnicity on women’s status.

- WID and WAD fell short in improving unequal relationships.

A significant number of projects were unsustainable
as development projects failed to consider the multiple roles
carried out by women, leading to a development model that
in the end become disadvantageous to the women.

Gender and Development

• In late 80’s there was a growing need to understand the

unequal status and treatment of women and men,and the
failureof development initiatives to advance
women’s status.
• GAD emerged from a frustration with the lack of progress of
WID and WAD, in changing women’s lives and in
influencing the broader development agenda. It
challenged the WID’s/WAD’s focus on women in
isolation and seeing women’s real problem as the imbalance of
power between women and men

1. The 1987 Constitution – “The state recognizes the role of

women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental
equality before the law of women and men."

2. Executive Order No. 348 of 1989, Approving and Adopting the

Philippine Development Plan for Women for 1989 to 1992

• Mandates the creation of Gender and Development (GAD)

focal points within an agency, a sector or a locality.

• Executive Order No. 273 – The 1995-2025 Philippine Plan

for Gender Responsive Development (PPGD)

3. Republic Act 7192 of 1992, Women in Development and

Nation- Building Act

• This promotes the integration of women as full and equal

partners of men in development and nation building.

• Passed by the Congress of the Philippines on December 11,

1991, and was approved by the President on February 12,

4. The Philippine National Action Plan on UNSCRs 1325 &

1820: 2011- 2016
Principle of PARTICIPATION in decision-making
Means that …

- All Sectors must participate in the development process

and benefit from the results of development.

When we say All Sector, it means participation of …

- They participate through a consultation process for the

purpose of identifying the concern of their sectors and the
determination of appropriate interventions to address these

Principle of EMPOWERMENT

A multi-dimensional social process that helps people gain control

over their own lives.

A process that fosters power in people for use in their own lives,
their communities and in their society, by acting on issues they
define as important.

Measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and self-

determination in people and in communities in order to enable
them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-
determined way, acting on their own authority.



Principle of Support for self-determination and

actualization of human potentials

- This mean that every individual is able to actualize their

Human Potentials beyond Basic Needs.

HPA Ltr Dir on the Creation of Gender and
BACKGROUND Development Office
- (GADO) at PAMU Level dtd 17 August 2015.
- To Develop a Gender Sensitive Army
MISSION Reserve Command that is Relevant and
responsive to the clients and organization.
- The Chief, GADO is a special staff
RESPONSIBILITY responsible to Commander in all matters
pertaining to GAD, its promotion,
mainstreaming and cascading to its line
units in order for gender equality to flourish
A. Plan, prepare and implement GAD Advocacy
FUNCTIONS and training programs on gender and development
to their respective line units.

B. Prepare and submit their unit GPB & AR

consolidated from their HQs & line units.

C. Monitor and report the status of gender

mainstreaming efforts and other GAD performance
scorecards/accomplishment reports, GAD PAPs
and Budgets.

D. Establish and maintain continues strong

linkages and partnerships with the local
counterpart of Philippine Commission on women
(PCW), non-government organizations and
people’s organizations.

E. Conduct and implement other GAD-mandated

programs and policies published from higher HQs.

F. Act as secretariat of the GAD Focal Point

Committee (GFPC).
G. Maintain the GAD management information
system (MIS) and update unit sex-disaggregated
database (SDD) as well as the statistics on its
women personnel that will serve as basis
for gender analysis and planning of unit
programs and policy measures addressing
unit gender issues.

- Focus on
Four (4) entry
points of
Review/Development of Policies
1. Education, Training, Recruitment, Facility,
Promotion, Health, GBV Prevention, Justice
System, etc.

2. Protection and Security of women and children

3. Empowerment of women

4. Equal access to employment/assignment

opportunities 5. Use of gender-fair language

2.ON PEOPLE GAD Focal Point Committee shall under gender education

1. GAD Orientation,

2. Gender Sensitivity Training (GST),

3. Gender-Fair Training Language,

4. Gender Analysis Seminar, GAD Plan and Budget/GAD
AR Workshop,

5. Gender Peace and Security Seminar,

6. Gender-Based Violence Awareness Seminar,

7. GAD-related Training/Seminar/Activities (Health,

Justice, Sports etc.)

3. ON Strengthen system and mechanism to support

ENABLING gender mainstreaming efforts.
1. Collection and Updating of SDD

2. GMAPTool Administration

3. Conduct of Gender Audit

4. HGDG Tool Administration

5. Engagement with PCW/local GAD office & agencies

6. Sustainment of GFPC/TWG

Activities to maximize the conduct of Gender

4. ON PAPS Mainstreaming Program

1. GAD Orientation

2. Gender Sensitivity Training

3. Gender-Fair Language Training

4. Gender Analysis Tool Training

5. Gender, Peace and Security Forum

6. Gender Audit Orientation

7. GBVRS Review and Orientation

8. GST Trainer’s Training

9. GAD Plan and Budget/GAD AR Development Workshop

10. GFPC Monitoring & Evaluation of GAD PAPs

11. Consolidation/review of GAD Plan to GAD Budget

12. Integration of GPB in APB

13. Consolidation/review of GAD Accomplishment

14. Development of GAD Agenda

15. Observance of GAD-related Advocacies and events

(National Women’s Month Celebration and 18th Day
Campaign to End VAW)

16. Meeting and focused Group discussion with partner

agencies on NAPWPS/MOVE

17. Meeting and focused Group Discussion with LGU’s and


18. Men opposed to VAW Everywhere (MOVE)

19. Combating Gender Based Violence and Criminalities

(through MOVE)

20. Creating Positive Atmosphere Seminar

21. Responsible Parenting/Family Welfare Seminar

22. Maintenance/construction of child-care/breast feeding

area/GAD Office at PAMU and GAD-section at RCDG’s and

23. Support to GAD administration of Office at HARESCOM

and GAD Section at RCDG’s and CDC’s.
- Gender mainstreaming requires
Gender Mainstreaming that the entire PA commits to
the promotion of gender
equality in its plans and

- PA directs all units and offices to


- is a strategy to transform
both PA men and women to
be gender-sensitive and

- Concerns and experiences of

both PA men and women as
integral dimension of design,
implementation, monitoring
and evaluation of all policies,
programs, activities and projects

Army Gender Sensitivity - Enhanced gender awareness

among PA personnel
Training (GST) HPA Ltr Dir
dtd 11 Oct 20 - GST as a mandatory training
for PA units effective 2017

- All unit commanders should

include GST in in-house
training and in-service
training program

- Funds charged to allocated GAD

funds of units
- PAMUs: GAD Focal Persons
GAD Focal Point
as the channel of PA GAD FP
Committee (GFPC) - to the implementation of GAD
plans, programs, and activities

- GBVRS shall be observed in

Gender Based Violence handling GBV cases
Referral System
- Strict observance of gender-
and culture-sensitive
protocols in handling captured
combatants and surrendered

- Separate sanitation facilities of

men and women - Provision of
child-friendly facilities

- Availability of social workers and


- All PA units and offices to

National Action Plan for effectively address Women,
Peace, and Security (WPS)
Women, Peace and
concerns through capacity
Security building and skills
Ltr Order#5 dtd 06 Oct 2016 development

- Adopt Information, Education,

and Communication (IEC)
strategies to address WPS

- Cascade WPS trainings down

to PA units

- ntegrate WPS trainings,

projects, activities, and
programs in GAD PB
- Coordinate with government
agencies that can provide legal
assistance, health support
services, etc.

- Strengthen PA commitment to
empower women
- Sex-disaggregated database
Gender Statistic and SDD (SDD) to serve as inputs or
bases for planning, programming
and policy formulation
- At least Five (5) percent of the
GPB total annual budget designed to
address gender issues

- Gender Analysis shall be

conducted prior to the dev. of
the GPB - reflect 5% budget
allocation and GAD PAPs in GPB

- utilize at least 5% of unit’s or

office’s MOOE for GAD PAPs

- periodically prepare and submit

GAD Plan Budget (GPB)

- Incorporated to Annual Plan

and Budget (APB)

- to identify gaps and difference

Gender Analysis Process on the PAPs undertaken

- Determine priority GAD PAPs

- Gender Mainstreaming
Monitoring, Evaluation,
Assessment and Planning

- Review and assess existing

major programs using HGDG
Attribution to GAD - Required to utilize the
Harmonized Gender and
Development Guidelines

Integrate NAP GPS Integrate NAP GPS perspective in the

conduct of ff opns:


- OPNs during emergencies

(natural/manmade) to
protect/secure vulnerable
women, elderlies, children, and
PWDs in refugee/IDP camps

- Security OPNs to
protect/secure marginalized and
vulnerable women, youth, Ips

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