Gender and Development (Gad)
Gender and Development (Gad)
Gender and Development (Gad)
perspective and process that is participatory and empowering , equitable, sustainable, free from
violence, respectful of human rights , supportive of self determination and actualization of human
Philippine Plan for Gender and Development, 1995-2025, is a National Plan that addresses,
provides and pursues full equality and development for men and women. Approved and adopted
by former President Fidel V. Ramos as Executive No. 273, on September 8, 1995, it is the
successor of the Philippine Development Plan for Women, 1989-1992 adopted by Executive No.
Gender stereotypes are generalizations about the roles of each gender. Gender roles are
generally neither positive nor negative, they are simply inaccurate generalizations of the male and
female attributes. Since each person has individual desires, thoughts, and feelings, regardless of
their gender, these stereotypes are incredibly simplistic and do not at all describe the attributes of
Here are some examples to simplify on how society works before Gender and
WOMEN: - Supposed to have clean jobs such as secretaries, teachers, and librarians
In GAD influencer Dr. Naila Cresino , CvSU Director that Gender and Development
program enhance the awareness, knowledge , and skills. And they also change the perceptions ,
attitudes , values of faculty members , employees , students , and external clients. GAD it approach
focusses on the socially constructed basis of differences between men and women and emphasizes
Development (WID) approach. Unlike WID it focuses on the assign roles and responsibilities of
all women , but the GAD it also focuses on the assign roles and responsibilities both women and
men . GAD applies gender analysis to uncover the ways in which men and women work together
without hesitating.
Caroline Moser development planning in the 1980’s while working at the Development
Planning Unit of the University of London. The Moser Framework follows the GAD approach in
emphasizing the importance of gender relations. The World Bank was one of the first international
organizations to recognize the need for Women in Development approach a WID adviser in 1977.
In 1984 the bank mandated that its programs consider women’s issues. In 1994 the bank issued a
policy paper on Gender and Development , reflecting current thinking on the subject. This policy
aims to address policy and institutional constraints that maintain disparities between the genders
and the limit the effectiveness of development programs. (Gender And Development (GAD), n.d.)
The patterns of ideas, beliefs and norms which characterize the way of life and relations of a society
Hierarchical relations of power between women an men that tend to disadvantage women.
Division of work based on gender. Productive/ economic outside men . Household/ reproductive
inside women.
The recognition that the life experiences, expectations, and needs of women and men are different,
Gender equality refers to equal access to social goods, services, and resources and equal
Women and men should not only be given equal access to resources and equal opportunities
It is the process and outcome of the process, by women challenge gender based discrimination