Uloom-ul-Quran - III (Handouts)
Uloom-ul-Quran - III (Handouts)
Uloom-ul-Quran - III (Handouts)
Repentance (Tawbah)
ِّل اللَّهُ َسيِّئَاِتِِ ْم
ُ ك يُبَد ِ إََِّل من تَاب وآمن وع ِمل عم ًًلo يضاعف لَه الْع َذاب ي وم الْ ِقيام ِة وََيْلُ ْد فِ ِيه مهانًا
َ ِصاْلًا فَأ ُْولَئ
َ ََ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َُ َ َ َ َ َْ ُ َ ُ ْ َ َ ُ
)۶۹،۷۰:۲۵يما (الفرقان ِ ات وَكا َن اللَّه َغ ُف ٍ
ً ورا َّرح ً ُ َ ََح َسن
Translation: His punishment will be doubled on the Day of Rising and, disgraced and
humiliated, he will live in it forever. But whoever repents and believes and does good deeds, so
these are the people whose evil deeds Allah will change into good ones. And Allah is Most
Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
This can have two meanings: (1) His punishment will never come to an end, but it will continue
being inflicted relentlessly over and over again; and (2) the person who in addition to the sins of
disbelief, shirk and atheism, would have committed murders, adultery and other sins, will get
separate punishment for rebellion and for each other sin.
On the other hand, the good news for the people who repented and reformed themselves, that
they will have the benefit of the "general amnesty". This is the reward for those who repent of
their sins and will do good deeds in the future. Allah replaces their evil deeds with good deeds.
Avoid lies and evil
ور َوإِذَا َم روا بِ اللَّ ْ ِو َم روا كَِر ًام ا ِ َّ ِ وم ن تَ اب وع ِم ل
ِ َّ ِ ُاْلا فَِنَّ ه ي ت
َ ين ََل يَ ْد َه ُدو َن ال ز
َ َوال ذoوب إ َِ الل ه َمتَابً ا
ُ َُ ً ص َ َ ََ َ ََ
Translation: And whoever repents and executes good, so he returns to Allah (the way) returning
is due. And these are the people who do not attend (both verbally and practically) the false and
untruthful matters, and when they pass by evil activities, they (observing caution) pass by like
dignified people.
It has two meanings: (1) When he has repented sincerely, he will start a new life of belief and
obedience to Allah and by His grace and help will start doing good deeds instead of evil deeds
that he used to do in his life of unbelief, and his evil deeds will be replaced by good deeds; and
(2) Not only will his evil deeds done in the past be written off, but it will also be recorded in his
conduct register that he was the servant who gave up rebellion against his Lord and adopted the
way of His obedience.
Characteristics of Faithful
)۱:۲۳،ق ْد أَفْ لَ َح الْ ُم ْؤِمنُو َن (املومنون
Translation: Certainly, the believers have attained their goal.
"Believers", who have attained true success, are those who have accepted the Message of
Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him), and have acknowledged him as their guide and
followed the way of life taught by him.
Paying Zakat
ِ ِوالَّذين هم لِ َّلزكاة
)۴ : ۲۳ ،فاعلو َن (املومنون ُ َ َ
Translation: And who (always) pay Zakat (the Alms-due [and keep purifying their wealth and
The word Zakat literally means purification and development-to help something grow tip
smoothly and develop without obstruction. As an Islamic term, it implies both the portion of
wealth taken out for the purpose of purifying the rest of wealth and the act of purification itself.
ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ لى أَزواج ِهم أَو ما َملَ َكت أَميانُ ُهم فَِن َُّهم َغ ُري َم
)۶۔۵ : ۲۳ ،لومُي (املومنون ٰ إِاَل َعo ذين ُهم ل ُفروج ِهم حافظو َنَّ
َ َوال
Translation: And who guard their private parts (all the time). Except from their wives or those
slave-girls who are the possessions of their hands. (If they go to them according to the Islamic
injunctions,) there is surely no blame on them.
They are modest in every sense of the word. They are free from sex abuse and sex perversion.
They are so modest that they even conceal those parts of their bodies which the Law forbids to
expose before others. This is a parenthesis which is meant to remove the common
misunderstanding that sex desire is an evil thing in itself and satisfying it even in lawful ways is
not desirable, particularly for the righteous and godly people.
Inheritors of Paradise
)۱۱- ۱ ۔: ۲۳ ،س ُه ْم فِ َيها َخالِ ُدو َن (املومنون ِ ِ اُولَئِك هم الْوا ِرثُو َن۔ الَّ ِذ
َ ين يَرثُو َن الْف ْرَد ْو
َ َ ُُ َ ْ
Translation: It is they who will be the inheritors (of Paradise). They will (also) inherit the most
superior Gardens of Paradise (where all the bounties, comforts and pleasures of nearness to Allah
will abound). They will live there forever.
Firdaus (Paradise) is a common word found in almost all human languages in very nearly similar
forms. It means a vast garden adjoining the dwelling of a person and enclosed by defense walls
and containing all kinds of fruit trees, especially vines: In some languages, the word has the
sense of containing pet birds and animals, too. Firdaus was in common use in pre-Islamic Arabic
literature. This gives the idea that Firdaus is a vast place containing a great number of gardens,
vineyards, etc.
قُ ْل تَ َعالَ ْواْ أَتْ ُل َما َحَّرَم َرب ُك ْم َعلَْي ُك ْم أََلَّ تُ ْد ِرُكواْ بِِه َشْيئًا َوبِالْ َوالِ َديْ ِن إِ ْح َسانًا َوَلَ تَ ْقتُلُواْ أ َْوَلَ َد ُكم ِّم ْن ْإمًلَ ٍق ََّّْن ُن نَ ْرُزقُ ُك ْم
َّ اْلَ ِّق َذلِ ُك ْم َو
صا ُك ْم بِِه لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم ْ ِس الَِِّت َحَّرَم اللاهُ إَِلَّ ب ِ
َ ش َما ظَ َهَر مْن َها َوَما بَطَ َن َوَلَ تَ ْقتُلُواْ النَّ ْف
ُ ََّوإِي
َ اه ْم َوَلَ تَ ْقَربُواْ الْ َف َواح
)۱۵۱:۶،تَ ْع ِقلُو َن (اَلنعام
Translation: Say: ‘Come, I will recite to you those things which your Lord has forbidden to
you: Do not set up anything as a partner with Him; be morally excellent with parents; and do not
kill your children owing to poverty. We alone give you sustenance and (will provide for) them as
well. And do not draw near to shameful deeds (whether) open or hidden. And do not kill the soul
whose (killing) Allah has forbidden, except when it is rightfully due (according to law in self-
defense against disruption and whilst combating terrorism). It is these (injunctions) He has
enjoined upon you so that you may apply reason.
That is, "The limits set by your Lord are not those which you have imposed on yourselves, but
they are the following which Allah has set for the regulation of human life and which have
always been the fundamental basis of all Divine Laws."
That is, haram are not those whom you have declared without any evidence, merely on the basis
of your false illusions and erroneous suspicions. Rather, forbidden are those things which your
Lord has forbidden, for He is your Creator and your Lord. He has knowledge of all things, so He
has the right to make whatever He wills lawful and whatever He wants to make something haram
(illegal). So, I will tell you the details of what your Lord has emphasized.
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َ وَلَ تَ ْقربواْ م
ُ َِّشدَُُّ َوأ َْوفُواْ الْ َكْي َل َوالْم َيزا َن بِالْق ْسِ َلَ نُ َكل
ف نَ ْف ًسا إَِلَّ ُو ْس َع َها ْ ال الْيَتي ِم إَِلَّ بِالَِِّت ه َي أ
ُ َح َس ُن َح ََّت يَْب لُ ََ أ َ َُ َ
)۱۵۲: صا ُكم بِِه لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم تَ َذ َّك ُرو َن (اَلنعام ِ ِ ِ
َّ اعدلُواْ َولَ ْو َكا َن ذَا قُ ْرََب َوبِ َع ْهد اللا ِه أ َْوفُواْ ذَل ُك ْم َو
ْ ََوإِذَا قُ ْلتُ ْم ف
Translation: And do not go near the property of the orphan but in the most likable manner until
he reaches the age of maturity.’ And always give full measure and weight with justice. We do
not burden any soul beyond its ability to bear it. And when you say (something pertaining to
somebody), do justice even though he is (your) near relative. And always fulfil the promise of
Allah. These are (the matters) which He has strictly ordained for you in order that you may
accept direction and guidance.
"The best way" will be the one which is based on selflessness, good intentions and the welfare of
the concerned orphan, and which is not objectionable in the sight of God or man.
"You shall use full measure and a just balance,'' is a fundamental principle of the Divine Law:
Allah has added, "We charge one....one can bear," to assure people that whoever tries his very
best to be just and right in measuring, weighing and carrying out other trade transactions, will be
absolved from his responsibility and will not be taken to account, if in spite of his best efforts,
there happens to be an unintentional error.
َّ يما فَاتَّبِعُوُُ َوَلَ تَتَّبِعُواْ السبُ َل فَتَ َفَّر َق بِ ُك ْم َعن َسبِيلِ ِه َذلِ ُك ْم َو
صا ُكم بِِه لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم تَتَّ ُقو َن ِ ِ ِ َّ َوأ
ً َن َه َذا صَراطي ُم ْستَق
Translation: And that this (Islamic law) is My straight path. So, follow it and do not follow
paths, because they (the other paths) will move you away from Allah’s path. This is what He has
enjoined you strictly so that you may become Godfearing.
"You should follow this way because this is the Right Way." This "Natural Covenant" demands
that man should follow the Way shown by Allah, because any deviation from it into the paths of
rebellion or independence or in the worship of another than Allah will be the first violation
against that Covenant, and will mislead one into other violations one after the other. Besides, no
man can fulfill the obligations of this most delicate, vast and intricate Covenant unless one
accepts Divine Guidance and follows it in every aspect of life. "...... you should not follow other
ways" because they will turn you away from His Right Way which is the only Way which leads
to His nearness, pleasure and approval.