Sfri Brochure-Hemix330 Eng BD

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HEMIX 3-30

hemiX 3-30: reference a0212
parameters Language
WBC, RBC, HGB, PLT, MCV, MPV measured; 3 languages available: English, French, Spanish
Lym#, Mon#, Gran#, HCT, MCH, MCHC, PCT% calculated;
Lym%, Mon%, Gran%, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, PDW%, P-LCR% Operating envirOnment
given by histograms. Temperature 15°C – 35°C
Humidity 30% – 85%
principLes Atmospheric pressure 86.0 – 106 kPa
Mono channel instrument
Impedance technology for blood cell counting and cyanide-free pOwer requirements
optical detection for hemoglobin A.C. 110-220 V; 50/60 Hz
Input power: 150 W
parameter measuring range DimensiOns
WBC (109/L) 0-99.99 330(W) x 430(H) x380(D) mm
RBC (1012/L) 0-7.00
HGB (g/L) 0-300 weight
MCV (fL) 40-150 17.5 kg
PLT (109/L) 10-999
reagents anD cOnsumabLes
parameter precision (cv %)
WBC (109/L) 2.5% @ 5-10
HGB (g/L) 1.5% @ 90-200
MCV (fL) 0.5% @ 70-120 SFRI Diluent 3.3 HSD 521 20L
PLT (109/L) 5.0% @ 200-450 REAGENTS SFRI Lyse 3.3 HSL 551 0.5L

Ref. HEMIX330ENG-V201410 ± Copyright © 2014 SFRI. All rights reserved

Non contractual document. Specifications subject to change without notice.
SFRI Cleaner 3.3 HSL 502 2L
quaLity cOntrOL MAINTENANCE SFRI CleanEZ 3.3 HSC 103 60mL
Using BQC - Levey-Jennings list and charts with calculation of SOLUTIONS SFRI Clair 3.3 R024 xxx 60mL
Mean, SD, CV; up to 9 control files, 31 runs/ file
Less than 2 minutes per result BloodTrol 16 3 tubes N R021005
BloodTrol 16 3 tubes LNH R021001
sampLe vOLume CONTROLS
BloodTrol 16 6 tubes N R021002
Venous and capillary 9.8 µl
BloodTrol 16 6 tubes LNH R021006
Pre-diluted 20 µl
CALIBRATOR BloodCal 1 tube R021003
memOry stOrage
20 000 patient files
Mono-directional LIS transfer

input/Output Your Local Distributor:

Keyboard and mouse interface (optional barcode)
External monitor and parallel printer interface
RS-232 x 1; USB x 2

printOut & DispLay

Fast thermal printer, 55 mm paper
Optional external printer
8” LCD screen with color display

SFRI - lieu-dit Berganton - 33127 Saint Jean d' Illac (Bordeaux) - FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0)5 56 68 80 50 - Fax +33 (0)5 56 21 79 03 - [email protected] -

BROCHURE-Hemix3.indd 1 12/12/2014 09:43:34

HEMIX 3-30 Higher Quality Results at Lower Costs in a Robust Instrument

powerful comprehensive practical and user-friendly

ƒ Three counting modes: whole blood, capillary and pre-diluted software The large display and automated functions
As a small compact analyzer make for effortless working conditions.
ƒ Up to 20 000 patient results (including histograms) with high-end software normally All tests are stored automatically and are
ƒ Extensive quality control programs: Levey-Jennings Charts, 9 files only found in more sophisticated accessible via the data log menu. All results
high-throughput instruments. The are customizable for easy search via the
ƒ Throughput: less than 2 minutes per result comprehensive patient data search function.
intuitive Windows® based software
ƒ 3-part differentiation, 20 parameters, 3 histograms can be automatically updated They are also exportable via LIS to a lab’s
ƒ Compact size, built in thermal printer, large color LCD display: comfort and ease of use through the USB port. The low database for complete coordinated reports
frequency of product maintenance and easy comfortable workflow.
ƒ Windows® based software: French, English and Spanish languages available
ensures minimum interruption in
ƒ Optional barcode reader: saves time, avoids identification errors and allows for hassle free routine workflow.

cost effectiveness
The HEMIX 3-30 has the lowest
consumption rate of reagents out of
all 30 t/h analyzers on the market.
Its low consumption rate, very long
Our products are used every day in more than 60 countries shelf life of reagents, and limited
SFRI offers a wide range of instruments that can be used as main analyzers for small and medium labs or as maintenance operations make it a
backup systems for big labs. Beyond its range of instruments, SFRI develops and manufactures dedicated and full traceability very cost driven instrument for your
compatible hematology and biochemistry reagents. These reagents are the best on the market thanks to their The optional barcode lab.
long shelf-life (up to 36 months) and great stability. reader reduces
the risk of manual
mistakes while
the on-board error
log allows for full
traceability of errors. quality results, precise
Traceability is also and reliable
guaranteed thanks to The HEMIX 3-30 has excellent
user ID recognition, precision results. The HEMIX 3-30
lower maintenance log and
we knOw what matters! high quality atr lab!
costs for you
quality control.
is equipped with a comprehensive
calibration and quality control
program, including Levey-Jennings
analysis, to guarantee high
quality, repeatable results. Labs
are ensured lower percentages
of reruns and useless slides, and
higher savings!

robust instrument easy to

high quality increased Lab a robust ergonomic maintain
results you profitability and reliable operations for a safe working
The HEMIX 3-30 has an excellent
internal maintenance program including
don’t need to thanks to instrument effortless and environment
Operators can work safely thanks to
an integrated self-cleaning system to
minimize maintenance. The unique
double check! extremely that doesn’t safe working the cyanide free HEMIX 3-30 lysing structure of the mechanic and fluidic
low reagent breakdown! conditions! reagent. systems and quality components ensure
less failures and simplify maintenance
consumption! operations.

BROCHURE-Hemix3.indd 2 12/12/2014 09:43:51

HEMIX 3-30 Higher Quality Results at Lower Costs in a Robust Instrument

powerful comprehensive practical and user-friendly

ƒ Three counting modes: whole blood, capillary and pre-diluted software The large display and automated functions
As a small compact analyzer make for effortless working conditions.
ƒ Up to 20 000 patient results (including histograms) with high-end software normally All tests are stored automatically and are
ƒ Extensive quality control programs: Levey-Jennings Charts, 9 files only found in more sophisticated accessible via the data log menu. All results
high-throughput instruments. The are customizable for easy search via the
ƒ Throughput: less than 2 minutes per result comprehensive patient data search function.
intuitive Windows® based software
ƒ 3-part differentiation, 20 parameters, 3 histograms can be automatically updated They are also exportable via LIS to a lab’s
ƒ Compact size, built in thermal printer, large color LCD display: comfort and ease of use through the USB port. The low database for complete coordinated reports
frequency of product maintenance and easy comfortable workflow.
ƒ Windows® based software: French, English and Spanish languages available
ensures minimum interruption in
ƒ Optional barcode reader: saves time, avoids identification errors and allows for hassle free routine workflow.

cost effectiveness
The HEMIX 3-30 has the lowest
consumption rate of reagents out of
all 30 t/h analyzers on the market.
Its low consumption rate, very long
Our products are used every day in more than 60 countries shelf life of reagents, and limited
SFRI offers a wide range of instruments that can be used as main analyzers for small and medium labs or as maintenance operations make it a
backup systems for big labs. Beyond its range of instruments, SFRI develops and manufactures dedicated and full traceability very cost driven instrument for your
compatible hematology and biochemistry reagents. These reagents are the best on the market thanks to their The optional barcode lab.
long shelf-life (up to 36 months) and great stability. reader reduces
the risk of manual
mistakes while
the on-board error
log allows for full
traceability of errors. quality results, precise
Traceability is also and reliable
guaranteed thanks to The HEMIX 3-30 has excellent
user ID recognition, precision results. The HEMIX 3-30
lower maintenance log and
we knOw what matters! high quality atr lab!
costs for you
quality control.
is equipped with a comprehensive
calibration and quality control
program, including Levey-Jennings
analysis, to guarantee high
quality, repeatable results. Labs
are ensured lower percentages
of reruns and useless slides, and
higher savings!

robust instrument easy to

high quality increased Lab a robust ergonomic maintain
results you profitability and reliable operations for a safe working
The HEMIX 3-30 has an excellent
internal maintenance program including
don’t need to thanks to instrument effortless and environment
Operators can work safely thanks to
an integrated self-cleaning system to
minimize maintenance. The unique
double check! extremely that doesn’t safe working the cyanide free HEMIX 3-30 lysing structure of the mechanic and fluidic
low reagent breakdown! conditions! reagent. systems and quality components ensure
less failures and simplify maintenance
consumption! operations.

BROCHURE-Hemix3.indd 2 12/12/2014 09:43:51

HEMIX 3-30
hemiX 3-30: reference a0212
parameters Language
WBC, RBC, HGB, PLT, MCV, MPV measured; 3 languages available: English, French, Spanish
Lym#, Mon#, Gran#, HCT, MCH, MCHC, PCT% calculated;
Lym%, Mon%, Gran%, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, PDW%, P-LCR% Operating envirOnment
given by histograms. Temperature 15°C – 35°C
Humidity 30% – 85%
principLes Atmospheric pressure 86.0 – 106 kPa
Mono channel instrument
Impedance technology for blood cell counting and cyanide-free pOwer requirements
optical detection for hemoglobin A.C. 110-220 V; 50/60 Hz
Input power: 150 W
parameter measuring range DimensiOns
WBC (109/L) 0-99.99 330(W) x 430(H) x380(D) mm
RBC (1012/L) 0-7.00
HGB (g/L) 0-300 weight
MCV (fL) 40-150 17.5 kg
PLT (109/L) 10-999
reagents anD cOnsumabLes
parameter precision (cv %)
WBC (109/L) 2.5% @ 5-10
HGB (g/L) 1.5% @ 90-200
MCV (fL) 0.5% @ 70-120 SFRI Diluent 3.3 HSD 521 20L
PLT (109/L) 5.0% @ 200-450 REAGENTS SFRI Lyse 3.3 HSL 551 0.5L

Ref. HEMIX330ENG-V201410 ± Copyright © 2014 SFRI. All rights reserved

Non contractual document. Specifications subject to change without notice.
SFRI Cleaner 3.3 HSL 502 2L
quaLity cOntrOL MAINTENANCE SFRI CleanEZ 3.3 HSC 103 60mL
Using BQC - Levey-Jennings list and charts with calculation of SOLUTIONS SFRI Clair 3.3 R024 xxx 60mL
Mean, SD, CV; up to 9 control files, 31 runs/ file
Less than 2 minutes per result BloodTrol 16 3 tubes N R021005
BloodTrol 16 3 tubes LNH R021001
sampLe vOLume CONTROLS
BloodTrol 16 6 tubes N R021002
Venous and capillary 9.8 µl
BloodTrol 16 6 tubes LNH R021006
Pre-diluted 20 µl
CALIBRATOR BloodCal 1 tube R021003
memOry stOrage
20 000 patient files
Mono-directional LIS transfer

input/Output Your Local Distributor:

Keyboard and mouse interface (optional barcode)
External monitor and parallel printer interface
RS-232 x 1; USB x 2

printOut & DispLay

Fast thermal printer, 55 mm paper
Optional external printer
8” LCD screen with color display

SFRI - lieu-dit Berganton - 33127 Saint Jean d' Illac (Bordeaux) - FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0)5 56 68 80 50 - Fax +33 (0)5 56 21 79 03 - [email protected] -

BROCHURE-Hemix3.indd 1 12/12/2014 09:43:34

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