Operation and Service Manual UTI GT3

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Operation and Service Manual

for HERMetic UTI GT3/ UI GT3 / T GT3

UNI sensing probe
for use in non corrosive liquids

Portable Gas Tight Electronic Gauging Device

Ullage - Temperature - Interface detector

Zero reference level

Note 1: to identify your
model refer to

section 2

Note 2: before using the

instrument please
read this book.

Tape protection

Tank top


Ullage level


Interface level


50029/GUTI_/0301 1 UTI/UI/T GT3

1. Table of contents

1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 9.3 Installation of the instrument 29

9.4 Purging the equipment 29
9.5 Ullage and / or interface measurement 29
2.1 Serial number 3
9.6 Reference height / Innage measurement 30
2.2 Abbreviations 4
9.7 Temperature measurement 31
3.1 Shipment note 6
10.1 Care 32
3.2 Initial inspection 6
10.2 Battery replacement 32
3.3 Documentation discrepancies 6
10.3 Tape assembly replacement 33
3.4 Warranty 6
10.3.1 Disconnecting tape 33
3.5 Certification 6 10.3.2 Removing tape from housing 34
3.6 Spare parts 7 10.3.3 Mounting tape in housing 35
10.3.4 Connecting tape 35
3.7 Service and Repair 7
10.4 Checking tape assembly electrically 36
10.5 Tape wipers replacement 37
5. RECOMMENDATION FOR SAFE USE 9 10.6 Verification and certification of tapes 37
6. FUNCTIONS - KEY FEATURES 12 10.7 Sensing probe replacement 37

7. DESCRIPTION 13 10.8 Temperature verification and calibration 38

7.1 General 13 10.9 Ullage/Interface verification 40

7.2 UNI sensing probe 15 11. TROUBLE SHOOTING 41

7.2.1 Introduction 15 11.1 Safety warning 41
7.2.2 Ullage detection 15
11.2 Visual inspection for damaged or missing parts 41
7.2.3 Interface detection 16
7.2.4 Temperature measurement 16 11.3 Low Battery Indicator signal 41
7.3 Tape 17 11.4 Aluminium parts coated with PA 11 or ECTFE
coatings 41
7.4 Tape protection 18
11.5 Winding action becoming stiff 41
7.5 Reading index 19
11.6 Ullage, Interface troubles 42
7.6 Tape cleaner 7-20
11.7 Temperature troubles 43
7.7 Gas tightness 21
7.8 Gaskets 21 12. SPECIFICATIONS 44
7.9 Additional Load (option) 21 13. DRAWINGS 45
7.9.1 Viscous liquids (> 800 Cst) 21
13.1 General 45
7.9.2 Reference height and innage 21
13.2 Valves drawings list 45
7.10 Housing, lid and index block 21
13.3 UTI-GT3 gauges drawings lists 46
7.11 Others 21 13.3.1 General assemblies and storage tubes drawings 46
SYSTEM 22 13.4 UTI-GT3 gauges drawings 46
8.1 General 22
8.2 Example of installation with elevatory trunk, connector
Q2 (2”) 23
8.3 Example of installation with correction table, connector
Q2 (2”) 24
8.4 Example of installation with elevatory trunk, connector
Q1 (1”) 25
8.5 Example of installation with correction table, connector
Q1 (1”) 26

9.1 Initial tests before installing the instrument 27
9.1.1 Checking temperature 27
9.1.2 Checking ullage and interface 27
9.2 Temperature scale 28

50029/GUTI_/0301 2 UTI/UI/T GT3

2. Identification of your equipment

2.1 Serial number

Each HERMetic instrument is individually

identified with a 5 digits serial number. This serial
number is struck on an aluminium plate which is Identification plate
located on top of the reading index window. See
Figure 2-1. The following table helps in identifying
the model on hand according to the serial number 66.3

of the unit.

Figure 2-1


60000 > 61999 or UTI/UI/T-GT3-SA1-Q1 or

161000 > 161999 UTI/UI/T-GT3-SS1-Q1
62000 > 62999 or UTI/UI/T-GT3-Chem-SS1-Q1 or
162000 > 162999 UTI/UI/T-GT3-Chem-SS1-Q1-HALAR
63000 > 63999 or UTI/UI/T-GT3-Chem-SS1-Q2 or
163000 > 163999 UTI/UI/T-GT3-Chem-SS1-Q2-HALAR
64000 > 64999 or UTI/UI/T-GT3-Visc-SS2-Q2 or
164000 > 164999 UTI/UI/T-GT3-Chem-Visc-SS2-Q2
65000 > 65999 or UTI/UI/T-GT3-SS1-Q2
165000 > 165999


> 66000 UTI/UI/T-GT3 non chemical versions

> 68000 UTI/UI/T-GT3 chemical versions

50029/GUTI_/0301 3 UTI/UI/T GT3

2.2 Abbreviations
Some abbreviations are used to define the equipment. Refer to following table and to Figure 2-2

Abbreviation Meaning
ECTFE (Halar) PTFE coating (black) used for protecting aluminium against
highly corrosive liquids
ETCE Special PTFE used for extruding
FFKM Perfluoro rubber, special for chemical applications
FKM (Viton) Fluoro rubber for crude oil and some products applications
GT3 Gas tight mechanical housing for non corrosive liquids, i.e. with
FKM gaskets and PA 11 coating (grey)
GT3-Chem Gas tight mechanical housing for corrosive liquids, i.e. with
FFKM gaskets and PA 11 coating (grey)
GT3-Chem-HALAR Gas tight mechanical housing for highly corrosive liquids, i.e.
with FFKM gaskets and ECTFE coating (black)
NBR Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (nitrile rubber)
PA 11 (Rilsan) Polyamid coating (grey) used for protecting aluminium against
PE Polyethylene
PEHD Polyethylene High Density
PFA Perfluoro alkoxyl alkane
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
Q1 Connector 1”
Q2 Connector 2”
SS1 Stainless steel Storage tube 1”
SS2 Stainless steel Storage tube 2”
T Available function: T for temperature
TEFZEL ETFE coating of the tape
UI Available functions: U for ullage, I for oil/water interface
UNI Ultrasonic sensing probe, covering a wide range of liquids from
crude oil to light products, chemicals and heavy/viscous liquids
UTI Available functions: U for ullage, T for temperature, I for
oil/water interface
Visc Additional load on the sensing probe for innage measurement
or gauging viscous liquids

50029/GUTI_/0301 4 UTI/UI/T GT3

Instrument unit


Mechanical housing
GT3-Chem Storage tube SS1

Quick connector Q2




Sensing probe UNI


Visc: additional load

for innage measurement
or gauging viscous liquids

Figure 2-2

50029/GUTI_/0301 5 UTI/UI/T GT3

3. General information

3.1 Shipment note When returned to TS Tanksystem SA or any of

its agreed Service Stations equipment must be
The following parts should be included in the contamination-free. If it is determined that the
shipment: Purchasers equipment is contaminated, it will
be returned to the Purchaser at the Purchasers
- 1 instrument fitted out with one battery in the expense. Contaminated equipment will not be
display; repaired, replaced, or covered under any
- 1 shoulder strap; warranty until such time that the said
- 1 set of 4 tools (1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 mm Allen equipment is decontaminated by the
keys); Purchaser.
- 1 Operation and Service Manual.
The Purchaser shall notify by fax, telex or in
writing of any defect immediately upon discovery,
3.2 Initial inspection specifying the nature of the defect and/or the
extend of the damage caused thereby.
Check the contents of the shipment for
completeness and note whether any damage has Where no other conditions have been negotiated
occurred during transport. Carry out the “Initial test between the Vendor and the Purchaser "General
before installing the instrument” to verify the good Conditions 188" of United Nations shall apply.
functioning. If the contents are incomplete, or if
there is damage, a claim should be filled with the This instrument has been certified as Intrinsically
carrier immediately, and TS Tanksystem SA Sales Safe Instrumentation for only those classes or
or Service organization should be notified in order categories of hazardous areas stated on the
to facilitate the repair or replacement of the instrument label, bearing the mark of the
instrument. applicable approval authority. No other usage is

3.3 Documentation discrepancies Unauthorized repair or component replacement by

the Purchaser will void this guarantee and may
The design of the instrument is subject to impair the intrinsic safety of the instrument. In
continuous development and improvement. particular it is not allowed to repair electronic
Consequently, the instrument may incorporate circuits.
minor changes in detail from the information
contained in the manual. In no event shall TS Tanksystem SA be liable for
indirect, incidental or consequential loss or
damage or failure of any kind connected with the
3.4 Warranty
use if its products or failure of its products to
function or operate properly.
12 months after installation but max. 18 months
after delivery ex works.
TS Tanksystem SA do not assume the
indemnification for any accident or damage
The Vendor undertakes to remedy any defect
caused by the operation of its product and the
resulting from faulty design materials or
warranty is limited to the replacement of parts or
workmanship. The Vendor's obligation is
complete goods.
limited to the repair or replacement of such
defective parts by his own plant or one of his
authorized service stations. The Purchaser
shall bear the cost and risk of transportation
3.5 Certification
of defective parts and repaired parts supplied
in replacement of such defective parts.

50029/GUTI_/0301 6 UTI/UI/T GT3

certified by If you need any specific certificate please contact:

TS Tanksystem SA is an ISO
9001 certified company by Det Rue de l'industrie 2
Norske Veritas Certification 1630 Bulle, SWITZERLAND
Telephone : +41-26-91 91 500
ISO 9001 Telefax : +41-26-91 91 505
Web site : www.tanksystem.com
The equipment has been approved for the E-mail : [email protected]
electrical intrinsic safety by the following
authorities :
3.6 Spare parts
EEx ia IIB T4 (Tamb. = 60 °C)
Baseefa No. 88C2121X When ordering spares identify the spare part by
TS number and description. Refer to section
Factory Mutual: “Drawings”.
CL. I, DIV. 1, GP. C & D
Some spares might be repairable; in this case
The equipment has been approved as oil/water send part to any authorized service center or to
interface detector according to MARPOL the factory.
Resolution MEPC.5(XIII) of 13 June 1980 by
National Maritime Authorities and/or Classification In case of urgency replacement units can be
Societies in the following countries: available while stocks last.
- Belgium
- Canada 3.7 Service and Repair
- Croatia
- Denmark The customer should take care of the freight and
- Finland customs clearance charges. If units are sent on
- France "freight collect" the charges will be invoiced to the
- Germany customer.
- Indonesia
When returning units or parts for repair to the
- Italy
factory please fill out a service request form (see
- Japan
next page).
- Korea
- Netherlands When returned to TS Tanksystem SA or any of its
- New-Zealand agreed Service Stations equipment must be
- Norway contamination-free. If it is determined that the
- People’s Republic of China customers equipment is contaminated, it will be
- Russia returned to the customer at the customers
- Sweden expense. Contaminated equipment will not be
- Taiwan repaired until such time that the said equipment is
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern decontaminated by the customer.
- United States of America

50029/GUTI_/0301 7 UTI/UI/T GT3

Service Request

Customer's address: ..............................................................................


Telephone: ..............................................................................................

Telex: .......................................................................................................

Fax: .........................................................................................................

Type of unit or part: .................................................................................


Serial number: .........................................................................................

Short description of trouble: .....................................................................


Do you want a quotation before repair is started:..........yes / no.............

Repaired unit has to be returned to the following address:


50029/GUTI_/0301 8 UTI/UI/T GT3

4. Worldwide Service Stations network

The updated list can be found on our website www.tanksystem.com



2, rue de l'Industrie Fax : +41-26-91 91 505
CH-1630 BULLE [email protected]

CANADA PYLON ATLANTIC Tel : +1-902-4683344

A Div. Of Pylon Electronics Inc. Fax : +1-902-4681203
201 Wright Ave., [email protected]

GREECE SPANMARIN Tel : +30-210-4294498

86, Filonos Street Fax : +30-210-4294495
GR-185 36 PIRAEUS [email protected]


10-31, Mitejima 2-Chome, Fax : +81-6-64729008
Nishiyodogawa-ku [email protected]
OSAKA 555-0012

KOREA World Ocean CO., LTD Tel : +82-51-462-2554/5

HANG-WOON BUILDING Fax : +82-51-462-0468
1168-11, Cho Ryang 3 Dong [email protected]

MEXICO URBAN S.A. DE C.V. Tel : +52-1-2170190

Ave. Ejército Mexicano 1902 Fax : +52-1-2170190
Col. Loma del Gallo E-mail : [email protected]


UITTENBOGAART Fax : +31-10-4141004
Brugwachter 13 [email protected]

PORTUGAL CONTROLIS Tel : +351-21-2740606

Soc. Com. Equipamentos de Controlo, Fax : +351-21-2740897
Lda. [email protected]
Rua Conceiçao Sameiro Antunes, 26E

50029/GUTI_/0301 9 UTI/UI/T GT3

The updated list can be found on our website www.tanksystem.com


SINGAPORE HUBBELL INT'L (1976) PTE LTD Tel : +65-6-2557281

322 Thomson Road Tel : +65-6-2550464
SINGAPORE 307665 Fax : +65-6-2532098
[email protected]

SPAIN E.N.I. Tel : +34-94-4746263

Electronica Y Neumatica Industrial, S.A. Fax : +34-94-4745868
Jon Arrospide, 20 [email protected]
48014 BILBAO


Lars Petersson AB Tel : +46-31-240525
Varholmsgatan 1 Fax : +46-31-243710

UNITED ARAB MARITRONICS Tel : +971-4-3247500

EMIRATES P.O. Box 6488 Fax :+971-4-3242500
DUBAI Tlx : 47185 merit em
[email protected]


KINGDOM LTD. Fax :+44-1525-852345
12 Clipstone Brook Industrial Estate [email protected]
Cherrycourt Way

U.S.A./ Please contact temporarily the Texan

CALIFORNIA Service Station

U.S.A/ HERMETIC, INC. Tel: +1-281-930 1777

TEXAS 4522 Center Street Fax: +1-281-930 1222
DEER PARK, TX 77536 Toll free call in the USA:
1-800-900 1778
[email protected]

50029/GUTI_/0301 10 UTI/UI/T GT3

5. Recommendation for safe use

1. This Operation and Service Manual is a guide in order to help the user to operate the instrument to our
best knowledge.

2. Nevertheless the maker disclaims all responsibility and liability for damage resulting from the use of the
equipment regardless of the cause of the damage.

3. Attention is drawn to the possible hazard due to electrostatic charges which may be present in the
tank. This may happen in particular with static accumulator liquids, i.e. liquids which have low conductivity
of 50 picoSiemens/metre (pS/m) or less.

4. It is very important that the instrument is grounded to the tank before the probe is introduced into
the tank and remains grounded until after complete withdrawal from the tank.

4.1. If the instrument is installed with the quick connect coupler, grounding is effected through the quick
connect coupler and the mating nipple of the valve provided that these parts are kept clean and free
from corrosion in order to guarantee electrical conductivity. If a grease is used for this purpose, it
must be one which contains graphite.

4.2. If the instrument is not connected to the mating deck valve, the instrument has to be also earthed by
means of the grounding cable and clamp.

5. It is anticipated that the user will have specific operating methods laid down to ensure safety
when using this type of apparatus. In this case the user's instructions shall be strictly observed.

6. In the absence of such instructions the following should be noted:

6.1. If a metal sounding pipe is fitted beneath the deck valve or tank is inerted, then ullaging, etc. is
permissible at any time with no restriction.

6.2. If there is no sounding tube or tank is not inerted, the following precautions shall be taken:

6.2.1. If the cargo is not a static accumulator liquid, i.e. its conductivity is more than 50 pS/m, then
ullaging is permitted provided that the instrument is properly grounded and earthed before
the probe is inserted into the tank and remains earthed until the probe has been removed
from the tank.

6.2.2. If the cargo is a static accumulator liquid, i.e. its conductivity is less than 50 pS/m, then
ullaging is permitted provided that: The instrument is properly grounded and earthed before the probe is inserted into
the tank and remains earthed until the probe has been removed from the tank. The apparatus is not introduced into a tank until at least 30 minutes have elapsed
after completion of any loading operation or stopping the injection of inert gas.

6.3. For further guidance refer to International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT),
ISBN 1 85609 081 7, Fourth Edition 1996, or consult the appropriate Legislative Authority for the

7. Warning: change of battery must be carried out in safe area only (non flammable atmosphere).

50029/GUTI_/0301 11 UTI/UI/T GT3

6. Functions - Key Features

This HERMetic instrument is a gas-tight portable Gauging is done under completely gas tight
multiple functions gauging system that is designed conditions therefore maintaining over or
to perform under completely closed conditions in a underpressure in the tank. The device is designed
single operation 1 (T version), 2 (UI version) or 3 to withstand tank pressure up to 0.3 bar (4.4 psi).
measurements (UTI version):
¹ An additional device, usable with 2” valves only,
a) Ullage (outage), available on UI and UTI can be provided that allows Reference Height
versions. Optionally innage is available¹. and Innage measurement. Available on “Visc”
b) Oil/water Interface level, available on UI and
UTI versions.

Tape resolution: 1 mm (1/16 ")

Tape accuracy: ±3.2 mm for 30 m
(±1/8 " approx. for 100 feet)
Ullage/interface detection accuracy:
±2 mm (±0.08 " approx.)
Minimum detectable tank bottom interface or liquid
level: 4 mm (0.16" approx.).
Zero reference level


c) Temperature by continuous reading at any

level, available on UTI and T versions.

Ambient temperature range:

-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)
Sensor measurement range:
-40 °C to +90 °C (-40 °F to +194 °F)
Resolution: 0.1 °C (0.1 °F)
Accuracy over calibration range:
(-10 °C to +70 °C) ±0.2 °C Tape protection

(-14 °F to +158 °F) ±0.4 °F

Tank top
Temperature reading: °C or °F.

This HERMetic device meets the API MPMS
Chapter 7 2001, table 3 requirements as follows: Ullage level

ambient temperature range :

20±5 °C (68±9 °F)
accuracy over calibration range :
(0 °C to +70 °C) ±0.1 °C Product
(32 °F to +158 °F) ±0.2 °F

Thanks to the small diameter of the sensing probe

this instrument can be used with valves of Interface level
diameters down to 25 mm (1”) only.

A tape protection tube prevents closing the valve

on the tape through inadvertence.

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7. Description

7.1 General

Each HERMetic instrument is individually

identified with a 5 digits serial number. This serial
number is struck on an aluminium plate which is
located on top of the reading index window . See
Figure 7-1. The signification of the serial number
is given in section 0.

The HERMetic instrument is fitted with an UNI

sensing probe.

The unit emits control beep, continuous beep and

intermittent beep.
Identification plate
When the sensing probe is surrounded by air, a
control beep occurs every 2 sec.

When the sensing probe is in contact with any 66.3

petroleum product, the beep is continuous.

When the sensing probe is in contact with water

the beep is intermittent.
Figure 7-1
Control beep
• •

Continuous beep
• • • • • • • • • •

Intermittent beep
• • • • • •

The HERMetic instrument is powered by a 9 Volt

battery stored in the electronic terminal named
instrument unit. Current consumption is very low,
ensuring long operation without battery
replacement. Low battery indicator signal
(continuous tone) prevents from using a too low
voltage that would cause errors in temperature

Maintenance is easy because design is modular

and allows quick exchange of parts.

See also Figure 7-2 to familiarise yourself with the


50029/GUTI_/0301 13 UTI/UI/T GT3

Plug G 1/8"


Instrument unit
Window wiper
66.3 Reading index

Tape cleaner


Storage tube SS1


Quick connector Q2



Tape adaptor


Sensing probe UNI



device for
innage measurement

Figure 7-2

50029/GUTI_/0301 14 UTI/UI/T GT3

7.2 UNI sensing probe

7.2.1 Introduction
The UNI sensing probe consists of a
7.2.2 Ullage detection
stainless steel tube terminated by a PFA
head which cannot be removed from the The ullage detector consists of two
tube. The sensing probe includes an piezoceramic plates and electronic
ultrasonic liquid level sensor, a circuits. When the sensor head is
temperature sensor and a conductivity immersed in a non-conductive liquid (oil or
electrode. The sensitivity for ullage and petroleum), the emitted ultrasonic signal is
interface measurement is not adjustable. detected by the receiver, coded and sent
The temperature measurement can be to the instrument unit which activates the
calibrated on the instrument unit. buzzer with the continuous beep.






Air Reaction point


4 mm

Ultrasonic level sensor

Figure 7-3

The reaction point is located 4 mm from the sensor bottom and identical with the zero-point of the tape graduation.

50029/GUTI_/0301 15 UTI/UI/T GT3

7.2.3 Interface detection
The principle consists of a conductivity the liquid as well and the conductivity
measurement between an active electrodes and associated electronic
electrode and a grounded electrode. circuits modulate the coded signal to
When the liquid is conductive (as water), generate the intermittent beep.
the ullage sensor detects the presence of






Oil Interface level

Water 4 mm

Interface sensor

Figure 7-4

The reaction point is located 4 mm from the sensor bottom and identical with the zero-point of the tape graduation.

7.2.4 Temperature measurement

The sensing element is a semiconductor remaining of the circuit is located into the
the current output of which is proportional instrument unit, consisting of a current /
to the absolute temperature. One voltage converter, an instrument amplifier
conductor of the measuring tape is used and the LCD display. The temperature
as powerline for the temperature sensor measurement can be calibrated on the
and the other as return conductor. The instrument unit.






Temperature level

4 mm

Temperature sensor

Figure 7-5

The reaction point is located 4 mm from the sensor bottom and identical with the zero-point of the tape graduation.

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7.3 Tape
The ETFE (TEFZEL) coated tape provides 3 main index is set up at the zero ullage level, the
functions : reading of the tape is identical to the ullage.

- It holds the sensing probe. - It contains 2 wires for transmitting the signal
and the power between the instrument unit and
- It is graduated and therefore makes it possible the probe. The steel tape itself is used as a
to determine the distance between the reaction grounding wire between the sensing probe
point and the reading index. If the reading tube and the instrument.


Figure 7-6

The standard graduation is a double side type that shows the metric graduation on one side and the inch one
on the other side. The tape is mounted on the equipment according to the need.

3 23 4 23 5 23 9
7 10 11 12 13 14 7 15

inch side metric side

Figure 7-7

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7.4 Tape protection
The tape protection tube is a mechanical safety prevents closing the valve. When the tape is
device which prevents the valve from being closed wound up the protection tube will stay in position
as long as the sensing probe is inside the tank. until it is pushed up by the sensing probe. Before
When the sensing probe is lowered the protection instrument is used check that the protection tube
tube will follow the sensing probe by gravity until is moving freely. For cleaning purposes the slotted
the tube is retained by a ring located inside the protection tube can easily be removed by turning
coupler. In that position the protection tube the snap rings at both ends of the tube.








Figure 7-8

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7.5 Reading index

Zero ullage

Reference level of tank












Liquid level

Reaction point

Figure 7-9

The tape reading at the height of the reading index If the reading index is positioned below or above
of the instrument is indicating the distance the reference level a positive or negative
between the reaction point and the reading index. correction of the tape reading is necessary.
If the instrument is installed in such a way that the See also chapter “Installation of the gauging
reading index is at the same level as the zero- system”.
ullage reference level the reading of the tape
corresponds to the ullage providing the reaction
point of the sensing probe is positioned at the
liquid level.

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7.6 Tape cleaner
This HERMetic equipment is fitted with a tape
cleaner that helps draining the liquid back to the
tank when rewinding the tape. As shown on Figure
7-10 it is very easy to operate.
Tape cleaner off


Tape cleaner on


Figure 7-10

50029/GUTI_/0301 20 UTI/UI/T GT3

7.10 Housing, lid and index block
7.7 Gas tightness
These 3 parts are made in cast aluminium, coated
All parts are assembled together with either with polyamid PA 11 (RILSAN of grey colour).
gaskets or O-rings, that makes the device
completely tight. For very highly corrosive chemicals applications
these 3 parts are coated with ECTFE (HALAR of
The sealing of the axle Bz holding the tape with black colour).
the mechanical housing is ensured by a O-ring of
large diameter. This O-ring works dynamically, i.e.
as soon as there is a small overpressure in the 7.11 Others
housing it seats properly.
The tape is coiled on the axle Bz which holds also
Important notes: the electronic instrument unit.

1) This O-ring and the axle Bz shall not be The axle Bz is assembled to the electronic box
greased as the grease would keep the gasket and can be locked at discrete positions by means
from sealing properly. of a stopping mechanism in the crank. Pull the
crank to free the stopping mechanism.
2) The material of this O-ring is FFKM. No other
material shall be used. The storage tube is threaded to the frame.

7.8 Gaskets The storage tube is equipped with a quick-

connector which fits on the HERMetic valves.
Gaskets other than mentioned above in 7.7 are
made in FKM (Viton) for models UTI-GT3.
Models UTI-GT3-Chem are fitted with FFKM

7.9 Additional Load (option)

An additional load (see Figure 7-2) on the sensing
probe can be provided for one of the following
reasons. This option is available on UTI-GT3-Visc
or UTI-GT3-Chem-Visc equipped with the storage
tube Q2 (2”) and needs valves of at least 2” size.
7.9.1 Viscous liquids (> 800 Cst)
For gauging viscous liquids the load can
help the sensing probe in penetrating the
liquid and in keeping the tape straight.
7.9.2 Reference height and innage
For measuring the reference height of a
tank and innages the load allows the
sensing probe to touch the dip/datum

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8. Examples of installation of the gauging system

8.1 General
The gauging system consists of the HERMetic When designing the gauging port and to avoid
instrument and the associated HERMetic valve. damaging the tape during rewinding it is advised
Two types of connector can be provided as shown to chamfer or to grind all sharp edges (on pipes,
on Figure 5-1. flanges, etc.) that could damage the tape when
operating the gauge.

Q2 (2") Q1 (1")

Figure 8-1

The following sections, respectively 8.2, 8.3 for

connector Q2 and 8.4, 8.5 for connector Q1,
describe 2 examples for installing the valves and
adjusting the height of the gauging system.

The valves should be installed in such a way that

the zero-ullage level coincides with the reading
index level, so that no correction would be
necessary. For achieving this it may be necessary
to install an elevatory trunk.

If the valves are installed directly on deck or if for

any reason the level of the reading index is below
or above the zero-ullage level, then a correction
table should be used.

There should be no internal tank structure

between the valve outlet and the tank bottom such
that will impede the path of the equipment into the

All valves shall be installed at the same level.

Small systematic level error can be corrected by

adjusting the reading index accordingly.

50029/GUTI_/0301 22 UTI/UI/T GT3

8.2 Example of installation with elevatory trunk, connector Q2 (2”)

Zero Ullage level

index Reading
66.3 66.3

474mm 474mm

HV HV TS supply
Customer supply
trunk H

(typical) Flange Flange


Figure 8-2

Valve designation C.2-SS; C.2-SS-W; C.2-SS-BL; C.2-SS-SEC

Bottom connection thread or flange

Boring 2”

*) HV (mm) 141

*) HT (mm) H-615

*) Dimension HV is without gasket. If gaskets are used dimension HT is reduced by thickness of gasket.

50029/GUTI_/0301 23 UTI/UI/T GT3

8.3 Example of installation with correction table, connector Q2 (2”)

Zero Ullage level


trunk H
(typical) Reading Reading
index index

474 mm 474 mm


Flange Flange
Figure 8-3

Valve designation C.2-SS; C.2-SS-W; C.2-SS-BL; C.2-SS-SEC

Bottom connection thread or flange

Boring 2”

*) HV (mm) 141

*) HX (mm) H-615

*) Dimension HV is without gasket. If gaskets are used dimension HX is reduced by thickness of gasket.

50029/GUTI_/0301 24 UTI/UI/T GT3

8.4 Example of installation with elevatory trunk, connector Q1 (1”)

Zero Ullage level

index Reading

460mm 460mm

HV TS supply
Thread Customer supply
trunk H


Figure 8-4

Valve A.1-SS C.1-SS C.1-SS C.1-SS C.2-SS C.2-SS A.2-SS A.2,5-SS A.4-SS
designation C.2-SS-W C.2-SS-W

Boring 1" 1" 1" 1" 2" 2" 2" 2,5” 4”

Bottom thread thread flange flange thread flange flange flange flange
connection JIS 5K25 JIS 5K50

*) HV (mm) 120 65 79 79 141 141 172 99 140

HC (mm) na na na na 14 14 41 53 58

*) HT (mm) H-580 H-525 H-539 H-539 H-615 H-615 H-673 H-612 H-658

*) Dimension HV is without gasket. If gaskets are used dimension HT is reduced by thickness of gasket.

50029/GUTI_/0301 25 UTI/UI/T GT3

8.5 Example of installation with correction table, connector Q1 (1”)

Zero Ullage level


trunk H
(typical) Reading

460 mm 460 mm



Thread Flange
Figure 8-5

Valve A.1-SS C.1-SS C.1-SS C.1-SS C.2-SS C.2-SS A.2-SS A.2,5-SS A.4-SS
designation C.2-SS-W C.2-SS-W

Boring 1" 1" 1" 1" 2" 2" 2" 2,5” 4”

Bottom thread thread flange flange thread flange flange flange flange
connection JIS 5K25 JIS 5K50

*) HV (mm) 120 65 79 79 141 141 172 99 140

HC (mm) na na na na 14 14 41 53 58

*) HX (mm) H-580 H-525 H-539 H-539 H-615 H-615 H-673 H-612 H-658

*) Dimension HV is without gasket. If gaskets are used dimension HX is reduced by thickness of gasket.

50029/GUTI_/0301 26 UTI/UI/T GT3

9. Operation

9.1 Initial tests before installing the instrument

Before installing the HERMetic instrument as described in section 9.3 the following tests have to be carried
out to check that the instrument is ready to work.
If something else happens during these tests refer to section “Trouble shooting”.
9.1.1 Checking temperature 9.1.2 Checking ullage and interface
Switch on the unit to temperature mode. The Switch on the unit to ullage / interface mode. The
display should show the surrounding temperature. buzzer shall beep every 2 sec.
The buzzer shall beep every 2 sec.
If the buzzer emits a continuous tone the battery An audible interfering noise proves that the
voltage is too low. The battery shall be replaced. ultrasonic sensor is well functioning.
Temperature readings with a low battery are
unreliable. Check the ullage and interface in a glass of water.

Check the ullage by immersing the ultrasonic gap

sensor but not the electrodes (position A); The
buzzer shall beep continuously.
Check the interface by immersing the interface
electrodes also (position B). The buzzer shall beep
position B

position A

Figure 9-1

50029/GUTI_/0301 27 UTI/UI/T GT3

9.2 Temperature scale

The temperature can be displayed either in °C or °


To switch from one unit to the other:

- Unscrew the 4 Allen screws of the front panel.

Use the 2.5 mm Hex Allen key which is located
in the carrying case,
- Lift instrument unit carefully,
- switch S2 to the right position F or C, see arrow
on Figure 9-2,
- put back the instrument unit and the screws.
front plate could be damaged.

Instrument unit LCD MK3

2,5 2,5
0°C OC
0°F OF

C S2

LCD side view

Figure 9-2

50029/GUTI_/0301 28 UTI/UI/T GT3

9.3 Installation of the instrument 9.5 Ullage and / or interface
- This HERMetic equipment must be coupled to
a certified HERMetic valve. - Install the HERMetic equipment as per 9.3
“Installation of the instrument”.
- Before starting please read carefully chapter
“Recommendation for safe use” and follow - Open valve by turning handle.
your company's safety instructions.
- Toggle the switch on to ullage / interface: a
- Check that the HERMetic valve is closed. control beep is audible every 2 seconds.

- Remove the end cap (weather cap / blind cover - Check that the tape cleaner is off. Disengage
/ security cover) of the HERMetic valve. the knob of the crank handle and lower the
sensing probe into the tank by turning the reel.
- Clean the seal surfaces of the nipple of the Make sure that tape does not rub on any sharp
valve and of the coupler of the instrument from edge when lowering as insulation could be
dust or grease. damaged.

Note: Cleaning of the mating surfaces is very - As soon as the sensor comes in contact with
important for earth grounding purpose the petroleum product the control beep will
and for good accuracy on zero change to a continuous beep. Raise the
reference level. sensing probe again until the continuous beep
stops and lower the sensing probe again slowly
- Check whether tape protection tube is moving until the continuous beep is heard again. Now
freely. the ullage level can be read against the ullage
reference. If the zero-ullage reference does not
- Install the HERMetic instrument on top of the correspond to the reading index of the
valve by means of the quick coupler. Ensure instrument a correction has to be made
that the equipment is properly earthed. If not, accordingly.
ground it with the (optional) grounding cable
before operating. - Lower the sensing probe further until the
sensor enters the oil-water interface. As soon
9.4 Purging the equipment as the sensor comes in contact with water the
continuous beep will change to an intermittent
This HERMetic equipment is fitted with a plug G beep. The difference between the ullage
1/8” that can be used if purging is required. A reading and the interface reading represents
purging valve (not supplied) can be mounted in the thickness of the product layer.
plug’s place.
- When the measurements are completed,
toggle the switch off, engage the tape cleaner
and wind up the tape until the sensing probe is
in the storage tube. The reading on the tape
shall be less than 420 mm or 1 ft 5 inch.

- Close the valve, release the tape cleaner and

disconnect the instrument from the nipple.

- Put the cap back on the nipple.

50029/GUTI_/0301 29 UTI/UI/T GT3

9.6 Reference height / Innage measurement
If the unit is fitted with the additional load (see - Raise up the sensing probe until checking the
Figure 9-3) then reference height / innage ullage (see details in section 9.5 “Ullage and /
measurement are possible. or interface measurement”). Calculate the
innage by removing the index reading and the
free water height to the reference height
determined before.

- When the measurements are completed,

toggle the switch off and wind up the tape until
the sensing probe is in the storage tube. The
reading on the tape shall be less than 420 mm
or 1 ft 5 inch.

- Close the valve, release the tape cleaner and

disconnect the instrument from the nipple.

- Put the cap back on the nipple.

Figure 9-3

- Install the HERMetic equipment as per 9.3 Tape reading + 6 mm (1/4") =

“Installation of the instrument”. Distance from dip/datum plate

to reading index


- Open valve by turning handle.

- Check that the tape cleaner is off. Disengage

the knob of the crank handle and lower the 900

sensing probe into the tank by turning the reel.

Make sure that tape does not rub on any sharp 800

edge when lowering as insulation could be

damaged. 700

- When the sensing probe comes in contact with
the dip/datum plate record the distance shown 500

on the reading index. See Figure 9-4. The

exact distance from the plate to the reading 400

index is (reading + 6 mm) or (reading + 1/4”)

which is the reference height providing the 300

reading index level has been adjusted to the

zero ullage level of the tank. If the tank zero 200

ullage is levelled above or below the reading sensor

index, an additional correction shall apply. For with load 100

more details refer to section “Installation of the

gauging system”. + 6 mm
Dip/Datum plate

- Engage the tape cleaner.

Figure 9-4
- Toggle the switch on to ullage / interface and
raise up the sensing probe until checking the
oil/water interface if any (see details in section
9.5 ”Ullage and / or interface measurement”).
Calculate the free water height by removing the
index reading to the reference height.

50029/GUTI_/0301 30 UTI/UI/T GT3

9.7 Temperature measurement

- Install the HERMetic equipment as per 9.3

“Installation of the instrument”.

- Open the valve by turning the handle.

- Toggle the switch on to temperature mode: a

control beep is audible every 2 seconds.

- Check that the tape cleaner is off. Disengage

the knob of the crank handle and lower the
sensing probe to the deepest reading desired.
Make sure that tape does not rub on any sharp
edge when lowering; insulation might be

- When the desired temperature ullage level is

reached, joggle the sensing probe
approximately 300 mm (1 foot) above and
below the desired measurement level until the
displayed temperature reading settles. For
heavy crude oils which have a low thermal
conductivity and a viscous nature, the joggling
procedure is a necessity to assure an accurate
temperature reading in a minimum amount of

- When temperature has settled, record it.

- Engage the tape cleaner. Raise the probe to

the next ullage level to be measured and
repeat the procedure a.m. To joggle the
sensing probe the tape cleaner must be off.

- When the measurements are completed,

toggle the switch off, engage the tape cleaner
and wind up the tape until the sensing probe is
in the storage tube. The reading on the tape
shall be less than 420 mm or 1 ft 5 inch.

- Close the valve, release the tape cleaner and

disconnect the instrument from the nipple.

- Put back the cap on the nipple.

50029/GUTI_/0301 31 UTI/UI/T GT3

10. Care and Maintenance

10.1 Care
Clean the instrument of any excess of liquid after sensing probe tube) and the quick connect
use. Remove the housing lid and clean the tape coupler. Resistance should not exceed 10 W.
housing. This cleaning must be done very
properly, in particular when corrosive liquids are Periodically clean carefully the sensor probe, the
gauged, such as strong acids or caustic soda for tape housing and the mechanical parts, as storage
instance. tube, tape, with an appropriate solvent.

Make sure that the sensing probe is completely Check periodically condition of tape cleaner.
stored in the storage tube after use (reading index
shall indicate less than 420 mm or 1 ft 5 "). With such conductive liquids which form salts
when drying wash in water or alcohol and brush
Store the instrument in a dry location. the sensing probe very regularly with a soft brush
Check periodically (at least every 6 months) the to prevent a water detection error due to a short-
continuity of grounding by measuring the electrical circuit between the electrode and the tube.
resistance between the tape adaptor (or the

10.2 Battery replacement

Warning : change battery only in non hazardous area.

- Unscrew the 4 Allen screws of the front panel

using the 2,5 mm Hex Allen key which is Battery side view
located on the carrying case.

- Lift the instrument unit carefully.

- Change the battery. See Figure 10-1. TP2

red or yellow
- Put back the instrument unit and the screws. TP1
yellow or red


front plate could be damaged.

Approved batteries are : TP3


Baseefa: Buzzer
PP3 (6F22)
PP3P (6F22P)

Factory Mutual:
Duracell / Procell MN1604
Eveready 522 Figure 10-1

50029/GUTI_/0301 32 UTI/UI/T GT3

10.3 Tape assembly replacement
Tape assembly replacement do not require a re-calibration of the temperature, unless sensing probe or
instrument unit are changed at the same time.
10.3.1 Disconnecting tape Sensing probe side
- Loose the Allen screw with an 1.5 mm Hex
Axle Bz side
Allen key.
- Remove the housing lid. - Then carefully pull back adaptor by turning it
- Remove the plastic cover inserted in the axle slightly left and right. Make sure that O-ring is
Bz groove. not damaged when it passes the hole of the
- Disconnect the 3 tape wires, yellow, red and sensing probe tube. See Figure 10-3.
black, see Figure 10-2. - Disconnect the plug.
- Disconnect the tape.

Yellow cable

Black wire
(Grounding cable)

Red wire

red terminal

yellow terminal

Tape side Instrument unit side

Figure 10-2

plug tape conductors

sensor tube O-ring tape adaptor tape

Figure 10-3

50029/GUTI_/0301 33 UTI/UI/T GT3

10.3.2 Removing tape from housing
To remove the tape from the housing it is - Unscrew the 2 lever screws with the Allen key
necessary to dismount the tape cleaner, as shown 2,0 mm and remove the 2 levers, as shown on
on the following sequence: Figure 10-6.

- Turn the tape cleaner in position Off. Position Off

- Unscrew the knob screw with the Allen key 3
mm as shown on Figure 10-4. Do not lose the
bearing for knob.

Position Off

Screw M4x6

Figure 10-6

- Turn the 2 wiper holders as shown on Figure

10-7 to free the tape from the tape cleaner.
Bearing for knob The 2 wipers should be the most remote from
the tape.
Screw M5x12

Figure 10-4 Position changing tape

- Unscrew the 2 connecting lever screws with

the Allen key 2,5 mm as shown on Figure 10-5.
Do not lose the 2 flat washers nor the 2
bearings for connecting lever.

Position Off Wiper holder

Security tube

Figure 10-7

- Remove the 2 wiper holders by pulling them

Connecting lever
Bearing for out tape side.
connecting - The tape and tape protection can be removed
now from the housing.
Flat washer - Turn the 2 clips at top and bottom of the
security tube until their slit coincide with the
Screw M3x10
one of the tube.
- Remove the security tube from the tape.
Figure 10-5

50029/GUTI_/0301 34 UTI/UI/T GT3

10.3.3 Mounting tape in housing 10.3.4 Connecting tape
To mount the new tape in the housing follow up
Axle Bz side
the sequences of section 10.3.2 “Removing tape
from housing” but in the reverse order: - Connect first the tape.
- Put the security tube on the tape and close the - Then connect the black wire (grounding). Make
two clips. sure that grounding connection is tight.
- Put the 2 wiper holders in their housing as - Connect the red and yellow wires respectively
shown on Figure 10-7. to the red and yellow terminals, as shown on
- Put the tape in the housing. Figure 10-2.
- Engage it between the 2 wiper holders as - Insert the plastic cover back in the axle Bz
shown on Figure 10-7. groove.
- Turn the wiper holders in Off position as shown
Sensing probe side
on Figure 10-4: the wiper holder from working
side of tape shall have the wiper looking up - Plug in the connector at the sensing probe side
and the one from back side of tape shall have (only 1 correct position). See Figure 10-3.
the wiper looking down. - Check that temperature and ullage are correct
- Put back the 2 levers as shown on Figure 10-6. before assembling the tape adaptor with the
- Put back the connecting lever and the knob as sensing probe tube.
shown on Figure 10-5 and Figure 10-4. - Check whether O-ring is OK. Please note that
- Check that the tape cleaner works properly. a small cut of the O-ring is enough for a leak as
the pressure can reach 3 bars.
- Lubricate lightly the O-ring.
- Carefully push the adaptor into the sensing
probe tube by turning slightly both parts against
each other. Make sure that O-ring is not
damaged when it passes the hole of the
sensing probe tube.
- The 1.5 mm Allen screw locks the adaptor to
the sensing probe tube.

50029/GUTI_/0301 35 UTI/UI/T GT3

10.4 Checking tape assembly electrically

Þ Test for grounding Þ Test for open-circuit (continuity)

Lift the instrument unit as described in 10.2 - Disconnect the tape at the sensing probe side
"Battery replacement”. see 10.3.1 “Disconnecting tape”).
- Measure resistance between ground (-) - Measure resistance of each conductor of tape
terminal on battery holder and sensing probe (between red and red, etc.).
tube; resistance should be less than 10 W. If - Resistance should be less than 15 W. If not,
resistance is higher, steel tape might be broken tape might be broken. To replace the tape see
or connection between sensing probe circuit section 10.3 “Tape assembly replacement”.
and sensing probe tube might be interrupted.
Þ Current test for U/I
Þ Voltage test for UTI
- Switch on U/I, check current through terminal
- Switch unit to temperature mode and measure TA, current should be ~ 4 mA.
DC voltage at tape terminals at the back of the
instrument unit.
- TB - TGND: ~ 6 V (supply for sensing probe)
- TA - TGND: ~ 273 + x [mV] with
x = ambient temperature in °C.

Þ Test for short-circuit

- Disconnect the tape at both ends: axle Bz side
and sensing probe side (see section 10.3.1
“Disconnecting tape”).
- Measure resistance between each conductor
Red-Yellow, Red-Black, Yellow-Black.
Resistance should be infinite (Open circuit). If
not, tape might be defective.

50029/GUTI_/0301 36 UTI/UI/T GT3

10.5 Tape wipers replacement 10.7 Sensing probe replacement
The 2 tape wipers can be easily replaced: To replace a sensing probe follow the instructions
- Check that the tape cleaner is on Off position. “sensing probe side” of section 10.3 “Tape
- Remove the housing lid. assembly replacement”.
- The tape wipers are inserted in holders groove.
Remove the old ones and insert the new ones. Temperature: after the new sensing probe has
- Put back the housing lid been mounted a temperature calibration according
- Check that the tape cleaner is working to 10.8 “Temperature verification and calibration”
properly. is necessary.

Note: we recommend to change always both Ullage and Interface: the new sensing probe has
wipers. been set at the factory and there is no possibility
for adjusting its sensitivity.
10.6 Verification and certification of
The tape has to be periodically inspected for
breaks, kinks, wear and illegible numbers.
As the tape is a cable it might be necessary to
check its electrical conformity. Refer to section
It is necessary also to check it for accuracy
regularly according to current National or
International Standards, as API "Manual of
Petroleum - Measurement Standards - Chapter 3 -
Tank Gauging - Section 1A - Standard practice for
the manual gauging of petroleum products in
stationary tanks" or IP "Petroleum Measurement
Manual - Part III - Manual Tank Gauging - Section
1 - Non-Electrical Methods" or relevant ISO
In such a case it is important to remember that the
bottom of the sensing probe is 4 mm lower than
the zero of the tape, thus to assure that the
electrical zero coincide with the tape zero.
It is also important to remember that the nominal
tension at which the tape was produced is marked
on each beginning of tape and is normally 6 N (1,3
lb). If tensioned at 44,5 N (10 lb) as per API this
will result in a additional elongation up to 3.7 mm
over 30 meters.
This periodical verification can be done at the
factory or in a Service Station.

50029/GUTI_/0301 37 UTI/UI/T GT3

10.8 Temperature verification and calibration
Verification of temperature calibration is
recommended every 6 months. P1 Zero °C
In case of change of either sensing probe or P2 Zero °F
instrument unit a new calibration is necessary.
The minimum equipment necessary for the P4 Gain °F
calibration is a stable cold bath (e.g. 15°C), a P5 Gain °C
stable hot bath (e.g. 60°C) and a reference
thermometer with an accuracy of ± 0.05°C. P3 sets the supply voltage at 2,5 V at TP1.
The task of calibration consists of adjusting a This potentiometer is adjusted at the factory and
linear curve. does normally not require re-adjustment.
The adjustable potentiometers are located on the
back side of the instrument unit as shown on
Figure 10-8.

Instrument unit LCD MK3

2,5 2,5

F P4

S°C C P5

LCD side view

Figure 10-8

50029/GUTI_/0301 38 UTI/UI/T GT3

1. Dip sensing probe in cold bath at
a temperature of TRC (Temp. ref. cold). 6.1 If TUTI > TRH in °C
Make sure temperature has stabilised and
reference thermometer reading is stable. 6.11 Calculate Tcal according to the following
2. Switch S2 of board on °C. Adjust P1 until
LCD shows same temperature as reference
thermometer. Note cold reference temp. TCAL = TRH - in° C
TRC in °C. TRH / TRC
Switch S2 of board on °F. Adjust P2 until
LCD display shows same temperature as 6.12 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 5 until
reference thermometer. Note cold reference TUTI = TCAL
temp. TRC in °F.
6.13 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 1 until
3. Dip sensing probe in hot bath at TRH TUTI = TRH
(Temp. ref. hot). Make sure temperature
has stabilised. 6.2 If TUTI < TRH in °C

4. Compare reading of UTI-LCD with 6.21 Calculate TCAL according to the following
reference thermometer reading. formula:

4.1 If TUTI > TRH in °F TRH - TUTI

TCAL = TRH + in° C
4.11 Calculate TCAL according to the following
6.22 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 5 until
TCAL = TRH - in° F
TRH / TRC 6.23 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 1 until
4.12 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 4 until
TUTI = TCAL 7. Dip sensing probe in cold bath TRC.
Make sure temperature has stabilised and
4.13 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 2 until reference thermometer reading is stable.
Compare reading of UTI-LCD with
4.2 If TUTI < TRH in °F reference thermometer :
TUTI should be equal to TRC ± 0.1°C.
4.21 Calculate TCAL according to the following Small corrections within ± 0.1°C can be
formula: done by adjusting P1 until TUTI = TRC.

TRH - TUTI Switch S2 of board on °F.

TCAL = TRH + in° F Compare reading of UTI-LCD with
TRH / TRC reference thermometer.
TUTI should be equal to TRC ± 0.2°F.
4.22 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 4 until
Small corrections within ± 0.2°F can be
done by adjusting P2 until TUTI = TRC.
4.23 Adjust reading of UTI-LCD with P 2 until

5. Switch S2 of board on °C

6. Compare reading of UTI-LCD with

reference thermometer reading

50029/GUTI_/0301 39 UTI/UI/T GT3

10.9 Ullage/Interface verification
An audible interfering noise proves that the
Sensitivity of the instrument in ullage / interface ultrasonic sensor is well functioning.
cannot be adjusted. Both ullage and interface
levels are set at the factory. - Check the ullage by immersing the ultrasonic
gap sensor but not the electrodes (position A);
Checking ullage and interface level detection The buzzer shall beep continuously.

The test liquid should be the one to be gauged. Fill - Check the interface by immersing the interface
in a container with appropriate liquid. electrodes also (position B). The buzzer shall
beep intermittently.
Switch on the unit to ullage / interface mode. The
buzzer shall beep every 2 sec.

position B

position A

Figure 10-9

50029/GUTI_/0301 40 UTI/UI/T GT3

11. Trouble shooting

11.1 Safety warning 11.3 Low Battery Indicator signal

As the instrument is designed and approved for If the buzzer emits a continuous tone with the
use in an explosive area (intrinsic safety) only switch either in Temperature position or in
authorized service stations and the factory should Ullage/Interface position, change the battery. If the
repair electronic circuits. problem remains, follow 11.6 and/or 11.7.
However the customer can exchange parts and
modules if the following points are observed : 11.4 Aluminium parts coated with
1. Never open instrument or carry out any repair
PA 11 or ECTFE coatings
or trouble shooting in hazardous area.
PA 11: Rilsan = grey colour
ECTFE: Halar = black colour
2. Use only original spare parts.
These coatings should be subject to regular and
careful inspection. The continued used of the
3. Work shall be done only by maintenance
apparatus should not be permitted if inspection
personnel who has experience with intrinsically
reveals that the protective material has become
safe equipment.
damaged to the extend that the underlying
protected metal is visible, until such damage has
The design of the unit is modular, i.e. in case of
been satisfactorily repaired.
breakdown the customer can find out which
modules have to be replaced. The instrument
consists of the following modules: 11.5 Winding action becoming stiff

- Mechanical parts If after repeated use the winding action is

- Sensing probe becoming slightly stiff apply the following simple
- Tape assembly process:
- Instrument unit - engage the tape cleaner, with the sensor
- Tape cleaner retained in the storage tube,
- slacken the tape a few turns, typically 10,
Systematic trouble shooting should allow to - gently shake the instrument to free up the tape
identify the defective module and to replace it. within the tape housing,
- wind the tape again and disengage the tape
11.2 Visual inspection for damaged cleaner.
or missing parts
General condition: missing parts
Instrument unit: switch, switchboot, buzzer,
front plate
Sensing probe: sensors broken, smashed or
Tape: check at least the first 3 m;
wires still insulated, not cut
Mechanical parts: check housing, lid, axle,
storage tube, wipers of tape
cleaner, window wiper

50029/GUTI_/0301 41 UTI/UI/T GT3

11.6 Ullage, Interface troubles Problems
No continuous beeping in product.
Troubles occurring when the unit is switched on No intermittent beeping in water.
ullage / interface mode. Continuous or intermittent beeping in air.
Intermittent beeping persists when back in oil from
Problem water.
Control beep every 2 sec. is missing in air. Procedure
Procedure The sensor head is polluted and/or there is a
Check the battery voltage (8.5 V in U/I mode). conductive layer between the two conductivity
Change the battery if too low. electrodes. Wash with water or alcohol, clean and
If the problem persists, change the instrument brush (soft brush) the sensing head.
unit. If problems persist, change the sensing probe.

Continuous tone in air.
Check the battery voltage (8.5 V in U/I mode).
Change the battery if too low.
If the problem still persists, disconnect the tape
from the instrument unit. If the continuous sound
persists, change the instrument unit. If the sound
stops, check the tape for short-circuit (refer to sub-
section 7.4 “Checking tape assembly electrically”);
if the tape is OK, change the sensing probe.

No other sound than the control beep and
interfering noise in water or in product.
Change the sensing probe.

No other sound than the control beep in water or
in product and no interfering noise.
Change the battery. If the problem still remains, try
to turn on the buzzer by making a short-circuit
between the connectors TA and TGND (see figure
7-1). If the problem persists change the instrument
unit. If the buzzer sounds, check the connection
tape/sensor. If the problem persists check the
tape for open circuit (refer to sub-section 7.4
“Checking tape assembly electrically”). If the tape
is OK and the problem persists, change the
sensing probe.

50029/GUTI_/0301 42 UTI/UI/T GT3

11.7 Temperature troubles
Troubles occurring when the unit is switched on
temperature mode.

Temperature display does not display anything.
Measure the battery voltage; it should be more
than 7,5 V.
If the battery voltage is OK, replace the instrument

Temperature display shows -1 or blank.
Check the connection tape/sensor. If the problem
persists, check the tape assembly electrically as
described in 7.4. If the problem persists, change
the sensing probe.

Temperature does not stabilise.
Clean the temperature electrode properly to
remove any sludge / residue.
Check the stabilisation in water at room
temperature (20°C / 70°F) and in hot water (50-60
°C / 120-140°F).
If necessary change the instrument unit.
Note 1: Heavy crude oils which necessitate to be
heated may show big convection movements
within the cargo from the tank middle to the tank
walls and from the heating source up to the
surface. Therefore their temperature does not
stabilise easily.
Note 2: For heavy crude oils which have a low
thermal conductivity and a viscous nature, the
joggling procedure described in section 6.5
“Temperature measurement” is a necessity to
assure an accurate temperature reading in a
minimum amount of time. In some occasion it may
take several minutes before stabilisation occurs.
Preheating the sensing probe before entering the
tank, for instance in hot water, can also speed up
the process.

50029/GUTI_/0301 43 UTI/UI/T GT3

12. Specifications

General Specifications

Accuracy of ullage-interface detection (UTI,UI) ±2 mm (± 0.08” approx.)

Ullage, interface indication (UTI,UI) Audible (Visible on request)
Tape length 15 m/50 ft, 30 m/100 ft, 35 m/115 ft
Tape graduation Metric/English
Tape resolution 1 mm / 1/16”
Tape accuracy ±3.2 mm/30 m (±1/8”/100 ft approx.)
Diameter of probe (without load) 23 mm (29/32” approx.)
Minimum detectable tank bottom liquid level (UTI,UI) 4 mm (5/32” approx.)
Maximum tank pressure 0,3 bar (4,4 psi)

Accuracy, restricted range ±0.1°C (0°C to 70°C); ±0.2°F (32°F to 158°F)

With ambient temperature range Tamb = 20±5°C; Tamb = 68±9°F
meets API MPMS Chap 7 2001, table 3 requirements

Accuracy, extended range(UTI,T) ±0.2°C (-10°C to 70°C); ±0.4°F (14°F to

With ambient temperature range Tamb = -20°C to 60°C; Tamb = -4°F to 140°F
meets ISO 4268 , IP PMM Part IV

Temperature sensor measurement range (UTI,T) -40°C to 90°C (-40°F to 194°F)

Temperature measurement resolution (UTI,T) 0.1°C (0.1°F)
Temperature reading (UTI,T) °C or °F
LCD Display (UTI,T) 3 1/2 digits, 1/2” character height
Mechanical coupling Q2 (2”) or Q1 (1”)
Weight 6 kg to 9 kg according to version
Overall dimensions length x width x depth 620 x 300 x 131 mm
2 ft 3/8” x 1 ft x 5 3/8” approx.

Hazardous environments approvals

Baseefa EEx ia IIB T4 (Tamb. = 60 °C)

Factory Mutual CL. I, DIV. 1, GP. C&D


Ullage detection ultrasonic

Interface detection conductivity
Temperature semiconductor
Innage / Reference height additional load (option)

Tape cleaning device On / Off tape cleaner

Tape protection tube on all units equipped with TS storage tubes

Maintenance modular design / easy exchange of parts

Specifications subject to change without notice.

50029/GUTI_/0301 44 UTI/UI/T GT3

13. Drawings

13.1 General

Each drawing is identified by a unique 5 digits number, as for instance ND 20291 for the “Valve
C2-SS-W, 2” flange DUJ, weather cap”.
Each part number is identified by a unique 5 digits number, as for instance TS 10083 for the
“Valve C2-SS-W, 2” flange DUJ, weather cap”.

13.2 Valves drawings list

Refer to the table and find the drawing in section 13.4.

Description ND TS
Valve C2-SS-W, 2” flange DUJ, 20291 10083
weather cap
Valve C2-SS-SEC, 2” flange 20287 10082
DUJ, security cover
Valve C2-SS-BL, 2” flange DUJ, 20288 10081
blind cover
Valve C2-SS-BL, 2" female, blind 30596 10085
Valve C2-SS-W, 2" female, 30391 10076
weather cap
Valve C2-SS-SEC, 2" female, 30374 10078
security cover
Valve C1-SS-W, 1” thread male, 30230 10055
weather cap
Deck valve A-2 1/2" SS-W, 2 1/2” 30393 10052
flange, weather cap
Deck valve A-4" SS-W, 4” flange, 20252 10053
weather cap
Security cover with lock 40495 10408
Cover with weather cap 41040 10415
Weather cap assy 40543 22609
Blind cover 41034 10414

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13.3 UTI-GT3 gauges drawings lists

13.3.1 General assemblies and storage tubes drawings

These drawings depend on the model. Refer to the table and find the drawing in section 13.4.


General assy 20165 20221 20168
Storage tube assy 30202 30474 30259
Load for tape assy NA 30198

13.3.2 Other drawings

The following drawings are common to all models. Refer to the table and find the drawing in section

Description ND TS
Mechanical housing 20170 10157
Carter Bz assy 30336 10156
Tape cleaner assy 30251 10133
Instrument unit UTI 30105 10104
Instrument unit UTI with BLC 30267 10121
Instrument unit UI 30192 10109
Instrument unit UI with BLC 30450 10152
Instrument unit T 30197 10102
Electronic box assy 30332 10118
Axle Bz assy 30333 10155
Bearing of wiper assy 40709 10148
Tool for UTI-GT 40854 50347

13.4 UTI-GT3 gauges drawings

See drawings on next pages, same oder as a.m. tables.

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