Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 1678-0345: Issn: Actascivet@
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 1678-0345: Issn: Actascivet@
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 1678-0345: Issn: Actascivet@
ISSN: 1678-0345
[email protected]
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Rosolem Lima, Samara; Aparecida da Silva, Leilane; Gonçalves Dias, Geovanny Bruno;
Lerner Lopes, Letícya; Sales da Cruz, Raquel Aparecida; Sonne, Luciana; Argenta
Pescado, Caroline; Moleta Colode, Edson
Displasia renal em cães: estudo retrospectivo (2008-2013)
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, vol. 45, 2017, pp. 1-5
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brasil
Background: Renal dysplasia, which has been reported in some dogs and human patients, refers to a developmental disorder
of renal parenchyma due to imperfect inductive interaction between the mesonephric duct and the metanephric blastemal. In
dogs, the characteristic histological findings on which diagnosis is based include (1) persistent metanephric ducts surrounded
by primitive mesenchyme, (2) fetal or immature glomeruli, (3) fetal or immature tubules, and (4) anomalous presence of in-
terstitial fibrous tissue. The aim of this study was to report the major pathological and immunohistochemical features of nine
young dogs necropsied with renal dysplasia.
Cases: The necropsy files from the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) of the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso
(UFMT) were reviewed between the years 2008 and 2013. Dogs diagnosed with chronic kidney failure and macroscopic and
histopathological renal lesions consistent with renal dysplasia were selected. Kidney fragments in paraffin blocks were cut and
stained with hematoxylin and eosin and by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using anti-vimentin and anti-cytokeratin monoclonal
antibodies. The staining was considered positive for the presence of at least one renal cell marked with brown cytoplasmic stain-
ing clear and unambiguous. A total of 787 necropsies of dogs were performed. Of these, 64 had a clinical diagnosis of chronic
renal failure of which 9 were classified as renal dysplasia. The age of the dogs ranged from 3 months to 2 years. Clinical signs
were characterized by anorexia and non-regenerative anemia in 88.9%, vomiting 66.7%, dehydration 55.6%, uremia 55.6%,
convulsion 33.4%, abdominal pain 22.3% and diarrhea in 11.2% of cases. At necropsy the main macroscopic changes in the
kidneys were external surface with pale staining, in 6 of 9 dogs necropsied. Additionally, 5 dogs, cystic cavities of various
sizes from 0.1 to 5 cm in diameter, diffusely distributed in the renal subcapsular surface and cutting were observed. Of the 64
dogs with diagnosis of chronic renal failure, 14.06% had dysplastic kidney changes, characterized by dilatation of Bowman’s
space, glomerular and tubular atrophy, immature glomeruli and tubules, lymphocytic interstitial inflammation and fibrosis.
In the dogs with renal dysplasia, it was observed that the tubular structures showed marked glomerular labeling for vimentin.
Moreover, the kidneys of normal dogs showed weak or absent for marking tubes and glomerular structures for vimentin, and
strong staining for cytokeratin in tubular cells, glomerular cells and collecting ducts.
Discussion: Renal morphological damage observed in these nine dogs less than two years old, that contained degenerative
and inflammatory changes, fibrosis and glomerular atrophy, but mostly immature glomeruli and tubules were associated with
atypical renal dysplasia. This condition develops when the urethral diverticulum and metanephric blastoma not properly form
in the embryonic stage, resulting in abnormal metanephric differentiation and formation of structures that do not recapitulate
the normal nephrogenesis. Abnormal kidney function in young animals caused chronic renal failure resulting in death. The
results of immunohistochemical observed in this study can complement the diagnosis of renal dysplasia. The morphological
normality can be observed in the proportion of mesenchymal and epithelial tissue in the different structures of the kidney by
staining with anti-cytokeratin and anti-vimentin. In the present study, there was moderate to strong labeling of vimentin in
glomerular and tubular structures being dysplastic kidney would be expected to occur in normal dogs predominant staining
with cytokeratin. Based on the clinic, pathological and immunohistochemical findings it is concluded that the animals devel-
oped renal dysplasia.
S.R. Lima, L.A. Silva, G.B.G. Dias, et al. 2017. Displasia renal em cães: estudo retrospectivo (2008-2013).
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 45(Suppl 1): 184.
S.R. Lima, L.A. Silva, G.B.G. Dias, et al. 2017. Displasia renal em cães: estudo retrospectivo (2008-2013).
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 45(Suppl 1): 184.
citoqueratina foi determinada pela presença de pelo túbulos relembrando ductos coletores e mesenquima.
menos uma célula renal marcada com coloração cito- Nos nove cães com displasia renal, foi observado que
plasmática marrom nítida e inequívoca sendo a mar- as estruturas tubulares, glomerulares, assim como a
cação determinada pelo método semi-quantitativo. estrutura de sustentação das células dos glomérulos,
O método semi-quantitativo foi baseado na soma vasos sanguíneos e células intersticiais apresentaram
da proporção de coloração das células renais me- acentuada marcação para vimentina. Adicionalmente,
senquimais, glomerulares/tubulares e células ductos os túbulos relembrando ductos coletores foram mar-
coletores. O número de células positivas de cada corte cados com citoqueratina que também marcou inten-
foi estipulado em escores sendo - negativo; + menos samente na região medular, as estruturas dos ductos
de 10% das células positivas; ++ 11-50% das células coletores e alça de Henle, enquanto que na região
positivas; +++ mais de 50% das células positivas. cortical esta marcação foi fraca e ou ausente. Por outro
Rins de cães com idades similares e sem alteração lado, os rins de cães normais apresentaram marcação
morfológica e foram utilizados como comparativo para vimentina fraca ou ausente em estruturas tubulares
para histoquímica e IHQ. e glomerulares e marcação forte para citoqueratina nas
Na análise IHQ, a caracterização da displasia células tubulares, glomerulares e nas células dos ductos
foi notada por alterações evidenciadas em três com- coletores. Um resumo da marcação imunohistoquímica
ponentes: glomérulos/estruturas tubulares primitivas, encontra-se na Tabela 1.
Tabela 1. Comparação dos resultados imuno-histoquímicos observados em cães com displasia renal e cães normais.
Figura 1. Cão. Displasia renal. Rim. A. Superfície subcapsular: irregular, pálida e contendo múltiplos
cistos. Superfície de corte: Múltiplas formações císticas no córtex e dilatação da pelve renal moderada. B.
Túbulos primitivos circundados por epitélio hipercromático e fibrose intersticial (HE, Obj.63x). [Barra= 5
micras]. C. Atrofia do tufo glomerular e dilatação da cápsula de bowman. Infiltrado linfoplasmocitário focal
moderado, HE, Obj. 20x. [Barra = 20 micras]. D. Glomérulo imaturo (HE, obj. 63x). [Barra = 100 micras].
S.R. Lima, L.A. Silva, G.B.G. Dias, et al. 2017. Displasia renal em cães: estudo retrospectivo (2008-2013).
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 45(Suppl 1): 184.
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