More Punnett Square Practice: Sarabia, Nikka Gerlene T. 10/26/21
More Punnett Square Practice: Sarabia, Nikka Gerlene T. 10/26/21
More Punnett Square Practice: Sarabia, Nikka Gerlene T. 10/26/21
Date: 10/26/21
A punnett square helps scientists predict the possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring when they know the
genotypes of the parents. The phenotype is the physical appearance of an organism and the genotype is the
inherited combination of alleles. This skill sheet will give you additional practice in using punnett squares to
solve genetics problems.
In rabbits, black fur is dominant to white fur. If you cross a BB male with a Bb female, what are the possible
genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring? What is the percent chance for each type?
b Bb Bb
1. In cabbage butterflies, White wings are dominant to yellow wings. If a Ww butterfly is crossed with a ww
butterfly, what are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring and the percent chance for each?
W w
w Ww ww
w Ww ww
2. In dogs, there is a hereditary type of deafness caused by a recessive gene. Two dogs who carry the 11.2
gene for deafness but have normal hearing are mated. What are the possible genotypes and
phenotypes of their offspring and the percent chance for each?
D d
d Dd dd
3. In guinea pigs, short hair is dominant over long hair. If a short haired SS guinea pig is crossed with a long
haired ss guinea pig, what are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring and the percent
chance of each?
s Ss Ss
s Ss Ss
4. Can you curl your tongue up on the sides? Tongue-curling in humans is a dominant genetic trait. 11.2
Suppose a man who is Tt for tongue-curling marries a woman who is also Tt for this trait. What are
the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children and the percent chance for each?
T t
t Tt tt
5. In guinea pigs, rough coats (with lots of swirly cowlicks) are dominant over smooth coats. If an RR guinea
pig is crossed with a Rr guinea pig, what are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring? What
are the chances of each?
r Rr Rr