SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL-English For Academic and Professional Purposes
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL-English For Academic and Professional Purposes
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL-English For Academic and Professional Purposes
B. Objectives:
1. Note the reasons that manifesto makes to support its assertion
2. Analyze the arguments used in a manifesto
3. Evaluate the arguments in manifestoes based on the given criteria
Reading the latest articles such as those that are printed on newspapers and
even those that are shown on the television is a must-to-do thing that you should be
concerned about because it helps you be acquainted with what is happening around
you. This might give you knowledge on the present societal and political issues such
as the dispute between the government and the leftist and the updates about the
COVID-19 pandemic. Also, official statements of essential individuals in our society
must also be given consideration. But how would we know that you are reading the
right thing?
How are these changes carried out with just the use of written words? It is when
the author provides reasons accompanied with pieces of evidence to prove the belief.
They wanted the reader to believe in or the so-called arguments.
RO_EAPP_Grade11/12_S1/2_Q2/4_LP 11
As you are the reader, the challenge, however, lies on how you will understand
the meaning that the author or writer wanted you to know. How will you know the
arguments presented? Let’s take a few moments to review your past lesson about
Since a manifesto generally aims for a change, you have to weigh the
arguments thoroughly. The balance between development and moral change can only
be achieved if the reader fully understands the argument and the pieces of evidence
(reasons) that the issuer presents. To do that, take a look at these steps below.
In the foregoing steps, you need to write down all the reasons the manifesto
identified and underline the most important reason for you. The fourth step will require
you to make a judgement. This judgement-making process is critical, as it will lead to
the decision on whether you will follow, believe, and side with the bias of the
organization or group of people that made the declaration.
To guide you on how to analyze arguments, you may consider the following
questions after reading a manifesto:
1. How credible and persuasive are the pieces of evidence given? (credibility)
2. Is the text complete? What assumptions are stated and not stated?
3. Is the meaning clear? Does the conclusion logically follow from the given pieces
of evidence? (clarity)
4. What ramifications and complexities might arise from the assertion? (validity)
5. Do I believe the premises? (plausibility)
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A. Practice Tasks
Directions. Read Text A. Then, take note of the key information and reasons this manifesto
makes to support its assertion by following the instructions written on its right side.
Text A. Instructions:
Pest Management
1. Encircle the
Agricultural pesticides can degrade our environment, assertion of the
impacting soils, water and pollinating insects. We will manifesto with a
consult to set appropriate targets for the reduced use of black pen.
harmful pesticides and fungicides and adopt the
precautionary principle in regulations. We will provide more 2. Number with red
support to sustainable farming methods with less reliance
pen the two
on chemicals.
statements that
New classes of insecticides introduced in the last 20 show the current
years, including neonicotinoids and fipronil, appear to have issue or concern.
been particularly damaging to insect life, sterilizing soils and
killing insect grubs. 75% of insect losses recorded in 3. Number with blue
Germany have been in protected areas adjacent to
pen the two actions
that the Labour
We will trial integrated pest management systems and Party intends to.
support varietal trials to help farmers reduce reliance on
harmful chemicals and deliver healthier soils, as well as 4. Did the issuer give
cleaner water and thriving natural systems.
a convincing
argument? Why?
We will review the regulations governing gene editing
for disease resistance of crops and livestock feed to _______________
improve health and productivity, and reduce greenhouse _______________
gas emissions. (Excerpt from A Plan for Nature: A _______________
Manifesto for the Environment of the Labour Party in _______________
England, UK.) _______________
Directions. Briefly fill out the Analyzing Arguments Worksheet with the reasons and
support or evidence mentioned in this manifesto of PEN International entitled, PEN
International Women’s Manifesto, to find its claim.
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Text B. Analyzing Arguments
PEN International Women’s Manifesto Worksheet
The first and founding principle of the PEN Assertion: For many women in
Charter asserts that ‘literature knows no the world, the first, and the last
frontiers’. These frontiers were traditionally and perhaps the most powerful
thought of as borders between countries and frontier was the door of the
peoples. For many women in the world – and for house she lived in: her parents’
almost all women until relatively recently – the or her husband’s home.
first, and the last and perhaps the most powerful
frontier was the door of the house she lived in: Reason #1: ___________________
her parents’ or her husband’s home. ________________________.
Support 1. ____________________
For women to have free speech, the right Support 2. ____________________
to read, the right to write, they need to have the Support 3. ____________________
right to roam physically, socially and Support 4. ____________________
intellectually. There are few social systems that
do not regard with hostility a woman who walks Reason #2: __________________
by herself. __________________________
Support 1. ____________________
PEN believes that violence against Support 2. ____________________
women, in all its many forms, both within the walls
of a home or in the public sphere, creates Reason 3: __________________
dangerous forms of censorship. Across the __________________________
globe, culture, religion and tradition are Support 1. ____________________
repeatedly valued above human rights and are Support 2. ____________________
used as arguments to encourage or defend harm
against women and girls. What could the issuer have
failed to mention about the
PEN believes that the act of silencing a issue? ___________________
person is to deny their existence. It is a kind of ________________________
death. Humanity is both wanting and bereft
without the full and free expression of women’s Conclusion: Do you agree with
creativity and knowledge. (Excerpt from PEN the issuer? Why? __________
International Women’s Manifesto) _________________________
Directions. Read Manifesto by Adolescents on The Post Covid-19 Future in Italy? Use the
questions on page 2 to help you evaluate the manifesto. Simply check the box under each
criterion; write x if not. To understand each agenda, identify the ramifications and the
unstated assumption on the right table. Finally, briefly answer the questions that follow.
Answer on another sheet of paper.
1. We imagine a future that is more mindful of the needs and aspirations of everyone,
and we want to participate in building that future.
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2. We want more time for our relationships with our families and other people we care
about. We ask for more opportunities to talk and to listen, and for a better balance
between school, work and life.
3. We want more events and meeting places where we can socialize with our friends
and our communities, and more time to be with others so that we can build a more
equal and
4. we say no to discrimination and hate speech! Let’s overcome disparities on the basis
of where we come from, our disability or our gender, and let’s support those who are
more vulnerable.
5. We say no to domestic violence, we all have the right to live in a safe place! We want
to learn more about it at school and we need more face-to-face listening and support
6. We all have the right to education, so let’s all go back to school. But give us a better
chance to participate! Involve us in the development of the school calendar and
guarantee catch up classes for students with learning difficulties. We need more
scholarships and more flexibility in the use of the existing grant for cultural activities
especially for those of us facing economic problems.
7. Extra-curricular activities are important to us. Discounts and bonuses should be
available for social and recreational activities. Sports and artistic campuses should
be free and open to all, especially those facing economic hardship.
8. A free, public health system accessible to all is a guarantee, so let’s defend it! Let’s
act on prevention measures to ensure everyone’s well-being: maintaining healthier
lifestyles, promoting these in schools and paying attention to the links between
health and the environment.
9. Let’s take care of our planet by reducing consumption and managing waste disposal.
Let each and every one of us contribute to save the planet! Many small actions can
help to reduce the impact of climate change on the environment and on human.
10. We are digital natives. To have an equal chance of accessing information and
services we ask for more investment to address the digital divide, but nothing for us
replaces human relation.
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Eighth agendum
Ninth agendum
Tenth agendum
11. Infer the message of the issuer after evaluating all the arguments. ________________
12. How convinced are you by the arguments? Briefly justify your answer. ______________
Agricultural pesticides can degrade our environment, impacting soils, water and
pollinating insects. We will consult to set appropriate targets for the reduced use of harmful
pesticides and fungicides and adopt the precautionary principle in regulations. We will
provide more support to sustainable farming methods with less reliance on chemicals.
1 We will trial integrated pest management systems and support varietal trials to help
farmers reduce reliance on harmful chemicals and deliver healthier soils, as well as cleaner
water and thriving natural systems.
2 We will review the regulations governing gene editing for disease resistance of crops
and livestock feed to improve health and productivity, and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. (Labour Party)
Assertion: For many women in the world, the first, and the last and perhaps the most
powerful frontier was the door of the house she lived in: her parents’ or her husband’s
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Reason #1: Women need to have free speech
Support 1. Women need to right to read.
Support 2. Women need the right to write.
Support 3. Women need to have the right to roam physically, socially and intellectually.
Support 4. Only few social systems do not regard with hostility a woman who walks by
Reason #2: Violence against women creates dangerous forms of censorship.
Support 1. Across the globe, culture, religion and tradition are repeatedly valued above
human rights.
Support 2. Across the globe, culture, religion and tradition are used as arguments to
encourage or defend harm against women and girls.
Reason #3: Silencing a person is to deny their existence.
Support 1. Silencing a person is a kind of death.
Support 2. Humanity is both wanting and bereft without the full and free expression of
women’s creativity and knowledge
Unstated information: The manifesto does not say anything about the violence against
men. It puts the value of faith and religion below human rights. Yet, the truth is that faith
and culture define the rights to extend to everyone, The Bible tells about how people
must live together, including the rules about gender.
Conclusion: The issuer wants the women to have education, to learn to read and write and
I believe the same because it will bring only good for humanity.
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Seventh Checks may vary. If entertainment has so many bonuses for the youth,
agendum they may abuse it to the detriment of entertainment
Eighth Checks may vary. Health is a right. This could lead to the banning of the
agendum favorite junk foods of children.
Ninth Checks may vary. Make the involvement of the youth on environmental
agendum issues mandatory.
Tenth Checks may vary. Though equal access to information is important, the
agendum issuer is saying socialization is more important.
11. Possible answer: Allow the youth to have a say in significant matters that affect the
society and them.
12. Possible answer: I am somehow convinced because the writer mentioned compelling
and relevant arguments. On the other hand, I believe that there are matters that are yet
within the youth’s understanding, and therefore, they should leave them to the mature and
logical adult thinkers.
Directions. On your answer sheets, kindly complete the sentences below.
1. I have learned that manifestoes are ______________________________________
Department of Education, Region V Bicol. (2020). English for Academic and Professional
Purposes: Quarter 2 – module 1 (Analyzes the arguments Used by the writer/s in
Department of Education, Region V Bicol. (2020). English for Academic and Professional
Purposes: Quarter 2 – Learning activity sheet 1 (Analyzes the arguments used
by the writer/s in manifestoes).
PEN International (2021). PEN international iomen’s manifesto. Retrieved at https://pen-
Labour Party (n.d.). Pest management. An excerpt from a plan for nature: a manifesto for
the environment of the Labour Party in England, UK. Retrieved
Nickerson, R.S. (2013). Reflections on reasoning. London: Psychology Press.
UNICEF for Every Child. (2020, Jul). Manifesto by adolescents on the post-Covid-19
future in Italy. Retrieved at
RO_EAPP_Grade11/12_S1/2_Q2/4_LP 11
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Calatagan High School
Division of Catanduanes
RO_EAPP_Grade11/12_S1/2_Q2/4_LP 11