The National Energy Policy 2003
The National Energy Policy 2003
The National Energy Policy 2003
February, 2003
AU African Union
CBO Community Based Organisation
EAC East African Co-operation
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
IPP Independent Power Producer
KBO Kagera Basin Organisation
Km Kilometres
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MEM Ministry of Energy and Minerals
NBI Nile Basin Initiative
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
PV Photovoltaic
R&D Research and Development
SADC Southern African Development Community
SAPP Southern African Power Pool
SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
TANESCO Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited
TAS Tanzanian Shilling
TOE Tonne of Oil Equivalent
USD United States Dollar
July 1 June 30
GDP figures are for year 2001 at 1992 prices.
1.1 Background
2.1 Challenges
2.2 Strategies
3.2 Energy Supply
3.2.1 Electricity
3.2.2 Petroleum
3.2.5 Coal
5.5 Investment
5.7.1 Education
1.1 Background
The first National Energy Policy for Tanzania was formulated in April 1992. Since
then, energy sub-sectors as well as the overall economy have gone through structural
changes, where the role of the Government has changed, markets have been
liberalised and private sector initiatives encouraged. Hence, the policy document has
been revised taking into account structural changes in the economy and political
transformations at national and international levels.
However, the national policy objective for the development of the energy sector
remains to provide an input in the development process by establishing an efficient
energy production, procurement, transportation, distribution, and end-user systems
in an environmentally sound manner and with due regard to gender issues.
The revision has, therefore, focussed on market mechanisms and means to reach the
objective, and achieve an efficient energy sector with a balance between national and
commercial interests.
Specifically, the revised energy policy takes into consideration the need to:
(a) have affordable and reliable energy supplies in the whole country;
(b) reform the market for energy services and establish an adequate institutional
framework, which facilitates investment, expansion of services, efficient pricing
mechanisms and other financial incentives;
(c) enhance the development and utilisation of indigenous and renewable energy
sources and technologies;
(d) adequately take into account environmental considerations for all energy
(f) increase energy education and build gender-balanced capacity in energy
planning, implementation and monitoring.
Domestic energy demand has grown rapidly due to population growth and the
increase in economic activities during the last ten years. The estimated total energy
consumption is more than 22 million tonnes of oil equivalent (TOE) or 0.7 TOE per
capita. Energy consumption in rural areas accounts for about 85% of total national
energy consumption.
Other abundant, but so far not fully tapped, indigenous energy sources which could
be harnessed to meet the growing energy requirements include; hydropower, coal,
natural gas, uranium, solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Hydropower potential is
estimated at 4.7 GW, coal reserves are estimated at about 1,200 million tonnes, of
which 304 million tonnes are proven. Natural gas is estimated at 45 billion cubic
metres of proven reserves.
The Vision of the energy sector is to effectively contribute to the growth of the
national economy and thereby improve the standard of living for the entire nation in a
sustainable and environmentally sound manner.
The Mission for the energy sector is to create conditions for the provision of safe,
reliable, efficient, cost-effective and environmentally appropriate energy services to
all sectors on a sustainable basis.
By fulfilling its vision and mission, the energy sector will contribute to social economic
development, and in the long-term perspective, poverty eradication.
The national energy policy objectives are to ensure availability of reliable and
affordable energy supplies and their use in a rational and sustainable manner in
order to support national development goals. The national energy policy, therefore,
aims to establish an efficient energy production, procurement, transportation,
distribution and end-use systems in an environmentally sound and sustainable
Currently, the population of Tanzania is about 34.6 million people, with an estimated
annual population growth rate of 2.9%. About 75% of the population live in rural
areas. Agriculture is a major economic sector and a majority of the population is
involved in various agricultural activities, mainly subsistence farming. Agriculture
accounts for about half of the GDP and over 60% of the export earnings.
Manufacturing and mining sectors account for about 8% and 2% of GDP respectively,
while commerce accounts for about 12% and transport sector 6%. The annual GDP
per capita is estimated at USD 251, which places Tanzania among the poorest
countries in the world.
These interventions are mutually related and activities in all areas of the programme
are required for successful poverty reduction to take place.
For the coming decades, the socio-economic challenge for Tanzania is to obtain a
robust economic growth, with a positive impact on the whole population. The
Government has articulated specific goals for poverty reduction in order to reduce
extreme poverty by half, from the current level of 39% to an estimated 19.5% of the
population by the year 2010. The overall vision is total poverty eradication by the year
The main goal of the national development strategies is to improve and sustain the
welfare and standard of living of the population. Reforms in the economic sectors aim
at taking advantage of private sector participation and letting the State concentrate
on policy formulation and overseeing social activities.
The Governments decision to disengage itself from direct production activities will
facilitate the provision of more resources to the social services. Greater emphasis
will be placed on decentralisation of authority and promotion of community
involvement in the provision and management of social services. The private sector
involvement in the development and management of education, housing, and health
matters, information and broadcasting and energy services is encouraged. As far as
the energy sector is concerned, emphasis will be on solutions to meet rural energy
needs and increase awareness of, for example, HIV/AIDS problems and impacts, and
other social issues within the sector, which will consequently contribute to poverty
The National Environmental Policy of 1997 defines the environmental framework for
various sectors, including energy. The objectives of the National Environmental Policy
include, among others: sustainability, security, and equitable use of resources to
meet the basic needs of present and future generations, without risking health and
safety. Another major objective is to prevent degradation of land, water, vegetation
and air, which constitute our life support systems, and to conserve and enhance our
natural and man-made heritage, including biological diversity of the ecosystem of
The environmental policy also highlights the importance of public awareness and
understanding on the essential linkages between environment and development,
thus promoting individual and community participation in environmental action.
1.4.4 Institutional Framework
The ministry responsible for energy supervises the implementation of the energy
policy, which is the main guidance for change, backed by legislation and regulation.
The ministry will also facilitate mobilisation of resources into areas where market
forces fail to ensure adequate energy services.
The roles and relations of the different actors, the ministry, regulators and operators
of the sector will be determined by legislation. Through the regulatory functions of the
sector, operators will be licensed; markets and performance will be monitored; and
necessary regulatory measures will be applied.
2.1 Challenges
In order to achieve the overall objectives of economic growth and poverty reduction,
there is a need for substantial improvements within the energy sector, both on the
demand and supply sides. The following are some of the challenges:
(b) Petroleum Development: A sizeable amount of foreign currency earnings are used
to finance petroleum products imports. In addition to gas discoveries, an oil
discovery would go a long way towards reducing the petroleum import bill. The
challenge is to sustain and increase oil and gas exploration through promotion of
private sector participation.
(d) Rural electrification: Electricity needs to be made available for economic activities
in rural areas, rural townships and commercial centres. Rural electrification is,
therefore, a case of long-term national interest and a prerequisite for a balanced
socio-economic growth for all in Tanzania.
(e) Reaching rural households: Around 80% of the population has very low
purchasing power and depends mainly on wood-fuel for cooking and kerosene for
lighting, which have negative consequences to the environment and the quality of
life, especially to the rural poor. There is scope for improvement in energy supply
to the rural population, especially reducing the burden to women, and the reversal
of deforestation if energy efficiency is promoted in cooking and lighting. Radical
improvement in household energy efficiency has enormous potential benefit for
2.2 Strategies
(a) Market Economy: In line with the overall economic policy of the country, the
market-oriented concept shall apply to the supply of energy products and
services. Implicitly, medium and long-term services of independent economic
actors should determine allocation of resources. Competition on a fair and
equitable basis among independent actors forms the basis for market efficiency.
(b) Regulatory Regime: In order to ensure that the market functions without
distortions, there will be an independent regulatory regime for the energy sector.
While the institutional framework and the regulatory mandate may vary in the
different energy sub-sectors, the regulatory regime will be characterised by its
autonomy, transparency, predictability and stability. To safeguard this, the
regulatory regime shall be anchored in legislation.
(c) National Interest versus Market Forces: The reliance on market forces in order to
achieve the national development objectives of economic growth and poverty
reduction is not intended to hinder the role of the state to intervene when and
where market forces fail to deliver desired results. Keeping its role as facilitator of
an enabling environment for the market, the state shall regulate or deregulate the
market in order to enhance the benefits of development for the economically
weaker communities and groups. The state needs to unconditionally protect and
promote the interests of society as a whole. Thus, the state will apply transparent
fiscal (taxes, duties, levies) and non-fiscal (fees, subsidies, concessional credits,
guarantees) measures to direct market forces and, when necessary, correct
market failures.
(d) Regional Co-operation and Trade: In the Southern African region, there are
apparent differences between areas with electric energy production potentials
and regions with electricity deficits. Regional interconnection and integration of
the power systems are therefore essential for the economies of Tanzania and its
neighbouring countries to achieve efficient energy markets. Long-term decisions
must therefore be based on regional energy considerations.
(f) Environmental Management: Crosscutting all energy sub-sectors and all relevant
sources of energy are the environmental impacts of energy exploration,
production, distribution and consumption. Environmental impacts and hazards
shall be addressed by rigorous environmental management regimes on all energy
activities and by applying the economic instruments for changing market
behaviour. This will discourage any use of environmentally unsound energy
technologies (energy inefficiency, unclean practices).
(g) Gender Issues (Social Role of Women and Men): Inferior energy practices,
particularly among poor households in rural and semi-urban areas, are mainly
affecting women. The search, collection, and use of fuel-wood are associated with
heavy and often low-productive time-consuming work, mainly performed by
women. It also represents a serious health hazard through smoke and carbon
dioxide generated by application of inferior stoves/fuel types. The energy policy,
therefore, introduces an institutional focus on improvements of rural and semi-
urban energy practices in order to reduce women workload and to involve them in
the problem solving and decision-making processes on energy issues. Women are
under represented on the supply side of commercial energy. The involvement of
women at all levels of the sector shall, therefore, be prioritised to better utilise
available potential competence and capacity. Training and incentives for
increased female participation as decision-makers at all levels need to be
(h) Financial and Fiscal Implications: The energy sector represents a substantial part
of the national economy. The Government shall balance between the use of the
energy sector for revenue generation and the need for affordable energy by
limiting the impact of high taxes, levies and other duties on energy production
costs. This balance could include strict cost pricing in markets of major energy
products, as well as the requirement of the sector for subsidies, incentives and
other costs, which need to be covered within the sector itself or by the national
state budget. The cost of energy represents a significant part of the total cost
structure of companies. Consequently, it affects the competitiveness of products
in domestic as well as export markets. Cost effectiveness in the production and
supply of energy may be achieved through continued opening up and
liberalisation of energy markets and further introduction of competition at all
levels of the sector. The elimination of cross-subsidisation from large energy
consumers to households and other smaller consumers will go a long way
towards improving product competitiveness at the market place.
(j) Legal Interventions: Legislation is one of the main instruments by which the
Government steers and controls the development of the energy sector. Generally,
some legislation is missing and applicable existing laws are outdated and
consequently do not reflect recent developments. There is a need to update the
legislation and existing laws.
More than 40% of all imported petroleum is consumed within the transport sector.
The development of the sector, therefore, has both direct and indirect implications for
the total energy consumption and social-economic growth.
The energy challenge within the transport sector is to ensure efficient and safe use of
petroleum products. Efficient petroleum use is determined by the standard of
vehicles, the quality of the transport systems and the use of most energy efficient
transport means.
There are insufficient standardisation and quality control of petroleum products and
inadequate enforcement and uncoordinated safety measures. There is a need for
efficient use of transportation means and improvement of underdeveloped transport
infrastructure, including use of alternative systems.
Policy Statements
Because of massive energy losses in the sector, there is a necessity to promote
energy audits and encourage energy efficiency and conservation measures in order to
save resources and the environment.
Policy Statements
5. Ensure that energy audits are mandatory and regulate energy efficiency and
conservation measures.
For five years (1997-2001) the mining sector had remarkable growth rate of an
average of 15%, which implies a corresponding increase in energy demand. Isolated
mining areas are presently influenced by limited availability, unreliability and high
cost of energy due to undeveloped infrastructure. Power demand in such areas is
currently met by auto-generation. In order to meet the energy demand of existing and
new mines, the mining companies will be encouraged to generate own power or
import through regional interconnections and co-operate in development of power
infrastructure. Mining companies will also be expected to sell surplus power from
auto-generation to neighbouring communities.
Policy Statement
6. Ensure reliable power supply to the mining sector, and encourage increased
energy mix in energy generation and distribution.
The household sector constitutes the largest share of the total energy consumption,
mainly through its use of woodfuel. The essential end uses are heating (including
cooking, brewing, smoking, firing, boiling, and ironing, lighting, and electric
In rural areas, firewood and human energy are the most used energy sources.
Electricity, even in areas where it is readily available, is rarely used for cooking due to
financial reasons. Firewood will, even given a radical increase in use of electricity, be
an important source of energy for households in the foreseeable future. However, this
source has other negative impacts in houses, including, indoors pollution causing
both health risks and safety problems to the end-user and is also time-consuming to
collect. Lighting in rural areas is in most cases provided by kerosene. In urban
households, charcoal remains by far the most popular fuel for cooking. The use of
other energy sources such as solar, biogas and LPG, is limited despite various
promotional efforts.
The prevailing poverty situation both in rural and urban areas is a major obstacle for
development of the energy sector because the people's purchasing power is low.
There are major differences in accessibility and affordability of energy products within
rural areas. For most of the households, the high cost of commercial energy and the
related appliances is a big constraint. There is, therefore, a need to facilitate
economic growth through employment creation; expansion of a competitive industrial
base; and establishing markets for energy efficient end-use technologies. Private
entrepreneurs need to be stimulated in order to address demand and a growing
household market. Among others, another factor to consider is tax incentive on end-
use equipment and appliances in order to encourage their adoption.
There is a need to change the prevailing inefficient practices in energy use, and
institute basic standardisation of energy end-use appliances. In order to address
issues related to standardisation, safety, health, education, awareness, and
maintenance, there is a need for institutional co-operation and co-ordination. Thus,
sufficient human and financial resources would be required.
Policy Statements
Of the total energy demand in agriculture, 75% is met from human energy, 15% by
animal power and 10% by diesel, electricity and solar power. Drying and processing of
agricultural products is by traditional applications of solar energy and firewood. Many
agricultural activities contribute towards deforestation, through extensive farming
and slash-and-burn practices.
The current Agricultural Policy calls for increased output and efficiency in agricultural
production, timely delivery and efficient use of energy inputs into agriculture and
increased use of tractors as well as use of renewable energy resources. The policy
also includes the promotion of environmentally friendly technologies and methods
through collaboration with other ministries and institutions.
The main energy challenge within agriculture is to ensure supply of sufficient and
cost-effective energy to meet the requirements for improved agricultural activities,
including agro-processing and irrigation.
Policy Statements
10. Ensure sufficient energy supply to meet the increasing demand in agriculture
13. Create an enabling environment for governmental institutions and private sector,
which are engaged in research and development, and the distribution of energy
products and development of appropriate energy technologies for agriculture.
Unreliable energy supplies as well as inefficient energy use, characterise the sector.
Efficiency in energy use, in particular lighting, heating, and powering of electric
appliances need to be improved. It is necessary to promote the use of alternative
energy sources, especially renewable energies and coal.
Policy Statements
14. Ensure sufficient and cost effective energy supply to meet the increasing demand
in commerce sector.
Policy Statements
17. Facilitate sufficient, appropriate and cost effective energy supply to meet the
growing energy demand in information technology sector.
18. Promote and enhance use of modern information technology for planning,
assessments, policy analysis, database networks and managerial services in
the energy sector.
3.2 Energy Supply
3.2.1 Electricity
Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) has so far been the sole vertically
integrated electricity supplier on the mainland and supplies bulk electricity to
Zanzibar. Three independent power producers (IPPs) supply power to the national
utility: a 100 MW diesel plant by Independent Power Tanzania Ltd., and two small
plants of Kiwira Coal Mine and Tanganyika Wattle Company; both supply bulk power
of about 4 MW. IPP capacity will increase when the 112 MW Ubungo diesel turbines
are converted into gas to electricity generation and privatised in year 2004. Tanzania
also imports electricity through cross-border interconnections of about 8 MW and 5
MW from Uganda and Zambia, respectively.
The high cost of electricity and its low reliability constitutes a major challenge,
especially for the manufacturing and mining sectors.
There is very limited access to electricity. At present, 10% of the population has
access to electricity. In the rural area, only 1% is reached by electricity. There are
significant technical and non-technical losses in the system and vandalism on power
system infrastructure in some places.
Electricity needs to be made reliable and affordable to customers with very low
demand, for lighting and limited domestic purposes. A system of threshold pricing for
low consumption customers could, therefore, be considered. In the new emerging
energy market, prices have to be monitored, and predictable and transparent
mechanisms established for necessary adjustments.
There is a need to liberalise and regulate the electricity sub-sector. The main thrust
shall be based on private initiatives and investment for exploitation of the local
energy sources. The prime factors determining the magnitude and pace of economic
exploitation of energy reserves are: - the governance of the sector; the development
of the domestic energy demand; and the energy trade possibilities in the region. For
these developments to take place there is a need to review the legal and regulatory
framework, including the establishment of an independent regulator.
19. Competition, as a principle to attain efficiency, shall apply for the electricity
20. Generation of electric power shall be fully open to private and public investors as
independent power producers. Investment shall be based on economic and
financial criteria considering open access to regional network, balanced domestic
supply and environmental impacts.
21. There will be open access to the grid in order to achieve an efficient competition
in generation.
23. Priority shall be placed on developing domestic power generation capacity based
on indigenous resources in order to meet increase in demand.
24. There shall be an opening for strategic partnerships with technically suitable, and
financially strong investors, in the sector, as a step in the development of a
competitive market within generation and distribution.
25. Tanzania shall conduct research within the country and take part in international
research, development and application of commercially viable, large-scale
technologies for renewable sources of electricity generation.
26. The Government will support structural models (e.g. ownership contracts) in the
electricity distribution system, which will ensure competition and higher-level of
investment for improvement of technical and commercial systems.
27. The Government shall establish a new governance system in the power sector by
differentiating the roles for (a) policy making and legislative functions carried out
by the Government and the Parliament; (b) the regulatory functions carried out by
an independent regulator; and (c) other functions carried out by public and
private operators.
3.2.2 Petroleum
Despite efforts to undertake petroleum exploration, Tanzania has not yet found oil
and is, therefore, completely dependent on imported petroleum products. The total
annual demand for petroleum products is 1.2 million tonnes. The average import
value per year in years 1998 and 1999 was USD 190 million, corresponding to 26%
of the total export value of the country. The transport sector is the main user of
petroleum products with 40% of the market, followed by manufacturing using 25%
and households 10%. The balance is accounted for by agriculture, and commerce.
Even after full liberalization of the petroleum sub-sector in year 2000, the cost of
petroleum products to the Tanzanian customer is high and few actors dominate the
market. This creates oligopolistic behaviour. In addition, there is a problem with
smuggling and dumping of petroleum products, with its consequential implications to
quality control, safety and loss of revenue.
Further, it is a national priority that exploration of oil is given the highest possible
emphasis although there are limited local resources available for oil exploration
activities. However, infrastructure development, including storage, distribution,
retailing systems and handling transit products will also be emphasised.
The sector needs an efficient regulatory framework in order to safeguard the interest
of stakeholders and create a level playing field for the petroleum product suppliers
and retailers.
Policy Statements
The most important gas discoveries in Tanzania are Songo Songo and Mnazi Bay. The
reserves are estimated at about 30 billion cubic metres and 15 billion cubic metres,
The discovered reserves are limited, while medium-term utilisation options are
several including:- electricity generation, thermal industrial applications, and
petrochemical industries. Therefore, exploration and the optimal use of this resource
remains a national priority.
Markets and investment in infrastructure for natural gas are underdeveloped. There
is a need to introduce regulatory mechanism in order to protect other stakeholders.
There is also a need for intensive gas exploration and development of markets and
infrastructure for optimal use of the resource. It is essential to formulate a long-term
strategy for rational utilisation of natural gas resources.
Policy Statements
34. Establish an appropriate regulatory framework for the natural gas industry.
There is need to promote efficient conversion and end-use energy technologies and
practices in order to minimise health hazards primarily affecting women and children,
and environmental degradation.
There is a need to create a legal framework for renewable energy development and to
establish an institutional structure and mechanisms to address technical, social and
financial barriers for the dissemination of renewable energy technologies. Biomass,
particularly woodfuel should be conserved through efficient conversion and end-use
technologies which could be complemented by tree growing at household level and
Policy Statements
36. Establish norms, codes of practice, guidelines and standards for renewable
energy technologies, to facilitate the creation of an enabling environment for
sustainable development of renewable energy sources.
37. Promote efficient biomass conversion and end-use technologies in order to save
resources; reduce rate of deforestation and land degradation; and minimising
threats on climate change.
3.2.5 Coal
Coal is one of the major energy resources of Tanzania. So far, the exploitation of coal
for energy purposes has been minimal. The present national electricity generation
capacity is only 6 MW. However, in the medium-term the national generation capacity
is expected to increase.
Coal has, to a large extent, been used in industries for thermal applications, but very
little has been done to promote coal briquettes for use in households. There is
therefore, a need to extend applications of coal and coal briquettes for cooking and
heating, particularly for households, agro-based industries, commercial and other
institutions. In general, there is a lack of investment in coal exploitation and
distribution. Private investors in exploitation of coal resources for energy production
and other applications need to be encouraged.
The mine-mouth concept of locating thermal power plants is preferred in order to
bring down the cost of transportation of coal and environmental impacts. National
and regional electricity markets will encourage exploitation of coal resources for
power generation.
There are high costs in the application of cleaner coal technologies and there is a risk
of negative environmental impact of coal exploitation, transportation and utilisation.
One needs to recognise national and international concerns to reduce pollutants from
coal by application of the best available coal technologies.
Policy Statements
40. Promote exploitation of coal resources for electricity generation and other
thermal applications by encouraging private sector and other stakeholders
41. Ensure that all coal exploitation projects undertake environmental impact
assessments and take into consideration national and internationally accepted
environmental standards.
Energy services have an impact on all rural economic activities, including agriculture,
business, social services, gender equality and poverty. Addressing energy requirements
in rural areas is in line with the provisions contained in the Tanzania Development Vision
2025. An improved energy supply in the rural areas will ensure improvement of the
welfare of the rural population and the attainment of sustainable economic growth.
85% of the total energy is consumed in the rural areas where the majority of Tanzanians
live. Biomass, particularly wood-fuel, constitutes 90% of rural energy consumption,
which has significant impact on the process of environmental degradation. The balance
5% is met by other options such as kerosene, diesel, dry cells, grid and non-grid
electricity, biogas, solar, wind and other renewable energies. The rural population with
access to electricity is only about 1%. The low consumption of commercial energy has
suppressed economic growth, which is manifested in low levels of agricultural
mechanisation and industrialisation.
Presently, the existing energy supplies especially electricity are delivered at high cost.
There is a lack of adequate investment and insignificant private participation in rural
energy development. It is, therefore, a national challenge to increase access to
commercial energy in the rural areas and facilitate a diversification of energy services.
Rural energy is diverse and characterised by various actors and interests. A sustainable
institutional framework that can cope with the diversity, manage and co-ordinate various
efforts, is a key factor for successful development of rural energy. So far, appropriate
focus for handling rural energy services is lacking. There is a need to establish an
institutional framework that can mobilise, co-ordinate and facilitate private and public
initiatives in rural and renewable energy.
Policy Statements
44. Promote application of alternative energy sources other than fuelwood and
charcoal, in order to reduce deforestation, indoor health hazards and time spent by
rural women in search of firewood.
45. Promote entrepreneurship and private initiative in the production and marketing of
products and services for rural and renewable energy.
46. Ensure continued electrification of rural economic centres and make electricity
accessible and affordable to low income customers.
47. Facilitate increased availability of energy services, including grid and non-grid
electrification to rural areas.
48. Establish norms, codes of practice, standards and guidelines for cost effective rural
energy supplies
The sub-sectors within the energy sector are dependent on a number of issues that
apart from being of a crosscutting nature within the sector also are determined by the
development of the economy at large and other sectors. The following have policy
The existing challenges are related to inadequate awareness and improper attitudes
towards rational use of energy, as well as non-existence of legislation and regulatory
framework for energy efficiency and conservation
There is, therefore, a need to create awareness on energy efficiency and conservation
in order to induce a behavioural change. It is also important to encourage the
following:- cleaner production and recycling; integration of energy efficiency in
architecture and building designs, establishment of standard and legal framework.
Policy Statements
50. Ensure energy audits in industries, particularly the energy intensive ones.
5.2 Energy Trade and Co-operation
Africa Energy Commission (AFREC) was initiated by the OAU to spear-head energy
cooperation among member states. The new EAC Treaty envisions an improved and
expanded trading environment by promotion of investment codes, proper regulation
of the private sector and development of an East Africa Power Masterplan. SADC is a
forum for regional co-operation in all sectors of economic development, among them
energy. Central to SADCs energy programme is the South African Power Pool (SAPP),
under which the member states will be able to trade through a linked single electricity
grid. SAPPs goal for interconnection between the countries is to create an enabling
environment for trade in bulk electricity. Apart from these regional bodies and
institutions, Tanzania is active in international agencies and fora of the United
Nations and the Commonwealth in the field of energy.
There is a challenge to maximise the potential gains from the regional and
international energy trade and co-operation. Tanzania needs to attain a stronger and
closer interaction between the energy planning processes with other countries in the
region, notwithstanding limitations of resources to undertake Tanzanias obligations
in the regional and international bodies.
Policy Statements
51. Increase collaboration within the East-African countries, SADC and non-SADC
States in the area of energy with emphasis on future interconnections.
5.3 Energy Information System
An efficient energy information system is one of the tools for policy implementation.
Thus, energy information collection, storage, analysis and exchange is vital for
planning, policy formulation and in decision-making for implementation of
programmes and policies. Today, there is a lack of an energy information system,
resulting in poor information exchange amongst energy stakeholders. Further,
inadequate capacity to manage and analyse energy information is also hampering
There is a need for establishing a proper energy information system that will mobilise
human resources and undertake sensitisation and information dissemination to
stakeholders in the sector for effective implementation of the energy policy.
Policy Statement
There is a need to strengthen co-operation in national, regional and international
energy programmes aimed at mitigating environmental impacts of energy to ensure
the implementation of national obligations under international treaties.
Policy Statements
57. Promote disaster prevention, response plans, and introduce standards for
exploration, production, conversion, transportation, distribution, storage, and fuel
5.5 Investment
The opportunities for investment in the energy sector are vast in monetary terms, and
substantial in terms of economic development impact. With reforms taking place in
the energy sector such as the liberalisation of power generation, petroleum product
trade, and emphasis on enhancing rural energy supplies, private investment is bound
to increase substantially.
There is, therefore, a need to make domestic and international investors aware of the
potentials within the energy sector. Public and private sector partnerships should be
encouraged to invest in provision of energy services. Furthermore, there is a need to
facilitate and encourage investment in the development of alternative sources of
energy, putting emphasis on the utilisation of indigenous resources.
Policy Statements
58. Promote private initiatives at all appropriate levels and make local and foreign
investors aware of the potentials within the energy sector.
Gender issues in the energy sector need to focus on the energy needs and ownership
of resources. Gender issues should be looked at from both the demand and supply of
energy. On the demand side, men and women have different demands on energy,
due to the existing socio-cultural and traditional roles. On the commercial energy
supply, it is clear that women are under-represented at all levels of energy
generation, transmission and distribution. There is, therefore, a gender imbalance at
various levels of planning and decision-making within the energy sector.
On the demand side, especially in rural areas, there is a need to relieve women from
the burden of searching for energy, especially wood-fuel. All stakeholders within the
energy sector need to participate and take deliberate sensitisation actions to
encourage women participation in energy related education, training, programmes
and projects, planning, decision-making and, not least, energy policy implementation.
Policy Statements
60. Promote gender equality within the energy sub-sectors both on the demand and
61. Facilitate education and training for women in all energy aspects.
62. Promote awareness on gender issues concerning men and womens social roles
in the energy sector, including training on appropriate technologies.
63. Promote awareness and advocacy on gender issues in the energy sector.
5.7 Capacity Building
5.7.1 Education
Policy Statement
The development of the energy sector is dependent on the appropriate utilisation and
development of human resources. A gender balanced human resource development
programme for the energy sector is an important tool in order to ensure the fair
provision of training and education. Today, there is a lack of trained and skilled
energy experts in the sector, particularly, women. In addition, there are inadequate
incentives to attract and retain qualified energy experts in the sector.
The present situation is also constrained by cultural and traditional influences, which
inhibit gender-balanced training. There is, therefore, a need to encourage and
facilitate training in disciplines necessary for the development of the energy sector in
various institutions and organisations.
Local counterparts and partners in executing activities in the sector should be given
priority in order to enhance dissemination of knowledge and skills. Finally, there is a
need to establish incentives to enhance effective utilisation of domestically and
internationally available skills in the energy sector.
Policy Statements
65. Encourage local and foreign investors and other financiers in the sector to train
Tanzanians in essential skills.
Research and Development (R&D) efforts that give rise to technological innovations
in the energy sector are important as they lead to development and economic growth.
Identifying and targeting R&D policies and priorities must be supportive of national
socio-economic development goals. R&D issues relating to biomass, rural energy,
energy end-use, affordability, and pricing mechanisms need greater attention.
The challenge is to overcome the inadequate financial resources and lack of skilled
manpower for R&D. There is also a lack of understanding and appreciation of critical
energy R&D issues both within the sector and for the general public. Today, there is a
lack of institutional co-ordination in respect of various ongoing research activities in
the sector. Co-operation between public and private sectors in R&D of energy issues
such as demand and supply management, pricing, conservation and rural energy,
need to be encouraged and co-ordinated. There is also a need to support regional
and international co-operation in R&D on technological and non-technological
advancement in the energy sector.
Policy Statement
(a) Strategic Action Plan for implementation of the energy policy directions needs to
be prepared.
(b) The policy should be reviewed when need arises in order to take into account
major developments in the national economy.