Assessing and Analyzing Your Personality With The Indigo/Trimetrix Dna Assessment (20%)
Assessing and Analyzing Your Personality With The Indigo/Trimetrix Dna Assessment (20%)
Assessing and Analyzing Your Personality With The Indigo/Trimetrix Dna Assessment (20%)
Individual assignment
For this assignment, refer to your own personal Indigo TriMetrix DNA assessment report.
Write a paper starting with an introduction and then for part one, comment on your DISC style and on
your top two or three Skills, Driving Forces and Motivators (refer to these sections of the assessment
report). Explain what your awareness of these results means for you. What will you do differently? What
do you want to improve upon or work on? Describe what you believe to be the two strongest and
weakest areas of your personality, with reference to the assessment results?
If you have work experience, please use your past professional experience to provide examples of those
skills, motivators and driving forces in action. If you do not have work experience, then refer to
examples from school or family interactions.
In part two, explore how those traits of yours may impact your career and work performance based on
your current or aspirational career path. Which traits are likely to be key to your success? Which traits
will you have to be careful to work on, improve upon or regulate? How will you do this?
Finally, in part three, develop a written action plan (with actual concrete steps you’ll take) to improve in
those areas you identified above as needing your attention.
Support your paper with 6-8 scholarly research sources, with one being your textbook.
The paper should be between 1,600 and 1,800 words (not including cover page and references) and
written using APA format. Adhering as closely as possible to the word count target is part of the
exercise, requiring you to be selective with the information you include and ensuring everything you
include adds value.
Submit your paper to the Turnitin dropbox on the course Moodle page.
Before you get started, please carefully review the marking rubric below.
Appendix – A
Answering 50 Key elements are Key elements are Key elements are Key elements are
questions and not adequately mostly covered. adequately completely
results of research covered. Content is mostly covered. covered.
Content is not accurate but lacks Content is Content is
comprehensive, persuasiveness. accurate and comprehensive,
has inaccuracies Displays some persuasive. accurate and
and is not understanding of Displays adequate persuasive.
persuasive. relevant theory. understanding of Displays superior
Displays lack of Points mostly relevant theory. understanding of
understanding of supported by Points supported relevant theory.
relevant theory. references. by references. Points fully
Points not Research is lacking Research is supported by
adequately in content and adequate in specific
supported by quality. Some use content and references.
references. of TriMetrix quality. Fair use of Research is
Research is lacking results. TriMetrix results. superior in content
in content and and quality.
quality. No use of Substantial use of
TriMetrix results. TriMetrix results.
Organization &
Critical Thinking
Demonstration of 20 Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
thought process provides poor level provides provides good provides superior
and analysis of of background of background of level of level of
problem and paper paper missing background of background of
resolution using Structure of paper some key paper paper
own thoughts and is not clear and is elements Structure of paper Structure of paper
ideas difficult to follow Structure of paper is clear and train of is very clear and
train of thought is not clear and it thought process is easy to follow
process is not easy to understandable train of thought
Conclusion does follow train of Conclusion mostly process
not follow logically thought process follows logically Conclusion follows
from body of Conclusion follows from body of logically from body
paper from body of paper of paper
Critical Thinking is paper but misses Critical Thinking is Critical Thinking is
lacking: missing key points present: logical present through:
logical Critical Thinking is argumentation & logical
argumentation & not fully present: reasoning shows, argumentation &
reasoning, missing key points reasonable reasoning,
concrete examples of logical examples & valid concrete examples
& valid inferences argumentation & inferences are & valid inferences
reasoning, made
concrete examples
& valid inferences
Style & Mechanics
APA 10 7th Ed. APA 7th Ed. APA 7th Ed. APA 7th Ed. APA
Manual is not Manual is followed Manual is followed Manual is followed
Application of the followed or there with significant with minor errors with no errors
requirements of the are significant errors in: in: including:
7th APA manual to errors in: title page & formatted title properly formatted
create a title page & references pages. page, formatted title page, properly
standardized references pages. In-text citations, references pages, formatted
formatted report In-text citations, paraphrasing and in-text citations, references pages,
paraphrasing and direct quotes are paraphrasing and in-text citations
direct quotes are lacking but do not direct quotes are are correctly used,
quite inadequate rise to the level of adequately used in paraphrasing and
but do not rise to plagiarism the correct direct quotes are
the level of context properly used in
plagiarism the correct context
Readability & Style 10 Sentences are Sentences need to Sentences are Sentences are
lacking in be more complete, mostly complete, consistently
Clarity of thought completeness, clear, concise and clear, concise and complete, clear,
and appropriate clearness, well-constructed. well-constructed. concise and well-
level of language conciseness and Transitions do not Transitions mostly constructed with
use that brings the are not well- maintain flow of maintain flow of strong, varied
author's thoughts structured. thought well. thought. structure.
and ideas to the Transitions do not Words are not Words are mostly Transitions
reader. maintain flow of precise and have precise with little consistently
thought. some ambiguity. ambiguity. maintain flow of
Words are Tone is not Tone is mostly thought.
ambiguous. appropriate to appropriate to Words are quite
Tone is audience/assessm audience/assessm precise and
inappropriate to ent. Colloquial ent. Colloquial unambiguous.
audience/assessm language or language or Tone is completely
ent. Colloquial inappropriate use inappropriate use appropriate to
language or of paraphrasing is of paraphrasing is audience/assessm
inappropriate use used too much. used sparingly. ent. No colloquial
of paraphrasing is language or
used. inappropriate use
of paraphrasing
Marks 100