Research Reviewer

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WEEK 1: 3.

The Empirical Phase - In this phase, the researchers

are equipped with the necessary attitude, behavior and
Research is an area that is commonly misunderstood, tools in gathering data from the prospective data
but an indispensable component of academic and sources.
industry practices. 4. The Analytical Phase - is the most challenging phase
of the research process. Researchers in this phase are
Research Main goal: The preservation and preparing and assessing the data using several tools and
improvement of the quality of human life. (Calderon & even the researchers own understanding as supported by
Gonzales, 1993) his belief and previous researches published in the same
area of interest.
Characteristics of Research 5. The Dissemination Phase - is the most valuable but
often neglected by the researchers. Research results in
Research must be: the form of a well written full research manuscript are
advised to be shared to the general public if not on the
❖ Systematic: follows an orderly and sequential specific population or professional groups that can
procedure benefit from its result.
❖ Empirical: procedures and data gathered are
perceived in the same manner by all observers Basic Terminologies in Research
❖ Analytical: critical analysis of data to avoid
errors in interpretation Qualitative research - an approach for exploring and
understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe
❖ Objective and unbiased: findings and
to a social or human problem
conclusions are logically based on empirical
data and no effort is made to alter the results
Quantitative research - an approach for testing
objective theories by examining the relationship among
An original work: data are gathered from primary or
first-hand sources

Mixed approach - inquiry involving collecting both

Based on accurate investigation, observation and
quantitative and qualitative data, and integrating the two
description: all conclusions and findings must be based
forms of data.
on actual evidence.

Research manuscripts are the final written output of a

Difference Between Action Research and Basic
research study. It is the product of the research process
in written and/or soft copy file form.
Basic Research - contributes to the existing body of
1.0 Introduction (Contextual)
2.0 Literature Review (Contextual)
Action Research - addresses an issue, concern, or
3.0 Methods (Procedural)
4.0 Results (Substantial)
5.0 Discussion (Substantial)
The Research Process
6.0 Recommendation (Directional)
1. Research projects start at the Conceptualization
Phase - This is where the topic is identified. Studies are
recommended to focus on a not-too-broad but not-to-
specific concept to allow flexibility and further
Quantitative Research Approach:
- Statistical, mathematical, or computational
2. The Design Phase - is known as the planning phase
where researchers decide on the detailed procedures in
- Expressions are in numerical forms (objectivity
gathering and analyzing data.
of data).
- The aim is to find the relationship between one ● The result is usually numerical (quantifiable)
variable to another. and hence considered more “objective”.
● The data is considered quantifiable and usually
What is Quantitative Research? generalizable to a larger population.
● It can provide a clear and quantitative measure
In doing quantitative research, your aim is to to be used for grants and proposals.
find out the relationship between one variable to
another. Which is the independent variable (the cause) Disadvantages:
and the dependent variable (the effect). Expressions in ● Results need to be calculated and analyzed thru
numerical form, objectivity of data, and the use of the use of Excel, Access,
statistical methods are signs of a quantitative research. ● or data analysis software (such as SPSS), that
may not be always available.
To define clearly a quantitative study, it is the ● The larger the sample, the more time it takes to
systematic empirical investigation of an observed analyze the data and analyze results.
phenomena through the use of statistical, mathematical ● The larger the sample the more time it takes to
or computational methods (Given, 2008). collect data.
● The quantitative data ignores a very important
Characteristics of Quantitative Approach human element.
● Quantitative research can either be non-
1. Objective experimental or experimental.
- Objectivity means impartial, unbiased and
neutral. Non Experimental Research
2. Clearly defined questions This type of quantitative research design seeks
- Researcher has a clearly defined research to discover the answer to problem by describing the data
question to which objective answers are sought. quantitatively or numerically.
3. Structured research instruments • It determines the relationship of variables but is
- All aspects of the study are carefully designed incapable of establishing the cause and effect.
before data is collected. • This type of research lacks manipulation of an
4. Numerical data and statistical treatment independent variable, random assignment of
- The data is usually gathered using structured participants to conditions.
research instruments. Researcher uses tools, such as
questionnaires or computer software, to collect Data is collected through surveys or structured
numerical data. Data are in the form of numbers and interviews, observations, review of documents and so
statistics, often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or on.
other non-textual forms.
5. Larger sample size Non experimental research is most often used in the
- The results are based on larger sample sizes field of social science.
that are representative of the population.
6. Replication Survey Research
- The research study can usually be replicated or This type of study provides a quantitative or numeric
repeated, given its high reliability. description of trends, attitude or behavior from a
7. Future outcomes sample drawn in a specific population.
- Project can be used to generalize concepts
more widely, predict future results, or investigate Survey Research Types
causal relationships.
● Cross-sectional Study: A type of survey
Advantages: research that collects data from a population or
● Can be used when large quantities of data need subset population through observation, survey
to be collected. or interview at a specific point in time.
- Cross-sectional studies the subjects at a single ● Quasi-Experimental Designs
point in time. Design 3 – Post-test Only Control Group
● Longitudinal Study: A type of survey research Design 4 – Pre-test Post-test Only Control Group
that collects data through observation, survey or ● True-Experimental Designs
interview of the same subjects over a period of Design 5 – The True Control Group Pre-test Post-test
time up and can last up to several years. Design
- Longitudinal studies the subjects over time a Design 6 – Solomon Four Group Design
period of time. The research question will Design 7 – The Post-test Only Control Group Design
determine which approach is best.
A true experimental design means the researcher has
Correlational Research - Is a type of non-experimental control over the experiment, Who, where, when and
research that is used to determine the relationship how is the experiment going to be conducted.
between two variables among a single group of people.
This type of research study does not attempt to Quasi-experimental design depends on how the
manipulate the variables. Correlations only describe the participants were recruited for the study, if there is no
relationship, they do not prove cause and effect. randomization in the sampling procedure then the study
automatically becomes a quasi-experimental.
Comparative Research - A type of non-experimental
research that examines the difference between LESSON 3: VARIABLES
variables. This type of research method is used
depending on the research question of the study. Variables are anything that varies. They are anything
that takes on different values, typically numerical
Experimental Research Designs values. Everything around you can be a variable in
● Future-oriented (what will be?) research. The age of an individual, their gender, their
● The most prestigious and sophisticated method height, weight, hair color, health parameters like vital
● Cause and effect signs, hobbies and a lot more.
● Control group vs. experimental group
There are several kinds of variables. But the two major
Experimental Research Designs - A type of types of variables, which are essential in research, are
quantitative research design that is used to determine the the independent and dependent variables.
outcome of a specific intervention.
Concepts of Experimentation ● Numerical
❖ An independent variable is manipulated; ● Categorical
(manipulation) ● Non-experimental
❖ All other variables except the treatment variable ● Experimental
are held constant (control)
❖ Assigning subjects for the control group and Numerical variables - are variables that describe a
experimental group (randomization) >>> measurable numerical quantity and answer the questions
homogeneity HOW MANY or HOW MUCH. Numerical variables
can be categorize into continuous or discrete variables.
❖ The effect of the manipulation of the
independent variable on the dependent variable
A. Continuous Variables – can assume any value
is observed or measured.
between a certain set of real numbers (age, time,
temperature, height)
General Types of Experimental Designs
B. Discrete Variables – can only assume any
● Pre-Experimental Designs
whole value within the limits of the given
Design 1 - The One Spot Case Study
variables (sex, blood group, number of children
Design 2 - The One Group Pre-test Post-test Design
in the family)
o This is the variable that is being
Categorical variables - are variables with values that measured by the researcher. It is
describe a quality or characteristics of a data unit like commonly known as the Y variable.
Extraneous variables are unwanted variables. They are
A. Ordinal Variables – can take a value which also called confounding variables because their presence
can be logically ordered or ranked (clothing influences the outcome of the experiment in an
sizes, measures of attitude) undesirable way, they add error to an experiment.
B. Nominal Variables – cannot be organized in
logical sequence (business types, eye colors, A major goal in a quantitative research design is to
kinds of religion, various languages, type of limit or control the influence of extraneous variables as
learners) much as possible.
C. Dichotomous Variables – represent only two
categories (gender) LESSON 4:
D. Polychotomous Variables – these are variables RESEARCH TITLE
that have many categories (educational ● Should embody the main idea of the research
attainment, level of performance). paper.
● Can stand alone on its own, with any further
A. Predictor Variables – change the other ● Concise.
variable/s in a non-experimental study
B. Criterion Variables – are usually influenced CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD TITLE
by the predictor variables ● Contain as few words as possible: many
journals limit titles to 12 words
Ex. Research Title: Competencies of Teachers and ● Be easy to understand
Students’ Behavior in Selected Public Schools ● Describe the contents of the paper accurately
and specifically
EXPERIMENTAL VARIABLES ● Avoid abbreviations, formulas, and jargon
There are several kinds of variables. But the two ● NOT include any verb
major types of variables, which are essential in ● NOT contain low-impact words such as ‘‘Some
research, are the independent and dependent variables. notes on…,’’ ‘‘Observations on ...,’’
‘‘Investigations on ...,’’ ‘‘Study of ... ,’’ and
‘‘Effect of ... ’’Not be flashy as in newspapers
INDEPENDENT VARIABLES (e.g., avoid statements like ‘‘Agroforestry can
This is the presumed cause. The independent stop deforestation’’)
variable is the variable that is being manipulated by the ● Report the subject of the research rather than
researcher. the results
o It is stable and unaffected by the other
variable that you are trying to measure. SOURCES OF RESEARCH TOPIC
o In some cases, it can be the experiment ● OWN EXPERIENCE AND INTEREST
where subjects are going to be exposed. Identify your own interests and formulate a
It is commonly known as the X problem that reflects them; familiarity in your
variable. territory and terminology.
DEPENDENT VARIABLES Brainstorming with friends about problems they
This is the presumed effect. This variable have encountered may help clarify research ideas.
assumes the change brought about by the other variable ● CRITICAL FRIENDS
(independent variable). Experts are good sources of research problems
Previous studies and research findings in which ● Literature review may also aid the
gaps were identified researcher to improve his research
questions or hypothesis.
LESSON 5: RESEARCH PROBLEM ● Another importance of literature review
RESEARCH PROBLEM is the fact that it enables the researcher
Research problem is a clear statement of an to discover what are known and
inquiry or gap that needs to be addressed through a unknown about a certain topic.
systematic approach.
Statement of the Problem Types of Literature
A good statement of a problem must clarify
exactly what is to be determined or solved or what is the 1. Research literature - these are literature based on
research question. It must restrict the scope of the study research findings. These are data supported by
to specific and workable research questions. evidences.

Importance of the research problem Example: journal articles, literature reviews, abstracts of
● This gives an overview on the relevance of the research studies.
topic being studied.
● Places the topic into a specific context that 2. Non-research references - these are literature which
discuss the variables and characteristics being are not based on research findings. These literatures can
studied. provide insights and may broaden understanding
● Indicates a possible framework for reporting of regarding a topic. However, since they are not based on
findings and how these will be presented and research findings, they have limited use and they do not
interpreted. serve the purpose of review of related literature.

Create a research problem that is: Example: literary or artistic works, opinion articles,
S-pecific brochures, magazines, anecdotes.
A-ttainable Sources of Research Literature
T-ime-bound Primary source - these refer to description of studies
written by the searchers themselves.
LESSON 6: REVIEW OF RELATED Secondary source - these are description of studies
What is a review of related literature? written by someone else, other than the researchers who
Review of Related Literature (RRL) or conducted them. These description or interpretation of
literature review is a summary of the state of existing studies by other researchers should not become
knowledge on a research problem or topic. It is an substitute for primary sources because they are less
analysis and synthesis of articles related to the research detailed and may be subjective in nature.
topic being studied.
● searching relevant articles; LITERATURE, CITATION OR REFERENCES
● reading and analyzing research reports; and
● writing the description of the existing A citation is both a signpost and an acknowledgement.
information on a topic in a manner that is As a signpost, it signals the location of a source.
ethical and based on standards As an acknowledgement, it reveals that you are
indebted to that
What are the purposes of literature review? source.
It also provides evidence that scholarly writing is done
● A literature review allows researcher to and your position is well-researched.
identify a research problem of interest. A citation can appear in different formats:
-within the text (in-text citation) ● Develop a topic based on previously written
-at the bottom of the page (footnotes), material but ensure that you also write
-or at the end of the paper (endnotes). something new and original.
● Although you can rely on experts' opinions
How to paraphrase effectively? regarding a certain topic ensure that you are
making a contribution by improving upon those
● Read the text several times until you understand opinions.
it. ● Do not fail to give credit where and when it is
● Set the work aside to avoid copying. due.
● Re-write the passage in your own words. ● It is advisable that the researcher follows a
● Record the bibliographic information with your certain documentation format like the American
paraphrased version of the original. Psychological Association

LESSON 7: PLAGIARISM What are the penalties for plagiarism?

One must understand that plagiarism is a serious
Plagiarism is stealing. offense in the academy. Whether it is done intentionally
● It is offensive whether it is done intentionally or or out of sloppiness on the part of the author, it is not
by accident. without penalty.
● Using their exact words or ideas without citing ● Receiving zero in an assignment or project,
the rightful owner of the source is a form of suspension & expulsion.
academic dishonesty. ● Losing one's earned degree.
● The wrongful use of idea or language of another ● Possible penalties are failing the course.
author and representing them as if they are your
original work, is Plagiarism. LESSON 8: Conceptual Framework
What is a conceptual framework?
Conceptual models or conceptual frameworks (we
Plagiarism of Words – The use of another author's use the terms interchangeably), like theories, deal with
exact words without citing him/her . abstractions (concepts) that are assembled by virtue of
Plagiarism of Structure –the author cited the source, their relevance to a common them.
but he just paraphrased another’s words by changing
sentence construction or word choice. A conceptual framework is a graphical presentation of
Plagiarism of Ideas – Presenting another’s ideas as if concepts under study and the existing relationships that
they are your own without giving the owner credit. exist between or among these concepts.
Incorrect citation of the original owner of the idea is
also considered 'plagiarism of ideas'. PURPOSES OF CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS
Plagiarism of Authorship – Turning in a replication of ● To make research findings meaningful.
another’s work. ● To link observations and facts into a meaningful
Submitting a paper that you got off the internet or from structure or scheme.
a friend and presenting it as your own. This is the worst ● To allow researchers to make prediction on the
type of plagiarism. occurrence of phenomena.
Plagiarism of Self – This type refers to the use of one's ● To serve as catatyst for future research
previous work for a separate assignment or requirement. endeavors.
Although the ideas and words are owned by the author,
receiving two credits for a single output is considered HOW TO MAKE A CONCEPTUAL
cheating. This is not allowed unless permission is FRAMEWORKS?
● Choose your topic
HOW TO PREVENT PLAGIARISM ● Make your research question
● Conduct a review of the literature
● Choose your variables
● Choose your relationships
● Create the conceptual framework

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