Research Reviewer
Research Reviewer
Research Reviewer
Importance of the research problem Example: journal articles, literature reviews, abstracts of
● This gives an overview on the relevance of the research studies.
topic being studied.
● Places the topic into a specific context that 2. Non-research references - these are literature which
discuss the variables and characteristics being are not based on research findings. These literatures can
studied. provide insights and may broaden understanding
● Indicates a possible framework for reporting of regarding a topic. However, since they are not based on
findings and how these will be presented and research findings, they have limited use and they do not
interpreted. serve the purpose of review of related literature.
Create a research problem that is: Example: literary or artistic works, opinion articles,
S-pecific brochures, magazines, anecdotes.
A-ttainable Sources of Research Literature
T-ime-bound Primary source - these refer to description of studies
written by the searchers themselves.
LESSON 6: REVIEW OF RELATED Secondary source - these are description of studies
What is a review of related literature? written by someone else, other than the researchers who
Review of Related Literature (RRL) or conducted them. These description or interpretation of
literature review is a summary of the state of existing studies by other researchers should not become
knowledge on a research problem or topic. It is an substitute for primary sources because they are less
analysis and synthesis of articles related to the research detailed and may be subjective in nature.
topic being studied.
● searching relevant articles; LITERATURE, CITATION OR REFERENCES
● reading and analyzing research reports; and
● writing the description of the existing A citation is both a signpost and an acknowledgement.
information on a topic in a manner that is As a signpost, it signals the location of a source.
ethical and based on standards As an acknowledgement, it reveals that you are
indebted to that
What are the purposes of literature review? source.
It also provides evidence that scholarly writing is done
● A literature review allows researcher to and your position is well-researched.
identify a research problem of interest. A citation can appear in different formats:
-within the text (in-text citation) ● Develop a topic based on previously written
-at the bottom of the page (footnotes), material but ensure that you also write
-or at the end of the paper (endnotes). something new and original.
● Although you can rely on experts' opinions
How to paraphrase effectively? regarding a certain topic ensure that you are
making a contribution by improving upon those
● Read the text several times until you understand opinions.
it. ● Do not fail to give credit where and when it is
● Set the work aside to avoid copying. due.
● Re-write the passage in your own words. ● It is advisable that the researcher follows a
● Record the bibliographic information with your certain documentation format like the American
paraphrased version of the original. Psychological Association