Delez - Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

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LESSON PLAN in TLE9: Hand and Arm Massage Techniques


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Define the basic arm and hand massage
2. Identify the steps in basic arm and hand massage techniques
3. Demonstrate and perform the basic arm and hand massage techniques

A. Topic: Basic Hand and Arm Massage Techniques

B. References: Home Economics: Module 4, Hand and Arm massage Techniques.
C. Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation and visual aids
D. Values Integration: Cooperation, creativity and patience


A. Activity
1. Preparatory Activities
1.1 Prayer
1.2 Greetings
1.3 Classroom Management
● Be on time.
● Be prepared.
● Turn on camera.
● Do not eat.
● Dress appropriately.
● Mute your mic.
● Raise your hand.
● Be respectful and kind.
● Enjoy learning.
1.4 Checking of Attendance
1.5 Review of the previous lesson
Pre-hand spa treatment.

2. Mood Setting

The teacher prepare a game called “four pic one word”. The students will guess the picture shown
and guess what the picture all about is.

3. Lesson Proper

3.1 Unlocking of Difficulties

● Limber- characterized by ease in bending the body; supple; lithe. Bending readily; flexible;
● Massage- the act or art of treating the body by rubbing, kneading, patting, or the like, to
stimulate circulation, increase suppleness, relieve tension, etc.
● Squeeze- an act of pressing something with fingers.
● Tapering- to wind down the training allowing any muscle damage to heal
● Techniques- the body of specialized procedures and methods used in any specific field

3.2 Power Point Presentation

Basic Hand Arm Massage Techniques

The hands contain many acupressure and reflexology points which are associated with the
organs and certain parts of the body. Therefore, hand massage should be included with each manicure
because it provides significant health benefits. The purpose of massage is generally promoted as
treatment for stress or pain.
Benefits of Hand and Arm Massage:
● Can help relieve pain
● Relaxes the muscle and tension in the arms and hands
● Reduces stress
● Circulates the blood
● Smoothen and soften the skin

Safety Precautions
● Do not wear tight-fitting clothing or jewelry
● Wear apron and hairnet

Procedure in Hand Massage

1. Hold the client’s hand in your hand.
Place a dab of lotion on the back of the
client’s hand and spread it to the fingers and

2. Hold the client’s hand firmly. Bend the

hand slowly with a forward and backward
movement limber the wrist. Repeat three

3. Grasp each finger. Gently bend each finger,

one at a time, to limber the top of the hand
and finger joints. As the fingers and thumb
are bent, slide your thumb down toward the

4. With the client’s elbow resting on the

table, hold the hand upright. Massage the
palm of the hands with the cushions of your
thumbs, using a circular movement in
alternate directions. This movement will
completely relax the client’s hand.
5. Rest client’s arm on the table. Grasp each
finger at the base, and rotate it gently in large
circles, ending with a gentle squeeze of the
fingertips. Repeat three times.

6. Hold the client’s hand. Massage the wrist,

then top of the hand with a circular
movement. Slide back and with both hands
wring wrist in opposite direction three times.

7. Finish massage by tapering each finger.

Beginning at the base of each finger, rotate,
pause, and squeeze with gentle pressure.
Then, pull lightly with pressure until tip is
reached. Repeat three times.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 on the other hand.

Procedure in Arm Massage

1. Palm turned downward on the table.
Massage the arm from wrist to elbow, using a
slow, circular motion in alternate directions.
Repeat three times. Palm upward and repeat
the same movements three times.

2. Massage the underpart of the arm to the

elbow, using fingers of each hand in alternate
crosswise directions. Repeat three times.

3. Massage the top of the arm from wrist to

elbow. Apply thumbs in opposite directions
with squeezing motion. Repeat three times.

4. Cup elbow joint in your hand. Massage

elbow with circular motion. Repeat three

5. Stroke the arm firmly in opposite

directions, from the elbow to wrist. Finally,
stroke each finger, ending with a gentle
squeeze of the fingertips.

B. Analysis

1. What is the purpose of arm and hand massage?

2. Give the benefits of arm and hand massage.

C. Abstraction

Hand and Arm massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure, Techniques are
commonly applied using hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, feet or a device. The purpose massage is to
treat stress or pain.
Hand and Arm massage has many benefits and importance that helps a person to relieve stress,
pain and discomfort. It also gives the people a relaxing and soothing experience.

D. Application

All students will apply the steps of hand and arm massage (By partner)

Criteria Very Good (15) Good (10) Fair (5) Score

1. Identify and use
proper tools,
supplies and
equipment in hand
spa treatment.
2. Demonstrate
the step by step
techniques in hand
massage / hand
and arm massage.
3. Work finished
on time and with

Rating Scale:
15 - The student consistently performs tasks to standards with mastery.
10 - The student can perform the tasks with limited supervision and or does not perform the task to
5 - The student can perform the tasks with direct supervision


A. Direction: Identify what is asked for in the following statements.

1. What material will you apply in massaging your client’s hand?

a. Vinegar c. cooking oil
b. Lotion d. garlic juice
2. Rest client’s __________________on the table.
a. hands c. arm
b. legs d. shoulder
3. For the first procedure in arm massage, where will you start to massage your client?
a. massage the arm from wrist to elbow c. massage the arm finger to elbow
b. massage the arm from elbow to wrist d. massage the arm from shoulder to wrist
4. How many times do you pull lightly the finger with pressure until the tip is reached?
a. five times c. four times
b. six times d. three times
5. Identify the final procedure in arm massage.
a. stroke the arm firmly in opposite c. massage elbow with a circular motion
directions, from the elbow to wrist d. stroke each finger, ending with a gentle
b. massage elbow with a circular motion squeeze of the fingertips
B. Give 5 benefits of Arm and Hand Massage (5 points)
Key to Correction
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
• Can help relieve pain
• Relaxes the muscle and tension in the arms and hands
• Reduces stress
• Circulates the blood
• Smoothen and soften the skin

In three to five sentences, answer the question below;

Why is it necessary to pamper your arm and hands?

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