Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Indian Standard
ICS 79·060·20
BIS 1995
Reprography Uml.81S.NewDelhi. Iadil
IS 14276 : 1995 CEMENT BONDED
l Page 2, clause 8.4 (st!t! alsa Amendmem No.1) 1- Insert the following
new clause after 1l.4
'8.S WorkabDit)
The boards shall not crack or split when drilled, sawed or nailed perpeodicular
to surface For naihng perpendieular to surface a pre-bore of 0.8 tunes the
diameterof the nail shaft shall be made.'
This Indian Standard was adopted bv the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finahzed
by the Wood Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering DIvISIon
Cement bonded particle board, which IS now being manufactured 10 our country, is made from a
mixture of wo o i part icles a-id cement This standard IS now formulated to provide necessary
guidance to the manufacturers and users of this product.
In the formulatIOn of thrs standard, considerable assistance has been derived from the folJuwing
ISO 8335 . 1987 'Cement -- bonded particle boards - Boards of Portland or equivalent
cement reinforced with fibrous wood particles', issued by Inrernatronal Orgarnzanon for
BS 5669 Part 4 : 1989 'Particle board : Part 4 Specification for cement bonded particle board',
issued by British Standards Instrtute.
The committee responsible for the the preparation of this standard is given at Annex B
Por the purpose of deciding whether a particular rcqurr ement of this standard IS complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the I esult of a test or analysts, shall be
rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 . Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'.
The number of srgmficant places retained In the rounded off value should be the same as that of
the specified value in this standard.
IS 14276 : I!19S
Indian Standard
1 SCOPE 3.7 Cement Bonded Particle Board
1.1 This standard covers the requirements of Particle board made from a mixture of wood
cement bonded wood particle boards. particles and portland cement
1.2 This standard does not cover particle boards 4 MATERIALS
bonded with synthetic resrn adhesives.
4.1 Species of wood which do not hinder the
:z REFERENCES process of settrng of cement shall be used.
Suitable addinv es such as sodium sihcate
2.1 The Indian Standards hsted IJ1 Annex A Me conforming 10 IS 381: 1972 and aluminium
necessary adjuncls to thrs standard, sulphate cotforrmng to IS 260: 1969 shall be
used to prevent mhibrtive effect of setting of
3 TERMINOLOGY cement when o thei species are used.
3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the follow- 4.2 Cement conforming to IS 8112 : 1989 sball
ing definitions shall apply and for defi.u uons be used.
other than those grve n below, reference may be
made to IS 107 : 1976. 5 MANUFACTURE
Wood particles for the manufacture of particle
3.2 Particle boards bonded With cement shall be produced
Distinct particle 01 fraction of II 00(: or other by cuuu.g wood i u o shavings, flakes. splinters
Iignocellulosic matenal produced mechamcally or shvers at sizes up \0 15 mm In lengtb, 3 mm In
for use as the aggregate for a particle board. width ,!DO (13 mm In thickness on a suitable
This may be in the form of flake, granule, chipping machine. Particles up to 30 percent by
shaving splinter and sliver as stated below. dry weight shall be blended WIth requisue quantity
of cement. other chemical addurves and water.
3.3 Flake The mixture shall then be formed into a board.
Boards thus formed shall be stacked III a stac-
Specially made thin particle, with the grain of king device and then compressed and clamped
the wood essentially parallel to the surface of III a hydi aulrc pre» Boards after compression
the flake. prepared with the cutting action of shall be allowed to set III a currng chamber in
the knrfe in a plane parallel to the gi am but at the clamped condition. Cured boards shall he
an angle to the axis of the fibre. allowed to mature for a penod of 12 days and
then dried In a dryiug chamber. Subsequently
3.4 Granul. boards shall be t rnnmed to required SIze.
Particle in which the length. width and thick- 6 FINISH
ness are approximately equal, such as particle
of saw dust. 6.1 The particle boards sball be of uniform
thickness and density throughout the length and
3.5 SbavlOg WIdth of the hoards. All particle board, shall
be flat and smooth,
Thin slice or strip of wood pared off with a
knife, planer or other cuttrng mstrument, t~e 7 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES
knife action bemg approximately along the axis
of the fibre, such as the shavings produced In 7.1 The "L~' of cement bonded particle boards
shall be as follows'
planing the surface of wood.
Length 3 050 mm and 2 440 mrn
3.6 Splinter and Sliver
Width 1 220 mm
Particle of nearly square or rectangular cross
NOTE- Any other SIze as agreed to between the
section with a length parallel to the gram of at purchaser and the manufacturer may be
least four times the thickness. manufactured
7.2 Tillclmea accordance with 10.3 shall not be Jess than
7.2.1 The thickness of cement bonded paTticle I 250 kg/ms.
board I shall be as given below:
8.2 MolslDre ConteDt
6,8, 10. 12, 16,20,25,30, and 40 mm
The average moisture content of the hoards
7.3 Toleraaces when determined In accordance wnh 10.4 shall
7.3.1 The following tolerances for the dimen- not exceed the .prescnbed limits given In
sions shall be permitted. Table 1. The morsture content of mdrvrdua]
Length test specimen sball not vary from the mean
±S mm percentage by more than ±3 percent
Width ± 5mm
Thickness 8.3 Water AbsorptiOJl
i) Unlanded boards The water abscrptron of the boards when
6 mm to 12 mm ± I mm determined in accordance with 10.5 shall not
12 mm to 20 rnm ± (·5mm exceed the prescribed lImIts grven in Table 1 for
2 and 24 h soaking.
20 mm and more ±2mm
ri) Sanded boards 8.4 S"elliDg iD Water
( For all thickness) ± O'3 mrn
The swelling In thickness, length and Width,
Edge straightness 2 mm per I 000 mm when deterrnmed in accordance WIth 10.6 shall
Squareness 2 mm per I 000 mm not exceed the lirmts given In Table 1.
Tahle 1 Requlremeots of Physical and Mecbanical Properties for Cement Bonded Particle Boards
(Clauses 8.2, 8.3,8.4,10.1,103,10.6,10.7,10 and 1011)
SI No. Properly Requirement
r) Densuy (Mm) kg,ffi 3 I 250
II) MOisture ccntent , percent 6 to 12
III) Water absorpuon ( Max ). percent
2 h soaJong 13
24 h soakIng 25
IV) Swelling In water (Max). percent (After 2 h loa king )
a) Ttucknesv 20
b) Length 0'5
C) Width 0·5
V) Modulus of rupture ( Mtn ). N/mrn l
Dry condiuon 9
·Wet condition 5·5
VI) Modulus of elaatrcuy ( Mm) N/mm l 3000
VlI) TcnMle strength perpendJcular to surface ( II1111), NJmml
a] Dry 0'4
tb) Accelerated ageing 025
VIii) Screw withdrawal strength ( 11Im), N
Face 1250
Bdge 850
Ixl lpH 11 10 13
.MOR in W<I condition _ Specimens are soked In water at 27 :l: 2'e for a period of 24 h Modulus of rupture
shall be determined in wet state.
t.4cetl.,oled 01".'- Specimens au boiled 10 water fOI a period of 2 h. After» ards Ihey ale dned al21 ± Z"C
to a moisture content around J2 percent and then tensile strength perpendicular to surface shal! be determined.
lpH - Specimens arc immersed in water at 27 '" 2°C for a penod of 72 h After rcrnovmg the specrmeus, pH
value of the water shall be determined using a pH meter.
IS 14176 : 1995
IS 14276 : 1995
10.7 Test Cor Modulus oC Rupture 11.2.2 The use of the Standard Mark IS governed
by the provisions of Bureau of Indian StlJ1ldards
The average of modulus of rupture III dry and Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made
wet condrtion ( see Table 1 ) shall be deterrnmed thereunder The details of co ndrtions under
for specimens prescnbed In 9.2.1 (e) IJl accord- which the licence for the use of Standard Mark
ance wah IS 2380 ( Part 4 ) : vrn and "hall may be granted to manufacturers or producers
comply With the requirements specified III SI No. may be obta .ned from the Bureau of Indian
(v) of Table I. Standards.
( Clause 2.1 )
IS 14176 : 1m
Wood Products Sectional Cornmrrree, CED 20
Chairman R,pF~3enJjllr
IS 14276 : 1995
(Continued/rom page 6)
·• •tatutorr
institution established under tbe BllrlQU of Indian Siandartb Act, 1986 to
Jf harmonious development of the activities of standardization, markin, and quality
0( .oods and attendinl to connected matters in tbe country.
BIS tun the coPyri,bt of all ita publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced
in any form witbout the prior permission in writing of DIS. This does not preclude the free use,
in tbe course oflmplementing tbe standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and Sizes, type
or grade designations. Enquiries relatin, to copyright be addressed to the Director
( Publications J, BIS.
This Indian Standat d bas been developed from Doc; No. CED 20 ( 5496 )
Western: Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andberi ( East) r632 1)2 95. 63271 S8
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