Precast Concrete Manhole Covers and Frames-Specification: Indian Standard
Precast Concrete Manhole Covers and Frames-Specification: Indian Standard
Precast Concrete Manhole Covers and Frames-Specification: Indian Standard
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Indian Standard
@ BIS 1991
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, a’fter the draft finalized by the
Cement and.Concrete Sectional Committee had been approvbd by the Civil Engineering Division
The cost of cast iron is increasing day by day and cast iron manhole covers and frames are prone to
pilferage and misuse since they possess a high resale value. This may result in financial loss due to the
need for replacement of stolen covers and frames, accidents due to open manholes, and other environ-
mental problems. Precast concrete manhole covers and frames are found to satisfy the general
requirements of IS 1726 : 1990 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames ( third revision ).
They have also been found to be economical substitute to cast iron manhole covers and frames and, as
such, use of such covers and frames is increasing day by day.
This standard has been prepared with a view to encouraging the manufacture of precast reinforced
cement concrete manhole covers and frames. This standard ( Part 2 ) covers the requirements of
precast reinforced concrete manhole cover frames. Part I of this standard covers precast reinforced
concrete manhole covers.
Precast reinforced concrete manhole covers and frames can be produced in existing factories already
producing precast concrete units. The manufacturing process is simple and requires only ordinary
locally available machinery, such as concrete mixers, vibrators, steel moulds, etc.
The composition of the technical committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in
Annex B.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
amrdance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
Indian Standard
1.1 This standard ( Part 2 ) covers the require- The mix proportion of concrete shall be determined
ments for percast reinforced cement concrete by the manufacturer and shall be such as will
manhole cover frames intended for use in sewerage produce a dense concrete without voids, honey-
and water works. combs, etc ( see IS 456 : 1978 ). The minimum
cement content in the concrete shall be 360 kg/m’
2 REFERENCES with a maximum water cement ratio of 0.45.
Concrete weaker than grade M 0 shall not be
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are used. Compaction of concrete shall be done by
necessary adjuncts to this standard. machine vibration.
IS 12592 ( Part 2 ) : 1991
5.2 Dimensions and Tolerances 7.3.2 Steam curing of manhole cover frames may
be adopted instead of method specified in.7.3.1
The dimensions and tolerances on dimensions of provided the requirements of pressure or non-
cover frames shall be as shown in Table 1 but pressure steam curing are fulfilled and the manhole
inside dimensions at top shall match with the cover frames meet the requirements speciEed in
corresponding covers so that the maximum clear- this standard.
ance at top between the frame and the cover is not
more than 5 mm and the top surface of the frame 7.4 Edge Protection and Finishing
and cover is in level within a tolerance off 5 mm.
The top and inside surface of cover frames shall be
6 DESIGN smooth. To prevent the top outer edge from 1
possible damages, it shall be proteced by 25 mm x
6.1 Design of reinforced concrete manhole cover 3 mm mild steel flat as part of the frame.
frame shall be done according to IS 456 : 1978. Sufficient number of steel connectors shall be
welded to the inner surface of the mild steel flat
7 MANUFACTURE so as to connect it with the frame reinforcement
and these shall be embeded in the concrete during
7.1 Mixing casting. Exposed surface of mild steel flat shall
be given suitable treatment with anticorrosive paint
Concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer. or coating.
Mixing shall be continued until there is a uniform
distribution of the materials and the mass is uni- 7.4.1 Suitable arrangements may be made for
form in colour and consistency. fixing the manhole cover frames in position on the
manholes by mutual agreement between the manu-
7.2 Placing and Compaction facturer and the purchaser.
The reinforcement shall be placed in proper 8 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS
position in steel moulds coated with a thin layer
of mould oil, Concrete shall be filled to slightly 8.1 General
overfill the moulds and compacted by vibration
and struck off level with a trowel. All the frames shall be sound and free from cracks
and other defects which interferes with the proper
7.2.1 Use of needle vibrators for compacting the placing of the units or impair the strength or per-
wet concrete mix containing fibres is not recom- formance of the units. Minor chippings resulting
mended since the holes left by the vibrator in the from the customary methods of handling and
wet mix may not close after its removal owing to transportation shall not be deemed ground for
interlocking of the fibres with the mix. Compaction rejection.
by means of shutter or form or table vibrators is
recommended. In case of extra heavy duty and 8.2 Dimensions
heavy duty cover frames, compaction by means of
pressure cum-vibration technique may also be The overall dimensions of the cover frames shall
employed so as to achieve dense and strong be as specified in 5.
7.2.2 Clear cover to reinforcement shall be not
less than 15 mm. 9.1 Scale of Sampling
Table 1 Dime~~foos of Precast Cowete Mambo& Cover Fmam
( CZwe 5.2 )
25x3 mm
Light Duty Circular
2 Fur designs other than those 6iven in the Table, the dimensions may be mutually agreed to between the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
3 For facility ui removing the manhole cover suitable upward tapering not more than 5’ may be provided to
the inner periphery of the frame.
4 Proper chamferin of corners as shown in Figure above Table 1 may be done by agreement between the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
IS 12592 ( Part 2 ) : 1991
Table 2 Scale of Sampliag and Permissible 9.3.2 The number of units with dimensions outside
Number of Defecther the tolerance limit and/or visual defects among
those inspected shall be less than or equal to the
( Cluu~es 9.1.3 and 9.3.2 ) corresponding acceptance number given in column
3 of Table 2.
No. of Cover Dimensional Requirement
l.ot _------h----~
Sample Size Ag”ez:b”,“,“e 10.1 The manufacturer shall satisfy himself that
the manhole cover frames conform to the require-
(1) (2) (3) ments of this specification, and, if requested, shall
supply a certificate to this effect to the purchaser
up 10 100 10 I
or his representative.
101 to 200 15 1
201 to 300 20 2 11 MARKING
301 to 500 30 3 1.11 Foliowing information shall be clearly and
r;;z;nently marked on top of each manhole cover
9.2 Number of Tests
a) Manufacturer’s name or Trade Mark;
All the cover frames selected according to 9.1.3
shall be checked for dimensions ( see 8.2 ) and b) Grade designation denoted by LD-2’5/
inspected for visual defects (see 8.1 ). MD-IO/HD-ZO/EHD-35;
c) Any identification mark as required by the
9.3 Criteria for Conformity purchaser.
9.3.1 The lot shall be considered as conforming to 11.1.1 Date of manufacture of the manhole cover
the requirements of this specification if the condi- frame shall be clearly and permanently marked at
tions mentioned in 9.3.2 are satisfied. any appropriate location.
( Item 2.1 )
IS 12592 ( Put 2 ) : 1991
( Foreword )
Chairman Representing
1)~ H. C. VtSVESVARAYA In personal capacily ( Vnivbrsity of Roorkrr, Roarkee 247667)
SHRI B. R. BHARTIKO B. G. Shirke L Co, Pune
SHRI H. BHATTACHARYA Orissa Cement Limited, New Delhi
DR A. K . CHATTERJEE The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bornhay
SHRI S. H. SUBRAUANIAN ( Allernolc )
CHIEP ENGINEER ( DESIGNS ) Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
( A/Ierm/e )
CHIEF ENGINEER, NAVAGAM DAM Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd. Gandhinagar,
( Alrernnre )
Is 12592 ( Part 2 ) : 1991
Members Rcpresenticg
SHRl R. c. PARAre Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
LT-COL R. K. SINOH ( A/tcrnutc )
IS 12592 ( Part 2 ) : 1991
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institufion established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all ils publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade dcsignnlions.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arses on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are necdcd, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Slandards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. CED 2 ( 4717 )
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