Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
1. Crohn’s Disease
● an idiopathic inflammatory
disease of the small intestine
(60%), the colon (20%), or both
terminal ileum: the site most
often affected
Unknown, thought to be autoimmune ASSESSMENT findings
M. paratuberculosis - Board like abdomen
● Genetic predisposition (1st degree Anorexia
& identical twins) Weight loss
Pathology: Fever,
● Deep fissures & ulceration SEVERE diarrhea with Rectal bleeding
develops 🡪 bowel FISTULAS 🡪 Anemia
diarrhea & malabsorption Dehydration
● Chronic pathologic changes Abdominal pain and cramping
include thickening of the bowel
wall 🡪 narrowed lumen &
strictures 🡪 obstruction
- Inflammation of the vermiform
appendix that prevents mucus
from passing into the cecum; if
untreated, ischemia, gangrene,
rupture, and peritonitis occur
- Occurs in about 7% of the
population and affects males
more often than females
mechanical obstruction (fecaliths,
calcium-phosphate rich mucus &
inorganic salts, worms, tumors, viral
infection, inflammation) may be related
to decreased fiber in the diet and high
intake of refined carbohydrates
kinking of appendix