MS-2 Gallbladder
MS-2 Gallbladder
MS-2 Gallbladder
2. Chronic Cholecystitis
1. CHOLECYSTITIS ❒ is a long-standing swelling and irritation of the
❒ is an acute inflammation of the gallbladder, which gallbladder thickening of the walls shrink.
is the storage site for bile production from the ❒ long term intolerance to fatty foods
SYMPTOMS are vague, such as:
CAUSES: 1. Chronic indigestion
Gallstones / Surgical trauma or injury to the 2. Vague abdominal pain
gallbladder / Anatomical abnormalities 4. Nausea
5. Belching
Originate from an obstruction of the cystic duct TREATMENT:
either by a stone or by a bacterial invasion. As a 1. Surgery – Cholecystectomy
result of the inflammation, the gallbladder wall 2. Diet – Low Fat
becomes thickened & edematous & the diameter 3. Weight reduction
of the cystic duct lumen increases in size. 4. Drug therapy – Acid-suppressing and
If the inflammation and edema spread to the Anticholenergic; Antacids.
common duct, the temporary obstruction of bile
elimination will result in jaundice. COMPLICATIONS:
If the cystic duct is completely occluded, the Pancreatitis or Cancer of the gallbladder (rarely).
gallbladder will become distended with
inflammatory exudate and bile. Following the DIAGNOSTIC TEST:
acute attack, the surface mucosa heals, scarring CBC – WBC is elevated
the gallbladder wall, affecting future gallbladder Serum alkaline phophatase, AST
functioning. S. Bilirubin
S. Amylase and Lipase
TYPES: UTZ of abdomen – diagnostic test of choice
1. Acute cholecystitis
a) Calculous Cholecystitis – is the cause of 90%
of cases of acute cholecystitis. Gallbladder
stones obstruct s bile flow gangrene &
b) Acalculous Cholecystitis – is the absence of
obstruction by a gallstone.
Abigail marie
Relieve pain – analgesic
Abigail marie