ME 498 - 3 - Tensile Testing
ME 498 - 3 - Tensile Testing
ME 498 - 3 - Tensile Testing
3. Tensile Testing
These slides are partly based on the lecture notes of Dr. Rıza Gürbüz and Dr. Ergin Tönük.
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Tensile Testing
• Tensile testing is the most widely used destructive mechanical test.
• Objective: to determine the stress-strain behavior of a material.
E, Elastic modulus
σy, εy Yield strength & yield strain
Strength & Strain Parameters σu, Ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
εu, Maximum uniform strain
σf , εu, Fracture stress & strain
%ΔL, Percent elongation
Ductility Parameters
%RA, Percent area reduction
UR , Resilience
Energy Parameters
UT , Toughness
Poisson’s ratio
Other Parameters n, Strain hardening exponent
m, strain rate sensitivity
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Basic Steps of Tensile Testing
• The specimen is manufactured according to a well-
defined geometry.
• The specimen is mounted properly with appropriate
alignment and gripping.
• The specimen is tested either under constant loading or
constant displacement rate.
• The instrument records load and displacement as a
function of time.
• The raw data is converted to load vs. displacement
• By using the initial gauge length and the gauge
diameter of the specimen, load-displacement curve can
be converted to stress-strain curve.
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• Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
• One of the most commonly used standard (30 pages long with all details about the test).
• Other versions are available for testing plastics (ASTM D638) and ceramics (ASTM 1273).
• Analogous Turkish Standard: TS EN ISO 6892-1 – Metalik Malzemeler Çekme Deneyi Bölüm 1:
Oda sıcaklığında deney metodu
• ASTM E21
• Standard Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials
• Analogous Turkish standard: TS EN ISO 6892-2:2011 Metalik Malzemeler-Çekme Deneyi Bölüm 2:
Yüksek Sıcaklıkta Deney Metodu
• Many other standards exists for a range of materials and conditions.
• Standards do not only provide the requirements for a standardized approach but also
provide many useful suggestions and practices for successful testing.
• METU has online access to all ASTM standards.
• Numerical Data Method: Perform a least-squares linear fit to the elastic portion of the
data and calculate the slope (see your ME 310 notes).
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Definitions Regarding Plastic Deformation
• True elastic limit: The lowest stress at which dislocations move. This definition is
not commonly used because dislocations move at very low stresses, and detecting
the associated strain bursts is very difficult (on the order of 10-6 strain). This
property is more interesting for materials science studies but not that critical for
• Proportionality limit: The stress/strain limit at which stress is directly proportional
to strain. – determined by looking at the data
• Elastic limit: The greatest stress the material can withstand without any
measurable permanent strain after unloading. For metals, proportionality limit
and elastic limit are practically identical to each other. However, for some
materials such as elastomers, elastic limit is much larger than proportionality limit.
• Yield point: The point at which the stress-strain curve has an obvious slope change
indicative of plasticity. If the transition is an obvious one, the stress at this point
can be defined as the yield strength of the material.
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Yield Strength – Offset Method (ASTM E8)
• In many cases, it is difficult to locate the
exact location of the transition to plastic
deformation in metals.
• In order to eliminate the uncertainty,
offset method is commonly used.
• A line parallel to the elastic response is
constructed by shifting the elastic
response to the right by a X% strain.
• The intersection of this line with the
stress-strain curve is called the X%
offset yield strength.
• 0.2% offset is the most common
• Strength is reported as follows:
Yield strength (offset = 0.2%) = 360 MPa
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Yield Strength – Discontinious Yielding (ASTM E8)
• If the stress-strain response in the
vicinity of the initial yielding looks
like the figure, then three values
can be reported: strain
• Upper yield strength starts
• Lower yield strength
• Yield point elongation: The percent
strain taking place from the onset of
yielding to the zone of strain
• % Reduction in Area
Extensometer slips on the specimen when the Specimen straightens as the force is applied, due to
force is applied. misalignment or residual stress.
specimen slips in the grips and disturbs the Bent specimen or specimens with coil set (sheets with curvature
extensometer as the due to storage in the form of coils)
force is applied.
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Tensile Testing Machines: Hydraulic
• A hydraulic system provides the load control.
• They are more cost-effective for very high load
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Universal Testing Machines
• Today, most tensile testing machines can do both tensile and compression
testing, and they can also perform a wide range of other custom tests due to
their flexibility and programmability.
• These machines are frequently referred to as universal testing machines
(independent of being electromechanical or hydraulic).
A Comment on Displacement and Load Control
• With the advances in closed-loop control and electronics, it is know possible to control
load or displacement by either types of tensile testing machines.
• It is usually more difficult to perform displacement controlled experiments. Because,
when there is an abrupt increase or decrease in the load carrying capacity of the
material, the testing machine should able to quickly adjust itself. Otherwise there will a
deviation from the specified displacement scheme.