Ijesrt: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
Ijesrt: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
Ijesrt: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
Ravindra Rathod*1, Dr. G.D. Gidwani2 and Pulkit Solanky3
Shiv Kumar Shingh Institute of Technology & Science, Indore M.P. India
Research Scholar, Department of Industrial Safety Engineering. Executive Director, SKSITS College
Assistant Professor In Fire And Safety Department. SKSITS College Indore
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.823080
This project deals with various types of hazard analysis and finding a risk assessment in thermal power plant.
The safe working operation of a thermal plant needs to identify the hazards, assess the associated risks and bring
the risks to tolerable level on a continuous basis. There are several unsafe conditions and practices in various
process and equipments of the thermal power plant lead to a number of accidents and which can causes loss and
injury to human lives, damages the property, interrupt production etc. A risk assessment is an important step in
protecting the plant from such conditions. It helps us to focus on the risks that really have the potential to cause
harm. The hazard resolution process is to assess the identified hazards in terms of the severity or consequence of
the hazard and the probability of occurrence of each type of hazard. Risk classification by severity and
probability can be performed by using a risk assessment matrix. This assessment allows one to assign a risk
assessment value to a hazard based on its severity and its probability. This value is then often used to rank
different hazards as to their associated risks. To determine what actions to take to eliminate or control identified
hazards, a system of determining the level risk involved must be developed. A good mishap risk assessment tool
will enable decision makers to properly understand the level of risk involved, relative to what it will cost in
schedule and dollars to reduce that risk to an acceptable level. Risk determination is an essential and systematic
process for assessing the impact, occurrence and the consequences of human activities on systems with
hazardous characteristics.
KEYWORDS: Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA), Frequency Rate, Severity Rate.
Risk is always associated with the frequency of failure and consequence effect. Predicting such situations and
evaluation of risk is essential to take appropriate preventive measures. The major concern of the assessment is to
identify the activities falling in a matrix of high & low frequencies at which the failures occur and the degree of
its impact. The high frequency, low impact activities can be managed by regular maintenance Whereas, the low
frequency, high impact activities (accidents) are of major concern in terms of risk assessment. As the frequency
is low, often the required precautions are not realized or maintained. However, the risk assessment identifies the
areas of major concerns which require additional preventive measures.
The aim of hazard identification is to develop a comprehensive list of sources of risks and events that might
have an impact on the achievement of each of the objectives (or key elements) identified in the context. This
step in the risk assessment process involves the identification of hazards and the determination of their causes.
Hazard identification is the process of defining and describing a hazard, including its Physical characteristics,
magnitude and severity, probability and frequency, causative factors, and locations or areas affected. There are
five basic methods of hazard identification that may be employed to identify hazards:
Data from previous accidents (case studies) or operating experience
Scenario development and judgment of knowledgeable individuals
Generic hazard checklists
Formal hazard analysis techniques
Design data and drawings.
The different types of systems and components used in steam power plant are as follows:
1. Coal handling plant
2. D.M. plant
3. Boiler and furnace
4. Turbine and Generator
5. Transformer and switch yard
6. Ash handling plant
7. Cable gallery
8. Fuel Storage Tank / Pump House/Batter
Another most hazardous area of the thermal power plant is boiler room which includes furnace, boiler tank,
water & steam tubes and exists for byproduct of coal combustion operation like fly ash, suspended ash and flue
gases. The boiler room has risk of fire and explosion may caused Due to improper ignition of fuel, lack of air
Flue gas the byproduct of combustion in furnace content high pollutant like SOx , NOx , CO2 and fumes of
heavy metals like arsenic (Ar), Mercury (Hg), Boron (B). When they emits in excess amount from the
permissible limit can cause hazard to flora and fauna.
There are several other hazards which can be listed to analyze for reduction are electrocution, Thermal
Exposure, physical hazard, chemical exposure hazard, noise in turbine room, chronic and acute health hazard.
We use Hazard analysis and risk assessment method which include five steps-
1. System description
2. Hazard analysis
3. Risk assessment
4. Risk rating
5. Resolve the risk
Frequency range of event can be established using a format that includes time between the occurrences, a
qualitative description of these frequency range and categories or level of likelihood. A likelihood category
chosen for the risk assessment to provide a frequency range to work when for example a likelihood category in
table relates a frequency range and midpoint.
The consequences relate the potential expected damage to property, people’s life safety etc. The following
table’s gives the consequence rage related to the qualitative losses data first on the base of life safety
consequences and other property damage consequences.
S. N Initiating
Hazard Risk
Disciption Class
Likelihood Life Property
Safety Damage
3. Boiler Hazard
In this paper we observe that risk assessment is very helpful for finding hazards conditions in power plant.
Hazard analysis and risk assessment can be used to establish priorities so that the most dangerous situations are
addressed first and those least likely to occur and least likely to cause major problems can be considered later.
The first step for emergency preparedness and maintaining a safe workplace is defining and analyzing hazards.
Although all hazards should be addressed, resource limitations usually do not allow this to happen at one time
from the study carried out in the thermal power plant and the risk rating which were made and analyzed shows
that various risks in the plant were more over certain distance. Improper use of personal protective equipment
can be managed by appointing security specially to check if all are wearing personal protective equipment and if
not the entry in the working are should be prohibited . In this project report we observe present scenario of
existing safety measures and its efficiency. The risk rating of the present and possible hazard is evaluated which
divide them into acceptable, tolerable and unacceptable risk level. Which risks are in unacceptable level there
possible corrective action also recommended to improve safety measure and analysis. The results of this
analysis will be of valuable to find out the consequence on emergency situation that may occur. With this
knowledge, the level of preparedness can be assessed and measures taken to enhance capabilities through
training and preparation of a more effective response to such occurrences.
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Rathod, R., Gidwani, G. D., & Solanky, P. (2017). HAZARD ANALYSIS AND RISK