Othman 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 670 012070
Othman 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 670 012070
Othman 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 670 012070
Abstract. Sheet metal stamping has been identified as one of the most hazardous and high-risk
process in the world of manufacturing industries. This project was carried out at a sheet metal
stamping company located in Perak which is a precision metal stamping company and is
focused on 150 tons and 200 tons stamping only. A systematic analysis based on Occupational
Safety and Health (OSHA) standard was used to create a model of Hazard Identification, Risk
Assessment and Control (HIRARC) at the stamping department to determine hazardous
process/areas for department operation and maintenance of observation, safety analysis,
workplace inspection, safety checklist and high-risk investigation. Initial risk assessment was
conducted by classifying the hazards in three types of level, such as High, Medium and Low.
The severity of hazards was calculated to estimate the likelihood it will happen and to decide
which process/area needs to be applied control measures implemented in the departments. The
risk assessments were repeated, and the results were analyzed. From the analysis of risk
assessment shows that a reduction of 17% from the high-risk level of 150 tons and 27% at 200
tons. Safety and health are very important to prevent the occurrence of accidents.
1. Introduction
Manufacturing industry has been identified as one of the most hazardous industries in many parts of
the world manufacturing [1]. Industrial workers have to face the risks of fatality or major accident
with a low level of safety in the industry [2]. This project will be required in advanced in a big
company of the sheet metal industry to assist in order to bring success in this research. The study and
experiences contribute to the identification of the safety problem in production safety layout of the
department. This project will be held at a sheet metal stamping company located in Perak. The
company performs prototyping, precision metal stamping as well as mechanical and product assembly.
The factory is 12,891 square meters consist of 500 workers and 8 departments: Stamping, Numerical
Control Turret (NCT), Assembly, Tooling, Supply Chain, Warehouse, Finance and Sales. For this
project, the scope of work will cover stamping department, which have 150 tons and 200 tons (same
department) and 600 tons stamping machine. The case study will cover only for layout 150 and 200
tons of stamping machine which the production line area is less size than 600 tons. The safety of the
workers must give an attention to provide the best facilities and productivity of the industries [3]. In
addition, the cases are general in the manufacturing line [4]. This research focuses on the sheet metal
industries which have its safety level and risk requirement for the material handling. This project is
proposed to improve the risk by observing before implement safety requirement and others safety
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICADME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 670 (2019) 012070 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/670/1/012070
factors at the production line and comparing the performances at stamping department to achieve the
project goals for improvement of safety facility performance for the long term of the production.
2. Methodology
ICADME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 670 (2019) 012070 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/670/1/012070
Next observations, calculation and surveys at the department were identified to calculate percent of
risk level. The process were observed by week, and the risk are calculated again based on the
performances of workers. All the data were recorded by HIRARC form to see how many risk
minimization can be increase. The observation data were finalized to identify the risk and hazards for
the next step of the methodology. All the activities are recorded before implement the safety
precaution at the department. Based on Figure 1, the HIRARC form is used to recognize the name of
the company, location and the date review of project process. This documentation is referring to
calculate the risk of the workstation.
ICADME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 670 (2019) 012070 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/670/1/012070
Based on Figure 3, the graph of improvement at 200 tons shows percent improvement of heavy load
35.9%, unprotected machine 39.6% and sound above 90 dB 42.7% gives good results of improvement.
This is due to the all the moving machines are protected by the workers. The auto machine was
protected by the fences while it is running and the workers wearing earplug with standard personal
protective equipment.
ICADME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 670 (2019) 012070 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/670/1/012070
The data from all aspect at the workstation and department was interpreted in graph to make it clear
and easy to read the improvement. Based on Figure 4, the graph of percent of total percent
improvement in stamping department was calculated. The data of overall is made to make it precise
because 150 tons and 200 tons are sharing in the same department. Before implement, the risk shows
at high percent which is 40% at 150 tons while 71.2% at 200 tons. After several investigation and
observation at the department, it is drops to 25.3% and 48.8% at 150 and 200 tons respectively for
week 1. From the calculation until week 2, it drops again and gives the best result which is below 50%
and level of risk. Last result shows 21.5% at 150 tons and 36.8% at 200 tons.
4. Conclusion
As a conclusion, by doing this research, it gives a lot of information about the HIRARC process of
safety. The objectives of this project were achieved after a couple of months, several studies and
research about OSHA, safety and risk in industries. After doing this project, workers now alert and
knows the importance of safety inspection at their workplace and it helps to minimize the risk and
improve the level of safety.
The authors would like to thank Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang for research
support and facilities. The authors also are grateful for the sheet metal stamping company for
providing us with data required to complete our case study.
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[2] Ajslev J et al. 2017 Safety climate and accidents at work: Cross-sectional study among 15,000
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