GIT Mcqs

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GIT mcqs

years old married women has 6 children was admitted to the 1-50
hospital due to severe diffuse epigasrtic pain with vomiting . pain
is radiating to the back and the shoulder .on abdominal
examination she has guarding and rigidity over epigastric area
and right upper quadrant region : the differential diagnosis
: includes all except
a-acute cholecystitis
b-acute pancreatitis
c-perforated duednal ulcer
d-renal colic
e-subphrinic abscess

: enlarged and pulsating liver indicates-2

c-liver cirrhosis
d-aortic stenosis
e-Rt Hf with tricuspid insufficiency

abd. Rebound tendrness is consistent :3-

c-duedenal ulcer

patient has heart burn epecially when lying down this most -4
:likely due to
a-acute cholecystitis
.b-reflex esophag
c-duednal ulcer
e-coronay atery disease

common causes of diffuse abdominal enlargement include all -5

:the following except
b-massive ovarian cyst
c-small and large bowel obstruction
d-multiple hydated cyst

6-For primary biliary cirrhosis all, except :

a- most common in female.
b-the presence of the antimitochondrial Ab's in 90 % of the patients.
c-it is responsed to pencillamine.

7-Irritable bowel syndrome has all of the following ,except :

a-more in female.
b-diarrhea or constipation or loose stool.
d-bulky food like brans are contraindicated.*

: Not true about obstructive jaundice -8

. a- Mainly due to gall stone in the CBD
. b- pale stool
c- normal color urine

: Anal lesion found in -9

a) Ulcerative colitis

: Cambel demorgan spot -10

. a) Benign lesion
. b) ass with GIT tumor
. c) d\t hepatic failure
d) seen in the LL

: An expansile mass just above the umbilicus is most likely -11

.a) an enlarged liver
.b) an enlarged spleen
c) PKD
.d) Aortic aneurysm
e) CA of the stomach

12-absent bowel sounds :

a)- paralytic ileus
b)- bowel obst.

:Tender Hepatomegally All true except -13

a-Rt sided HF
b-Liver abscess
e-Budd chiari syndrome

14-abdomen with distended veins ; above the umbilicus the empty is

toward the heart , below it the empty is toward the leg :the cause:
a-right sided heart failure
b- portal hypertension
c- sup.vena cava obstruction
d- inf. Vena cava obst

y old femal present with Rt.hypochondorial pain + catch on 15-45

]Murphy sing[

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