Asic DDR Phy

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Product Highlights Block Diagram

• Silicon-proven DDR PHY for use in ASIC DDR PHY
Calibration Controls
• Supports DDR3, DDR2, DDR, Mo- Calibration Controls I/O Calibration
bile DDR, RLDRAM II operation
• Uses robust windowing data cap- Write Data
Write Mask DM
ture method Write Control
Write Data Path

• Uses proven off-the-shelf DDR I/O

and DLL I/O
Read Data Cells DQ
• Supports Byte and Nibble DQS Read Control
Read Capture

• Supports a broad range of pro-

grammable features including Data Loopback Datapath DQS
timing, termination, drive Loopback

strengths, etc.
• Supports DFT and JTAG boundary Addr/Ctrl
Address / Control Alignment
I/O Address / Control
• Supports comprehensive loopback Cells
Addr/Ctrl Loopback Addr / Ctrl
testing via add-on BIST Core Loopback

• Provided as a soft core with tim-

ing constraints enabling optimiza-
tion for a target process and pin- Clock Forwarding

out I/O Clocks

Clock Loopback Clock
• Customization and Integration Loopback
services available Configuration Controls


Product Overview
The combination of Northwest Logic’s Memory Controller Cores The combination of the Memory Controller Core and DDR PHY
and ASIC DDR PHY is designed for use in ASICs requiring high can be fully tested using Northwest Logic’s Memory Test Core
memory throughput, high clock rates and full programmability. and Data Analyzer Core. The Memory Test Core provides a
complete memory test using random and directed reads and
Versions of the ASIC DDR PHY are available which support writes. The Mem Test Analyzer Core provides access to the
DDR3 1060, DDR2 1066, DDR 800, Mobile DDR 400, RLDRAM II actual and expected memory test results for analysis.
1066 Mbit/s/pin operation. Multi-mode versions are also
available. The DDR PHY is delivered as a soft core with timing con-
straints. This enables the DDR PHY to be optimized for a tar-
get process and pinout.
To ensure robust operation the DDR PHY uses a windowing data
capture method, uses proven off-the-shelf DDR I/O and DLL, Northwest Logic can provides DDR PHY related services includ-
and supports ASIC-side ODT and calibrated output impedance. ing DDR I/O and DLL replacement, process porting and DDR
PHY hardening. Contact Northwest Logic for a quote.
The DDR PHY is specifically designed for flexibility. This in-
cludes a broad range of programmable features including vari-
ous timing parameters, termination settings and drive
Product Deliverables:
• Core (Netlist or Source Code)
The DDR PHY can be put into loopback for complete, at-speed • Timing constraints
production test. This test is orchestrated by the BIST Core in
• Comprehensive Verification Suite (Source Code)
conjunction with the Memory Controller Core. The DDR PHY
also supports DFT scan and JTAG boundary scan. • Complete Documentation
• Expert Technical Support & Maintenance Updates

Copyright 2011 Northwest Logic 24 Northwest Logic Proprietary

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