Application Let's Apply
Application Let's Apply
Application Let's Apply
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3. In a post-observation conference, school head cites points
for improvement for the teacher observed. It happens that
there are more points for improvement than positive points.
Teacher concludes the school head is biased against her.
The Filipino weakness is revealed in the situation is
extreme personalism because teacher conclude that the school
head is biased to him/her. It described in in Article XI of
the code of Ethics for Professional Teachers section 3. A
teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality
which could serve as model worthy of emulation by learners,
peers and in all others. If there is a personal conflict
don’t include it in workplace you should always act as a
professional at all time. You should observe the teacher by
his/her performances and don’t you ever involved your
personal conflict and you should fair at all time.
the teacher will be guided how he/she can reinforce efforts
in developing a desirable value among students. it gives
some provisions and limitations shall be observed by the
teachers, these are some of it: not forcing the values
integration if it is not relevant to the lesson; teachers
shall have a collaborative planning with other teacher to
integrate the values to the subject area they teach
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Aside from the influences of the formal curriculum, there
are the influences of the hidden curriculum, ie, the values
taught informally by the Philippine school system. Schools are
highly authoritarian with the teachers as central focus. The
Filipino student is taught to be dependent on the teacher, so he
attempts to record verbatim what the teacher says and to give
this back in its original form with little processing during
No, because at present we are in the era of the so called
21st century wherein teachers are facilitator of learning
facility and the best philosophy today is learning by doing.
As a college student, we are tasked with engaging and
expanding our thinking skills. One of the most important of
these skills is critical thinking. Critical thinking is
important because it relates to nearly all tasks,
situations, topics, careers, environments, challenges, and
opportunities. It’s a “domain-general” thinking skill-not a
thinking skills that’s reserved for one subject alone or
restricted to a particular subject area
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