T2 - G10 - Kotlin Project
T2 - G10 - Kotlin Project
T2 - G10 - Kotlin Project
Objectives: Write a Kotlin code that uses user input then makes a decision to display an output
Imagine that you are a nutritionist, Write a Kotlin code to find out your costumers BMI:
1. Ask the user to input his name
2. Ask the user to input height in meters
3. Ask the user to input his weight in kilograms
4. Use the function to calculate his BMI using : BMI = weight / (height x height)
5. Then check :
- If his BMI is more than 30, then display his name , BMI value and the result: Obesity
- Otherwise, if his BMI is more than 25, then display his name , BMI value and the result:
- Otherwise, if his BMI is more than 18, then display his name ,BMI value and the result:
- Otherwise display then display her name , BMI value and the result: Underweight
* Submit your project on assignments
Project Rubrics
Program (Excellent) 5 (Good) 4 (Fair) 3 (Poor) 2
Program Program executes Program executes Program executes Program does not
execution and correctly with no with a minor (easily with more than 1 execute
output syntax or runtime fixed error) error Output is incorrect
errors Output has minor Output has multiple
Program displays errors or undetailed errors, no details
correct and detailed
output with no errors
Design of logic Program is logically Program has slight Program has Program is incorrect
well designed , print logic errors that do significant logic , print commands
commands are not significantly errors , print are poorly used to
creatively used to affect the results , commands are fairly print the results
display the results print commands are used to display the
used to display the results
Decisions Decisions are made Most decisions are Some decisions are Decisions are
in a correct and made in a correct and made in a correct confusing
logical way logical way and logical way
Teamwork & - Team is on task all - Team is on task - Team is on task - Team need
submission the time and doesn’t most of the time and sometimes and frequent teacher
need any teacher needed some teacher needed many teacher reminders to keep
reminders reminders reminders on task.
- Project is submitted - Project is 1-2 days - Project is 3 days - Project is more
on time late late than 3 days late