Personal Finance Dashboard DL

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Copyright Notice on how to build this dashboard.

- The Dashboard in this file and data was created by Mynda Treacy from My Online Training
- Individual users are permitted to recreate the dashboard for personal practice only.
- Recreating the dashboard for training of others is not permitted, unless written consent i
- Sharing images of dashboards you build based on this data and or dashboard on social me

Check out the original Dashboard by Mynda Treacy here:

- Sharing Excel files containing dashboards you build based on this data and or dashboard o
*Please direct people to download the original file from the link in the video description on

- The workbook and any visualization pages must be accompanied by the following copyrigh
- This sheet must remain in any file that uses this data and or these Dashboard techniques.
- Any uses of this workbook and/or data must include the above attribution.
p tutorial

from My Online Training Hub.

onal practice only.
unless written consent is granted by Mynda Treacy.
r dashboard on social media must be accompanied by the following:


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by the following copyright notice: My Online Training Hub ©.

Dashboard techniques.
Personal Finance Dashboard
All Expenses Total Spend by Ac


50% $30,645

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sharing images of th
Net Income
Checking Credit To

build using this d

1065.4 1017.9
942 932
920.299999999999 853.9
964.3 905 882.9 871.3 This shape
represents a slicer.
Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or
Jan Feb Mar Apr
To remove this box, hold CTRL and le
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Total
Result If the shape was
modified in an
Category Living Expenses Discretionary Transport earlier version of
Dining Out Charity Medical Excel, or if the
1,800 workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or
earlier, the slicer
1,400 cannot be used.
Top 5 Sub-categories in Sel
600 Groceries
400 Clothes
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct MV Loan
Spend $16,400 $7,328 $3,592 $2,397
Living Expenses Discretionary Transport Dining Out
Total Spend by Account This chart isn't- available
All Expenses YTD in your version of Excel.

Editing this shape or saving this workbook into a different file format will permanently brea

50% $30,645

ead copyright information befor


es of this dashboard, or one you

Checking Credit Total Result

ng this data, on social media.

This shape This shape
represents a slicer. represents a
Slicers are supported slicer. Slicers
in Excel 2010 or are supported
later. in Excel 2010

d CTRL and left click, then DELETE.

If the shape was
modified in an
or later.

If the shape
earlier version of was modified This chart by
Expense isn'tCategory
available- YTD
in your version of Excel.
Excel, or if the in an earlier
workbook was saved version of Editing this shape or saving this workbook into a different file format will permanently brea
in Excel 2003 or Excel, or if the
earlier, the slicer workbook was
cannot be used. saved in Excel
2003 or earlier,
Top 5 Sub-categories in Selected
the slicerPeriod
cannot be used.
Groceries $6,454
Entertainment $1,813
MV Loan $1,500
$2,397 $550 $379
ining Out Charity Medical

format will permanently break the chart.

n before
one you
format will permanently break the chart.
Category Type - all -

Category Sum of Debit Date Sum of Debit Date

Living Expenses 16399.8 Jan 3058 Jan
Discretionary 7327.6 Feb 2934.6 Feb
Transport 3591.7 Mar 3079.7 Mar
Dining Out 2396.9 Apr 3068 Apr
Charity 550 May 3146.1 May
Medical 379 Jun 3035.7 Jun
Total Result 30645 Jul 3095 Jul
Aug 2982.1 Aug
Sep 3117.1 Sep
Oct 3128.7 Oct
Total Result 30645 Total Res
Account Sum of Debit
Checking 12674.7
Credit 17970.3
Total Result 30645

Sub-category Sum of Debit

Rent 9000
Groceries 6454.1
Clothes 4303.6
Entertainment 1812.6
MV Loan 1500
Category Type Expense

Sum of Amount Sum of Debit Category

942 Date Living Expenses Discretionary Transport Dining Out
1065.4 Jan 1612 690 341 206
920.3 Feb 1665.9 659.8 345.1 208.8
932 Mar 1659 704.8 348.9 237
853.9 Apr 1587.3 832.6 353 240.1
964.3 May 1643 772.7 357.2 243.2
905 Jun 1655.1 723.2 361.3 241.1
1017.9 Jul 1686.2 729.1 365.4 259.3
882.9 Aug 1570.1 735.2 369.3 252.5
871.3 Sep 1705.4 732.9 373.3 250.5
9355 Oct 1615.8 747.3 377.2 258.4

Right-click the category field and check 'Show items with no data' to ensure
all fields are present in the chart despite which month(s) are filtered in the
Category Type Expense

Category Sub-category Sum of Debit

Charity Medical Charity Donation 550
55 154 Dining Out Coffee 1115
55 Restaurant 1281.9
55 75 Discretionary Clothes 4303.6
55 Entertainment 1812.6
55 75 Furnishings 416.4
55 Gifts 495
55 Gym 300
55 Living Expenses Gas/Electrics 545.7
55 Groceries 6454.1
55 75 Phone 400
Rent 9000
Medical Dentist 154
Doctor 225
Transport MV Fuel 1489.5
MV Loan 1500
Taxi 602.2

Expense by Category - - all -

items with no data' to ensure
ch month(s) are filtered in the Date - all -

Category Sum of Amount

Salary 40000
Living Expenses -16399.8
Charity -550
Dining Out -2396.9
Discretionary -7327.6
Medical -379
Transport -3591.7
Total Result 9355
Category Type Expense

Category (empty)
Dining Out
Living Expenses
Account Date Description Debit Credit Amount
Checking 1/4/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 1/4/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 1/5/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 1/5/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 1/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/7/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/8/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/8/2021 Green's 155 -155
Checking 1/11/2021 Elec. Co. 50 -50
Credit 1/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/13/2021 Fuel. Co 77 -77
Credit 1/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/14/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/15/2021 Green's 135 -135
Credit 1/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/16/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/16/2021 Event Cinemas 40 -40
Credit 1/16/2021 Fashionistas 98 -98
Credit 1/16/2021 Joe's Grill 52 -52
Credit 1/17/2021 Taxi Co. 28 -28
Checking 1/18/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 1/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 1/19/2021 Smile Dental 154 -154
Checking 1/19/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 1/20/2021 Sam's Gifts 45 -45
Credit 1/20/2021 Streaming Co. 32 -32
Credit 1/20/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/21/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/22/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/22/2021 Green's 170 -170
Credit 1/23/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 37 -37
Credit 1/24/2021 Golden Arches 12 -12
Checking 1/25/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 1/25/2021 Fuel. Co 63 -63
Credit 1/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/27/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/28/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/29/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 1/29/2021 Green's 162 -162
Credit 1/30/2021 Ted's Trainers 125 -125
Credit 1/30/2021 Ticketek 175 -175
Credit 1/31/2021 Fashionistas 145 -145
Credit 1/31/2021 Taxi Co. 23 -23
Checking 2/1/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 2/1/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 2/2/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 2/2/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 2/2/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/4/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/5/2021 Green's 205 -205
Checking 2/8/2021 Elec. Co. 51.1 -51.1
Credit 2/8/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/9/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/10/2021 Fuel. Co 78 -78
Credit 2/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/12/2021 Green's 135.9 -135.9
Credit 2/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/13/2021 Event Cinemas 40.9 -40.9
Credit 2/13/2021 Fashionistas 99 -99
Credit 2/13/2021 Joe's Grill 53 -53
Credit 2/14/2021 Taxi Co. 28.9 -28.9
Checking 2/15/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 2/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/16/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 2/16/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 2/17/2021 Sam's Gifts 45.9 -45.9
Credit 2/17/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 2/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/19/2021 Green's 171 -171
Credit 2/20/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 37.9 -37.9
Credit 2/21/2021 Golden Arches 12.9 -12.9
Checking 2/22/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 2/22/2021 Fuel. Co 64.1 -64.1
Credit 2/22/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/23/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 2/26/2021 Green's 162.9 -162.9
Credit 2/27/2021 Ted's Trainers 125.9 -125.9
Credit 2/27/2021 Global Fashion 137 -137
Credit 2/28/2021 Fashionistas 146.1 -146.1
Credit 2/28/2021 Taxi Co. 24.1 -24.1
Checking 3/1/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 3/1/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 3/2/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 3/2/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 3/2/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/4/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/5/2021 Green's 149 -149
Checking 3/8/2021 Elec. Co. 52.1 -52.1
Credit 3/8/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/9/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/10/2021 Fuel. Co 78.9 -78.9
Credit 3/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/12/2021 Green's 137 -137
Credit 3/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/13/2021 Event Cinemas 41.8 -41.8
Credit 3/13/2021 Fashionistas 99.9 -99.9
Credit 3/13/2021 Joe's Grill 54 -54
Credit 3/14/2021 Taxi Co. 30 -30
Checking 3/15/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 3/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/16/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 3/16/2021 Village Medical 75 -75
Checking 3/16/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 3/17/2021 Sam's Gifts 46.8 -46.8
Credit 3/17/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 3/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/19/2021 Green's 171.9 -171.9
Credit 3/20/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 39 -39
Credit 3/21/2021 Golden Arches 14 -14
Checking 3/22/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 3/22/2021 Fuel. Co 65 -65
Credit 3/22/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/23/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/26/2021 Green's 209 -209
Credit 3/27/2021 Ted's Trainers 127 -127
Credit 3/27/2021 Sports Co. 177.2 -177.2
Credit 3/28/2021 Fashionistas 147.1 -147.1
Credit 3/28/2021 Taxi Co. 25 -25
Credit 3/29/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Credit 3/30/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 3/31/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 4/1/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 4/1/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 4/2/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 4/2/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 4/2/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/4/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/5/2021 Green's 158.2 -158.2
Checking 4/8/2021 Elec. Co. 53.2 -53.2
Credit 4/8/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/9/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/10/2021 Fuel. Co 79.9 -79.9
Credit 4/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/12/2021 Green's 98 -98
Credit 4/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/13/2021 Event Cinemas 42.8 -42.8
Credit 4/13/2021 Fashionistas 100.9 -100.9
Credit 4/13/2021 Joe's Grill 54.9 -54.9
Credit 4/14/2021 Taxi Co. 31 -31
Checking 4/15/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 4/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/16/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 4/16/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 4/17/2021 Sam's Gifts 47.9 -47.9
Credit 4/17/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 4/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/19/2021 Green's 173 -173
Credit 4/20/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 40.1 -40.1
Credit 4/21/2021 Golden Arches 15.1 -15.1
Checking 4/22/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 4/22/2021 Fuel. Co 66 -66
Credit 4/22/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/23/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/26/2021 Green's 164.9 -164.9
Credit 4/27/2021 Ted's Trainers 127.9 -127.9
Credit 4/27/2021 BW Club 300 -300
Credit 4/28/2021 Fashionistas 148.1 -148.1
Credit 4/28/2021 Taxi Co. 26.1 -26.1
Credit 4/29/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Credit 4/29/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 4/30/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/2/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 5/3/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Checking 5/3/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 5/3/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 5/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/4/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/6/2021 Green's 170 -170
Checking 5/9/2021 Elec. Co. 54.1 -54.1
Credit 5/9/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/11/2021 Fuel. Co 81 -81
Credit 5/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/13/2021 Green's 139.1 -139.1
Credit 5/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/14/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/14/2021 Event Cinemas 43.9 -43.9
Credit 5/14/2021 Fashionistas 101.8 -101.8
Credit 5/14/2021 Joe's Grill 55.9 -55.9
Credit 5/15/2021 Taxi Co. 32 -32
Checking 5/16/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 5/16/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 5/17/2021 Village Medical 75 -75
Checking 5/17/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 5/18/2021 Sam's Gifts 49 -49
Credit 5/18/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 5/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/20/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/20/2021 Green's 174 -174
Credit 5/21/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 41.1 -41.1
Credit 5/22/2021 Golden Arches 16.2 -16.2
Checking 5/23/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 5/23/2021 Fuel. Co 67 -67
Credit 5/23/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/27/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/27/2021 Green's 165.8 -165.8
Credit 5/28/2021 Ted's Trainers 128.8 -128.8
Credit 5/28/2021 Home Decorator 235 -235
Credit 5/29/2021 Fashionistas 149.2 -149.2
Credit 5/29/2021 Taxi Co. 27.2 -27.2
Credit 5/31/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Credit 5/30/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 5/31/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 6/1/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 6/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 6/3/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 6/3/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 6/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/4/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/6/2021 Green's 119 -119
Checking 6/9/2021 Elec. Co. 55 -55
Credit 6/9/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/11/2021 Fuel. Co 82.1 -82.1
Credit 6/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/13/2021 Green's 140.2 -140.2
Credit 6/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/14/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/14/2021 Event Cinemas 44.9 -44.9
Credit 6/14/2021 Fashionistas 102.9 -102.9
Credit 6/14/2021 Joe's Grill 56.9 -56.9
Credit 6/15/2021 Taxi Co. 33.1 -33.1
Checking 6/16/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 6/16/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 6/17/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 6/18/2021 Sam's Gifts 50.1 -50.1
Credit 6/18/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 6/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/20/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/20/2021 Green's 234 -234
Credit 6/21/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 42.1 -42.1
Credit 6/22/2021 Golden Arches 17.1 -17.1
Checking 6/23/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 6/23/2021 Fuel. Co 67.9 -67.9
Credit 6/23/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/27/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 6/27/2021 Green's 166.9 -166.9
Credit 6/28/2021 Ted's Trainers 129.9 -129.9
Credit 6/28/2021 Ticketek 180.3 -180.3
Credit 6/29/2021 Fashionistas 150.1 -150.1
Credit 6/29/2021 Taxi Co. 28.2 -28.2
Credit 6/29/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Credit 6/30/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/1/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 7/2/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 7/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 7/5/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 7/5/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 7/5/2021 Fodary 15 -15
Credit 7/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/7/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/7/2021 Green's 180 -180
Checking 7/10/2021 Elec. Co. 56.1 -56.1
Credit 7/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/12/2021 Fuel. Co 83.1 -83.1
Credit 7/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/14/2021 Green's 141.1 -141.1
Credit 7/14/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/15/2021 Event Cinemas 45.8 -45.8
Credit 7/15/2021 Fashionistas 103.8 -103.8
Credit 7/15/2021 Joe's Grill 58 -58
Credit 7/16/2021 Taxi Co. 34.2 -34.2
Checking 7/17/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 7/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 7/18/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 7/19/2021 Sam's Gifts 51.1 -51.1
Credit 7/19/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 7/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/20/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/21/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/21/2021 Green's 176 -176
Credit 7/22/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 43.1 -43.1
Credit 7/23/2021 Golden Arches 18.2 -18.2
Checking 7/24/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 7/24/2021 Fuel. Co 68.8 -68.8
Credit 7/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/27/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/28/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 7/28/2021 Green's 193 -193
Credit 7/29/2021 Ted's Trainers 130.8 -130.8
Credit 7/29/2021 Home Decorator 181.4 -181.4
Credit 7/30/2021 Fashionistas 151.2 -151.2
Credit 7/30/2021 Taxi Co. 29.3 -29.3
Credit 7/30/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Credit 7/31/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/2/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 8/2/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 8/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 8/5/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 8/5/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 8/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/7/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/7/2021 Green's 137 -137
Checking 8/10/2021 Elec. Co. 57 -57
Credit 8/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/12/2021 Fuel. Co 84.2 -84.2
Credit 8/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/14/2021 Green's 142.1 -142.1
Credit 8/14/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/15/2021 Event Cinemas 46.8 -46.8
Credit 8/15/2021 Fashionistas 104.7 -104.7
Credit 8/15/2021 Joe's Grill 59.1 -59.1
Credit 8/16/2021 Taxi Co. 35.1 -35.1
Checking 8/17/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 8/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 8/18/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 8/19/2021 Sam's Gifts 52.1 -52.1
Credit 8/19/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 8/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/20/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/21/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/21/2021 Green's 177 -177
Credit 8/22/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 44.2 -44.2
Credit 8/23/2021 Golden Arches 19.2 -19.2
Checking 8/24/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 8/24/2021 Fuel. Co 69.7 -69.7
Credit 8/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/27/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/28/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 8/28/2021 Green's 117 -117
Credit 8/29/2021 Ted's Trainers 131.9 -131.9
Credit 8/29/2021 Ticketek 182.4 -182.4
Credit 8/30/2021 Fashionistas 152.3 -152.3
Credit 8/30/2021 Taxi Co. 30.3 -30.3
Credit 8/30/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Credit 8/31/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/2/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 9/2/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 9/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 9/5/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 9/5/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 9/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/5/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/7/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/7/2021 Green's 163.4 -163.4
Checking 9/10/2021 Elec. Co. 58.1 -58.1
Credit 9/10/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/12/2021 Fuel. Co 85.3 -85.3
Credit 9/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/14/2021 Green's 143 -143
Credit 9/14/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/15/2021 Event Cinemas 47.8 -47.8
Credit 9/15/2021 Fashionistas 105.8 -105.8
Credit 9/15/2021 Joe's Grill 60.1 -60.1
Credit 9/16/2021 Taxi Co. 36.2 -36.2
Checking 9/17/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 9/17/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 9/18/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 9/19/2021 Sam's Gifts 53 -53
Credit 9/19/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 9/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/20/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/21/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/21/2021 Green's 177.9 -177.9
Credit 9/22/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 45.3 -45.3
Credit 9/23/2021 Golden Arches 20.1 -20.1
Checking 9/24/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 9/24/2021 Fuel. Co 70.6 -70.6
Credit 9/24/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/27/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/28/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 9/28/2021 Green's 223 -223
Credit 9/29/2021 Ted's Trainers 132.9 -132.9
Credit 9/29/2021 Global Fashion 175 -175
Credit 9/30/2021 Fashionistas 153.4 -153.4
Credit 9/30/2021 Taxi Co. 31.2 -31.2
Credit 9/30/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Credit 10/1/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/3/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 10/3/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000
Credit 10/4/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 10/6/2021 Estate Mgt. 900 -900
Checking 10/6/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150
Credit 10/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/6/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/7/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/8/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/8/2021 Green's 105 -105
Checking 10/11/2021 Elec. Co. 59 -59
Credit 10/11/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/12/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/13/2021 Fuel. Co 86.4 -86.4
Credit 10/13/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/14/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/15/2021 Green's 143.9 -143.9
Credit 10/15/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/16/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/16/2021 Event Cinemas 48.8 -48.8
Credit 10/16/2021 Fashionistas 106.7 -106.7
Credit 10/16/2021 Joe's Grill 61.1 -61.1
Credit 10/17/2021 Taxi Co. 37.2 -37.2
Checking 10/18/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30
Credit 10/18/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/19/2021 Ground 5 -5
Checking 10/19/2021 Village Medical 75 -75
Checking 10/19/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40
Credit 10/20/2021 Sam's Gifts 54.1 -54.1
Credit 10/20/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35
Credit 10/20/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/21/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/22/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/22/2021 Green's 178.9 -178.9
Credit 10/23/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 46.2 -46.2
Credit 10/24/2021 Golden Arches 21.1 -21.1
Checking 10/25/2021 Worldvision 55 -55
Credit 10/25/2021 Fuel. Co 71.5 -71.5
Credit 10/25/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/26/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/27/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/28/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/29/2021 Ground 5 -5
Credit 10/29/2021 Green's 189 -189
Credit 10/30/2021 Ted's Trainers 133.8 -133.8
Credit 10/30/2021 Ticketek 184.4 -184.4
Credit 10/31/2021 Fashionistas 154.5 -154.5
Credit 10/31/2021 Taxi Co. 32.1 -32.1
Credit 10/31/2021 Foodary 15 -15
Sub-category Category Category Type
Salary Salary Income
Data Validation Tutorial
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
VLOOKUP Tutorial
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense Excel Tables Tutorial
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Dentist Medical Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Doctor Medical Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Doctor Medical Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Furnishings Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Furnishings Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Doctor Medical Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Donation Charity Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Taxi Transport Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
ation Tutorial


es Tutorial
Sub-category Category Category Type
Clothes Discretionary Expense
Coffee Dining Out Expense
Dentist Medical Expense
Doctor Medical Expense
Donation Charity Expense
Entertainment Discretionary Expense
Furnishings Discretionary Expense
Gas/Electrics Living Expenses Expense
Gifts Discretionary Expense
Groceries Living Expenses Expense
Gym Discretionary Expense
MV Fuel Transport Expense
MV Loan Transport Expense
Phone Living Expenses Expense
Rent Living Expenses Expense
Restaurant Dining Out Expense
Salary Salary Income
Taxi Transport Expense
Account Date Description Debit Credit Amount Sub-category
Credit 11/1/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/3/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Checking 11/3/2021 ACME Pty Ltd 4000 4000 Salary
Credit 11/4/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Checking 11/6/2021 Estate Mgt. 927 -927 Rent
Checking 11/6/2021 Finance Co. 150 -150 MV Loan
Credit 11/6/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/6/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/7/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/8/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/8/2021 Green's 160 -160 Groceries
Checking 11/11/2021 Elec. Co. 49 -49 Gas/Electrics
Credit 11/11/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/12/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/13/2021 Fuel. Co 94 -94 MV Fuel
Credit 11/13/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/14/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/15/2021 Green's 133 -133 Groceries
Credit 11/15/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/16/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/16/2021 Event Cinemas 36 -36 Entertainment
Credit 11/16/2021 Fashionistas 74 -74 Clothes
Credit 11/16/2021 Joe's Grill 72 -72 Restaurant
Credit 11/17/2021 Taxi Co. 28 -28 Taxi
Checking 11/18/2021 Muscle Beach 30 -30 Gym
Credit 11/18/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/19/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Checking 11/19/2021 Phone Co. 40 -40 Phone
Credit 11/20/2021 Streaming Co. 35 -35 Entertainment
Credit 11/20/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/21/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/22/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/22/2021 Green's 214 -214 Groceries
Credit 11/23/2021 Pizza Pomodoro 59 -59 Restaurant
Credit 11/24/2021 Golden Arches 13 -13 Restaurant
Checking 11/25/2021 Worldvision 55 -55 Donation
Credit 11/25/2021 Fuel. Co 69 -69 MV Fuel
Credit 11/25/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/26/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/27/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/28/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/29/2021 Ground 5 -5 Coffee
Credit 11/29/2021 Green's 210 -210 Groceries
Credit 11/30/2021 Fashionistas 239 -239 Clothes
Credit 11/30/2021 Taxi Co. 40 -40 Taxi
Credit 11/30/2021 Foodary 30 -30 Restaurant
Category Category Type
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Salary Income
Dining Out Expense
Living Expenses Expense
Transport Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Living Expenses Expense
Living Expenses Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Transport Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Living Expenses Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Discretionary Expense
Discretionary Expense
Dining Out Expense
Transport Expense
Discretionary Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Living Expenses Expense
Discretionary Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Living Expenses Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Charity Expense
Transport Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Dining Out Expense
Living Expenses Expense
Discretionary Expense
Transport Expense
Dining Out Expense
More Resources

I used several techniques to build this personal finance dashboard and you’ll find the links to individual tutorials on
1. Excel Tables – format your source data in Tables to make it easy to reference in formulas using the Structured Refe
2. PivotTables – extract subsets of your data quickly and easily with PivotTable Report Filter Pages.
3. Pivot Charts - to visualise your data
4. Slicers – allow filtering of the charts
5. Icons – add graphics to help quick interpretation (available in Excel 2019 onward)
6. Data Validation – ensures data entry is consistent and quick
7. XLOOKUP – automatically apply category and sub-categories
or VLOOKUP (available in all versions of Excel)
or INDEX & MATCH (available in all versions of Excel)
8. Conditional Formatting – for data bars which are mini in-cell charts
9. IFS – for multiple logical tests (available in Excel 2019 onward)
or Nested IF (available in all versions of Excel)
10. TEXTJOIN – create dynamic labels that update with your reports (available in Excel 2019 onward)

Excel Dashboards..........................................................
Advanced Excel...............................................................
Advanced Excel Formulas...............................................
Power Query...................................................................
PivotTable Quick Start....................................................
Xtreme PivotTables.........................................................
Power Pivot.....................................................................
Power BI..........................................................................
Excel for Decision Making Under Uncertainty................
Excel for Finance Professionals.......................................
Excel Analysis ToolPak....................................................
Excel for Customer Service Professionals.......................
Excel for Operations Management.................................
Financial Modelling.........................................................

Excel Functions...............................................................
Charting Blog Posts.........................................................
Excel Dashboard Blog Posts............................................

Excel Dashboards & Power BI.........................................

Excel Forum....................................................................
al finance dashboard and you’ll find the links to individual tutorials on these topics below:
ables to make it easy to reference in formulas using the Structured Referencing that comes automatically when you insert the Table.
quickly and easily with PivotTable Report Filter Pages.

ation (available in Excel 2019 onward)

sistent and quick
nd sub-categories

h are mini in-cell charts

xcel 2019 onward)

date with your reports (available in Excel 2019 onward)
n you insert the Table.

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