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The Opposition has asked the
Bhawan, Central Hall and the Lok Sabha
Galwan Valley, among others. he World Chocolate Day,
Australia, Argentina, Brazil and Denmark,
However, according to experts, pro- Virtual session will WHAT ONLINE TIPS
a virtual session or a hybrid session, where duced to Europe on July 7, 1550
longed absence of the House pro- CORNER WOULD YOU SUGGEST
some lawmakers are physically present, put an end to the
ceedings does away with the legisla- while others join online For a fully virtu- unruly disruption of OUR MPS FOR THEIR
ture’s power of checks and balances on the WHAT’S IN A DATE
al parliament session, arrangements will proceedings It will FIRST VIRTUAL SESSION?
executive have to be made by the National also give a signal for Since everyone loves
Therefore, they say, a virtual ses- Share your views at [email protected]/
Informatics Centre to connect 542 Lok state assemblies and chocolates, the day also
sion may be necessary, as all MPs Sabha members as well as 242 Rajya Sabha [email protected]
will not want to come to Delhi, councils across the coun- exists in different months
MPs through video-conferencing try to go online
where Covid cases are rising THE BEST ENTRIES WILL in different countries. The
BE FEATURED IN TIMES NIE US National Confectioners
Association, for example,
TECH BUZZ lists September 13 as the
PM LAUNCHES This US company wants to fly RARE ORCHID PLANT
International Chocolate Day
The West African coun-
try, Ghana, the second-
Aatmanirbhar Bharat App people to the edge of space FOUND IN DUDHWA
largest producer of Cocoa,
celebrates chocolate day on
f space tourism is in
your bucket list, here SPACE In Latvia, World
comes some news that Chocolate Day is celebrated
will excite you. A Florida- on July 11
based startup is working
towards sending people to
the edge of space, beneath
a football stadium-sized
high-performance balloon, Other than the World
and pressurised capsule. Chocolate Day, people also
This human space flight celebrate Bittersweet
company, Space Perspec- rare orchid plant variety, categorised
Chocolate Day(January 10),
tive, recently announced NASA's Kennedy Space test flight scheduled in ear- as an 'endangered species', has been
plans to launch from the Center (KSC) in Florida, ly 2021 that will include a found in the Dudhwa National Park Milk Chocolate Day(July 28),
Shuttle Landing Facility at with the first un-crewed suite of research payloads. in Uttar Pradesh. Popularly known as White Chocolate Day( Sept
Ground Orchid (eulophia obtusa), the va- 22)and Chocolate Covered
riety is categorised as an 'endangered
Called the Spaceship 99% of the Earth's atmos- and splash down, where a species' under the Convention on Interna-
Anything Day(December 16)
n order to give a major push to Digital Neptune, it will be flown by phere to 100,000 feet, ship will retrieve the pas- tional Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a pilot, who can take up to where it cruises above the sengers, the capsule and Fauna and Flora (CITES).
announced the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat App eight passengers called Earth for up to two hours, the balloonTo book a tick-
"Explorers" on a six-hour allowing passengers to et for the six-hour journey, What makes the discovery significant is Chocolate
Innovation Challenge’ for techies around
India, and the startup community for creating
journey to the edge of the share their experience via passengers may have to that never in the history of Dudhwa, or any comes from a
space and safely backIt social media, and with their cough up an estimated other forest area in the state, has this
world class ‘Made in India’ apps. Highlighting will carry people and fellow Explorers Neptune $125,000 Bookings are orchid been seen fruit tree; it’s
the need to create an “aatmanirbhar app research payloads on a two- will then make a two-hour open on the Space Kew Herbarium of England had document- made from a
ecosystem”, PM Modi in an official LinkedIn hour gentle ascent, above descent under the balloon Perspective website ed the orchid, 118 years back
post said, “Today, when the entire nation is seed. Theobroma Cacao
working towards creating an Aatmanirbhar is the tree that pro-
Bharat, it is a good opportunity to give direc- duces cocoa beans, and
NEWS Why are there
tion to their efforts, momentum to their hard-
work, and mentorship to their talent to evolve Kanye West announces bid IN MORE
so few female it means, “food of the
apps, which can satisfy our market as well as for the US presidential poll gods.” Carolus Linnaeus,
compete with the world” PADMA LAKSHMI HOPES FOR chefs? the father of plant tax-
merican rapper Kanye West has
the backing from Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Padma Lakshmi says the I would like to see Share your Which
tive will identify the best Indian apps Taking to Twitter, West wrote: "We must “male-dominated” food
male chefs in our views at country in
that are already being used by citizens and now realise the promise of America by industry needs to be more
trusting God, unifying our vision and inclusive. “The pro- industry make a concerted Europe was
have the potential to scale, and become world building our future. I am running for the fessional food in- effort to mentor and speak
class apps in their respective categories. To [email protected]/ the first to
president of the United States. #2020VI- dustry is one of the out for women — to mentor
recognise good apps, there will be “various SION." Replying to the tweet, Musk said: most male-dominated them, give them the same [email protected] introduce chocolate?
"You have my full support." sectors of our society. a) Germany b)Italy
cash awards and incentives” Probably the only richness of experience and the food in this world is ac-
place that's more privilege that they have had. tually made by women and c) Spain
The prize money for apps is between `2 It was not immediately clear which male-dominated is That would go a long way yet, the professional food
party the 21-time Grammy winner
lakh and `20 lakh, depending on the cat- the military, and so I would world is taken over by men,
like to see that change,”
Padma Lakshmi
so I would like to see that dis-
----- civilisation used
egory. The app will be evaluated on the would pick, in his apparent challenge cocoa beans as a cur-
the ‘Top Chef ’ host told parity decrease consider-
basis of ease of use, robustness, security fea- to President Donald Trump and pre- the Us Weekly. "Most of CELEB TALK ably," she added. rency
tures and scalability sumptive Democratic nominee Joe
Biden The rapper has sparked
a) Indus Valley b) Maya
3 As far as the app categories are con- speculation over the years that 'CHAPTER ON CORONA SHOULD BE c) Greek
he would potentially enter the
cerned, there are eight categories of app, INTRODUCED IN SCHOOL CURRICULUM'
which can participate in this challenge: presidential race one day, most
3 Which kind of choco-
office productivity and work from home, social recently in Nov 2019, when ajasthan health minister Raghu Sharma late is the healthiest?
has said that a chapter on coronavirus "Had the Spanish flu reported in 1920
he said he planned to run a) Dark b) White c) Milk
networking, e-learning, entertainment, health should be introduced in school curricu- been documented, and a book avail-
in 2024. lum to help the coming generations become aware
and wellness, business, including agritech and able on it, we could have learned the
While there is no of the challenges society faced together in fight- Centuries ago, doctors
fintech, news and games ing Covid-19. “Students should be tricks to fight the health chal-
official deadline to used chocolate to
made aware of the times we went EDUCATION lenge. Now, we need to have
All details of the challenge is available enter the presidential through during the lockdown. This books for the newer generation treat------
on “”. The last date race, candidates must was the first pandemic outbreak reported in the
to know how we fought the Covid-19 a) Fever b) Headache
meet certain filing world in over 100 years, and hence, its docu-
of submission is July 18, 2020. The mentation should be done for the coming gen- epidemic, and how society combated c) Sore throat
requirements under the erations to remain prepared for future challenges, the challenge unitedly, and stayed in
applicants need to apply online to submit
Ballot Access Laws of which we wish should never come,” Sharma said. a lockdown for months," he said
their proposals by registering and logging on the US that vary from ANSWERS:
to MyGov portal. state to state DO YOU AGREE WITH THE MINISTER? SHARE YOUR VIEWS AT I (C) 2 (B) 3 (A) 4(B)
[email protected]/[email protected]
02 “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”
Breathing through the nose helps clean incoming
fternoon naps are great. Yes, they are. A mere
15-minutes power nap can turn into a full-
blown two-hour siesta, especially after a
hearty lunch. And there are many who would-
n’t mind it either. And the pandemic threw these chances
air, via cilia (small hairs) and mucous membranes, at us often in these last three months, didn’t it?
thus creating a shield against disease. Nasal breath-
Since the novel coronavirus is a respiratory virus, the condition of your lungs decide how vulnerable you ing also warms and moistens incoming air. Says
So let’s take a look at some benefits of
are. Start strengthening your respiratory health before you decide to step out... nutritionist & certified diabetes educator, Avni Kaul, taking an afternoon nap.
“Breathing exercises can help because they relax
your body. Deep breathing is one of the finest ways IMPROVES MEMO-
[email protected] quality could play an important role in over- exhaled viral particles don’t get re-inhaled. to reduce stress. This is because when one breathes RY: A recent
ow that countries are softening coming the pandemic. Air pollution is also deeply, it sends a signal to your brain to calm down study has shown
lockdown restrictions and peo- known to weaken the immune system, com- DEEP BREATHING: A regular practice of 10-15 and relax. The way one breathes affects his whole that participants who
ple are venturing out, it becomes promising people’s ability to fight off infec- minutes of breathing exercises in the body. Deep breathing exercises can have a great took a regular 20-30
important to focus on our res- tion. So, reduce car trips, avoid burning leaves morning, followed by a effect on your state of mind, as well as improve minutes afternoon
piratory health. Air pollution, or trash, turn off the lights when you leave a light 10-minute walk is the quality of your meditation.” nap showed im-
dust and allergens can all combine to expose room, and recycle paper, plastic, metals and known to show phe- proved cognitive
you to greater risk of catching coronavirus. organic materials. nomenal improve- skills, better
There are things you can do to improve breath- ment in health and im-
ing, just by changing a few lifestyle factors. VENTILATE YOUR SURROUNDINGS: It is best for munity, along Among the ways to reduce rebreathing and more alert-
Enhancing your respiratory health doesn't airflows to be outward. Circulating stale in- with an overall other forms of exposure are the usual rec- ness. How-
prevent you from getting infected, but it does door air is harmful in this scenario. Open- healthy lifestyle. ommendations to breathe fresh air, fre- ever, those
have benefits that may reduce the severity of ing windows of the house allows any viral Says holistic lifestyle quently wash hands, clean surfaces and wash who took
the illness if you are infected, and therefore particles present in the air to exit the room, coach Luke Coutinho, “All laundry. Good quality air filters can also be a nap for
your exposure to the virus. rather than you (or someone else) breathing of us breathe, but how many helpful both during the day and at night. A more than 20-30 min-
them back in; and two, it brings of us breathe the right way? targeted approach is to regularly breathe out utes suffered from grogginess and did not show
CONTROL AIR POLLUTION: A study of air qual- more oxygen into the room – Breathing ex- in one direction and breath in in any significant improvement in alertness.
ity in Italy’s northern helpful for the lungs and all- another, especially in the out-
provinces of Lom- around health. doors or through an open win- INCREASES YOUR CREATIVITY: Many have repeat-
bardy and Emilia Ro- dow. Also make sure you are not edly said that a sound nap not just helps them to
magna found a cor- SPEND TIME OUTDOORS rebreathing the virus through handle stress better but also helps them to concen-
relation between WHILE MAINTAINING SO- your masks. Design require- trate, boosts memory as well as increases their creativity.
Covid-19 mortality CIAL DISTANCE: Get out ments for a non-rebreathing
rates and high levels and inhale fresh air. Bal- mask include: Flows of air, INCREASES WILL POWER: Your mind refuses to
of pollution. Air pol- conies, backyards or pa- filters and other means to reduce push itself when it is extremely tired. It is a known
lution particles may tios, are good locations to be, ercises or pranayama is the likelihood that viral particles fact that when it comes to matters of will power,
be acting as vehicles as well as walks while avoid- important not just for that exhaled, coughed or sneezed by it is often highest in the morning, when the brain is
for viral transmis- ing proximity to others. one hour, but those teach- an individual are subsequently fresh. When you are sleep deprived, your brain has a
sion. Scientists say This has the same benefits ings must slip into our rebreathed. hard time in concentrating and ignoring distractions.
that improving air as keeping windows open – ensuring daily lives.” Power naps taken during the mid-day can help reduce
stress and restore your focus.
BOARD GAME PLAY THIS GAME 6. At the end of a round, the cards can be shuffled
again and used for a new game. In case you run out
Making Maths Fun: In this series, we will be sharing fun facts, puzzles and games that will help you practise your Maths! HERE ARE A FEW GAMES TO GET YOU STARTED. A Fun Maths Fact: Dice can be used in so
many different ways when it comes to math. Whether you’re practicing multiplication facts or fractions, try creating you own math problems with the roll of the dice. You can create fractions, simple multiplication
problems or even word problems using dice. This can also be a fun way to put together a homework assignment...
Quiz time
physical activity to any gender. This
logic applies to yoga too. Anybody
can add yoga to their daily routine.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Quark As per history, some of the great-
This cross between yoghurt
and cottage cheese is a
related to est yoga teachers have been
men. Moreover, if we look into
Q.1) What is the name of the the health benefits that yoga
FOOD traditional, creamy, vegetari-
cyclone which struck that you must offers, it offers sound physi-
an, unripened cheese. It orig- cal and mental health to
Lakshadweep and Kerala
Coast? It is the fourth veillance after testing an
inated in German-speaking and eastern European
countries. The fresh, soft, snowy white cheese is prepared from pasteurised
stop believing anyone who practises it.
cyclone in the Arabian Sea Israeli Spyware? cow’s milk, with a small amount of rennet added to achieve a good, firm curd. It’s only for slender
this year. A. WhatsApp B. Facebook However, traditional quark does not make use of rennet. The taste is subtle
and its fat content ranges from low to medium. It’s a great base for recipes people
A. Fani B. Kayr C. Mike D. Hike
such as cheesecake, pasta, sauces, sandwiches, salad and desserts. Again, this is nothing more
C. Maha D. Nargis than a myth. Yoga is not only
The central government said it had for slender people, but for
Q.2) Which city hosted the everyone – irrespective of
asked WhatsApp to explain how
the Israeli spyware This art is called Zentangle Art. It
Olympic (2020) test Event? their physique and body type.
‘Pegasus’ had been was discovered in 2003 when Rick
A. Thimphu B. Tokyo used to infect the
phones of many Roberts and Maria Thomas com- It is a religion
C. New Delhi D. Jakarta Indian human bined two words into one art form. Yoga originated in India and derives its
rights activists,
Q.3) Which social platform lawyers and
This art is about learning different spiritual element from Indian culture, but
journalists, to spy designs and relaxing while doing yoga is not a religion. The mantras and
has been questioned by the
on them and how oga is known for its several short and chants associated with yoga have Indian
so. It is dervied from Zen – a
Indian government about the company would
Japanese meditation form and tan-
long-term health benefits. It is good roots. However, the purpose of this yogic
protect the privacy for boosting your immunity, lowering science is to bring focus and good health. It
Indians coming under sur- of Indians. gle – because the designs are your blood pressure, managing your is not necessary to chant the mantras. You
geometric and fractal patterns. blood sugar levels and reducing stress, which can perform yoga even without any
A N S W E R S By Ananya Sud, Class 4 D, DPS,
helps to manage your overall physical and mantra chanting.
mental well-being. However, just like any form
1. C) Maha 2. B) Tokyo 3. A) WhatsApp Vasant Vihar, Delhi of workout, there are numerous
misconceptions associated with
It’s too easy
yoga. Let’s debunk some It is a combination of
common misconceptions asso- both easy as well as
Q.1) One-third of Rahul’s savings in National faster, cover 30 miles. How long does the ciated with yoga. difficult asanas. You
Savings Certificate is equal to one-half of journey take? can master some in
his savings in Public Provident Fund. If he A. 60 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 15 minutes D. 45 minutes. THE DAY You need to be flexible
to perform yoga
just 2-3 days, while
others may take
has `1,50,000 as total savings, how much
Q.4) In a regular week, there are 5 working months to fine-
has he saved in Public Provident Fund?
days and for each day, the working hours are ➤A RISING You do not need to be flexible tune. However, the
A. `50,000 B. `80,000
8. A man gets `2.40 per hour for regular work TIDE LIFTS to start practising yoga. On important thing is
C. `60,000 D. `32,000
and `3.20 per hours for overtime. If he earns ALL BOATS the contrary, yoga helps you to
get flexible. In the beginning,
to practise it every day
and challenge your body, without
your torso, but this is what yoga helps you to
When B has missed 27 times, A has killed: A. 122 B. 175 C. 165 D. 123 performing well, achieve. With time, your range of motion
It is all about stretching
A. 30 birds B. 20 birds C. 40 birds D. 44 birds all the people will increase and you will perfect the asanas. Yoga is way more than that. It has numer-
ous asanas for every body part. In fact,
Q.3) A car travels 20 miles in the same time ANSWER: (1) C) `60,000 (2) A) 30 birds involved will It is only for women
MATHS QUIZ some of the yogic kriyas are meant to
as another car, travelling 20 miles per hour (3) B) 30 minutes (4) B) 175 benefit from it. It is incorrect to link a specific form of reduce specific health problems too.