Questions For Discussion and Analysis: (Do Not Rewrite The Questions)

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Experiment #: 1

Title: Area
Materials/Apparatus: Leaf, graph paper, pencil, pins

Title: Diagram showing ________________________________

1. The graph sheet was placed on a flat surface the irregular shaped object was then placed
on the graph sheet and secured.
2. A pencil was used to trace the irregular shaped object onto the graph sheet (ensure that
the pencil does not slide under the paper)
3. The squares occupied by the object were counted. Squares covered less than half were
not counted.


Number of squares counted =

Area of leaf = (in cm2)
Area of leaf = (in cm2)
Questions for Discussion and Analysis:(do not rewrite the questions)
1. What is area?
2. What are the units used for area and what is the S.I. unit?
3. Differentiate between finding the area of regular and irregular objects/shapes.
4. What was the reason for employing the approximation method (counting the squares)?

Possible sources of error:

Write an appropriate conclusion. (Hint look at whether the aim/ objective was achieved)
Experiment #: 2
Title: Density
Aim: To find the density of a stone, rubber bung and a metal nut
Materials/Apparatus: Measuring Cylinder, water, stone, rubber bung, metal nut, string (of
negligible mass), balance

Title: Diagram showing

1. A suitable size stone, rubber bung and metal nut were selected.
2. The balance was placed on a flat surface and zeroed.
3. The mass of the objects was found and recorded.
4. A piece of string was then tied to each object.
5. The measuring cylinder was placed on a flat surface and some water poured into the
measuring cylinder. The volume was recorded as V1.
6. The stone was gently lowered into the measuring cylinder so that it was completely
immersed. The new volume was recorded as V2.
7. The difference between the two readings was obtained to give the volume of the stone.
8. Steps 5 to 7 was repeated for the rubber bung and the metal nut.
9. Their density in S.I. units was found using the formula density = mass/ volume.

Objects Volume 1 (cm3) Volume 2 (cm3) Volume of Mass of
objects (cm3) objects (g)

Calculate the density of the objects = mass / volume (in both g cm-3 and kgm-3)
Questions for discussion and analysis (do not rewrite the questions)
1. What is density?
2. Why was a string used?
3. Does the volume of the string have any significant effect on the volume of the objects?
Explain your answer.
4. Does the volume of water used in the experiment have any effect on the volume of the
solids? Explain your answer.
5. What is the effect of the mass of an object on its density?
6. What does the value obtained from the results suggest about the solids in terms of which
is denser?

Possible sources of error:

Write an appropriate conclusion. (Hint look at whether the aim/ objective was achieved)
Experiment #: 3
Title: Simple Pendulum
Aim: To investigate the relationship between length and period of a pendulum
Materials/Apparatus: metre rule, retort stand, clamp, stopwatch, brass weight(bob), string

Title: Diagram showing

1. The string was tied to the brass weight and placed in the clamp with rubber bung for
2. The length l, of the pendulum was adjusted to 10 cm. (Ensure that the metre rule is
3. The pendulum was held at a small angle and allowed to oscillate in one plane.
4. The time t, for 10 oscillations was recorded.
5. The length of the pendulum was changed, and the procedure repeated varying the length
by intervals by 10cm each time up to 100cm to ensure that the reading was spread over a
wide range.
6. The results were used to plot a graph of length (l) (y-axis) against periodic time squared
(T2) (x-axis)

Length – l (m) # of Oscillations Time for 10 Period- T (s) Period squared
oscillations(s) (Time/10) T2 (s2)
0.1 10
0.2 10
0.3 10
0.4 10
0.5 10
0.6 10
0.7 10
0.8 10
0.9 10
1.0 1O

Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment

Possible sources of error:

Questions for Discussion and Analysis (do not rewrite the questions)
1.What is simple pendulum?

2.Define or explain the following terms in relation to a pendulum: amplitude, oscillation,

periodic time, frequency, length.

3. What are the factors that affect a pendulum? Explain the affect they have on the pendulum.

4.Use your graph to find the period of the pendulum when the length is 55 cm.

5. Use your graph to determine length of the pendulum when the period is 28s2

6.Based on the graph, how do changes in the length of the string affect the periodic time of the
pendulum? Therefore, what can be concluded about the relationship between length and period?

Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.
Experiment #: 4
Title: Centre of Gravity
Aim: To locate the centre of gravity of an irregular shaped object.
Materials/Apparatus: irregular shaped object (Cardboard), nail, string, bob, cork and clamp

Title: Diagram showing

1. An irregular shaped lamina was cut from the cardboard. Three holes were punched as far
as possible from each other, close to the edge of the irregular shaped cardboard(lamina).
The holes were labelled A, B and C respectively.
2. The pivot (nail stuck in a cork) was placed firmly in the claws of the lamp.
3. The lamina was placed over the nail and the loose end of the string placed over the object
onto the nail.
4. A pencil was used to mark the line where the string crossed the lamina.
5. The above steps were repeated for the other two holes B and C.
6. The point of centre of gravity was checked by placing a pencil at the point of intersection
of the three lines.

Results: (paste lamina here)


Possible sources of error:


Questions for Discussion and Analysis: (do not rewrite the questions)

1. What is meant by the term centre of gravity?

2. When is an object in unstable equilibrium?

3. When is an object in stable equilibrium?

4. What are the factors that affects the centre of gravity of an object? Explain.

5. Why must the intersection of the three lines be the centre of gravity?

6. When the procedure was repeated a third time, how did this distinguish whether the

location of the centre of gravity was accurate or not?

Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/ experiment.
Experiment#: 5
Title: Hooke’s Law
Aim: To determine if a body obeys Hooke’s law.
Materials/Apparatus: metre rule, spring, holder, slotted masses, pointer, retort stand

Title: Diagram showing

1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram ensuring that the metre was vertical,
and the pointer was at right angles to the spring and horizontal.
2. It was ensured that the pointer was pointing to the zero mark on the ruler.
3. The holder was placed onto the spring and the reading recorded as l0, the position of the
pointer, on the metre rule without any slotted masses.

4. Masses, m, was (gently) added, and each reading was recorded as l1 (loading).

5. At least 8 readings were taken for l1.

6. Use the results to plot a graph of load (l) against extension (x).

Mass (g) Load (N) Original Length (l0) Length(l1) Extension (l1 -l0)
10 0.1
20 0.2
30 0.3
40 0.4
50 0.5
60 0.6
70 0.7
80 0.8
Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment


Possible sources of error:


Questions for Discussion and Analysis:
1. State Hooke’s Law.

2. Based on the results is the extension of the spring proportional to the stretching force?

3. Is there a limit for the extension of the spring?

4. Explain how the elastic limit affects the extension of any force added after that point.

5. Using the graph, predict what extension will be produced on the spring if a force of

0.75N was added to it.

6. What force would produce an extension of 1.5 cm?

7. Based on your graph is Force (F) proportional to extension (e)? Justify your answer.

8. Does the system obey Hooke’s law?

9. What does the gradient of the graph yield? State the value obtained.

Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.
Experiment # 6
Topic: Planning and Designing
Title: Power
Formal Statement: Power is the rate at which work is done or the rate at which energy is
converted. Plan and design an experiment that can be used to determine the power developed
either when work is done or when energy is converted.

Variables: Controlled –
Manipulated –
Responding -

Title: Diagram showing _________________

Expected Results:


Possible Precautions:

Experiment # 7
Topic: Planning and Designing
Title: Pressure
Formal Statement: Pressure is the force acting perpendicular to unit surface area. Therefore, the
pressure exerted by a person or object is dependent on force and area. Plan and design an
experiment that can be used to determine the pressure exerted by an individual or an object on a

Variables: Controlled –
Manipulated –
Responding -

Title: Diagram showing _________________


Expected Results:


Possible Precautions:

Experiment #: 8
Title: Archimedes’ Principle
Aim: To verify Archimedes’ Principle
Materials/Apparatus: metal object, spring balance. Eureka can, measuring cylinder, water,

Title: Diagram showing

1. An object was attached to the spring balance using the string and its weight recorded as
the weight in air.
2. The eureka can was placed unto a level surface and some water was poured into it until
the water just began to flow from the spout.
3. An empty measuring cylinder was then placed under the spout of the eureka can.
4. The object still attached to the spring balance was gently lowered into the eureka can
containing the water until it was submerged in the water. The weight of the object and the
volume of the water displaced were recorded.
5. The weight of the object in water and the volume of the water displaced were used to
calculate the weight of water displaced.

Weight of metal in air
Weight of metal in water
Volume of water displaced

(Calculate weight of water using volume and density of water)
(Calculate up thrust using weight of metal in air minus weight of metal in water)

Possible sources of error:



Questions for Discussion and Analysis

1. What does Archimedes’ principle state?

2. What can you say about the relationship between weight of liquid displaced and the
upthrust of a liquid?
3. What can you say about the upthrust and the weight if the body sinks?
4. What can you say about the upthrust and the weight if the body floats?
5. Based on your results obtained discuss whether they support or refute Archimedes’


Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #: 9
Title: Indirect Measurement
Aim: To find the average mass of a coin
Material/Apparatus: triple beam balance, beaker, coins

Tittle: Diagram showing

1. The triple beam balance was placed on a flat surface and zeroed.
2. The empty beaker was placed on the triple beam balance and its mass found and
3. 10 similar coins were then counted and placed into the beaker and the mass recorded.
4. The mass of the coins was obtained by subtracting the mass of the empty beaker from the
mass of beaker with coins.
5. Procedure 3-4 was repeated until ten (10) sets of readings were obtained.
6. The results were calculated, and the data used to plot a graph of mass against number of


Number of Coins Mass of Coins (kg)











Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment.


Possible sources of errors:


Questions for Discussion and Analysis:

1. What is indirect measurement?

2. From your data collected what is the mass of one coin?
3. From your gradient, what is the mass of one coin?
4. Why is it better to use your gradient to find the mass of one coin?
5. Does your graph show proportionality? Justify your answer.

Conclusion: `
Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #: 10
Title: Indirect Measurement

Aim: To determine the cross-sectional area of a boiling tube.

Materials/ Apparatus: clamp and stand, measuring cylinder, beaker, rubber band, boiling tube,
Title: Diagram showing

1. The clamp and stand were placed on a flat surface.

2. The boiling tube was placed vertically in the claws of the clamp.
3. The rubber band was used as a marker and was placed near the bottom of the boiling
4. Water was poured into the boiling tube to the level of the marker. (do not measure this
5. The measuring cylinder was then used to measure 5 cm3 of water which was poured into
the boiling tube.
6. The height of the water was carefully measured and recorded along with the
corresponding volume in a table.
7. The result was used to plot a graph of volume against height.


Volume of water (cm3) Height of water (cm)










Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment


Possible sources of error:


1.What is indirect measurement?

2.From your data collected what is the cross-sectional area of the boiling tube?

3.From your gradient, what is the cross-sectional area of the boiling tube?

4.Why is it better to use the gradient to find the cross-sectional area of the tube?

5.Does your graph show proportionality? Justify your answer.


Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #11

Title: Specific Heat Capacity

Aim: To determine the specific heat capacity of a metal by method of mixture.

Materials/Apparatus: polystyrene cup, metal, thermometer, balance, beaker, Bunsen burner,

tripod stand, paper towel, string.

Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


1. Water was poured into the beaker and it was placed on the tripod stand with the lit Bunsen
burner under it.
2. The mass of the metal was determined and the string was tied to it and it was gently lowered
into the beaker.
3. The mass of the empty polystyrene cup was determined and some water was poured into it
and the mass of water determined.
4. The temperature of the water in the cup was obtained using the thermometer.
5. The temperature of the metal in the boiling water was obtained(assume temperature of metal
to be the same as that of the boiling water) and it was removed and dried and quickly
transferred to the water in the cup.
6. The mixture in the cup (metal and water) was gently stirred until the maximum temperature
was reached.
7. The results were used to calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal.

Mass of metal

Mass of polystyrene cup

Mass of polystyrene cup + water

Mass of water

Initial temperature of water in polystyrene cup

Initial temperature of metal

Final temperature of mixture

Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment

Possible sources of error:



Questions for discussion and analysis

1. What is specific heat capacity?

2. What are the factors that affect the specific heat capacity of a substance?
3. Relate these factors to the experiment.
4. Why was the polystyrene cup used?
5. Why was it necessary to transfer the metal from the beaker to the cup quickly?
6. Based on your knowledge of the specific heat capacity of metals, which metal was used
in the experiment? Verify your answer.


Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #12

Title: Specific Latent Heat of Fusion

Aim: To determine the specific latent heat of fusion of ice by method of mixtures.

Materials/Apparatus: polystyrene cup, ice, thermometer, balance, water.


Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


1. The mass of the empty polystyrene cup was found and recorded.
2. Water was poured into the cup and its mass determined.
3. The cup with water was placed on the balance while the initial temperature was recorded.
4. The ice was then dried and placed in the cup.
5. The mass of water and ice in the cup was obtained.
6. The mixture in the cup was gently stirred until the ice melted and the maximum
temperature was reached.
7. The results were used to calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.


Mass of polystyrene cup

Mass of polystyrene cup + water

Mass of polystyrene cup + water + ice

Mass of melted ice

Initial temperature of water

Final temperature of mixture

Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment

Possible sources of error:



Questions for discussion and analysis:

1. What is specific latent heat of fusion?

2. What are the factors that affect the specific latent heat of fusion of a substance?
3. Relate these factors to the experiment.
4. Why was the polystyrene cup used?
5. How accurate is your result in the experiment in relation to the true value?
6. What factors could have affected your result?


Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #13

Title: Refraction

Aim: To verify Snell’s law

Materials/Apparatus: ray box, glass block, plain paper, pencil, protractor, ruler.


Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


1. The plain sheet of paper was placed on a flat surface.

2. The glass box was placed in the centre of the paper and the pencil was used to trace
around it.
3. A normal (900) close to one end of the block was drawn using the protractor.
4. An angle of incidence from the normal was measured and the incident ray was drawn
using the pencil, protractor and ruler.
5. The ray box was then used to shine a small ray of light along the incident ray and the
refracted and emergent rays seen were marked, using dots, with the pencil.(Ensure to place a dot
close to the block and one further away from the block)
6. The refracted and emergent rays were drawn, and the refracted angle measured, and the
results were recorded in a table.
7. The procedure was repeated for other rays and angles. (at least six angles)
8. The results were used to plot a graph of sin i against sin r and the refractive index of the
glass block found.

Angle of Angle of Sin i Sin r Refractive

incidence refraction index (n)
Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment

(Paste your results on the plain paper here)

Possible sources of error:



Questions for discussion and analysis:

1. What is refraction?
2. State the laws of refraction.
3. Were the laws demonstrated in the experiment? Explain how.
4. Define the terms; incident angle, refracted angle and emergent angle.
5. Explain how a ray of light bends in relation to the normal as it changes medium. Was this
seen in the experiment? Explain.
6. What information about the glass box does the gradient give?
7. Based on your knowledge, how accurate is the experiment value to the true value?
8. What factors could have affected your results?


Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #14

Topic: Planning and Designing

Title: Static Electricity

Formal Statement: Static charges are useful in many industries in spray painting, removing dust
in factories and in photocopiers. Plan and design an experiment to show how the forces of
attraction between the charges allow these applications to be possible.



Variables: Controlled-





Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


Expected results:


Possible precautions:
Experiment #15

Title: Resistance

Aim: To investigate the relationship between the length of a wire and its resistance.

Materials/Apparatus: constantan wire, ohmmeter, metre rule, micrometer screw gauge.


Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram using the metre rule and one metre of
constantan wire.
2. The diameter of the constantan wire was measured and the cross-sectional area found.
3. One electrode of the ohmmeter was placed at the zero mark and the other at the 10cm
4. The reading on the ohmmeter was recorded and the experiment was repeated until the
entire length of wire was tested.
5. The results were used to plot a graph of resistance against length.

Length (cm) Length (m) Resistance (ohm)











Title: Table showing results obtained from experiment

(diameter of wire=0.542mm, cross-sectional area of wire= 1.89 X10-3 cm2, Resistivity of wire =


Possible sources of error:



Questions for discussion and analysis:

1. What is resistance?
2. What factors affect the resistance of a conductor?
3. Were any of these factors noticed in the experiment?
4. What is resistivity?
5. What does the gradient of the graph give?
6. Give the value of the resistivity of the constantan wire.
7. How accurate is the experiment value to the true value?
8. What could have affected the results?


Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #16

Title: Electricity

Aim: To investigate Ohm’s law.

Materials/Apparatus: Power supply. Ammeter, voltmeter, connecting wires, rheostat, fixed



Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


1. The circuit was set up as shown in the diagram.

2. The rheostat was adjusted to obtain several readings of current and potential difference.
(at least six readings)
3. The results were then recorded in a table and used to plot a graph of potential difference
against current.

Current (A) Potential Difference (V)

Title: table showing results obtained from the experiment

Possible sources of error:



Questions for discussion and analysis:

1. State Ohm’s law.

2. What name is given to devices which obey Ohm’s law?
3. What is the relationship between potential difference and current flowing through a
4. Determine the gradient of the graph.
5. What does the gradient represent? Give the unit for the gradient.

Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #17

Topic: Planning and Designing

Title: Logic Gates

Formal Statement: Logic gates are used in technology in electronic devices. Combination of
logic gates are used to form logic circuits to control the function of these devices. Plan and
design an experiment using more than one logic gates to show the operation of a single gate.



Variables: Controlled-





Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


Expected results:

Possible precautions:
Experiment #18

Title: Magnetism

Aim: To plot the field lines around a bar magnet

Materials/Apparatus: Bar magnet, plotting compass, plain paper, pencil.


Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


1. The paper was placed on a flat surface.

2. The bar magnet was placed in the centre of the paper and the pencil used to trace around
3. The plotting compass was then placed at one pole and a dot made in front of the pointer
using the pencil. (Ensure that the compass does not touch the magnet)
4. The procedure was repeated for several other dots, adjusting the position of the compass
each time, moving from the north to the south pole of the magnet.
5. The dots were then connected to give the field lines.

(Paste diagram on plain paper here)


Possible sources of error:



Questions for discussion and analysis:

1. What is magnetism?
2. What is a magnetic field?
3. In what direction do magnetic field lines run?
4. Where on a magnet is the concentration of field lines the greatest?
5. What are the forces that exist between like magnetic poles and unlike magnetic poles?
6. What are the factors that determine the force of attraction between magnets?


Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

Experiment #19

Title: Radioactive Decay

Aim: To determine the radioactive decay pattern of atoms by graphical means using random

Materials/Apparatus: coins, plastic container


Title: Diagram showing __________________________________


1. The coins were used to represent the number of atoms.

2. Heads were used to represent a decayed atom and tails to represent an undecayed atom.
3. The coins were placed in the container and shaken and then poured out.
4. The number of tails were recorded as the number of undecayed atoms.
5. The number of heads were placed aside as decayed atoms.
6. The number of undecayed atoms were placed back into the container and the procedure
repeated to obtain at least 10 readings.
7. The results were used to plot a graph of number of undecayed atoms against number of

Number of

Number of
undecayed atoms

Title: table showing results obtained from the experiment

Possible sources of error:



Questions for discussion and analysis:

1.What is radioactivity?

2.Differentiate between alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

3.What is meant by the half-life of a radioactive substance?

4.Use your graph to estimate at least three values for the half life. Are the values constant?

Write a suitable conclusion bearing in mind the aim of the lab/experiment.

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